What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
I saw the Grudge 2 last night and I thought it was ok, it did have scary parts, though I really don't get scared anymore because I more or less know what's gonna happen, but this movie made me jump a couple of times. I'm not saying anything else because I want you guy to go see it.
We were gonna go see this tonight, but when I checked rottentomatoes.com, their user approval rate was 50%, critics(like Ebert) was 5%!. :ill: We are going to see "Ricky Bobby" in the cheap theater, instead. Grudge 2 came out just last night though, so the rating must be higher now(couldn't go any lower :P ). I still want to see it......
1) X-Men 3: I'd have to say that overall the movie was pretty good, but I think it burned far too many bridges to make X4 and the Wolverine spin-offs all that great. I'm not going to reveal too much, but some things happened that probably shouldn't have (read the comics?) and are going to complicate things further down the road.

Oh, and one more thing; Where the hell was Gambit???


2) Employee of the Month: Okay okay, I realise that this movie is one that would seem to appeal to the folks in retail, and it certainly does. I don't work in a Sam's Club or a Costco, but I can certainly relate a lot of what goes on despite the fact I work in a clothing store. The humor was great, as Dane Cook is simply awesome at what he does. Jessica Simpson? Still hot... It makes for a great date-movie (it kinda was for me anyway), and will be great on DVD too.

Watched X-men III as well. I liked when i saw it at the cinema & i seemed to like it even more this time. I think it's cause my brain was saying i didn't think it was that good. I suppose technically its not very good & there is loads of wasted talent here, there's just to many characters to do them all justice. But hey it's a good fun film. "I dont swim".

Posidon - Now this wasn't as good as when i saw it at the cinema, i htink mainly cause of the sound. I have a 5.1 system, but it still isnt as intense as seeing this at the cinema. And that kid was still dam annoying. But that bit in the vet i still found very good. It has to be one of the most cliche'd films ever made, you really can guess whats going to come next. but like the above film its entertaining fodder.

Nine Lives - a STV film "starring" paris hilton. For about 25 mins i actually thought this was pretty good. Very English, full of English swearing, but then it just went really rubbish. And why was it an 18? anyone?
Watched Tokyo Drift for the 2nd time last night. My favorite scene in that movie is still the first race. I loved that 2nd gen Monte Carlo:)

Hopefully going to see Flags of our Fathers this weekend
I saw Tokyo Drift to last week or so. Good movie, if your in to cars.:lol:
I just saw "The Hunted" It's a bloody movie, but really good!
I hated that movie. :yuck: They filmed that movie mostly in Portland, so I got to meet Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Del Toro, and their mechanic guy, who prepared their stunt cars and fake light-rail trams. I was really hoping for another Fugitive, or U.S. Marshall, it didn't happen. Oh, well. :guilty:

I saw Talladega Nights and Click.

Talladega Nights - started out pretty good, but ran on fumes towards the end, like most Hollywood blockbusters these days. I didn't even get the humor of guys kissing in the end. It was awkward and wasn't funny at all.

Part I really liked was the "steak knife" scene. :lol: I saw this in the cheap theater and everybody were laughing their asses off. Him running from the invisible fire was also pretty good. I also didn't realize that Ricky Bobby's dad was played by Lumbergh from Office Space. I had to chuckle at that selection. 👍 French F1 racer, Jean was pretty good, but only in the beginning.

Click - Talk about a retread. I've seen this movie countless times with different setting and actors. Having said that, I thought it was OK. I suppose they need to represent old stories in new, redesigned form, sometimes. Did anybody cry towards the end? I sure didn't(I'm lying), but I'm so glad I didn't see this in a theater with bunch other people. I'd never hear the end of it!
The Island. Meh, it wasn't as bad as I heard. But, I wasn't crazy for it. It was way to predictable. Near the end, the stunts got down-right silly and stupid. At least that chic was nice to look at.
The Island. Meh, it wasn't as bad as I heard. But, I wasn't crazy for it. It was way to predictable. Near the end, the stunts got down-right silly and stupid. At least that chic was nice to look at.

Domino was better,the girl I should say;)

I just saw the marine on Friday. I was ok, despite the fact that every building he jumped out of blew up. Not enough of kelly carlson though....
Just saw The Marine tonight. It wasn't horrible. I found it quite enjoyable actually. There was a nice chase scene with a Camaro patrol car.
I saw "Over The Hedge" last night. It's a funny movie!:lol:
I loved it. Not just for little kids, people of all ages can watch it and still have a good time doing it.
just watched under siege 2 for the first time in probably 5 years and realised that the bad guy is played by the same guy, Everit McGill, that played the werewolf (while he was human) in the silver bullet, faviriot werewolf movie ever. doesn't seem like a big deal or anything but i used to watch these movies all the time when i was a kid and never realised :dunce:
Welcome to GTP Ultranet 👍.

I saw Donnie Darko again last, great film imo.
I saw a film called Interstate 66 (I think that's what it was called) the other night too, which was a bit strange but I enjoyed it.
Watched 2 different types of "horror" comedies today.

Slither - Like every other horror/comedy i have seen recently, this was knowhere near as funny as i was led to beleive. It had a fair few LOL moments, but not a many as the reviews said. The humour is very Serenity & some of it is very gross, just not as good as i thought it would be.

Scary Movie 4 - this is a funny-ass film. OK its very immature/stupid, but i see no problem with that. Its not as good as the no.1, probably as good as no.3, better than no.2. It even manages to have a better ending than one of the movies its spoofing (War of the worlds).
The Da Vinci code - I could go on for a long time about this film. But i won't. The bottom line is, for once the critics were right, this is watchable at best. It's an extremely serious and dark (literally) take on Indiana Jones or National Treasure. Plus its far to long & the best characters/actors are in it the least, Jean Reno, Paul Bettany & Ian McKellen. It is watchable........ once

Got Ice Age 2 today and have watched the new Scrat short film. Very funny!
Just finished watching Cars...again. The animation is stunning and sounds are excellent. Great humor for adults and children alike. While watching, take time to look at the incredibly detailed backdrops. The only downside I found was poor voice acting from various drivers *cough* Ernhardt Jr. *cough* but I wasn't surprised, these guys are paid to drive not act (usually).

A little side note, since it is a Pixar/Disney movie the DVD is THX mastered. The sound is GREAT! You could call me a THX freak, but if you want the best movie watching experience nothing can touch THX. Honestly, who can say they dont love the beautiful LowNote before their movie?
went and watched 'the departed' (18) last night at the cinema, starring leonardo di caprio, matt damon and jack nicholson. absolutely fantastic film! it's very well done and the special effects are amazing, i'm curious as to how they got the effect of a headshot without any visable aids on the actor.
Jack nicholson is still incredibly good even as he gets older, giving the film a comedic quality throughout.

loved it and i highly recommend it!
I watched Mad dog and Glory the other night, good film seen it before and I watched Memento for the first time today on DVD, that was really strange at first but I got really into it. It's played out backwards, the last scene is first, then what happens before that, then what happens before that, it's really weird at first but you get into it and then the ending is really interesting. It would have spoiled the film if they did it the right way round.
United 93 - I kept putting off watching this, cause i was never in the right frame of mind. I'm glad i waited because it was very good in the end. I have to say i didn't find it emtional (unlike my fellow viewer who was frequently in tears). But it was very intense & acted very well.
It was a bit slow at the begining & up till the last 20-30 mins the stuff on the ground with the air traffic control & military personel was much better i found. But once it got going on the plane it was brilliant.

I dont know how the same director can make this & the Maaaat Dammoooon Identity. I found that to be truelly terrible, yet this was excellent.

Richardrfo i also noticed that very well done head explody-ness. I hate films that do them poorly. Spooks has found a way of doing recently too.
I just saw The Bourne Supremacy for the first time last Sunday night. It was awesome! I loved it. I haven't yet seen The Bourne Identity, but my dad said that you don't really need to see The Bourne Identity to see The Bourne Supremacy. I don't really care though, cause it's still a bloody good movie 👍 👍
It would have been better to have seen the Bourne Identity first if not for any other reason than to build up a proper character for Marie who Bourne is with at the start of Supremacy. She's a main character in Identity. Also each film has shown The first film is imo the better of the two but both are good, the third is due for release next year I think.
I watched Mad dog and Glory the other night, good film seen it before and I watched Memento for the first time today on DVD, that was really strange at first but I got really into it. It's played out backwards, the last scene is first, then what happens before that, then what happens before that, it's really weird at first but you get into it and then the ending is really interesting. It would have spoiled the film if they did it the right way round.

The PAL version has an Easter Egg that allows you to watch the film backwards (or quite confusingly in the correct chronological order), worth a watch.

This is to access the special hidden version of the film mentioned on the box. I do not know if it'll work on any other regions DVD's as I do not know if it is hidden on them or not.
Access the special features section of the DVD. Wait for the 'Memento Mori' picture to move and the pic of Leonard with a pic in his mouth to take up most of the screen (best wait for the words 'Memento Mori' to be barely visible at the edge of the screen). Press enter/play. A screen will come up telling you you have found the hidden version of the film. Click on 'Play'.
And then watch the film in chronological order including the end credits rolling backwards at the beginning and the opening segment running forwards.

Source - http://www.eeggs.com/items/32296.html


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly This movie was in the very first DVD set I purchased, The Man With No Name Trilogy, when I got my PS2 on launch day. It's a fantastic movie, as I'm sure all of you know since I feel this is one of the most watched Western movies of all time.

The DVD included old clips of the movie that were edited out. They featured no sound or voices whatsoever. Yet, that didn't stop the studios from putting these cut scenes back in the movie for the Blu-ray version of this movie.

The scenes feature vintage, and quite elderly, movie actor Eli Wallach who played Tuco. Again, the original audio was lost so he had to come and re-voice his old part. And yes, Clint Eastwood's character, who has no name in the movie, has a impersonator do his old parts. Eli's aging voice and Clint's bad impersonator were the only signs that it was re-voiced. Really, not a bad job, and it seems to fit well.

Anyone with this DVD knows the missing scenes. Added in, it makes this movie run over three hours long.

Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes Haven't seen this one for 27 years, and it's on channel 101 on DirecTV as part of their Halloween movie thon. It's on a few times over the weekend if you need to catch it.

Stupid, but it's good for a few laughs.

CIA Man: "This is about man vs. vegetable."

Japanese Scientist Guy: "Technically, sir, tomatoes are fags."

White Scientist Guy: "He means fruits."

Japanese Scientist Guy: "Ahhh, fruits!"
I went to see "The Departed" last night instead of saw because it was sold out :grumpy:. Anyway, the movie was real good, the acting from DiCaprio was so so, but Jack Nicholson was freaky enough to deliver the little taste that I needed to like it.

We watched 'The Butterfly Effect 2' last night at the theatre. I liked the first one but this was so poor! I should've readed something about it before so I could spend the money with something else. Actually the best part was at the end, when the credits were rolling and the guy in front of me says to his girlfriend - "We should've taken a pic before the movie so we could back in time before it and go home".
Basic Instinct 2, was pretty much what i thought. Watchable tat.
I still like Miss Stone alot, but her face looked really weird in some scenes. Bad make-up or airbrushing, "but i still definately wood". I couldn't spot her body double, as lots of her nudey scenes you saw her not just a body part. Oh & the opening scene was pretty good.
The PAL version has an Easter Egg that allows you to watch the film backwards (or quite confusingly in the correct chronological order), worth a watch.

Source - http://www.eeggs.com/items/32296.html


I have the 3 disk edition, it doesn't seem to have the same menu layout as that, you access the special features and the camera just pans around to his side and there's another list of option there, no memnto mori or anything like that on the screen.
Saw 3 and Butterfly Effect 2? :crazy: First "Saw" looked somewhat promising, but after the second one, I can't believe anyone wants to see another sequel, even if it was free! Butterfly Effect 2, I didn't even know that there was a sequel. First one was pretty good, but......
The Fog (remake) - was better than the original, i thought that was truelly bad. This was entertaining stupid PG13 fodder. Selma Blair was really good i thought.