Which is the best GT so far? Time to make a poll. --- GT4 still in the lead.

  • Thread starter Monatsende

Which Gran Turismo is the best (considering its launch date)?

  • Gran Turismo (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 2 (PSOne)

  • Gran Turismo 3 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 4 (PS2)

  • Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo 6 (PS3)

  • Gran Turismo (PSP)

  • Gran Turismo 7 (PS4)

  • Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)

Results are only viewable after voting.
I honestly don't get why everybody likes GT4 so much. I think it's what started the bad trend it and 5 had where it's "race, win, lose, buy a faster car, win some, lose, buy again", it feels more like a chore if you ask me. The handbrake doesn't work either in GT4, sliding is impossible unless you sacrifice all your speed, the photo mode in that was ridiculous because you couldn't move the camera around freely, and some of the specs are absurd. There is no way an AW11 MR2 can keep up with a 200 hp AE86 in the 80's cup.

My favorite is still 3, because GT3 has so many events and it's got such a unique...style to it. It's just such a charming game, sure it doesn't have many cars but it has just about everything else, and I think that's good enough if you ask me!

Granted, 6 is getting a LOT better...it may pass 3 in time, who knows.
I honestly don't get why everybody likes GT4 so much. I think it's what started the bad trend it and 5 had where it's "race, win, lose, buy a faster car, win some, lose, buy again", it feels more like a chore if you ask me. The handbrake doesn't work either in GT4, sliding is impossible unless you sacrifice all your speed, the photo mode in that was ridiculous because you couldn't move the camera around freely, and some of the specs are absurd. There is no way an AW11 MR2 can keep up with a 200 hp AE86 in the 80's cup.

My favorite is still 3, because GT3 has so many events and it's got such a unique...style to it. It's just such a charming game, sure it doesn't have many cars but it has just about everything else, and I think that's good enough if you ask me!

Granted, 6 is getting a LOT better...it may pass 3 in time, who knows.

You're right, but GT4 was more original. You were playing and felt like you're in your house. It was long and it had the best graphics for the old & poor PS2 system. I spent many months and years to finish the career mode and it was just magnificent, unique, special & enjoyable. Lacked many awesome things, such like tracks (:bowdown:Special Stage Route 11!!!) and cars, but the UI and generally, the size and the duration of Career covered all of those things.
I honestly don't get why everybody likes GT4 so much. I think it's what started the bad trend it and 5 had where it's "race, win, lose, buy a faster car, win some, lose, buy again"

Yeah, no. GT1 started that trend.

The only things I didn't like about GT4 were the egregious AI rubber banding and the lack of an option to qualify. But even with those annoyances, it's still the GT I enjoyed the most (with GT2 and 3 being tied for close 2nd).

But since the poll is what GT is the "best", I voted GT6 because it's the latest and greatest, and thus naturally is technically the best in a number of ways... not all of which will translate into it being the most enjoyable GT, since there are aspects that are worse in GT6 than in previous entries which might be more important.
I have never seen the rubber banding A.I. before GT5. They always seemed to stay the same distance away at all times.
GT4 would have had my vote, but GT6 just edges it for me, the reason being that it is always open for refreshment with updates, even if they don't always come on time.
GT2 - for the gameplay and how thoroughly consuming its career mode was, and how I used to use it as a testing / experiment environment for car modification ideas. It was really impressive what they managed to acheive on that old hardware.

GT4 was awesome, in content and graphics and gameplay. I still liked using it as a test environment, but didn't feel I could trust the physics model aswell as in GT2. And they left out a few old favourite cars from GT2

GT6 has good physics and a lot going for it, but just seems to miss some intangible things. Its like it doesn't make me believe it as much with the career mode.

The career progression from starting from scratch with a basic car, modifying it, winning more, buy new car - feel like you own it, and modify it, earn more - It seemed far more believable and immersive in GT1 - GT4, its lost a lot of that in GT6.
GT4 wins hands down, More fun, More races, More everything aside from cars but even so the cars were still just about good enough to include in 5 and 6 so it goes to show the graphics of GT4 was certainly the best in terms of when it was released etc, Shame PD and Sony are more concerned about making money than a fun game these days.
Gran turismo 2 was the best! nobody complained about anything like godamn liveryeditors, wheels crappy paintchips and the menu music was aaawesooome!!
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I'm afraid that I find myself in a bit of a quandary for this one. As far as I'm concerned, it's a six-way tie. Let me explain:

6 for the graphics, physics and better online (when it works). The revamped menus help too.
5 for the ability to participate in long endurance races in arcade mode and not feel that something's out of place with only 10 cars on the track and no damage, fuel consumption or tire wear.
4 for the variety of tracks and staggering amount of content, especially for the time.
3 for the overall excitement-charged, race-day-like atmosphere, unusually insane original tracks, and gorgeous looks.
2 for increasing the number of cars and tracks over GT1, which no one thought was possible at the time.
1 because it's the first!

So I voted for 6 because a) I can only vote for one and b) to me, even without all the "promised content" it's still an excellent game that's about to get even better.
GT4, because it was the GT series that i spent more time on. Just got me hooked!
The lack of content, so to speak, just doesnt cut it in these last series for me.

Yes we can do lots of new things, but just to think that i could swap any wheell on any car and the amount of brands makes me sad that we dont have that anymore. So many OZ, BBS, Dunlop wheels. I could have an AE86 with watanabes, or a 106 GTI with 106 Rallye wheels on. I miss the old days...
The only things I didn't like about GT4 were the egregious AI rubber banding and the lack of an option to qualify. But even with those annoyances, it's still the GT I enjoyed the most (with GT2 and 3 being tied for close 2nd).
Eh? Wasn't GT4 the only GT to date without rubber banding in GT/sim mode?

I feel GT2 had by far the worst (ie strongest) rubber banding amongst the first four games, followed by GT1 and then GT3. GT5 seemed to have very strong rubber banding in the FGT event, but I did not notice it elsewhere. GT6 has something else entirely, whereas the lead cars go slowly when ahead and slow down even further on the last lap if you are behind, but (and here I could be wrong) they don't speed up to keep up with you in the unnatural way it was done in earlier games.
Oh... the memories... Gran Turismo 3. I waited less than 1 year for this after I purchased GT1 and GT2. So, here is my story.

It starts like this: I get home from GameStop the morning after the game released. I hooked up my newly acquired PS2 that I also purchased that morning. Wow, a total of $240! I didn't even care, because I was so excited. Popped it in, and started it. Oh my god, the intro... WOW! It looked real! Oh, simulation mode, here we go! So then I bought a silver PT Cruiser and the ECU Chip. I headed to the Sunday Cup. Oh wait: license tests! Let's do ALL of them, right now! 2 hours later, I started the Super Speedway race in the Sunday Cup. I screamed, "Holy s***! The cars, the graphics, and the physics! Mom come check this out!" Let me tell you one thing: my mom played it ALL day the next day! She was as good as me!

There you go. That's all I remember.

I voted for 5... there's just something special about the music, terrible UI, and features that make it better than GT6 imo.
That being said, I don't play GT5 anymore because GT6's physics allow for so many more possibilities while driving.
How is GT6 doing so well? People having not played the earlier game or not judging them against their time, rather than today?
GT2,GT3 and GT4 were better in terms of content.

GT6 has the best physics out of all the GT games, anyone that says otherwise should stop playing sim games.
People voting for GT2, 4 & 6 are how we keep getting games like GT5 & GT6.

Really, the best canon game was GT3. And then GT1. I do wish they'd go back and play through GT1 again and make GT7 like that.

Why 2 and 4 just asking that's a first. I never played 2 and 4 at least had the most content in any GT we've had so far. (Most Complete Content let me say that instead).

On a side note I like how people are saying GT6 is the best after releasing the DLC and now the extra DLC(haven't been keeping up that much) is about to come out.

That to me isn't fair for the original 4, and even to an extent 5(hated that myself). For me the fact that GT6 still is being updated should disqualify from any discussion period. It would have that unfair advantage of the fresh feel every couple of months (making something up here don't know what to call it) happening with it which none of the others besides GT5 had.



Really! So even if the game didn't have Online it was basically 99% completed where as GT6 at release was like 40% of a game maybe even worse for some.
Why 2 and 4 just asking that's a first. I never played 2 and 4 at least had the most content in any GT we've had so far. (Most Complete Content let me say that instead).

2, 4, 5 and 6 are just content, not game. They were just swamped with cars and tracks, while the actual game behind them was paper thin - 6 isn't the worst offender for unnecessary events with picky rulesets and a track shoehorned in just so you can say the car and track have been used, but it has so few events of any kind that you almost long for the days of an event created as an excuse to use a car you wouldn't ordinarily use.

I drove every car in GT2, GT4 and GT5 and I'm getting on with driving every car in GT6 - but who else amongst us can say the same? The volume of content masks the quality of the game and the fact people keep voting for content over game explains why we keep getting more content and less game.

Don't get me wrong - I like content. As I said, I drove every car in those games. But it needs to be used - and used wisely - or it's just filler.

GT1 and GT3 used what they had the best.
But it needs to be used - and used wisely - or it's just filler.

There's a new way to use content that wasn't possible in GT1-4: Online.
That's no excuse to stop producing single player experiences but it isn't as important as it once was.

GT1 and GT3 used what they had the best.
It's easier to use everything if there's less content in the game.
There's a new way to use content that wasn't possible in GT1-4: Online.
And yet people don't - online uses the same 20% or so of the car list. Couldn't say about the track list, mind, but I suspect SSRX is quite popular.

Not to mention the significant number of people who can't play online at all or the slightly less significant number of people who won't, because public lobbies are a :censored:fest.
That's no excuse to stop producing single player experiences but it isn't as important as it once was.
It's as important as it ever was - the notion that it's not is how we got GT6 with its whole 191 races (and not a one over 10 laps long).
It's easier to use everything if there's less content in the game.
Who said anything about using everything? I said they used what they had the best. They certainly didn't use everything, they just used what they had wisely - or at least intelligently.

I never got bored of GT1 or GT3. GT2, 4 and 5 were just awash with idiotic and needlessly picky events. In GT2 you could have a series of three races that you couldn't realistically use the same car for and needed a different licence for each individual race - this happened surprisingly often. GT4 threw prize cars at you like a fat man throwing dollars at a pole dancer, often the same car you just used - oh, you just completed three laps of Tsukuba in a Subaru 360? Have a Subaru 360! Shall we pretend GT5 was any better? 9 events at each level, which could be 15 races per event or just 1. And commonly it was "Oh crap, you haven't used a Lamborghini yet... uhhh... Here, a race where you MUST USE A Lamborghini CAR! You won? Here, have a Lamborghini."

If anything, GT6's approach to events and prize cars is a welcome step back but it's still not good enough - papered over with "1,200 cars". Give me a well-planned game with 200 cars like GT1 or GT3 any day. In fact if they remade GT3 with current-gen "premium" level assets, I'd play it until I was having to use my elbows due to the erosion of my fingers, hands and forearms.

That's not to say a game with 100 tracks and 1,200 cars can't be even better - but it'd need a pretty intelligently planned single player to do it. We don't have that.
I love all the GT's but the best one I have to give it to 3, okay it didn't have that many cars but it felt like there was enough cars for the game and there was about the game that made it fun to play for hours, physics the music, push the cars to the limit, career mode was just awesome, and it features one of the best tracks in GT history Special Stage route 11 that track needs to return!
It's as important as it ever was
For people who can't or don't want to play online, yes. Overall I don't think so.
In games which have a good online mode - and racing games can shine there - many people spend a lot more time online than in offline single player.

I don't have numbers for GT but if people play like in the following games, online is more important.



Also have you played a COD game? They have single player modes that can be completed in 10 hours, without really trying - the only reason you'll net 20 is mopping up trophies* :lol: They are literally built around and bought for the online mode - you can watch the deterioration of the depth of the "story" from COD4 right through to MW3, precisely because no-one buys them for the single player (or, by the posted stats, between 6% and 14% of players do). Is that what you want from GT? With a new GT game every year for £60 with a couple of new cars and a completely different set of tracks (but you can buy some of the old ones back for £25 DLC)? Sounds awful.

A solid online and a good single player don't have to be mutually exclusive though - there absolutely no reason GT can't have a complete stable of cars for online use (so you don't have to waste any time on single player if you don't want to) and a really intelligently planned single player.

*Also 22.6/148.9 for MW2 is weak sauce. I managed 20/300 and I haven't even played it in 18 months
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GT4 is awesome because of the McLaren F1 sparking up Cita D'Aria. How many times I used that car riding close to the walls, watching curbs, hopping on bumps in the cobbles. Just awesome. I voted Gran Turismo. The intro. The realness of the cars entering turns and holding their lines. The toouring cars. The AE86 GT300. The racing modified MX-5s and RX-7s. Excellent game.
Oh, is I mentioned in another thread. Only 10 manufacturers and that was more than enough.
Who said anything about using everything? I said they used what they had the best. They certainly didn't use everything, they just used what they had wisely - or at least intelligently.
I love GT3, but you can't ignore the dull 20 lap races on the test track that seemed to come up in every professional mode event. Or how you slow down relative to the AI in long events because of deteriorating oil. Or the AI going 5 seconds a lap faster after a pit stop.

I also prefer GT1 and GT3, but I'd say you're underselling GT4 a bit here. Gt4 had flaws, plenty in fact, but it offered plenty of "game" and innovations, in addition to the massive content. I would not agree with placing GT4 in the same category as GT5 or GT6, or even GT2.

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