Who are these people and why do they hate Canada?

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Yep especially after China takes over as the world super power and we all have to eat rice and noodles...I hate rice. Gimme a nice baked potato any day.
you're the one who used the "kicking a puppy" analogy, hinting that like puppy, we are small, weak and defenseless. Which is certainly something to get worked up over. And I've been to and seen an American school- they sure are proud of their space expeditions but do they go out of their way to mention the fact that the russians built the first rocket? The first rocket to space? the first manned mission to space? The first to send any living animal to space? No. Because you've got too much damned pride to think that not everything revolves around you. And, FYI, I don't, doubt I will ever need a therapist. And btw, at that time the so called british were part of Upper Canada. And besides, isn't the whitehouse the #1 protection priority? Heck, we can have a completely ignorant and drunken fool of a Prime Minister and still manage to burn down the whitehouse in 3 weeks. George Bush spends 6 months looking for Osama bin Laden as his "top priority" and gives up.

I hate to have to argue with you (or anyone for that matter) but have you actually spent several years in an American school system like I have? We are taught about Sputnik I and Yuri Gagarin and Vostok I.

And as far as Bush is concerned, bin Laden was not his top priority. Iraq was.
you're the one who used the "kicking a puppy" analogy, hinting that like a puppy, we are small, weak and defenseless. Which is certainly something to get worked up over. And I've been to and seen an American school- they sure are proud of their space expeditions but do they go out of their way to mention the fact that the russians built the first rocket? The first rocket to space? the first manned mission to space? The first to send any living animal to space? No. Because you've got too much damned pride to think that not everything revolves around you. And, FYI, I don't, doubt I will ever need a therapist. And btw, at that time the so called british were part of Upper Canada. And besides, isn't the whitehouse the #1 protection priority? Heck, we can have a completely ignorant and drunken fool of a Prime Minister and still manage to burn down the whitehouse in 3 weeks. George Bush spends 6 months looking for Osama bin Laden as his "top priority" and gives up.
1) Upper Canada was a part of the British Empire, under the authority of the British government. Canada was not fully autonomous until after WWII (Our foreign policy was still directed by Britain well into the 20th century).

2) What the hell does the War of 1812 have to do with anything related to George Bush?
Anderton Prime
neon, I'm not saying America has always sucked, only that in the last few years, oh say, since Dubbya has been in office, you've slipped a little. But I'm sure you'll get back on track in about four years...

You're absolutely right Anderton Prime. When another Republican is elected to office we'll be back on track. :)
I watched the news in Period 3 at school and heard him say that finding Osama was his top priority. Back in grade 7. Science. Wnna know the teacher and what channel too?
Anyway, I'm sure most of you know who reached space first, but in elementary schools when childrens minds are so easily warped and imprinted, many interesting details were left out about space. They ma(d/k)e it seem that, although noone lied in it, Americans were the first people to do any major space exploration or discoveries.
[edit] and who invented the lightbulb? Hint: it wasn't really edison- he just patented it. [edit]

Lewis Latimer... a Black man (like me!). 👍
Sadly this is what is not taught enough in US schools. Black history. Not world history.
I watched the news in Period 3 at school and heard him say that finding Osama was his top priority. Back in grade 7. Science. Wnna know the teacher and what channel too?
Anyway, I'm sure most of you know who reached space first, but in elementary schools when childrens minds are so easily warped and imprinted, many interesting details were left out about space. They ma(d/k)e it seem that, although noone lied in it, Americans were the first people to do any major space exploration or discoveries.

In the interest of national security, not to mention a few votes, a politician will say anything. That's the point I was driving at. I know what he said, but that doesn't mean that he actually meant it.
Read the edit. Either way Upper Canada was Brittish, and the Brit's were Upper Canadians. The edit just sounds better.

...In the interest of national security, not to mention a few votes, a politician will say anything.

Do you still trust Bush? Do you even know who to vote for now? How can you trust any politician, for that matter?
hinting that like a puppy, we are small, weak and defenseless. Which is certainly something to get worked up over.
I find Canada as inocent and trusting
Like a PUPPY get it ? Or do you always jump to conclusions so you can get " all worked up' over it ? :)
You're absolutely right Anderton Prime. When another Republican is elected to office we'll be back on track. :)

Hey, if Schwarzenegger can work to get the laws changed, you might have a "Presidator," or a "Presidenator," or a "Presidentator..." or something like that. Now THAT would be awesome. 👍

Hey we haven't had one of these heated arguments at GTP in quite a while. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing...
Do you still trust Bush? Do you even know who to vote for now? How can you trust any politician, for that matter?

It's not a matter of trust. When voting the idea is to vote for the political party that most closely represents your political/economic ideologies. For example:

The republicans want:
small government

The democrats want:
big goverenment

among other things.... :sly:

So when I vote (by the way I voted in Nov. 2004! I made it by a few weeks!!!) I vote for the party that I believe most closely represents -- me! I could care less who is leader of which party, just as long as the ideologies are the same. So, if candidate A is a democrat and candidate B is a republican, in 2008 I'm voting for candidate B -- regardless of who is representing that particular party.
Anderton Prime
Hey, if Schwarzenegger can work to get the laws changed, you might have a "Presidator," or a "Presidenator," or a "Presidentator..." or something like that. Now THAT would be awesome. 👍

Hey we haven't had one of these heated arguments at GTP in quite a while. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing...

Arguments are good, just as long as no one is getting flamed/offended. :scared:

As far as Schwarzenegger is concerned, for some strange reason I have a difficult time taking him seriously whenever he does a speech. I really would rather not have him as President. Colin Powell on the other hand... that's who should be the next leader! :)
Anyway, I'm sure most of you know who reached space first, but in elementary schools when childrens minds are so easily warped and imprinted, many interesting details were left out about space. They ma(d/k)e it seem that, although noone lied in it, Americans were the first people to do any major space exploration or discoveries.

Oh yeah, my second-grade teacher really warped our minds so we'd all turn out to be midless nationalistic idiots. :rolleyes:
Don't take that too literally. Of course everyone knows now, but back when you guys were little they wanted to give the impression that America was the leader in space innovation by leaving out the Russians.
True, but most of what I learned about American space innovation was the deployment of the Hubble Telescope. We touched briefly on the space race, but in elementary school, class projects were more of a priority than history facts. Quite honestly, I didn't go too in-depth on the space race until 6th or 7th grade.

But back on to the original topic, I personally have never thought of Canadians as inferior. I mean, since I live in Wisconsin, there are always jokes about the Canadians stealing our cheese, but nobody really hates Canada. Heck, Madison is so liberal that most people want to move across the border.
what the hell are with all these Canadian jokes? I don't even get half of them? I mean....hoser? eh? cheese? igloo? beer? ok, the beer is true...but I've never seen an igloo in my life, and only recently learned what a hoser is (as explained by a non-Canadian...I think), I hardly ever say "eh", and I have no idea what the cheese jokes are referring to. Anyway...I'll edit this when I remember what I was going to say..my mom asked me to do something. But in the meantime i'm going to throw in something really odd:


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Of course everyone knows now, but back when you guys were little they wanted to give the impression that America was the leader in space innovation by leaving out the Russians.
You keep saying this, and you keep being wrong about it (or lying, but I prefer to give you the benefit of the doubt).

I'm 40 years old. No American kid in my lifetime has ever been taught anything except that the Soviets put Sputnik I into space before the Americans and that Yuri Gagarin beat Alan Shepard into orbit. All through my middle school history education these were played up as major events in the Cold War.

And the generation of Americans just before me had spent billions of tax dollars making damn sure the Soviets didn't beat us to the moon - so they were not likely to 'forget' that Russia was first in space.

Please, do yourself a favor, and know what you're talking about.
I hate to have to argue with you (or anyone for that matter) but have you actually spent several years in an American school system like I have? We are taught about Sputnik I and Yuri Gagarin and Vostok I.

History has the tendency to repeat itself, doesn't it neon? :sly:
Even after I said this, he still made the comment... :grumpy:
I witnessed it first hand. Maybe it has to do with whatever state, county or school district you're in, but these guys completely left out Russia's role in the race to space.
So you based your judgement on 250 million or so by what you observed from one very tiny insignificant group... thats comforting to know.
This is true, but don't forget that there are plenty of disadvantaged people in the US too.

When the Republicans strip down social policies, drive the US economy down the toilet and plunge the country into debt over a questionable war(s), who pays? Every American citizen, rich or "disadvantaged". It's all about the allocation of taxpayers' money.

I agree. I gave money to help with the disaster. Despite the fact that I'm struggling to pay for college tuition. And as for the benevolent leader always being the respected one, there is a fundamental flaw with that theory. The positive actions of a benevolent leader can often be misinterpreted as a being imperialistic/monopolisitc, however you want to look at it. Like Microsoft for example. :sly:

Good on you for helping.👍 However, this is another argument but in response, I would say that your man Bush... well not exactly any of the above and probably the most despised American President, from a world perspective, in history. And there's nothing benevolent about Microsoft... quite the opposite... the quintessential icon of corporate greed.

Didn't the dealer offer you an alarm system or something?! :sly:

I wish. I just went for the factory model.
So you based your judgement on 250 million or so by what you observed from one very tiny insignificant group... thats comforting to know.

What is one supposed to do then? Base their opinion on EVERY student in EVERY classroom in the entire country? What's YOUR opinion of American schooling based on? I'm sure most Americans generalize about school in their country based solely upon their own personal classroom experiences.
So you based your judgement on 250 million or so by what you observed from one very tiny insignificant group... thats comforting to know.
Hey, we should be used to the blatant hypocrisy by now, led. It's perfectly acceptable for everyone else in the world to do it to us; it's just that we're not allowed to do it to anyone else.
Hey, we should be used to the blatant hypocrisy by now, led. It's perfectly acceptable for everyone else in the world to do it to us; it's just that we're not allowed to do it to anyone else.

Ahhh, c'mon. Don't start feeling sorry for yourselves. Move to Darfur for a month!

And I think Winston Churchill said, "History is written by the victors."
When the Republicans strip down social policies, drive the US economy down the toilet and plunge the country into debt over a questionable war(s), who pays? Every American citizen, rich or "disadvantaged". It's all about the allocation of taxpayers' money.

Republicans are supposed to strip down social policies. That's what makes them Republicans. The loaded meaning behind this statement is social policies are inherently good and the absence of them is inherently bad: which is of course, pure nonsense.

And why do some people insist on clinging to the notion that the US government can control a free market economy? Certainly no one who's ever bothered to study economics.

I've got a newsflash for you. The notion that politicans are responsible for the economy is similar to a notion that the weatherman is responsible for the weather. Government cannot create wealth. It can only move it from one place to another.

And there's nothing benevolent about Microsoft... quite the opposite... the quintessential icon of corporate greed.

Nothing? Which Microsoft are you talking about? Certainly not the one that paid out $1,182,791,000 dollars USD in charitable grants in 2003 and over 7 billion since it's inception through the Gates Foundation. Incidently, that's roughly half the entire total foreign aid offer by the government of Canada for the same year.

Naaaa.. Couldn't be.

Not that I am complaining what Canada does with it's own money of course. That's up to them. :)


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