What movies have you seen lately? Now with reviews!Movies 

  • Thread starter scentedsoap
Apocalypto - Nothing special, basically a tarted up Seagal chase film. And it really isn't as violent as people are moaning/saying about. Although the bit with the jaguar was class!!
Full Metal Jacket (9/10) - I've never met a Stanley Kubrick movie I didn't like, this one didn't disappoint. Sgt. Hartman as Lee Ermey was hilarious and the movie was great.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (4/10) - For the life of me I don't know why people like Kevin Smith he's just above Jack Black only because he's not stupidly obnoxious but both are at the bottom of the list when it comes to humor. I think this is the movie that you have to have either been stoned or was stoned during the movie to appreciate? Anyway, yeah... it was sad, the only part I liked is that they had a little of Clerks in the beginning, oh yeah and Shannon Elizabeth. :dopey:

300 Trailer (10/10) - :drool: Yeah... Can we show the damn movie!! :banghead: I will actually go the the theater to see this one, I got some free tickets to use anyway. :D
Date Movie - Pretty bad. Out of all these sort of films this is the worst. I usually like these stupid comedies, but this just wasn't funny. It was clever watching the mocks of other people/films. The Napoleon Dynamite & Owen Wilson lookilikes were funny and there was the odd amusing bit, but overall not very good.
For the life of me I don't know why people like Kevin Smith he's just above Jack Black only because he's not stupidly obnoxious but both are at the bottom of the list when it comes to humor.

I do also dislike JB but in High Fidelity he's not bad, the faults you outlined in the quote above play to his advantage as the characters is just like him. Although I'm not sure if this is they way he plays the character or the way it was written in the screenplay or how the character is in the book.
I agree with that, he's good in high fidelity, I also liked him in King Kong, but I think he should try something other than the whole "stupid humour and facial expressions" thing he has on for the most part. I think he can act but he just can't stop doing stupid films.
Children of Men - Not quite as good as i remembered. But it has some brilliant bits. All the cast are excellent. The finale war/action sequence is absolutely amazing, especially as most of it was done in one shot (like most of the film).
8/10 (mostly due to the last 20-30 mins).
Last movie I saw was, Blazing Saddles. First time i'd seen it and I think it's highly overrated. Didn't laugh at all in it, just a few chuckles (the 'my name is Jim' quote I laughed at the first time I saw it, but that was in a trailer *sighs*). Now Young Frankenstein THAT's a classic.
especially as most of it was done in one shot (like most of the film).

The car scene was brilliantly filmed. 👍

Well a couple of weeks back I went to see Night at the Museum with Laura, I left feeling the movie could have done alot more but sadly it appears they aimed it more at the 6 - 12 year old bracket. Deffinatley not Owen Wilson's, Steve Coogan's or Ben Stiller's for that matter best performance although Robin Williams did get a few laughs out of me.

The actual story is super predictive, the special effects are decent but nothing special. It's probably saved by little Dexter the Monkey and that's saying something.

Score: 5/10 - Reasonably funny in places but too much of a kids film to appeal to me, Owen and Ben, please stick to the Frat movies!
Le Dernier Combat - I'm into Jean Reno right now, and that's how I found this strange little movie. Movie is one of the first by renowned director, Luc Besson. It has no dialogue. It is black & white, though it was made in early 80's. I do have a thing for b&w movies, but it didn't have that much to do with me just loving this film.

Story is based in the future, a post-apocalyptic one. A bit like Mad Max. Few people that are around, they can not talk. Local thugs are out to get this guy, who is the main character. He is builing one of those, ultralight glider/plane things. He narrowly escapes the thugs and takes off in his little plane. The adventure starts from there.

No dialogue, familiar plot, black and white. You might think that this is going to be a boring film. Actually, if you usually like "The Transporter" like movies, you might indeed die of boredom from watching this flick. But if you are a true cinemaphile like me, you will end up really involved with what goes on in the story, wanting more. I give this one a "B+", and I'm getting it on DVD!

The Day After Tomorrow - Yes, I watched it again. :D I love disaster movies(no wonder I like zombie flicks), and this one is one of my favorites. Good special effects, and......... that might be about it. "B-"

For Roseanna - Pretty good. Nothing special, I didn't think. Little Italian village is really charming, you are kind of rolling your eyes at Jean Reno, when he's mocking the French(he of course is playing an Italian), but other than that, (again)pretty good. Happy ending seemed little forced. "C+"

Just Visiting - Did I mention that I liked Jean Reno? Reno plays the French Count that time travels to the future by accident, causing much commedy with his faithful(and very funny) servant, Andre. This movie is an average comedy at best, but I really liked the dumb humor in this film. Magical fountain(toilet) type jokes had me cracking up. "C-"
In the last week:

Hero (It was ok. I hate subtitles.)
Over The Hedge
Cars (So Funny "You want some organic fuel, man?""Give it a rest hippie")
Xmen III (AWESOME. Totally didn't expect some of the things)
My Super ExGirlfriend (Meh it was ok)
Beerfest (Hahaha Gotta watch this again)
Watched Ghostbusters and im going to watch In Search Of Happiness later.

Got loads of CD's this week so films are on the back burner at the moment.

@ a6m5 If you like French comedies then you may like Crime Spree I quite enjoyed it, no Reno but Gérard Depardieu is great 👍
Lastest was my recent purchase, Talladega Nights: The Ballard of Ricky Bobby.

Pretty funny and glad I got it. I wish a few more real NASCAR drivers featured in the film, theres a good bit with Earnhardt Jr and autographs, but on the whole quite comical.
In the first 15 minuets that film got no laughs from me at all, so I turned it off and sent it back.
Few laughs, slows the way down by close to the end. Another dissapointment. It could've been done a lot better.
Yeah, it was disappointing and even the parts from the previews weren't much better. All seemed a bit forced and too SNL like. I say SNL because none of their **** is funny with the current cast or the cast before that.

In other news...

[conan]Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines[/conan] 7/10 - I think I saw parts of this before so I thought I'd see the whole thing. I must say... third time is a charm, it worked for MI3. I'm not sure if I find the fact that I've seen my "Govenator" naked funny or disturbing but I don't think it's a good thing...
The illusionist - Not as good as the prestige, but had a really good ending. Jessica Biel is lovely & Ed Norton was great. Paul Giamatti's accent was a bit panto.
Saving Private Ryan - One of the greatest movies of all time, I usually dont like Steven Spielberg but that movie is breathtaking masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow... This one is gonna be long.

Troy 10/10 - I must say, this one I had some expectations and originally it was to "hold me over" on my 300 anticipation but damn it was a GREAT movie. This movie while a long time before today is a great example of the stupidity war can bring among all people involved. It also refers me back to Equilibrium. Speaking of what both these movies have in common is Sean Bean which IMO is a great actor that picks very good dynamic and intellectually simulating roles. (ohh... what's this big words coming from DWA's mouth?) Anyway, I don't think I've seen one movie from him that wasn't great. I think I'm quickly starting to get into this kind of movie for it's history, culture and action. With that said I gotta sort stuff out so I actually know what's going on and what happened during those times. (that or paid more attention in history.) I really can't wait to see 300 now and I can't get enough of the trailer. Speaking of 300, my friend said 300 is like the Male version of LOTR. :lol: So true...

edit: BTW, anyone got other recommendations like 300 and Troy? The only one I can think of is Gladiator. Thanks
Deliverance - Very underwelmed by this. Another in a long line of old movies that are supposidly really good and aren't. The acting was all good, but that was it.

Have to agree on History of Violence, was average at best. I really don't get how it got such good reviews.
I saw Rocky Balboa today, it was quite a slow paced film, but I enjoyed it. It wasn't so much about the boxing but more about Rocky himself and his desire to push himself.
Deliverance - Very underwelmed by this. Another in a long line of old movies that are supposidly really good and aren't. The acting was all good, but that was it.
Really? I think it's great. I just saw about the first third of it the other night, and was reminded how good it was. I would have stayed up to watch the rest but it started too late.
Last movie I saw was, Blazing Saddles. First time i'd seen it and I think it's highly overrated. Didn't laugh at all in it, just a few chuckles (the 'my name is Jim' quote I laughed at the first time I saw it, but that was in a trailer *sighs*). Now Young Frankenstein THAT's a classic.
Wow, how can you like Young Frankenstein and not like Blazing Saddles? They're like the Dynamic Duo of Mel Brooks comedy - two of the funniest movies ever made, bar none.

My email alert sound is the clip when Slim Pickens gets whacked in the head with the shovel near the beginning: Dong! "Owwwwwww..."
Troy 10/10
Not 10 out of 10 or anything, but I liked it a lot too. Probably B+ to A- for me.
L.A Confidental - Masterpiece.
Is that part of the title? Because it should be. 👍

Duke & Hyperglide: I didn't like either one that much. Blazing Saddles, I did like a bit more. I should check out the Young Frankenstein again though. Perhaps the last time I got it, my expectation was bit too high. Too high a expectation can ruin so many movies. :guilty:
Well, you might have to be a certain age to 'get' both of those movies - the age where you were highly likely to be watching the real '50s Westerns and Horrors on TV reruns during a rainy Saturday, rather than simply aware of their existence.