I saw Tokyo Drift to last week or so. Good movie, if your in to cars.

I just saw "The Hunted" It's a bloody movie, but really good!
I hated that movie.

They filmed that movie mostly in Portland, so I got to meet Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Del Toro, and their mechanic guy, who prepared their stunt cars and fake light-rail trams. I was really hoping for another Fugitive, or U.S. Marshall, it didn't happen. Oh, well.
I saw Talladega Nights and Click.
Talladega Nights - started out pretty good, but ran on fumes towards the end, like most Hollywood blockbusters these days. I didn't even get the humor of guys kissing in the end. It was awkward and wasn't funny at all.
Part I really liked was the "steak knife" scene.

I saw this in the cheap theater and everybody were laughing their asses off. Him running from the invisible fire was also pretty good. I also didn't realize that Ricky Bobby's dad was played by Lumbergh from Office Space. I had to chuckle at that selection. 👍 French F1 racer, Jean was pretty good, but only in the beginning.
Click - Talk about a retread. I've seen this movie countless times with different setting and actors. Having said that, I thought it was OK. I suppose they need to represent old stories in new, redesigned form, sometimes. Did anybody cry towards the end? I sure didn't(I'm lying), but I'm so glad I didn't see this in a theater with bunch other people. I'd never hear the end of it!