What pencil/pen/kugelschreiber/stylo do you use?

Usually use ballpoint pen now, Pilot V5/7 Hi-tecpoints, great inkers.

My usual mechanical pencil's this:

Koh-I-Noor Rapidomatics
I mostly use 2H when sketching, or just standard HB, got 1 of these for Christmas though, and they're quite nice

Pantone ECO range (made of recycled wood pulp or something)

really want to get my hands on some of these though...

( i like that the expected colour/shade is represented by the casing itself (quite usual for Pantone.. with exception of the ECO range)
When it comes to colouring in general, i tend to go for Caran-Dache.
I use whatever I can find, Mostly mechanical for writing and wood one's when I'm doodling

I have a little less that half left, got them since about august last year for the start of school, I love them. I remember really liking the tri write but I got there and like them about as much.
Pencils instead of pens? I use a Mitsubishi Uni(which is red-brown and engraved part of letter(showing the density and hardness of lead) is black) principally for drawings and art crafts, I hardly ever use it for general writing or other purposes.
Love this pencil.

I have over 300 different models of pencils, so I use a lot. I am a pencil collector and am fascinated by a nice pencil.

Curious about how much did it cost for you to buy all of the different models of pencils...? :D

I have a little less that half left, got them since about august last year for the start of school, I love them. I remember really liking the tri write but I got there and like them about as much.

My math teacher has about 1200 of these in his closet. Really.
Writing in general I use mechanical pencils, I have much more control, when I'm drawing I tend to use the yellow #2 pencil, less smudging on paper

most of the time I just buy what ever is cheaper or on offer at the store I'm at.

I can't believe I'm the only one here using the absolute best pencil in the world... All the convenience of a mechanical, the organic "feel" of a regular pencil and the satisfying heft of a pen.
Used to go with a 0.7mm mechanical pencil but I lost it. I'm now with the common 0.5mm ones now. I got 2B and HB lead, umm, sticks?

And also, Faber-Castell graphite pencils.
Hmm, a pencil thread... I think I'll share my favorite pencil. It's not like anyone else will have them.

I've always wondered what other people use when they write. (Remember pencil not pen!)

I use this, I can't write with anything else:


Mechanical 0.5 2H lead.

I need to try some of Staedtler's mechanical pencils...

Edit: HB sucks! 2H ftw!

Never mind.

But yeah, Zebra M-301, usually in 0.5. I've got four in my bag right now, and I've been using them since... Actually since I've joined GTP, And that's about four or five years. They're excellent, weighted nicely, and only occasionally have the tendency to bend in half.
My Mars doesn't bend in half.

In fact, I've only owned three my entire life. Only time I ever buy a new one is when I lose the previous one (in High School) or when it goes poof in a house fire (after College).

That grip section looks horrible to hold though :crazy:

It's not as nice as a rubber grip, but it's not uncomfortable and gets the job done.

I can't believe I'm the only one here using the absolute best pencil in the world... All the convenience of a mechanical, the organic "feel" of a regular pencil and the satisfying heft of a pen.

That's actually pretty cool. I didn't even know they made something like that.

I can't believe I'm the only one here using the absolute best pencil in the world... All the convenience of a mechanical, the organic "feel" of a regular pencil and the satisfying heft of a pen.

My dad has one of those. I've used it a few times and it's nice, but not enough for me to bother going out a buying one, or stealing it from my dad.
Saves me from having to buy any more wooden pencils.

My beef with mechanicals is that when the lead tip gets flat, it tends to cut into the paper... which makes "feeling out" a line difficult. I use my pencils for art rather than drafting, so I like something with a soft, grainy edge that I can use to build up a line with by approximation instead of something that locks me into a well-defined line from the start.

Yeah, yeah... maybe if I used a 0.9 lead in 2B, it'll give me what I want, but I like my large, solid, meaty 2mm thick lead, thank you. :D

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