What would YOU find dissapointing in GT5?

  • Thread starter Devedander
I just hope that the inclusion of WRC doesn't simply mean that we now get to drive in circles with real-life WRC drivers. I want real stages and races dammit! :grumpy:

Anyways, rallying has always been Gran Turismo's weakest link IMO, so I seriously hope that they have improved it. As it is now, the rally races found in GT4 resemble Rallycross more than WRC (not that I don't like Rallycross!).
That is the reason why PD included the WRC licence Antii-san, so the rallying is near to real life as possible on a console & if there is enough demand for fictional rally tracks i guess they could probably include them too.Obviously the Pikes Peak track isn't fictional.I would be let down a bit if all the sounds of rally cars were not there ( wastegate chirps, loads of popping & backfires on the overrun, turbo sounds, gear linkage sounds, gearbox whines etc ).
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I would be slightly disappointed if there aren't a lot Lamborghinis, if there isn't copkit for Ferraris,Lamborghinis,Paganis,Bugatti and if there isn't a Formula 1 Gran Prix. Either way I'm buying GT5 the moment it comes out
I would be extremely disappointed if there was again such a crowd noise, which can not be turned OFF.

That would be a real showstopper for me, and I would only drive tracks without crowd noise, or even not buy the game (and hence no PS3, as I'll buy it only for GT5).
I would be extremely disappointed if there was again such a crowd noise, which can not be turned OFF.

That would be a real showstopper for me, and I would only drive tracks without crowd noise, or even not buy the game (and hence no PS3, as I'll buy it only for GT5).

Weird. Why is that such a bad point to you?
I would be extremely disappointed if there was again such a crowd noise, which can not be turned OFF.

That would be a real showstopper for me, and I would only drive tracks without crowd noise, or even not buy the game (and hence no PS3, as I'll buy it only for GT5).

You can't be serious? That has got to be the most lame excuse for not buying a game I've ever heard.
Lack of weather. If not dynamic during the race, then I'd at least like to be able to experience tracks under different weather conditions.
You can't be serious? That has got to be the most lame excuse for not buying a game I've ever heard.
Well you gotta admit that that noise gets grating after a while! ;)

He has a point though, it'd be great to be able to adjust all the sounds in the game, a'la Race Pro.
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Just one thing:

Downshift not dragging on the engine.

I drive a stick every day, and when I downshift into a turn, I do not brake the same as I would in an automatic. So when I use the manual on the G25, my instincts are all wrong because GT4 does not drag on the engine when you downshift. It just coasts through the revs like no problem, and doesn't slow the car at all or adjust the attitude of the vehicle or anything.

Am I just being AR here, or does that bother anyone else?

Also, I might be a little disappointed if there isn't a PS3/GT5 bundle to save me a few bucks.
It does in GT5P, if you put it in neutral and coast then put it in gear and coast you will see the engine does drag it down fairly realistically depending on engine revs.
I hope we will have the option to turn on and off any element of the HUD we choose.

Driving in the cockpit and seeing all that HUD up there just kills the sense of immersion for me.

I also have HIGH expectations for GT 5's online implementation. It better be absolutely nothing like GT5p's.
One more thing that will disappoint me is if people come here to whine and moan about their high expectations about GT5 that turn out bad.
One more thing that will disappoint me is if people come here to whine and moan about their high expectations about GT5 that turn out bad.

Have you seen anythings listed so far that you think migh be unacceptably "high" expectations?
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It´s not so much about anythings, as it´s about everything put together, and you quickly realise if they pull that off what in earths name would they do for the next GT.
What would YOU find dissapointing in GT5?
well let's see.

  • if slower cars continue not to have challenging races or races worth many advancement points
  • likewise if any class of car forms a 'dead end'. (I feel I should be able to drive new races forever with any class of car)
  • if gt5 forces me to drive specific cars I don't want to touch for advancementlike gt5p did
  • if AI cars don't tune themselves at all
  • If I have to 'unlock' decent physics
  • If I have to take license tests with drivers aids on
  • hell license tests in general cheese me off quite a lot.
  • if it takes forever to wade through menus for seemingly no reason at all

pretty much all of those are gran turismo favorites
don't get me wrong, I like the series, but they seem to have missed some critical downers left in their formula
Imo, the bar is set kinda high in GT4. I'm guessing that no more than 5% of Gtplanet members have 100% gold licenses. And in all liklihood, GTPlanet members are probably the upper class of GT players. Which means 100% complete and all gold licenses are probably achieved by far less than .5% of all GT4 players.

I'm no slouch. I don't settle for bronze, and have mostly golds, so... I'm not some non-skilled whiner. I'm just saying the bar is a tad bit high. I think at least 2% of players, and maybe 5% should be able to get all gold.

And everyone that disagrees with me and says "No it's not too high, it's pretty easy in fact" -YOU- guys are the .5% that wreck the bell curve for the rest of us. This includes you Famine. lol.

Another thing along the same lines, it really seems to me like the developers have lost sight of the fact that there is a difference between difficult and fun.

These are two different words with two different meanings. I hope they put more effort into the enjoyment part instead of just making it difficult and assuming that is all that's required to make it enjoyable too.
Well put, Rocker. I'm no slouch myself, but getting all golds in any Gran Turismo is a beach in Hell. :P

One thing I've been forgetting for too long is that I want detailed stat tracking for every aspect of GT5. And if it doesn't meet Devedander's standards, I won't buy it.

Yeah, right. :sly:
voice chat during a race. last thing I want is a ~10 years old kid screaming obscenities at me in language that I don't understand after I pass him.
I am sure it is optional like pretty much all games with voice chat.