Ok, so I came across as aggressively scarcastic, but it stems from the fact you called out PD as a degressive developer with no care for the end user. That's hardly true, infact I think PD cares more about making GT a perfect 1:1 representation of the automotive/motorsport world now, than at GT4's release time. Of course GT4 was super awesome in 2004, which is what this thread is about, but I voted GT6 because even considering the times, simply because physics. Other than that it's hard to not let the graphical experience and additional content make it a better game to play, and the fact we have better FFB wheels to use helps and makes it a heck of a lot more fun too.
Well to be fair, their games have devolved in quality recently. Before GT5 PD's games had generally been very polished products, with only one or two minor niggles
(the AI and sound being the most widely mentioned). In regards to their latest releases however there have been those two issues, plus noticeable graphical inconsistency's between cars
(and even tracks in GT5), screen tearing, a PP system that really does little to even the field
(as much as possible) like it's supposed to, and the poor menu design. Now maybe the latter is something that stands out more to me as a design student but nonetheless, these issues were previous strengths of the GT series. And still could be. PD has shown that they can still create cars and environments that put other games to shame. However in the very same games we get PS2 imports. It's the same case with the sound, plus the other issues as well. How can something truly be called a quality product when it's such a mixed-bag? That's why I said the quality is half arsed.
Sure call me a GT fan-boy, yes I love the series, I'm glad you love(d) GT too (up to GT4 I guess), but this is the downfall of reading things on forums, you can read all kinds of stuff that's blown out of proportion (by a relatively small amount of players) and get the impression the entire game is a fail. Many of the proposed things people have a problems with/ put forward an idea about are infact very good recommendations and I hope PD really scanns this forum as well as the others to help themselves, because yes there has been a whole bunch of small flaws in game design and perhaps an unfinished offline game.. maybe I've always had too much fun online to notice (which also wasn't/isn't near perfect) but overall I think the GT community is an ultra knitpicking bunch (again, it's a good thing) but that can leave people just reading random things here get turned off to purchasing the game... such as yourself.
I didn't read any GT6 forums. My opinions come from watching many YouTube videos of GT6 for viewing pleasure, only to notice these problems. Never was I actually looking for any issues, I just happened to notice them. Well that is except for the screen tearing; a friend told me about that one. However it is perfectly possible to judge a game watching videos, for most of the things that make up the game can be seen and heard. Graphical elements such as the cars, tracks, interface elements, and menu design, can all be seen. The sound is exactly what it says on the tin, while it's easy to tell how well opponents are matched against the player just by observation. Of course there are two things you can't judge by video; the controls and physics. However those were never in my complaints. And quite frankly I've bought many games after watching videos, and that tactic has only ever failed me once
(from memory). It was an early-ish PS2 racing game that I can't remember the name of, but played it once then never touched it again because I found the controls so god-damn awful.[/quote]
There's more than one reason GT6 hasn't sold as well, I'd like to think it has less to do with the actual game, but generally, more with the higher diversity of gaming habits in 2010+, PD was very fortunate to be selling so many copies back in the day, even GT5 I guess.. I just think there's just not THAT many people who want to re-buy a GT game on PS3 because they simply don't like actual racing, which is fine.. but still even if GT6 had killer sounds and some of most asked things (by the very small hardcore community) would it really double the sales? It would be sweet but clearly PD haven't sorted it out and I'd rather see them release a proper sound engine when it's actually a significant improvement. I think GT6 will just sell slower, hopefully with very impressive sales figures when all is said and done. There simply isn't anything else on console to go to, which leads me to ask you, what are you playing to get your racing fix? All I know, for me, I couldn't go back to GT4 and I'm definitely enjoying GT6.
Even Gran Turismo 5 didn't suffer the slow start to sales that GT6 is, and that was just a little over three years back. I personally think the true answer to the dip in sales is between what you're saying here, and what I said previously. It's true that some people will only buy one or two racers for their console, as they're not really into the whole racing scene. That's why each the first editions of Gran Turismo on each console have outsold their successors on the same systems so far. However no GT has sold as little as GT6 at launch before and if this rate of sales continues, it will fall short of it's major predecessors. All five of them. And as the second editions on previous generation consoles didn't suffer this downturn in sales, there must be another answer? Now knowing of the issues that GT5 had, a former 'loyal', GT fan could be put off from buying GT6. This, on top of the already expected drop, results in a big reduction is sales. Don't know about you but to me that sounds feasible.
Oh and to answer your question, I still play the PS2 GT titles; mainly Gran Turismo 4. Because for me it is currently the most complete game in the series. That and I don't have a PS3. Never have done. Why? I was fourteen when it came out and by that time my parents felt it was time for me to grow up a bit and start earning the things I wanted, by saving up my own money and buying what I wanted myself. Of course I never got much money at all then and saving up would have taken forever, so I just kept buying myself PS2 games; not that I regret doing so. I've played PS3 a few times around a friends, but it's immediate predecessor remains my favourite console.
Probably 90% of GT's sales have come from casual people with an uninformed decision (ie. not having read forums for it's flaws, rather just buying it for it's name and being the only game on Playstation with such a variety of cool cars), but of course more and more people these days will jump online to read/watch a thing or two before purchasing, so yes it's vital that PD watch what the community is nagging about... BUT I think they will do what they can to address most things. Even with all that PD is doing SO much more than any other developer can dream of with the automotive industry/manufactures which is really what excites me. I have full faith in PD that they want to deliver a game that impresses everyone from casual car lover to guys that have been racing cars for decades.
Oh I agree that Polyphony Digital have been trying to fix the problems; otherwise I would have dropped my support for them by now. For starters some of the tracks in GT5 were obvious PS2 imports, but they've now been brought up to standard. The same can be said for some of the standard cars. Over time they could sort out the PP system by adding in some extra coding, and maybe even make the AI more competitive. Even if these changes are made I won't be buying it for reasons stated above (there's no way I could get a PS3 now as I'm a uni student, and one symptom of being a uni student is being broke

), however it will certainly be good to see.