What would YOU find dissapointing in GT5?

  • Thread starter Devedander
I would find it disapointing to be forced to use any of the standard cars in career mode and if there are no more than 20 tracks. I could live with only 20 tracks though, but I really don't want to drive any of the standard cars.
The only thing that would disappoint me about GT5 is if they don't change the engine sound of the Corvette C5-R and Mercedes CLK GT-R from that generic racing engine sound. I'm sure a few other cars use it too but I can't remember at this point.

I will be happy as long as we get something.
I would be disappointed if over the next 4 months I become an elitist ahole and ruin the game for myself before it even comes out.
The only thing that would cause any real disappointment is if the standard cars look like crap while racing premium cars.

I must have missed where they specified only positive rumors and speculation in that description...

I get it Devedander. A politically correct version of your "circle jerk thread", right? A proper wording of phrases in order to keep your thread from being locked. Way to play nice and conform, all the while being a rebel.

Speaking of missing things -- I missed the reason why GT5 represents such a life changing experience for people. Is it not just a video game?
I get it Devedander. A politically correct version of your "circle jerk thread", right? A proper wording of phrases in order to keep your thread from being locked. Way to play nice and conform, all the while being a rebel.

Speaking of missing things -- I missed the reason why GT5 represents such a life changing experience for people. Is it not just a video game?

Did you notice how old this thread is? My locked thread really has nothing to do with this... sorry...

It's interesting how any praise and joy threads are warmly welcomed but anything that questions negatives gets people like you hating on it...
Did you notice how old this thread is? My locked thread really has nothing to do with this... sorry...

It's interesting how any praise and joy threads are warmly welcomed but anything that questions negatives gets people like you hating on it...

I missed the timeline part. That's a failure on me. My bad. However, both threads show your continuing negative approach to this game. For some reason or another, you take GT5 way to personal.

I think this was already asked... but answer for me is, barring any more drastically bad info or reviews, I will be buying it. Just not launch day anymore, I will be waiting for a good sale ($40) or so.

Just invested too long wanting what I THOUGHT it was going to be, to let go of whatever it becomes.

And ultimately unless GT5 truly redeems itself a lot, this will mark the end of my infatuation with GT and PD. I had a lot of faith and belief in PD and how it does things but after GTPSP and what looks like GT5 is going to be, they drop in ranks to somewhere around EA for me.

Read a post by you. An investment? Brother, "investing" into a video game that isn't even out yet proves that your priorities in life are wrong. Either that, or you take these things way to serious. The simple fact that you felt compelled to use the phrase "let go" tells me my assumption of you is correct. No offense.

I would like to believe you are this way with all games, but something tells me you don't hold a game like Forza 3 in this light, now do you? Your posts in the thread about "How did Forza do it" tell me otherwise.
I missed the timeline part. That's a failure on me. My bad. However, both threads show your continuing negative approach to this game. For some reason or another, you take GT5 way to personal.

You are on a GT forum... do you go into car clubs and tell the members they take their cars to opersonally?

Read a post by you. An investment? Brother, "investing" into a video game that isn't even out yet proves that your priorities in life are wrong. Either that, or you take these things way to serious. The simple fact that you felt compelled to use the phrase "let go" tells me my assumption of you is correct. No offense.

So we will turn from actual points to ad hominem attacks? Judge priorities how you want, we are all on this forum talking about GT one way or another...

As for negative about GT, does it say more about me being negative or more about GT that that all the negatives I have brought up were at least relatively legitimate concerns.

There are plenty of positives about GT and they are MORE than covered by some of the members on here. Just becuase I don't make threads like "Let's disucss how awesome the wheels look!" doesn't mean I dont' see the positives... it just means I didn't see the need to bring them up.

PD (and GTP members) have set an expectation for GT5... it's pretty much an impossible one to beat so there is why I don't really say a lot of positives becuase all the positives are just what I expected anyway, however the negatives... well I think they bear disucssing to say the least. Look at damage, without a lot of people wanting it, we probably wouldn't ahve it today.

I would like to believe you are this way with all games, but something tells me you don't hold a game like Forza 3 in this light, now do you? Your posts in the thread about "How did Forza do it" tell me otherwise.

Some games I adore (Rallisport Challenge, 24 hr Leman, Test Drive VRally) some I just don't like (Dirt always felt wrong to me) and some are in the middle with positives and negatives. And in any given scenario I will be talking about what I think warrants talking about.

As for Forza, I like a lot about Forza, I especially liked it back in Forza 1 when I felt T10 did some important things with console "sim" racing that GT was ignoring (damage and point to point races etc) but I certainly see the negatives and bring them up too (the reflections in FM1 were painful) and I just didn't talk much abuot FM3 becuase honestly, it was pretty much what I expected.

So in short... no, I am not a FM3 fanboy and GT hater... if anything, it's the contrary... I have a long passion for the GT series however of late it's been getting startlingly trampled on and I am not one to be quiet about it when I feel something is done poorly or not right.

Now let's look at you for a second... you are in a thread about GT and potential dissapointments, do you have something to contribute one way or the other to the subject?
No cockpits
dumb AI
Laggy online.
Unrealistic and old gen car sounds
weird physics
deceiving mechanical damage
deceiving headtracking
no ability to change the color of the cars in my garage / no livery editor
no ability to race nascars against other types of cars
no point to point rally
no Spa, Mugello, Silverstone...no hi-def versions of historical GT tracks

to list a few
The Standard cars are still a disappointment for me. It's nice I'll be able to use GT4 favourites in the new physics model (since GT4's was bunk), but for me, I would've taken the car list hit and had one incredibly high standard of quality throughout the game. With Standards, there is a huge, very low-hanging target to criticize the game, and after such a ridiculously long build-up, it's a bit shocking to be using last-gen stuff. It just strikes me as very strange for PD to be delivering a product that may have aspects that are incredibly high-quality, arguably the highest available on any console in some ways, but then a large chunk that is incredibly dated. I'll still use them, but it doesn't mean I won't still be disappointed. Since the topic is still raging elsewhere though, I'll leave it at that.

The only other things really high on my personal list are solid netcode, so I can race the people I've been doing forum OLR with for a decade, a good spread of tracks, and a livery editor. Give me those three things, and photomode, and I will literally be content for as long as this game has been in development.
Iv said it before and il say it again: the only thing that i really want is for ALL cars in the game to have full cockpit view. Everything else(damage, online etc) takes second place.
I will be disappointed if they don't include all the classic fictional tracks, they make GT what it is.

Also if the standard cars look noticebly bad racing side by side with the premium cars. It will be ugly and embarrasing
Unrealistic and old gen car sounds
weird physics
deceiving mechanical damage
deceiving headtracking
no ability to change the color of the cars in my garage / no livery editor
no ability to race nascars against other types of cars
no point to point rally
no Spa, Mugello, Silverstone...no hi-def versions of historical GT tracks

to list a few

all good points
So in short... no, I am not a FM3 fanboy and GT hater.
It doesn't show. ;)

Anyway, I'll be a little disappointed if GT5 lacks
  • Race Mod and a Livery Editor
  • A Track Creator
  • Most if not all of the tracks from past GT games. Even in Standard form. ;)
However, I doubt that certain aspects of GT5 are going to be broken, so any disappointment will be short lived. I am still playing GT4, after all.
I will be disappointed if they don't fix that stupid online gameplay system,is just play by apes,even in forza you don't find that reckless driving and glitches as the GT5 prologue does, I got a copy of GT5P(just bought my own PS3)and the online races are awful.

Also I will find really disappointing to don't have a decent pit crew, I like that in the trailers and some gameplay videos but they often take them out from the gameplay experience,so it sounds weird but a good pit crew helps to immerse a lot more into the pro racing experience.
Being forced to drive standard cars would be pretty darn dissapointing, as well as 'weather' only relating to a few wet tracks and day/night cycle not being available for all tracks.

Besides, what's going to soil the standard cars for me (and, thus, make being forced to drive them a dissapointment for me) aren't just the graphics, it's the lack of features.

No proper damage, no high/low beams (which might even become a handicap), no cockpit view... You get the idea. Well, all of that's kinda dissapointing as well.

If the AI doesn't feature at least one setting to make them decently competitive, I'd be pretty bummed as well.
The lack of rubber marks when i spin the tyres. Seriously, why isn't this in the game yet? I wanted, in GT5, the ability to do a burnout/lock a brake/spin out and have the tyre marks stay there for the duration of my career. I hate how tyre marks disappear after 3 laps! They should be saved to the hard drive. I want to build my own racing line over time.

But GT5 won't have this. It won't even have the most basic of tyre marks :(
That will be a huge bummer for us ain't that right SrRd?

It will. I just want to add some stripes here and there. I mean, I can literally get lost in customizing a single car. Keeps the game fresh. Gives it a lot of life.
You are on a GT forum... do you go into car clubs and tell the members they take their cars to opersonally?

So we will turn from actual points to ad hominem attacks? Judge priorities how you want, we are all on this forum talking about GT one way or another...

As for negative about GT, does it say more about me being negative or more about GT that that all the negatives I have brought up were at least relatively legitimate concerns.

There are plenty of positives about GT and they are MORE than covered by some of the members on here. Just becuase I don't make threads like "Let's disucss how awesome the wheels look!" doesn't mean I dont' see the positives... it just means I didn't see the need to bring them up.

PD (and GTP members) have set an expectation for GT5... it's pretty much an impossible one to beat so there is why I don't really say a lot of positives becuase all the positives are just what I expected anyway, however the negatives... well I think they bear disucssing to say the least. Look at damage, without a lot of people wanting it, we probably wouldn't ahve it today.

Some games I adore (Rallisport Challenge, 24 hr Leman, Test Drive VRally) some I just don't like (Dirt always felt wrong to me) and some are in the middle with positives and negatives. And in any given scenario I will be talking about what I think warrants talking about.

As for Forza, I like a lot about Forza, I especially liked it back in Forza 1 when I felt T10 did some important things with console "sim" racing that GT was ignoring (damage and point to point races etc) but I certainly see the negatives and bring them up too (the reflections in FM1 were painful) and I just didn't talk much abuot FM3 becuase honestly, it was pretty much what I expected.

So in short... no, I am not a FM3 fanboy and GT hater... if anything, it's the contrary... I have a long passion for the GT series however of late it's been getting startlingly trampled on and I am not one to be quiet about it when I feel something is done poorly or not right.

Now let's look at you for a second... you are in a thread about GT and potential dissapointments, do you have something to contribute one way or the other to the subject?

1 - GT5 is a video game. It is not real. If it is to you, that is your bed to lay in. Gran Turismo is by far my favorite video game series out there. But in the end of the day, my life doesn't revolve around to it a degree in which I need to "let go" in a public forum due to disappointments.

2 - Before you began to insinuate that I am posting a personal attack against your person, you must realize that I am only making an observation. I just question your emotional envolvement in a video game, and why you let it reach this point. Life presents many a circumstance that requires a daily emotional "investment", and in all reality, it should not involve video games. If you do not want people to question your emotions, keep them out of your posts.

3 - Are you searching for a congratulatory response from this community for highlighting problems in a video game? Sounds like it to me. Again, your emotional attachment to this title is puzzling.

4 - Of course the positives in GT5 have been discussed. And as I, and others have expected, they outweigh the problems. That is, unless it's people like you. GT5 will ultimately be a game that will supply hundreds of hours of entertainment over the course of a few years to me, and thousands like me. Why not just enjoy it? I know you have it in you, being how you play other "imperfect" racing titles.

5 - Once again, I agree with you. Kaz, PD, and the GTP community have set expectations for GT5. If what we have seen of GT5 troubles you, then isn't it obvious that your expectations were to high? If your state of mind is at a such a level, you best move on.

6 - With Forza Motorsports, I understand you now. Your pre-concieved notions of what Turn 10 and Forza 3 were low enough, so when the game finally came out, it was the level of quality you were expecting. With me, it was the complete opposite. I expected much more in the driving gameplay and track layouts (for example). I even put another 360 in my house (with Forza 3). Needless to say, I do not own the game anymore. Oh well. Such is life. Hopefully Forza 4 will be better.

7 - So yes, you have a deep rooted emotional attachment to a video game that led to some level of emotional distress. You now feel the need to post all your issues in a forum. If that's what you need for "closure", so be it. Just don't expect people such as myself to be quiet in the matter as you heal yourself.

8 - Ironically, I do have one concern when it comes to GT5. It's my ability to wait another 4 months. But if you want me to take an objective viewpoint in the matter, let me say this. While in GT Mode, I do not want the game to throw money at me (IE Forza 3, and GTPSP). I want to earn my credits the hard way, so I can finally purchase those racing brakes. But you know something? If it doesn't work out that way, you won't see me in these forums getting all emotional about it.
1 - GT5 is a video game. It is not real. If it is to you, that is your bed to lay in. Gran Turismo is by far my favorite video game series out there. But in the end of the day, my life doesn't revolve around to it a degree in which I need to "let go" in a public forum due to disappointments.

2 - Before you began to insinuate that I am posting a personal attack against your person, you must realize that I am only making an observation. I just question your emotional envolvement in a video game, and why you let it reach this point. Life presents many a circumstance that requires a daily emotional "investment", and in all reality, it should not involve video games. If you do not want people to question your emotions, keep them out of your posts.

3 - Are you searching for a congratulatory response from this community for highlighting problems in a video game? Sounds like it to me. Again, your emotional attachment to this title is puzzling.

4 - Of course the positives in GT5 have been discussed. And as I, and others have expected, they outweigh the problems. That is, unless it's people like you. GT5 will ultimately be a game that will supply hundreds of hours of entertainment over the course of a few years to me, and thousands like me. Why not just enjoy it? I know you have it in you, being how you play other "imperfect" racing titles.

5 - Once again, I agree with you. Kaz, PD, and the GTP community have set expectations for GT5. If what we have seen of GT5 troubles you, then isn't it obvious that your expectations were to high? If your state of mind is at a such a level, you best move on.

6 - With Forza Motorsports, I understand you now. Your pre-concieved notions of what Turn 10 and Forza 3 were low enough, so when the game finally came out, it was the level of quality you were expecting. With me, it was the complete opposite. I expected much more in the driving gameplay and track layouts (for example). I even put another 360 in my house (with Forza 3). Needless to say, I do not own the game anymore. Oh well. Such is life. Hopefully Forza 4 will be better.

7 - So yes, you have a deep rooted emotional attachment to a video game that led to some level of emotional distress. You now feel the need to post all your issues in a forum. If that's what you need for "closure", so be it. Just don't expect people such as myself to be quiet in the matter as you heal yourself.

8 - Ironically, I do have one concern when it comes to GT5. It's my ability to wait another 5 months. But if you want me to take an objective viewpoint in the matter, let me say this. While in GT Mode, I do not want the game to throw money at me (IE Forza 3, and GTPSP). I want to earn my credits the hard way, so I can finally purchase those racing brakes. But you know something? If it doesn't work out that way, you won't see me in these forums getting all emotional about it.

4 months