Which is the best GT so far? Time to make a poll. --- GT4 still in the lead.

  • Thread starter Monatsende

Which Gran Turismo is the best (considering its launch date)?

  • Gran Turismo (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 2 (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 3 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo 6 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo (PSP)

  • Gran Turismo 7 (PS4)

  • Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)

Results are only viewable after voting.
So does this poll change in light of recent update 1.02 that just came out. Cause a lot of things are game changer right now like increased payouts and such.
GT6 is considerably better than GT5.
With regaurd to tracks, its better than all previous GTs.
Overall, GT4 is still the high water mark of the series, by quite a bit IMO.
Its the best gt by a loooong shot!
And I have had them all from the beginning and even bought the ps3 because of gt5.
In fact I played the first one just a couple of months ago again when I discovered that the ps3 plays psx games! :)

I would love more positive threads about this game since it really is a very very good driving game!
Its the best gt by a loooong shot!
And I have had them all from the beginning and even bought the ps3 because of gt5.
In fact I played the first one just a couple of months ago again when I discovered that the ps3 plays psx games! :)

I would love more positive threads about this game since it really is a very very good driving game!

That bolded part is most GT fans biggest problem great driving not racing we need it to be both, and one of the main reasons I liked GT3 was back then with those limited cars even with customization if I remember correctly they weren't that much faster than the competition.
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I have to wait for the vote till B-spec come to GT6 and see if endurance series come too.

GT4 is the one I would go for, for the reason is been said here and of how fun it was plus how long time I played.
GT6 is getting really better for me. I have the feeling it will grow up more with the updates, just like it was with GT5,and will be the best GT for me.
Funny that according to the poll GT6 is the best ever, i guess many didn't grow up with the series then...

Edit: on the other hand GT5 is the least popular with 11 votes only, and people vote GT6 is the best yet even tough it's basically still the same game as 5 in IMO :lol:.
Funny that according to the poll GT6 is the best ever, i guess many didn't grow up with the series then...

Edit: on the other hand GT5 is the least popular with 11 votes only, and people vote GT6 is the best yet even tough it's basically still the same game as 5 in IMO :lol:.

Pretty ironic indeed :lol:
i voted gran turismo 4 , because gran turismo 4 was a lot more complete than gt3 compared to gt6 with gt5.
also rally events were much better. so first gt4 , second gt6 , third gran turismo 3 . i cant judge the first two because i was too young to play them properly
I'll wait and see how GT6 pans out, but atm my favourite would be GT3. Whilst GT4 had more content, GT3 had better music, better AI and was incredibly fun.

How I miss the old days of GT, but hopefully GT6 can try and bring back some of that old charm (and I'm GT7 to do so as well)...
GT4. Besides the immense amount of races, it was visualy the best driving game I had seen on PS2 which blew me away. Races in manufacturers, special events, driving missions, licenses....if you notice, even PD knows that GT4 was probably their best release and they are trying to hit the nostalgia factor with coffee brakes, licenses and driving missions.

Damn Pace Car in Nurbrugring while I am driving the Mercedes Benz 190 E EVO Race Car :banghead:
Damn SLR in last driving mission in Nurburgring :banghead:

Also other reasons:

Good to see gt6 getting a big chunk of the vote, despite one or two issues and the bitching and moaning!I think gt6 will, over the next 12 months, become undisputed best gt ever. Hard work behind the scenes and a growing reputation/relationship with real life manufacturers and companies means it should hold this crown until...gt7!
GT3 for me, mainly because it was the last one that was simple. Whilst I appreciate the outstanding level of detail they put into GT4 and beyond, that's when they started to take the focus away from the fun factor.

The simple menus updated from GT1 and 2, a good (though admittedly quite shallow) selection of real world cars as well as fantasy racers, a stupidly huge amount of events with great variety, amazing visuals (even to this day I think) and an 'atmosphere' - something that reminded you that you were still playing a game - is what make this my personal favourite.

Despite all the car and track additions, GT4 felt very 'clinical' if that makes sense; it didn't have the charm that GT3's menus had or the sense that you were travelling the world in your suped-up race car or whatever. It was pretty much "do this race, win this car, move on to the next race" to me. GT5 was even worse with this in my book.

GT6 finally brings back that GT charm; the simple menus, the good event varieties and a great car list, along with all the other things that seperate GT from other racing games (i.e. fictional race cars; lots of people hate them, yet I find them awesome additions and shows how creative PD can be).
I think its too early to judge whether GT6 is the best or not, a game with such huge content needs its time.

So far I am very positive, my major issue (payouts) seems to be fixed now.
I really like GT6s singleplayer, a huge improvement over GT5s. Tyre restrictions and PP limits make races much more tense. I have to admit that I am missing used cars (but not GT5s used car dealership... may this one burn in hell), but overall the car selection, semi premiums and the new tracks are very nice.

I have yet to tap into the deep jungle of tuning, finding setups, hot lapping and online racing, but so far it plays much better than GT5.
All things considered, I think GT4 is the best GT game thus far. It was a nice improvement over the previous title, featuring a very healthy car list, improved physics and graphical interfaces, and new real world tracks such as Tsukuba, Circuit de la Sarthe and Nurburgring (The best representation of the track we had seen on a console racer at the time.) I remember enjoying the career mode a lot more than I did in GT3, as well as the license tests and the new “coffee break” challenges. The mission races were a great addition as well.

GT4 was the complete package, and it felt as though PD had genuinely cared about improving over the previous title, and gave us the best they could, especially considering the game was released on the aging PS2 platform.

I can’t say the same about GT6…
My favorite is still GT3. I appreciate that the newer titles may be better, but GT3 came out when I was at an age where I didn't focus on flaws (I assume, since I have no distinct memories of flaws in GT3); however, starting with GT4, there was always something I didn't like about each title. For GT4, it was the driving physics; for GT5, it felt unfinished and had it's share of bugs; for GT6, it's the bugs, again.

I have memories of playing GT3 for hours upon end. I loved drifting my little Shuichi Shigeno AE86 at Apricot Hill. I just couldn't get the hang of drifting in GT4. In particular, the way the cars tended to snap back when you tried to countersteer really bugged me with GT4. GT4 with GT3 physics would have been perfection to a younger me.
That would be, like many, GT2. Available options, graphics, physics, replay factor, the insane amount of races and series, the unique cars and fun factor! It had it all for me back at the time, and going back to it, it still is the king of all GT's because of it's focus and completeness.

That, and:


DAT RENAULT ESPACE F1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SERIOUSLY, LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IT AND DROOL PEASANTS!!!):sly::sly::sly::sly:

Sorry for the exaggeration guys, but it had to be said, that thing was a monster unlike anything GT had ever seen! (well that AND the introduction of the almighty Suzuki Escudo, which felt like cheating because it was so obviously overpowered!)
Loving GT6 so far, but GT4 is the winner for me. The sheer amount of tracks and events made the game seem like one epic adventure. It was so great to get lost in. Bring back a few of the classic tracks (Infineon, El Capitan, Seattle), improve the engine sounds and AI and I think you will have THE definitive GT.
With the countless RM modifications, Pikes Peak, the rather lovely GT Mode, music, great track selection and having the best car list in a GT game to date - GT2 wins hands down.

My second favourite (and in my opinion also the second best) GT game would be number four. If it just wasn't for the dreadful physics.
Gran Turismo 4 without any shadow of a doubt is the best of the series by a long way. It was absolutely packed with great cars and events, it felt so rich in content and I don't believe any other GT has come close, honorable mention to GT2 as well but GT4 has the crown for me.

Amazing number of cars that looked all great for the time, tons of events, awesome used car dealerships split into eras, oh and a little track called Nurburgring made it's debut.

The poll would show GT4 as the winner once all the GT6 newness and hype dies down, people are kidding themselves as they often do with new and shiny products.
Voted 5. With GT5 we got cockpit views, variable weather, variable time & night racing, the ability to paint cars & wheels, online racing with friends, regular updates & online events, custom helmets & race suits for our new visible driver avatars, a basic track creator, a basic damage system, & a number of new manufacturers cars ( Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc. ) that prior to 5 were simply not available. Had GT5 not brought these things to the game, I wouldn't still be playing Gran Turismo. No GT short of the first one gave us so many exciting new things at once.
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I'm voting for the PSone days.... GT1 for the nostalgia value and how much fun it was at the time. Coming home from school and fired up the PSone... And then the number of times that I missed Sunday morning cartoons because I wanted to play more Gran Turismo.. And then comes along GT2, which builds upon that first love for the Gran Turismo series... More content, more tracks, more cars. It was simply overwhelming at the time.. Best.

My vote goes to GT2.
Althought I gotta say GT4 was pretty damn awesome.
And GT6 is just sublime. It has faults yes, but the game has grown massively since the very beginning, its mind-boggling.
GT4 was my first GT which my parents gifted me it together with a ps2 when it was released in a bundle ...damn i spent years on this game and Never got bored of it. My ps2 broke 2 times and 1x gt4 because of my damn little brother and got it again thanks to my parents. My memory card , savegame of gt4 survived so my ps2 sometimes i turn ps3 off just to play hours of gt4.
Heart says GT4 but it would mean forgetting that the game disappointed on two key aspects despite all its qualities:
- number of cars on track not increased fron GT3; only 6-car races
- online mode initially announced but cancelled a few weeks before the game release.

So at the end, I am hesitating between
- Gran Turismo 3 because it is the first GT supporting force feedback wheels. So it is the game that changed everything for me
- Gran Turimo 6 because of the 16 players online, day/night cycle on most tracks and weather.