What would the World be like if the U.S.A never existed?

  • Thread starter frestkd
I wonder if doctors think farts are funny, too.

Ugh... I feel so dirty.

But this subject seems fitting for the threads original topic...
Originally posted by Frustrated Palm
Calm down dude,you didnt read all of it as I said GB helped us alot too :rolleyes:...

You missed the point completly :rolleyes:. So America and Great Britain won World War II all by themselves then? Do a bit of research and you'll find that they were'nt the only countries that fought against the Germans and the Japanese.
Originally posted by Sludge Slide
You missed the point completly :rolleyes:. So America and Great Britain won World War II all by themselves then? Do a bit of research and you'll find that they were'nt the only countries that fought against the Germans and the Japanese.

CALM DOWN. I never said that GB and US were the only ones. And people say we are full of ourselves...
Originally posted by Frustrated Palm
CALM DOWN. I never said that GB and US were the only ones. And people say we are full of ourselves...

Uh, I am calm and yes you did state that Great Britain was the only other country that helped win the war ;).
Originally posted by Sludge Slide
There would be no Holden or HSV - they are both General Motors companies. The Japanese would have no competition for cheap cars - imagine the amount of fart-can civics :(.

There might be. James Holden came over from England and made bodies for GM in the 20s then making the first Holden in 1948 (I cant remember the full story and I cant be bothered looking through my Holden book)
Would women have the right to vote? Would there still be slavery? Would Texas be a Country? Would there be a France? Would Europe be under Nazi or Soviet Rule or both? Would people in Australia be speaking Japanese? Would K-Mart exist? (www.kmart.com www.kmart.com.au) Would we have the Internet? Would we have freedom of speech?

I had to give this one some thought. I had to get my head around it first ~

Anyway, what about slavery? What if Africans had been left in Africa? I don't know that racial tensions would be much different - people will always find superficial reasons to hate and fear each other. But what kind of devlopments would have occurred if the Dark Continent had been left alone?

I have to agree with vat - someone would have colonized America if the English hadn't. Maybe we'd be France Jr. Maybe there would have been a second French Revolution.

I think Australia would be more or less the same. The English would still need a place to stow their felons ~ :D
Originally posted by risingson77
I had to give this one some thought. I had to get my head around it first ~

Anyway, what about slavery? What if Africans had been left in Africa? I don't know that racial tensions would be much different - people will always find superficial reasons to hate and fear each other. But what kind of devlopments would have occurred if the Dark Continent had been left alone?

I have to agree with vat - someone would have colonized America if the English hadn't. Maybe we'd be France Jr. Maybe there would have been a second French Revolution.

I think Australia would be more or less the same. The English would still need a place to stow their felons ~ :D

Yeah yeah - here's $5, buy a new joke. :P

Seriously though - it's an interesting point. I really wonder if Britain's interest here would have been as much if they'd maintained a colony in the US, rather than the US going down the road of independance. If there had been a European battle over the north American continent, I wonder if Australia might have shed its links to Britain earlier and become more independant - whcih leaves the interesting question of what would have happened when Japan started its expansion in WW2.
You'd all be speaking Japanese right now. :D J/K

Hey, maybe we'd become the penal colony.

BTW, have you ever heard Bill Hicks' routine on Australia?
Originally posted by frestkd
Would women have the right to vote? Would there still be slavery? Would Texas be a Country? Would there be a France? Would Europe be under Nazi or Soviet Rule or both? Would people in Australia be speaking Japanese? Would K-Mart exist? (www.kmart.com www.kmart.com.au) Would we have the Internet? Would we have freedom of speech?


Worst questions ever! All these questions are America-only. Slavery was abolished worldwide long before it was abolished in the United States, same for women voting, and so on.

The real question:

What would you guys do without an RS Focus?
Originally posted by Frustrated Palm
first of all, probably flight wouldnt have been up for a few more decades, alot of huge advancements in automobiles, flight, space, and other things wouldnt be were they are right now. The countries of this planet are interdepandant on each other whether they are allies or axis. Plus you guys would be speaking german if we didnt have to help bail you out in WWII (I mean this nicely as GB helped us out as well). What kind of question is this anyway? Oh yeah and no Focus RS or Viper...

But England would've had 70% of the world's landmass. They would have all of the US(face it, they would've beaten the French, and the Spanish were bankrupt), and England would probably still be the leaders of the world commerically, militarily, and population-wise. So, I guess it would suck, because they'd force their puritan religion upon the whole world....
Originally posted by risingson77
I had to give this one some thought. I had to get my head around it first ~

Anyway, what about slavery? What if Africans had been left in Africa? I don't know that racial tensions would be much different - people will always find superficial reasons to hate and fear each other. But what kind of devlopments would have occurred if the Dark Continent had been left alone?

I have to agree with vat - someone would have colonized America if the English hadn't. Maybe we'd be France Jr. Maybe there would have been a second French Revolution.

I think Australia would be more or less the same. The English would still need a place to stow their felons ~ :D

Um, before the US, people liked Africans because they were considered rare and exotic. So I think racial tensions would be a lot less tense...
Originally posted by M5Power
Worst questions ever! All these questions are America-only. Slavery was abolished worldwide long before it was abolished in the United States, same for women voting, and so on.

The real question:

What would you guys do without an RS Focus?

Slavery outlawed??? go here .. http://www.iabolish.org/index.htm
or here .. http://www.antislavery.org/
or here .. http://freetheslaves.net/

Do I need to post anymore links about other questions I asked?

Who cares about the RS Focus! Would we want K-Mart to exist?

Originally posted by rjensen11
face it, they would've beaten the French

No they wouldn't have.

They lost to the Americans, one of the least-organised actual bands of military, and certainly THE least-organised band of actual military in North America. I bet the French would've whipped 'em.
Originally posted by rjensen11
Um, before the US, people liked Africans because they were considered rare and exotic.

Yeah, and they also worked for cheap. That's why they were ferried over by the hundreds. My statement was a general one: People will always fear what is unfamiliar. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with race.

Another thing: the Puritans left England 'cos they couldn't get along. So, they were too hardcore for the Church of England. I wouldn't blame the English for Puritanism in that case. ;)

But...the US was started by religious fanatics who killed and plundered in the name of God...sound familiar? It certainly goes a long way toward explaining our problems....
Originally posted by M5Power
Real quick, going back to your question, if you believe the links you posted, why do you think your question has any relevance in regard to the topic? :confused:

No really don't believe in those links that I have post just went to www.dogpile.com, and searched for when the nations of the world ended slavery. Couldn't find anything other than the liberal spew about ending illegal slavery. Oh well sorry I confused you. Just need to teach the people of this world that God gave people free will, and their lives are not run by fate. I wonder if K-Mart in Australia is bankrupt like in the K-Mart in the U.S. ??? and there would be no Ford Focus SVT, ZX3, ZX5, RS, Wagon, Sedan, CL, LX, Ghia, Zetec, ST170, C-Max, Ebony, MP3, Elle, Flight, etc, etc. How many Ford Focus models are there sheesh!

I'm finding it really difficult to say anything remotely meaningful on this subject. It's a head game, nothing more. You can't just remove an inestimably significant chunk of history and conjecture the outcome.

...well I guess you can but I don't see the point.