Which is the best GT so far? Time to make a poll. --- GT4 still in the lead.

  • Thread starter Monatsende

Which Gran Turismo is the best (considering its launch date)?

  • Gran Turismo (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 2 (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 3 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo 6 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo (PSP)

  • Gran Turismo 7 (PS4)

  • Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)

Results are only viewable after voting.
It was a toss up between 2 and 6.

I chose 6 because, so far, the feel of it has impressed me. Also, if all the things promised to us materialise, GT6 should be the best GT to date.

I wanted to choose 2 as it was a massive jump from 1 with cars & tracks. And it was on 2 discs that had a scratch and sniff that smelled of burnt rubber.

We were promised a jump like 1 to 2 for 5 to 6. We are yet to witness this though.
All things considered, I think GT4 is the best GT game thus far. It was a nice improvement over the previous title, featuring a very healthy car list, improved physics and graphical interfaces, and new real world tracks such as Tsukuba, Circuit de la Sarthe and Nurburgring (The best representation of the track we had seen on a console racer at the time.) I remember enjoying the career mode a lot more than I did in GT3, as well as the license tests and the new “coffee break” challenges. The mission races were a great addition as well.

GT4 was the complete package, and it felt as though PD had genuinely cared about improving over the previous title, and gave us the best they could, especially considering the game was released on the aging PS2 platform.

I can’t say the same about GT6…
This! 👍 Although I've played neither GT5 or GT6 I don't feel anyone really needs to, in order to realize that they are both half-arsed editions. Despite having vastly improved physics (I can say from personal experience, having played GT5 Prologue) and one or two new features, the latest releases suffer from a number of quality issues. It really feels as if PD just wanted to get them out, rather than take their time on them. Not that they didn't anyway. And look what we ended up with! :confused: :banghead:

Gran Turismo 4 however, that was the complete product. Playing GT4 gives you the sensation that Polyphony really cared about producing the best game possible; it was very hard indeed to identify any issues with quality. I always imagined that PD melted a few PS2's during development trying to find how far they could push it! :lol: In comparison the newer GT's look as if PD could no longer give a monkeys about pushing the limits of the system they're working on. I do hope I'm wrong because if they can't be asked now, I can't see how they will be in the future. :nervous:
i am going for gt2 for this one, i mean it has been almost 15 years but im still playing it in an emulator. It was still good even until today's standard, thinking like this GT game was ahead of its time.

I notice that the EVEN numbered gran turismo games are very much refined versions of their ODD predecessors, it might be due to the 2 gt games per console rule, so i liked GT4 and GT6 too~

gt1 was just the beginning of a great franchise and i had a "half-baked" feeling of it when i was a kid(but for good reasons). I played gt3 the shortest, but can somebody explain how/why it became the most critically acclaimed game of the series? Personally, i don't find it such that it seemed overrated.
gt5 even with all the colors and variety of content, had a very big flaw: it was a "bloated" game

I have personally ranked them as GT2>GT4>GT6>GT1>GT3>GT5
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This! 👍 Although I've played neither GT5 or GT6 I don't feel anyone really needs to, in order to realize that they are both half-arsed editions.

Oh wow, that's a sad presumtion... maybe avoid some of the smack talk threads and play yourself before drawing conclusions. Will you be emotionally ready to try the full version of GT5 when GT7 releases? I hope you will, I promise you won't suffer from a mental breakdown. Trying GT6 likely won't hurt either.
I voted for GT4 i was playing it for years and never got bored. It has the Best what gt could offer in tuning variation! You could increase your displacement of your engine and more.
Oh wow, that's a sad presumtion... maybe avoid some of the smack talk threads and play yourself before drawing conclusions. Will you be emotionally ready to try the full version of GT5 when GT7 releases? I hope you will, I promise you won't suffer from a mental breakdown. Trying GT6 likely won't hurt either.
Wow, what's this personal attack about huh? Was my post directed towards you? No! Was it insulting you? No! So there's no reason why you should be so aggressive. In your attempt to appear authoritative, you've simply made yourself appear ignorant. Smooth move! :rolleyes:

Maybe you're getting defensive over the series because you're a GT fan boy? Well do you know what? So am I. Otherwise why would I be here? I wasn't belittling the series as a whole; rather expressing my discontent with the quality of it's latest editions. And this lack of quality can be noticed without playing; what with the whole standard car controversy, lackluster AI that many have complained about (to an even larger extent than previous GT's), and still to this day issues with the sound. If a new game came out today that didn't have the title Gran Turismo, and it had these issues, many wouldn't buy it (and I've not even mentioned the smaller issues such as the poorly designed menu's, a way too basic PP system, and screen tear). Heck, compared to the other GT games at this point in their lifespan, GT6 isn't selling nearly as well. And surely what this comes down to is many being put off by GT5's lackluster quality; a problem that up to that point, the Gran Turismo series never had. So maybe you can bounce around on the frigging' moon in GT6, but it's quality is far from star-bound. In fact it's quite a few light-years from it.

All this said I still have faith in Polyphony Digital and the Gran Turismo series; after all, their first four games were spectacular. And I have at least seen efforts from them to try and fix some problems (not all, but some standards have clearly been fixed up from GT5). So they're clearly aware of the quality issues and I'm sure they'll take GT6's poor sales so far (in comparison to it's predecessors, take note of that) as a wake up call.
I do like 6 a lot, but GT4 for me, due to fact i prefer a lot of the tracks from that game and the career mode felt BIG.
GT2 takes it for me, having pushed the limits of what the PS1 could do, and including a large number of unusual and fantastic cars like the Venturis and the Espace F1. Additionally, almost every road car had a Racing Modification available, and in terms of tracks there was some absolute GT classics like Red Rock Valley and Pikes Peak. In second comes GT6, followed by GT4, with 1, 3 and 5 sitting equally at the bottom.

Oh, and GTPSP wasn't particularly enjoyable for me, but only as my PSP had an issue causing every car to randomly and suddenly turn left without me actually pressing any buttons...
I can't really compare them. GT4 was my first racing game and I was absolutely enthralled with it. GT6 could be better in every way yet is still wouldn't produce the excitement in me that 4 did.
Oh he told you to play the games and it's a personal attack? And he must be a fan boy because he likes GT5 & 6? A lot of people do and they are just casual fans. Oh and most of the complaints from GT5 are carried over from GT4(bad AI, sound, etc) so it never had those problems before that? lol!! I still think you should try it out for yourself but even if you did you wouldn't give it a fair chance with all those preconceived notions. I feel like you'd find something else to hate even if they fixed the things you mentioned, it never ends with people who like you.
People like me? You don't even know me! And yet you're telling me I'm making preconceived notions, without even knowing where my opinions come from. Hypocrisy in it's finest form right there! :rolleyes:

All the issues I have spoken about with GT6 already, are all the issues I've noticed. There are no more. Neither am I going to look for more, because I was never looking for any issues in the first place. Put simply I watched a lot of Gran Turismo 6 videos on YouTube as something to do during spare time, and noticed these problems (except screen tearing; a friend told me he'd experienced this issue and that upon looking it up found he wasn't the only one). And don't be ridiculous by telling me you can't tell if a game is good or not by watching a video; that is nonsense. It is all mostly on display to you otherwise what on earth would be the point in video reviews? The only thing you cannot tell without actually playing is how the controls and physics are. And they were never in my complaints in the first place. Everything else such as the graphics, the sound, the game content, interface designs, menu designs, how well online functions (this to a lesser extent as the individuals internet connection can effect this), can all be seen and heard on video.

Oh and the fact that some of these issues were in GT4 does not excuse the latest editions for carrying them over. As video game consoles evolve, their games should too. And while Gran Turismo has made some progress you can hardly say it's made a full evolution, when it's carrying content (in some cases literally porting with hardly any changes at all) and problems from previous editions on last generation hardware. This shouldn't be happening; games must move with the times and this means ever increasing quality, as in the gaming industry at least, the standard of quality is still rising. Harking back to previous eras is not good enough.
Wow, what's this personal attack about huh? Was my post directed towards you? No! Was it insulting you? No! So there's no reason why you should be so aggressive. In your attempt to appear authoritative, you've simply made yourself appear ignorant. Smooth move! :rolleyes:

Ok, so I came across as aggressively scarcastic, but it stems from the fact you called out PD as a degressive developer with no care for the end user. That's hardly true, infact I think PD cares more about making GT a perfect 1:1 representation of the automotive/motorsport world now, than at GT4's release time. Of course GT4 was super awesome in 2004, which is what this thread is about, but I voted GT6 because even considering the times, simply because physics. Other than that it's hard to not let the graphical experience and additional content make it a better game to play, and the fact we have better FFB wheels to use helps and makes it a heck of a lot more fun too.

Maybe you're getting defensive over the series because you're a GT fan boy? Well do you know what? So am I. Otherwise why would I be here? I wasn't belittling the series as a whole; rather expressing my discontent with the quality of it's latest editions. And this lack of quality can be noticed without playing; what with the whole standard car controversy, lackluster AI that many have complained about (to an even larger extent than previous GT's), and still to this day issues with the sound. If a new game came out today that didn't have the title Gran Turismo, and it had these issues, many wouldn't buy it (and I've not even mentioned the smaller issues such as the poorly designed menu's, a way too basic PP system, and screen tear). Heck, compared to the other GT games at this point in their lifespan, GT6 isn't selling nearly as well. And surely what this comes down to is many being put off by GT5's lackluster quality; a problem that up to that point, the Gran Turismo series never had. So maybe you can bounce around on the frigging' moon in GT6, but it's quality is far from star-bound. In fact it's quite a few light-years from it.

Sure call me a GT fan-boy, yes I love the series, I'm glad you love(d) GT too (up to GT4 I guess), but this is the downfall of reading things on forums, you can read all kinds of stuff that's blown out of proportion (by a relatively small amount of players) and get the impression the entire game is a fail. Many of the proposed things people have a problems with/ put forward an idea about are infact very good recommendations and I hope PD really scanns this forum as well as the others to help themselves, because yes there has been a whole bunch of small flaws in game design and perhaps an unfinished offline game.. maybe I've always had too much fun online to notice (which also wasn't/isn't near perfect) but overall I think the GT community is an ultra knitpicking bunch (again, it's a good thing) but that can leave people just reading random things here get turned off to purchasing the game... such as yourself.

There's more than one reason GT6 hasn't sold as well, I'd like to think it has less to do with the actual game, but generally, more with the higher diversity of gaming habits in 2010+, PD was very fortunate to be selling so many copies back in the day, even GT5 I guess.. I just think there's just not THAT many people who want to re-buy a GT game on PS3 because they simply don't like actual racing, which is fine.. but still even if GT6 had killer sounds and some of most asked things (by the very small hardcore community) would it really double the sales? It would be sweet but clearly PD haven't sorted it out and I'd rather see them release a proper sound engine when it's actually a significant improvement. I think GT6 will just sell slower, hopefully with very impressive sales figures when all is said and done. There simply isn't anything else on console to go to, which leads me to ask you, what are you playing to get your racing fix? All I know, for me, I couldn't go back to GT4 and I'm definitely enjoying GT6.

All this said I still have faith in Polyphony Digital and the Gran Turismo series; after all, their first four games were spectacular. And I have at least seen efforts from them to try and fix some problems (not all, but some standards have clearly been fixed up from GT5). So they're clearly aware of the quality issues and I'm sure they'll take GT6's poor sales so far (in comparison to it's predecessors, take note of that) as a wake up call.

Probably 90% of GT's sales have come from casual people with an uninformed decision (ie. not having read forums for it's flaws, rather just buying it for it's name and being the only game on Playstation with such a variety of cool cars), but of course more and more people these days will jump online to read/watch a thing or two before purchasing, so yes it's vital that PD watch what the community is nagging about... BUT I think they will do what they can to address most things. Even with all that PD is doing SO much more than any other developer can dream of with the automotive industry/manufactures which is really what excites me. I have full faith in PD that they want to deliver a game that impresses everyone from casual car lover to guys that have been racing cars for decades.

Anywho, I hope you will buy GT6 as soon as the appropriate patches come along that fix the things that are keeping you away. :cheers:
Ok, so I came across as aggressively scarcastic, but it stems from the fact you called out PD as a degressive developer with no care for the end user. That's hardly true, infact I think PD cares more about making GT a perfect 1:1 representation of the automotive/motorsport world now, than at GT4's release time. Of course GT4 was super awesome in 2004, which is what this thread is about, but I voted GT6 because even considering the times, simply because physics. Other than that it's hard to not let the graphical experience and additional content make it a better game to play, and the fact we have better FFB wheels to use helps and makes it a heck of a lot more fun too.
Well to be fair, their games have devolved in quality recently. Before GT5 PD's games had generally been very polished products, with only one or two minor niggles (the AI and sound being the most widely mentioned). In regards to their latest releases however there have been those two issues, plus noticeable graphical inconsistency's between cars (and even tracks in GT5), screen tearing, a PP system that really does little to even the field (as much as possible) like it's supposed to, and the poor menu design. Now maybe the latter is something that stands out more to me as a design student but nonetheless, these issues were previous strengths of the GT series. And still could be. PD has shown that they can still create cars and environments that put other games to shame. However in the very same games we get PS2 imports. It's the same case with the sound, plus the other issues as well. How can something truly be called a quality product when it's such a mixed-bag? That's why I said the quality is half arsed.

Sure call me a GT fan-boy, yes I love the series, I'm glad you love(d) GT too (up to GT4 I guess), but this is the downfall of reading things on forums, you can read all kinds of stuff that's blown out of proportion (by a relatively small amount of players) and get the impression the entire game is a fail. Many of the proposed things people have a problems with/ put forward an idea about are infact very good recommendations and I hope PD really scanns this forum as well as the others to help themselves, because yes there has been a whole bunch of small flaws in game design and perhaps an unfinished offline game.. maybe I've always had too much fun online to notice (which also wasn't/isn't near perfect) but overall I think the GT community is an ultra knitpicking bunch (again, it's a good thing) but that can leave people just reading random things here get turned off to purchasing the game... such as yourself.
I didn't read any GT6 forums. My opinions come from watching many YouTube videos of GT6 for viewing pleasure, only to notice these problems. Never was I actually looking for any issues, I just happened to notice them. Well that is except for the screen tearing; a friend told me about that one. However it is perfectly possible to judge a game watching videos, for most of the things that make up the game can be seen and heard. Graphical elements such as the cars, tracks, interface elements, and menu design, can all be seen. The sound is exactly what it says on the tin, while it's easy to tell how well opponents are matched against the player just by observation. Of course there are two things you can't judge by video; the controls and physics. However those were never in my complaints. And quite frankly I've bought many games after watching videos, and that tactic has only ever failed me once (from memory). It was an early-ish PS2 racing game that I can't remember the name of, but played it once then never touched it again because I found the controls so god-damn awful.[/quote]

There's more than one reason GT6 hasn't sold as well, I'd like to think it has less to do with the actual game, but generally, more with the higher diversity of gaming habits in 2010+, PD was very fortunate to be selling so many copies back in the day, even GT5 I guess.. I just think there's just not THAT many people who want to re-buy a GT game on PS3 because they simply don't like actual racing, which is fine.. but still even if GT6 had killer sounds and some of most asked things (by the very small hardcore community) would it really double the sales? It would be sweet but clearly PD haven't sorted it out and I'd rather see them release a proper sound engine when it's actually a significant improvement. I think GT6 will just sell slower, hopefully with very impressive sales figures when all is said and done. There simply isn't anything else on console to go to, which leads me to ask you, what are you playing to get your racing fix? All I know, for me, I couldn't go back to GT4 and I'm definitely enjoying GT6.
Even Gran Turismo 5 didn't suffer the slow start to sales that GT6 is, and that was just a little over three years back. I personally think the true answer to the dip in sales is between what you're saying here, and what I said previously. It's true that some people will only buy one or two racers for their console, as they're not really into the whole racing scene. That's why each the first editions of Gran Turismo on each console have outsold their successors on the same systems so far. However no GT has sold as little as GT6 at launch before and if this rate of sales continues, it will fall short of it's major predecessors. All five of them. And as the second editions on previous generation consoles didn't suffer this downturn in sales, there must be another answer? Now knowing of the issues that GT5 had, a former 'loyal', GT fan could be put off from buying GT6. This, on top of the already expected drop, results in a big reduction is sales. Don't know about you but to me that sounds feasible.

Oh and to answer your question, I still play the PS2 GT titles; mainly Gran Turismo 4. Because for me it is currently the most complete game in the series. That and I don't have a PS3. Never have done. Why? I was fourteen when it came out and by that time my parents felt it was time for me to grow up a bit and start earning the things I wanted, by saving up my own money and buying what I wanted myself. Of course I never got much money at all then and saving up would have taken forever, so I just kept buying myself PS2 games; not that I regret doing so. I've played PS3 a few times around a friends, but it's immediate predecessor remains my favourite console.

Probably 90% of GT's sales have come from casual people with an uninformed decision (ie. not having read forums for it's flaws, rather just buying it for it's name and being the only game on Playstation with such a variety of cool cars), but of course more and more people these days will jump online to read/watch a thing or two before purchasing, so yes it's vital that PD watch what the community is nagging about... BUT I think they will do what they can to address most things. Even with all that PD is doing SO much more than any other developer can dream of with the automotive industry/manufactures which is really what excites me. I have full faith in PD that they want to deliver a game that impresses everyone from casual car lover to guys that have been racing cars for decades.
Oh I agree that Polyphony Digital have been trying to fix the problems; otherwise I would have dropped my support for them by now. For starters some of the tracks in GT5 were obvious PS2 imports, but they've now been brought up to standard. The same can be said for some of the standard cars. Over time they could sort out the PP system by adding in some extra coding, and maybe even make the AI more competitive. Even if these changes are made I won't be buying it for reasons stated above (there's no way I could get a PS3 now as I'm a uni student, and one symptom of being a uni student is being broke :lol:), however it will certainly be good to see. :cheers:
Never played GT1 and GT2 can't vote for those 2...
GT3 was focused on fun, good soundtrack but poor selection of cars, played this game a LOT expecially for Special Stage Route 11 and Formula cars.
GT4 was full of content, a lot of things to do, lot of cars and circuits but some mission were almost impossible (on the last one if you fail each time you need to wait few minutes before the start, pretty frustrating...).
About GT5...I'm not surprised that the game have 4% of the total votes.
GT6 has enough premium cars to make me happy, great variety of veichles and circuits; except for the Vettel event, promised for the 1st, no disappointments.
It's hard to choose between GT6 and GT3....
Voted for GT6, hoping that we'll get all the updates promised by PD
i am going for gt2 for this one, i mean it has been almost 15 years but im still playing it in an emulator. It was still good even until today's standard, thinking like this GT game was ahead of its time.

I notice that the EVEN numbered gran turismo games are very much refined versions of their ODD predecessors, it might be due to the 2 gt games per console rule, so i liked GT4 and GT6 too~

gt1 was just the beginning of a great franchise and i had a "half-baked" feeling of it when i was a kid(but for good reasons). I played gt3 the shortest, but can somebody explain how/why it became the most critically acclaimed game of the series? Personally, i don't find it such that it seemed overrated.
gt5 even with all the colors and variety of content, had a very big flaw: it was a "bloated" game

I have personally ranked them as GT2>GT4>GT6>GT1>GT3>GT5

Why GT3 because possibly longest Career mode of the whole lot I believe I never came close to finishing it especially when you figure into the fact that GT3 never had B-spec although it didn't need it like GT4 did because there were no Endurance Races over 24 Hours and what not.

Plus it was the simplest of all of them and the condensed car list also was good looking back cause it wasn't bloated with 100 Skylines 50 Miatas etc etc.

Speaking of the cars the Top of the line back then was Mazda 787B, Nissian Race Car(forget the game) and Toyota GT-One and back then even though the A.I was dumb still even with 6 cars they gave challenge if I'm remember.

Plus at the end of it all Special Stage Route 11 quite possibly the best fantasy track to me in GT series ever.
GT2 was the last one where the attention to detail truly seemed to be there. There were glitches and bugs all over the place, yes, but seemingly not as a consequence of lack of due diligence so much as lack of time.
GT1 in last place on consoles with only 3% of the votes.. :eek:

You should all be ashamed of yourselves! (or have been born earlier) ;)

GT1 was groundbreaking and eye opening back in '98, just for that it shouldn't be in last place compared to later GT's that just copy pasted from their previous versions, and brought nothing fresh to the genre anymore...
GT3 for me!
Although I might buy a psx and GT2 to see what all the fuss is a about ;)

PS3's play psone games off the disc, you just need a copy of gt2.

Funny that according to the poll GT6 is the best ever, i guess many didn't grow up with the series then...

Edit: on the other hand GT5 is the least popular with 11 votes only, and people vote GT6 is the best yet even tough it's basically still the same game as 5 in IMO :lol:.

Im surprised you know how similar gt6 is to gt5 considering you havnt played gt6.

For me it's a toss up between gt4 and Gt6. I have to give gt6 more time before I vote.
PS3's play psone games off the disc, you just need a copy of gt2..

GT2 looks best on my PS3 Slim with both PS upscaling and smoothing enabled. But even then its rough to look at on a 51" plasma.

But considering the tracks you get from GT3, GT4, and GT6 you may find that you won't miss GT2 all that much. And I don't think there's any way to play GT1 or GT2 with anything other than a controller whereas you should be able to use Logitech or Fanatec wheels with GT3 and GT4 on a BC PS3 (e.g., 60 GB)
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Despite the flaws in the game I feel the physics in GT6 are the best yet and the closer that gets to real life the better the game for me. So for me GT6 is the best GT game.
PS3's play psone games off the disc, you just need a copy of gt2.

Im surprised you know how similar gt6 is to gt5 considering you havnt played gt6.

For me it's a toss up between gt4 and Gt6. I have to give gt6 more time before I vote.

Don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what stuff GT6 has over GT5 as of right now if you've played GT5 there is no reason to have GT6 as it currently stands.

I mean career mode is deeper, and a few cars up'd to Premium status, but beyond that? What else The Hill Climb?
Gran Turismo as a series just feels like a natural progression of physics, graphics and content. The games have always aimed for a somewhat realistic driving experience and the series has always kept to the same formula.

Sure replaying the older games can still be fun, but arguing they're the better Gran Turismo games is hard to justify when GT6 improves on pretty much everything. It's not like in other genres where the older games are radically different with different stories, settings and game styles.

Talking about which Gran Turismo was the most influential however is a totally different story...
Yes they are actually very very different 👍
What was i thinking...

GT6 clearly looks darker there.

If you look back the same sort of thing happened with GT4. Watching a GT3 replay of Trial Mountain the sun beams shining through the trees coming up the final hill is just stunning/marvelous. Watch the same thing on GT4 and its dull and lifeless in comparison.
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