Being a Briton, we have the luxury of two countries to slate; both the sovereign state and the home nation.
Infrastructurally, it is and always has been far easier to travel east-west in Wales than north-south and this has led to, in my view, a marginalisation of the north. While the south coast prospers with such metropolitan areas like Cardiff, Swansea and Neath-Port Talbot, Wrexham is the only place which comes close to behind a 'proper' town up north and very little has come our way in terms of investment or recognition in mainstream media. Fortunately, this has begun to change in recent years thanks to the internet and the advent of hyperlocal news.
Equally though, because of the ease of access travelling east-west there is also an east/west divide which is particularly strong where I live, right in the north east just 9 miles/14 kilometres from England. This puts us in the cultural catchment area of the English North West and while I have no problem with this, I do feel that people from Flintshire would rather identify with the smokestacks of Liverpool and Manchester than the emerald gems of Llangollen and Conwy.
So it's all a little bit
Dic Sion Daffydd; we don't feel related to our southern counterparts, compounded by a language barrier in both English and especially Welsh, and instead of retaining a North Welsh identity, it's easier to diffuse to the land of the Saxons.
United Kingdom
Lack Of Interest In History/Politics
Apathy, generally. It infuriates me that I can have very few conversations about serious issues with people who are actually aware and know what the topic at hand is. There's a general feeling in my opinion that people simply don't care about where Britain is in the world, where we have come from and
why the UK is what it is today.
It could very well be patronising on my part, but come the general election, I do not think a significant majority of people will
really delve deep into parliamentary candidates and issues. They will take things at face value, albeit with a pinch of salt, without bothering to think about it too much.
Oh, and treating Wales as one county annoys the F out of me.