///M-SpecRepublicans are supposed to strip down social policies. That's what makes them Republicans. The loaded meaning behind this statement is social policies are inherently good and the absence of them is inherently bad: which is of course, pure nonsense.
We are entering the realm of opinion when it comes to social policies. When you are down on your luck and you need medical attention, guess what... that's not nonsense. Or you lose your job and their is a full range of social assistance at your fingertips... that's not nonsense. A socialist state will never be the richest country but your citizens will ALL be taken care of.
///M-SpecAnd why do some people insist on clinging to the notion that the US government can control a free market economy? Certainly no one who's ever bothered to study economics.
I've got a newsflash for you. The notion that politicans are responsible for the economy is similar to a notion that the weatherman is responsible for the weather. Government cannot create wealth. It can only move it from one place to another.
Just so I understand you, the current administration has nothing to do with the demise of the US economy? Hmmm...
And my point earlier had to do with allocation of funds... i.e. war vs. social programs.
///M-SpecNothing? Which Microsoft are you talking about? Certainly not the one that paid out $1,182,791,000 dollars USD in charitable grants in 2003 and over 7 billion since it's inception through the Gates Foundation. Incidently, that's roughly half the entire total foreign aid offer by the government of Canada for the same year.
Naaaa.. Couldn't be.
Not that I am complaining what Canada does with it's own money of course. That's up to them.![]()
Comparing apples to apples... do the per capita math. Just take 10%. I hear you though. Canada actually ranks quite low (embarrassingly) in the foreign aid department. I would argue that we don't have the same crippling foreign policy to offset though. It's all world politics right?