What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Watched Ronin again love that film, and also while not a film, I did manage to finish off series 1 of sopranos now onto series 2 tonight me thinks.
The Departed - Long movie, but interesting too. It got a bit weird at the end but I still enjoyed it.
I saw Ronin yesterday, pretty poor movie and De Niro is starting to get on my nerves :indiff:


Can't agree with that at all, Ronin is a great film (if a tad predictable), but DeNiro and Reno's performances in it are strong, it has good pace and the car chases are quite simply some of the best in film.


I just couldn't take it any more, and had to edit the illiterate thread title.
Miami Vice (DC) - Probably exactly the same as what i thought at the cinema. It's good, but thats it really. It's a tad to long & this DC is really pointless (especially the new opening). As usual with Michael Mann films there is one really good gun fight & it is REALLY good, not up to Heat standards, but it does help make you think the film is better than it was.

Ronin..... poor....... MADMAN!!! Ronin is an ace film, with some of the best car chases ever. Top notch everything.
Ronin's one of my favorite films also, and I don't believe it's a poor film. There is a difference between not liking a film, and the film being of a poor quality. Ronin might not compare to some classics(I'd love some examples, here), but I think it's far from average. I do have Frankenheimer-biase, but I think I'm being fair. ;)
I just couldn't take it any more, and had to edit the illiterate thread title.
What was the original title? I can't even remember! :D

Edit: Almost forgot!

Dog Soldiers - Zzzzzzzzzzz..... It was pretty bad. I think I read somewhere that this was one of the best selling DVDs in U.K.? That is far scarier than the movie itself. British productions comes up with some of the finest films in the world, but I don't see what they saw in this movie.

Actors were just horrid. Characters and the plot were extremely silly and unbelievable. Kevin McKidd is likeable, but has no charisma or star-power at all. Director showed obvious inexperience, and the reason why I'm so hard on him and his film is because I think this man has enough talent to make some fun movies, if he get his act together. "D-"

Descent - This film is by the same up-and-coming director, Neil Marshall. It's funny that I got both rental movies from the Blockbuster Online Queue/List in the mail at the same time, when he's done just couple of big films.

Although it's still far from perfect, it showed slight improvement in acting and storyline department. Slight. Special effects were little bit better, too. Extra credit on the somewhat crafty ending. "C-"
Real Genius (1985) I love this movie when it first came out. So, I really enjoy it when it's aired on TV. This time, it was in 2.3 to 1 HDTV and looked fantastic!

The U.S. Government (CIA) has an orbital laser weapon platform in the works. The job to build the laser has been given to an obnoxious, arrogant, douche-bag college professor, who tricks his more intelligent students to build it, which is, of course, immoral, indecent and illegal.

The build is going slowly, so he finds a 15 year-old high school student to take control of the project. Weasel and unorthodox fellow "real genius" classmates make his new life in college either difficult, painful and/or exciting and fun.

MUST SEE! Very, very funny film. It's also rated PG so it's great for little kids. 👍
I just couldn't take it any more, and had to edit the illiterate thread title.


I watched Thank You For Smoking a week or so ago. I liked it a lot - it was fast and funny. I was glad to see that it stayed true to examining spin from both sides, and not just out demonizing the cigarette industry. Not bad at all.
Well the reason I didnt like Ronin was that the story was weak and it was kind of predictable. While I was watching it, it felt like it was following a strict guideline, It was like a daytime TV movie but with a few Hollywood stars thrown in.
It wasn't a bad movie....just average which was disappointing because I was expecting a bit more with Jean Reno and De Niro.

Has anyone else noticed that when De Niro is about to speak, when he opens his mouth he keeps making some stupid noise like what you make when your eating?
Am sorry, i don't usually post (on here) based purely on someone elses post but i felt compelled to. In response to most of what a6m5 said.

Dog Soliders has to be my favourite film of all time. I understand if you simply dont like it, but saying the acting is bad, someone needs there eyes/ears seeing to. Everything about Dog soldiers is excellent. And its easily one of the funniest film's i've ever seen.

The descent on the other hand i thought was a huge let down, it was entertaining. The special effects were a bit better?? There are know real effects used in either film. There's guys in suites but thats about it.

Still at least you like Ronin.
Am sorry, i don't usually post (on here) based purely on someone elses post but i felt compelled to. In response to most of what a6m5 said.

Dog Soliders has to be my favourite film of all time. I understand if you simply dont like it, but saying the acting is bad, someone needs there eyes/ears seeing to. Everything about Dog soldiers is excellent. And its easily one of the funniest film's i've ever seen.
Honestly, I thought the acting in this film was as bad as it gets. I can accept your opinion that you liked this film. But to say the acting in the film were even close to average is just beyond belief for me. Sorry. Also, I didn't find it funny either, but it's not like we all have same sense of humor!

The descent on the other hand i thought was a huge let down, it was entertaining. The special effects were a bit better?? There are know real effects used in either film. There's guys in suites but thats about it.
You are probably thinking Star Destroyer from Star Wars, when I say special effects. I suggest you read up on it a little bit, then go watch those two films again. When some guy's ripped into pieces? Those are called special effects. Anytime some monster's shown to be moving at amazing speed? Yep, special effects.

Still at least you like Ronin.
You betcha. 👍
Dragon Tiger Gate
Donnie Yen is Dragon, a twentysomething (!) year-old martial arts stud who used to belong to Dragon Tiger Gate, the most righteous of the local martial arts organizations. Dragon left the Gate years ago with his mother (Sherin Teng in a cameo), leaving behind younger brother Tiger (Nicholas Tse). Years later, the two brothers cross paths at a floating restaurant, where Tiger senses an opportunity to utilize his high-kicking martial arts skills to defend a hapless family from some bullying thugs. Tiger proceeds to whip major ass, annoying the goons of crimelord Ma Kwun (Shaw Brothers legend Chen Kuan-Tai). But Dragon shows up, fists flying and locks of hair blowing in the manufactured wind. The two tussle briefly before Ma Kwun lets Tiger go. The lesson: even crimelords don't want brothers to fight.
The site says it is a disappointment but I never read the comic, but overall I like it. I will give it a 7/10.
Seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail once again yesterday, no matter how old this movie gets, it's always something which cracks me up :lol:
Running Scared - This film is blinding!! Bloody brilliant. OK it is daft, but its utterly brilliant daftness. I wish they'd have got a better actor than Paul Walker, but thats the only real nigle. The bit with the "children" was utterly horrific, nothng really happens, but it's really creepy. Very good film.
8/10 (it would be a 9, if it wasn't for the slightly annoying ending).

I understand what you mean by special effects but in both of the films, its all done physically (men in suits etc). There is the odd bit of green screen in the descent but thats it.
I find Dog Soliders to be possibly the funniest film ever. It must a a British thing.
But i really don't agree with you at all on the acting front, sorry. Sean Pertwee is ace!
Running Scared - This film is blinding!! Bloody brilliant. OK it is daft, but its utterly brilliant daftness. I wish they'd have got a better actor than Paul Walker, but thats the only real nigle. The bit with the "children" was utterly horrific, nothng really happens, but it's really creepy. Very good film.
8/10 (it would be a 9, if it wasn't for the slightly annoying ending).
I liked this, too. I like Paul Walker(I know, I know), so I didn't mind him so much, but I agree with you on the ending.

I understand what you mean by special effects but in both of the films, its all done physically (men in suits etc). There is the odd bit of green screen in the descent but thats it.
You do realize that special effects is not just done with the computers? Special effect's been around for probably as long as the movie's been around, "done physically", of course. And back to the point, I wasn't arguing the amound of SFX that was in the film, or if it was done physically or on computers. In Dog Soldiers, I thought that SFX was pretty much of a B-Movie quality. Yes, the suits were as believable as something I see on Sesame Street, by the time the dog started chewing on teh sergeant's intestine, I was rolling my eyes. In Descent, monsters were still pretty bad in close-ups, but it showed some improvements. Yes, slight improvements. :D
I But i really don't agree with you at all on the acting front, sorry. Sean Pertwee is ace!
You are talking about that sergeant, who was also in Event Horizon, right? He is usually good. I couldn't stand him in this movie, and I really mean that. :rolleyes:
DOA: Dead or alive - Now im sure as some of you know. I thouroughly enjoyed the Resident Evil films, Doom, Tomb Raider 1 & even found HOTD watchable (to an extent). But this, not ony is this the worst game-to-film adaption ever, but quite possibly the worst film ever made.
Everything about it was horrible. There wasnt even any descent titilation to look at. I know Devon Aoki, Holly Valance etc are beautiful with great bods, but they didn't even do that well. At least Charlie's Angels had some nice "views". I can only recall one sexy scene, which was when the camera went up Devon Aoki's bikini clad body (although she is just watchable by herself).
The fights were terrible, the editing was terrible, the acting was (mostly) terrible, the script was terrible. And there's cliche'd like say Armageddon, but then there is this. I literally bursed out into laughter at the end with the 3 minutes self destruct bit. Even Paul Anderson should be ashamed.
The only (kinda) saving grace is that it was quite a bit like the game, well more so than some game films anyway.
I suppose i would sit through it again, mainly to laugh at how bad it is, at least it wasn't boring.

Back to Dog Soliders for a sec. Each to there own basically. At least they did the wolf "effects" with guys in suits as aposed to the terrible cgi used in most recent films (Cursed or Brothers Grimm).
Also, thank you for saying the dog was chewing his insides, because my uncles says its ment to be the bandages.
I didn't see anything bad with any of the FX, ok they wern't great. But miles better than the constant cgi crap we get from hollywood now.
Back to Dog Soliders for a sec. Each to there own basically. At least they did the wolf "effects" with guys in suits as aposed to the terrible cgi used in most recent films (Cursed or Brothers Grimm).
I agree, sometimes it's better to do it the old fashioned way.

Also, thank you for saying the dog was chewing his insides, because my uncles says its ment to be the bandages.
That was a great scene, tell your uncle to watch it again, it was his intestines. If I recall correctly, didn't they glue him back together :lol:.

I didn't see anything bad with any of the FX, ok they wern't great. But miles better than the constant cgi crap we get from hollywood now.
Yep, CGI has it's uses and can create some amazing things, but it's vastly overused.
I used to think the same way about CGIs, but they are definitely getting better, and we will see more of them. We are not quite there yet, but they are so much better than they were 10 years ago. In another 10 years, I don't think we'll be able to tell any difference between CGIs and filmed objects.

I saw so many movies:

My Super Ex-Girlfriend - Silly, silly movie. I laughed my behind off. This movie's probably barely a OK rental for most of you. It just clicked with me. I love Uma Thurman, I love Luke Wilson. Dumb, dumb humor by Rainn Wilson, who plays Luke's buddy were hilarious. I liked it so much, I'm going to pick up a copy of it, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. "B"

World Trade Center - Quality, but pretty average movie. The film being based on the true story makes it somewhat interesting, but that's about it. It does kind of takes you through what the families of 9/11 victims went through, but if you were like me, you knew all about it already. Might be a good watch for our future generations. Acting and SFX were nice. "B-"

And never had seen them before, except parts of them on TV, but I watched Rocky I - IV(I've been putting off V) on DVDs. The first Rocky, I was pretty impressed with. It was quite different than what I expected. Plot, drama, characters, it was great, except for how the "Italian Stallion" are picked out for the fight against Apollo Creed. I just didn't buy it.

Like I said, I thought that first was great, then went downhill from there.:

Rocky - "A-"
Rocky II - "B-"
Rocky III - "C+"
Rocky IV - "C"

At least the fall wasn't as steep as the Rambo series. :D
DOA: Dead or alive - Now im sure as some of you know. I thouroughly enjoyed the Resident Evil films, Doom, Tomb Raider 1 & even found HOTD watchable (to an extent). But this, not ony is this the worst game-to-film adaption ever, but quite possibly the worst film ever made.
Everything about it was horrible. There wasnt even any descent titilation to look at. I know Devon Aoki, Holly Valance etc are beautiful with great bods, but they didn't even do that well. At least Charlie's Angels had some nice "views". I can only recall one sexy scene, which was when the camera went up Devon Aoki's bikini clad body (although she is just watchable by herself).
The fights were terrible, the editing was terrible, the acting was (mostly) terrible, the script was terrible. And there's cliche'd like say Armageddon, but then there is this. I literally bursed out into laughter at the end with the 3 minutes self destruct bit. Even Paul Anderson should be ashamed.
The only (kinda) saving grace is that it was quite a bit like the game, well more so than some game films anyway.
I suppose i would sit through it again, mainly to laugh at how bad it is, at least it wasn't boring.
Im still luaghing at movie even though I haven't watch it.
I just watch the movie: Patch Adams, starring Robin Williams. I'm so impressed by this movie that I had to look up information about the real Hunter "Patch" Adams.

I like this kind movies a lot. :)

Odd, I don't trust Wikipedia anymore. The English version says that he was born May 28th 1945 and founded his instistute in 1972.

The Dutch version of Wikipedia says that he was born on December 29th 1943and founded his institute in 1971.

I just watched Apocalypto last night and I have to say it's nothing short of Stunning 👍 The film (although it has subtitles all the way through) grips you right from the start and keeps you watching the treatment of one tribe by another brutal tribe and the way one guy fights back and wont take none of it!
A real masterpiece .. Top marks to Gibson the Director and the guy who plays the lead role 👍 10/10

My favourite film since Cinderella man in 2005 :)

Watched Transporter 2, although I thought some of the scenes were cheesy I did like the film, but not as much as the first. 👍👍👍 Out of 👍👍👍👍👍

also watched Thank You For Smoking, great film start to finish made me laugh quite a bit and the acting, story and general feel of the film were good.
👍👍👍👍 Out of 👍👍👍👍👍
Hustle & Flow - Alot better than i thought it would be. I don't like rap music generally, but it was pretty good in this. Terrence Howard is ace & i just thought it was all very well done. Miles better than 8 Mile!
DOA: Dead or alive - Now im sure as some of you know. I thouroughly enjoyed the Resident Evil films, Doom, Tomb Raider 1 & even found HOTD watchable (to an extent). But this, not ony is this the worst game-to-film adaption ever, but quite possibly the worst film ever made.
Everything about it was horrible. There wasnt even any descent titilation to look at. I know Devon Aoki, Holly Valance etc are beautiful with great bods, but they didn't even do that well. At least Charlie's Angels had some nice "views". I can only recall one sexy scene, which was when the camera went up Devon Aoki's bikini clad body (although she is just watchable by herself).
The fights were terrible, the editing was terrible, the acting was (mostly) terrible, the script was terrible. And there's cliche'd like say Armageddon, but then there is this. I literally bursed out into laughter at the end with the 3 minutes self destruct bit. Even Paul Anderson should be ashamed.
The only (kinda) saving grace is that it was quite a bit like the game, well more so than some game films anyway.
I suppose i would sit through it again, mainly to laugh at how bad it is, at least it wasn't boring.

I'd give it atleast 5/10 just for Holly and Devon alone, just maybe.

But then again, 2/10 seems fair when you look at the movie's front cover.
LOL I remember Dog Soldiers.......anyway I didnt see it posted but I didn't read all the way through but last weekend I saw Children of Men.....It had a odd plot but was pretty good and made the story work...for me atleast...but the thing I noticed most was the cars....all they were were normal cars from now with something on them to make them look like they are from the year 2020 something but besides that it was pretty good
Yeh Holly & Devon are hot (Very hot in Devon's case), but even they were wasted. Knowhere near as sexy as they could've been.

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