Why does no one like Justin Bieber

Which reminds me of these faces..


Ahh comeon, Nina Dobrev is HOT! :drool:
<p>My dislike of Bieber is how his fanbase treats him like a hero, and in return he treats them like ****. PLUS, I don't think he can sing too well. Okay, he's not terrible, but he isn't good either. Hell, I can sing (not blowing my own horn, I've been told this), much better than him. My voice has been compared to the voices of the Backstreet Boys. Now back in the 90's they had an incredible fan base, but they'd treat them well. Bieber? Pah! Take music back to 1960-2002, after that things went downhill. </p>
<p>Another reason I dislike him, he's 17 and has a Ferrari, which he crashed yesterday. Now I am not saying he shouldn't buy one... But come on... A 17 yr old with a Ferrari?? He should be driving a slow <b>prius</b>, not a 400+bhp Ferrari! He can't handle that. Then someone had the audacity to comment on this story saying: ''Shumi and Hamilton were winning races at that age''. Bloody Hell, this guys are the worlds fastest and instinctive people. Bieber is just a hormone driven kid who can't sing brilliantly, doesn't deserve his fanbase, and crashes a beautiful Ferrari!</p>

P.s. I put the tags in coz I am bored
Ha! He didn't even crash the Ferrari. He bumped something. Apparently there was no damage.

So the media needs to STFU because he DID NOT crash it!
'Cause he ain't a man yet, has too much $ for a kid his age, I don't see/hear any talent that warrants that kind of fame, and he's a fad...

You mad bro?

Ya think?

I'm just mad because he's like the greatest thing since sliced freaking bread. All the kid has to do is save up and buy a sound mixer. Guess what? He suddenly has enough money to pay for that sound mixer. Then he rakes in all this cash that he DOES NOT deserve.

And pop music is NOT good for kids to listen to! Even though most old rock songs DO talk about girls, at least they don't have the F-bomb in them.

Why I hate Justin Bieber. This is opening a can of worms...

I'm one of the guys who generally listens to classical and jazz, and not so much modern music. But I DO enjoy a fair bit of modern music, and if it's a truly good song it's a lot of fun to listen to. Don't get me wrong there. But music that is being churned out today is, frankly, bilge. Autotuned talentless artists singing songs with the simplest chords, beats and lyrics...simplicity sells, apparently. And most of them sing about the stupidest things. The way I look at it, modern music went from being liked because of the lyrics, to the lyrics and beat, and finally to just the beat. Hence, dubstep etc. But pop music today has neither notable lyrics nor a notable beat. It's just trash.

Why do I hate Justin Bieber? He is the single figure that represents everything that's wrong with pop music today. He's a kid, and I'll bet you that almost any pre-pubescent kid with a high voice could sing the way he does with some training. He's no different than hundreds of thousands of other kids his age, and yet he's rolling in cash, babes and badly-treated fans he deserves less than anyone except Rebecca Black. Whatever happened to musicians that were real musicians? Guys that had real talent. If any of those guys looked at today's pop artists and how they don't have enough talent to sing without using autotune (which is a DISGRACE to music and makes me sick), they'd wonder why they ever got into the music industry at all. In my opinion, none of the current pop artists have any real talent, or at least enough to be worth anything. Lady Gaga went to Julliard so she obviously has natural talent, but look what it's been wasted on. A pop singer that undoubtedly tries to seduce people with her songs and dress as ridiculously as possible, just to get attention. The sad part is, it works. Although we all talk about how much we hate Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black/etc., it's the public's fault for liking these "artists". And I'm not being elitist here; like I said earlier, I'm perfectly prepared to greatly enjoy a good pop song. But there aren't any, and Justin Bieber is at the top of it all, representing what I hate most about modern music. (And I'm going into music for a living, so it's kind of a big deal to me.)

And Camaroyenko is right about pop music. I once saw a fantastic comparison of how pop music, even though it's been about girls for as long as anyone can remember, has degraded. Back in the day it was "I Want To Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles, whereas nowadays almost every song is along the lines of "I want to 🤬 you all night long, doing unspeakable things that previously were only ever talked about in X-rated movies". It's absolutely shameful.

Someone (I forgot who) once said something along the lines of "the best musicians are paid the least." Chew on that, pop "musicians".
Even though most old rock songs DO talk about girls, at least they don't have the F-bomb in them.

Whoa, hold up, there are WAY worse words out there than the F-word. The simple usage of the F-word is not a valid reason to hate a song, IMO.
I don't hate Beiber, I'm just very, very indifferent. No one makes people buy his stuff. They do it of their own accord. Stop buying, he goes away. Right Mr. Burrell and Mr. Van Winkle?*

Warning: Doing so may cause someone worse to come along.
Whoa, hold up, there are WAY worse words out there than the F-word. The simple usage of the F-word is not a valid reason to hate a song, IMO.
There are some songs I like for the simple reason that they do use the F-bomb. A lot. :P

* Not Ty and Rip.
All I have to say is, I wonder what Kurt Cobain is thinking about modern music.

Okay I'll drag you into an 8th grade class of girls and make you say that...

I'm lucky, in my school they would all applaud you.

Thats real talent right there. That dude uses the money to buy buckets and cans to play on. Why isn't he getting recognized? He actually needs some money unlike Justin Bieber.
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I don't understand why people care. I don't like Bieber, so I don't listen to his music or watch his movie. End of story.
That's because this thread has turned from a thread to an arena, last argument standing wins....

I don't think he is a bad singer, nor do I like his music. I respect he as a musician though, no one makes such astounding success from nowhere, even though he sounds awful for the majority of the people posting on this site, that doesn't strips him out of any credibility. Music is his business and he profitting a lot from it, I don't see why hate a man for what a man does for a living.
I don't hate Justin Bieber. I dislike his music, but I'm indifferent towards him in all other regards.
However, I love to troll the white knight teenyboppers in his fanbase. They're such lolcows.
Why I hate Justin Bieber. This is opening a can of worms...

I'm one of the guys who generally listens to classical and jazz, and not so much modern music. But I DO enjoy a fair bit of modern music, and if it's a truly good song it's a lot of fun to listen to. Don't get me wrong there. But music that is being churned out today is, frankly, bilge. Autotuned talentless artists singing songs with the simplest chords, beats and lyrics...simplicity sells, apparently. And most of them sing about the stupidest things. The way I look at it, modern music went from being liked because of the lyrics, to the lyrics and beat, and finally to just the beat. Hence, dubstep etc. But pop music today has neither notable lyrics nor a notable beat. It's just trash.

Why do I hate Justin Bieber? He is the single figure that represents everything that's wrong with pop music today. He's a kid, and I'll bet you that almost any pre-pubescent kid with a high voice could sing the way he does with some training. He's no different than hundreds of thousands of other kids his age, and yet he's rolling in cash, babes and badly-treated fans he deserves less than anyone except Rebecca Black. Whatever happened to musicians that were real musicians? Guys that had real talent. If any of those guys looked at today's pop artists and how they don't have enough talent to sing without using autotune (which is a DISGRACE to music and makes me sick), they'd wonder why they ever got into the music industry at all. In my opinion, none of the current pop artists have any real talent, or at least enough to be worth anything. Lady Gaga went to Julliard so she obviously has natural talent, but look what it's been wasted on. A pop singer that undoubtedly tries to seduce people with her songs and dress as ridiculously as possible, just to get attention. The sad part is, it works. Although we all talk about how much we hate Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black/etc., it's the public's fault for liking these "artists". And I'm not being elitist here; like I said earlier, I'm perfectly prepared to greatly enjoy a good pop song. But there aren't any, and Justin Bieber is at the top of it all, representing what I hate most about modern music. (And I'm going into music for a living, so it's kind of a big deal to me.)

And Camaroyenko is right about pop music. I once saw a fantastic comparison of how pop music, even though it's been about girls for as long as anyone can remember, has degraded. Back in the day it was "I Want To Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles, whereas nowadays almost every song is along the lines of "I want to 🤬 you all night long, doing unspeakable things that previously were only ever talked about in X-rated movies". It's absolutely shameful.

Someone (I forgot who) once said something along the lines of "the best musicians are paid the least." Chew on that, pop "musicians".


I mean seriously? Eventually the kids will learn what the F word means and they'll go out and do it themselves! :ill::indiff:
I mean seriously? Eventually the kids will learn what the F word means and they'll go out and do it themselves! :ill::indiff:

Mentioning something =/= motivation to do it. I play Grand Theft Auto and I have never:
  • Stolen a car
  • Beaten a prostitute
  • Tried drink-driving
  • Hired a prostitute
  • Done a drive-by

And, let's face it, the majority of users on GTPlanet respect the rules of the road.
Mentioning something =/= motivation to do it. I play Grand Theft Auto and I have never:
  • Stolen a car
  • Beaten a prostitute
  • Tried drink-driving
  • Hired a prostitute
  • Done a drive-by

And, let's face it, the majority of users on GTPlanet respect the rules of the road.

Not meaning to get off-topic, but nowadays younger/underage kids doing the kinds of things pop songs regularly praise has significantly grown. There is definitely a correlation.

I agree about Grand Theft Auto, I play it myself but have never done those things nor have any intention to do so. But it does desensitize the player to these kinds of things.

And GTPlanet is largely the exception.

We can continue this discussion in a PM if you like, I don't want to hijack this thread. :guilty:👍
I'll be honest. I got to know JB through Youtube with the videos he posted almost every days and weeks. There's a video of him singing You and Me by Lifehouse when he was what, 5,6 or 7 years old in a competition and he entered many more. The way he sang made me thought that he had a future when he grew up...

Well he did, and he was about to be like he is today. He claimed that he will put his music carreer to a pause while he will go to college. Instead, this guy (Chris Brown?) took him to be an artist at that age, I'm not saying it's wrong but yeah. A little to quick perhaps?

After the release of his first song called One Time, he became popular like damn popular (no I'm not jealous) but started from then he became cocky. I remember watching him on MTV with the girls in a limo... I think he's too young for it eh? From then, I felt very dissapointed with the way he's going.

I went through Youtube again and found so many other Justin Bieber wannabe, one of them is Cody Simpson. Hopefully that kid went all right...

This post is just my opinion and what I see on him.
The main issue with Justin Bieber, as far as I'm concerned, is the idolisation of someone who has simply sat down with a microphone and sang what is put in front of him. Where is the experimentation or development of his 'sound'? There are already far too many generic sounding artists around at the moment, that goes for all kind of music; R&B and variants, electro and variants, rock and variants, female solo artists; there are no longer any kind of richness or outstanding (I use that word in the sense of being seperate from the crowd, not high quality) artists anymore.

You could quite easily argue that is down to the age of music, and how long popular music has been around, but when you see (or hear) people such as Jean Michel Jarre creating such amazing soundscapes, or David Gilmour (in the absence if Pink Floyd) writing music with such meaning and depth, that you don't understand how such derirative rubbish can be produced and expect to be taken seriously.
im not sure if anyone has already said this but i hate him because of his cars. he is too young to own those type of cars. but if i was him id be buying the same stuff but you know. the whole thing is jealousy. thats it
Taken from a fan page on Facebook:

An old soul is the last thing you would expect to find inside Justin Bieber. But all it takes is one listen to the 15 year-old soul-singing phenomenon to realize that he is light years ahead of his manufactured pop peers.

Oh the irony.
the whole thing is jealousy. thats it

This. His popularity is not with the general demographic that this forum is generally made up of. Walk into any elementary school or secondary school in North America and ask the girls there if he is good looking and I'm sure you know what their answer is. This is sort of like asking a group of young girls why they don't like Springsteen or The Rolling Stones. It's not their target audience.

Give the kid a break for god sakes. You can not like his music, which I most certainly don't but in your teens you can't tell me you wouldn't have wanted to be in his position.

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