ok a couple things, i was going to try to make a post but im sure they would deny it so ill ask here.
first the cobra sounds great. i got the ac 427 and it sounds completly different. how could they do that, its got the same motor as the shelby.
the ford gt soulds great, the gt lm car sound terrible. ????? it should be nearly the same sound just a lot louder.
how can cars have the same engine but have completly differnt sounds? pd screwed up.
someone mentioned the viper not sounding right. i ws driving a different car, cant remember which on right now, ill check later, but it sounded more like the viper than the viper did, almost exactly right. do you think there may have been a mixup in the coding, wicch could explain some of the bad car sounds?
people are actually sayng the charger and the buick special sound good? i dont think so, if theres something im doing wrong please let me know, id like to get these cars sounding right, especially the charger. they dont sound anything like v8s in my opinion.
now to get back on track, i think the plymouth superbird sounds great. thats what a v8 should sound like, in fact they could have used this sound on the other v8 cars and been fine. it would be a bit repetitive but at least they wouldnt sound as bad as some, most of them do.
the one who mentioned the z28 concept i agree it does sound good. in fact i bought a camaro ss for my first car and when i fould out how horrible that sounded i went and won the z28 concept with hoped of it sounding better. i was very happy it did.