Why I hate Justin Bieber. This is opening a can of worms...
I'm one of the guys who generally listens to classical and jazz, and not so much modern music. But I DO enjoy a fair bit of modern music, and if it's a truly good song it's a lot of fun to listen to. Don't get me wrong there. But music that is being churned out today is, frankly, bilge. Autotuned talentless artists singing songs with the simplest chords, beats and lyrics...simplicity sells, apparently. And most of them sing about the stupidest things. The way I look at it, modern music went from being liked because of the lyrics, to the lyrics and beat, and finally to just the beat. Hence, dubstep etc. But pop music today has neither notable lyrics nor a notable beat. It's just trash.
Why do I hate Justin Bieber? He is the single figure that represents everything that's wrong with pop music today. He's a kid, and I'll bet you that almost any pre-pubescent kid with a high voice could sing the way he does with some training. He's no different than hundreds of thousands of other kids his age, and yet he's rolling in cash, babes and badly-treated fans he deserves less than anyone except Rebecca Black. Whatever happened to musicians that were real musicians? Guys that had real talent. If any of those guys looked at today's pop artists and how they don't have enough talent to sing without using autotune (which is a DISGRACE to music and makes me sick), they'd wonder why they ever got into the music industry at all. In my opinion, none of the current pop artists have any real talent, or at least enough to be worth anything. Lady Gaga went to Julliard so she obviously has natural talent, but look what it's been wasted on. A pop singer that undoubtedly tries to seduce people with her songs and dress as ridiculously as possible, just to get attention. The sad part is, it works. Although we all talk about how much we hate Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black/etc., it's the public's fault for liking these "artists". And I'm not being elitist here; like I said earlier, I'm perfectly prepared to greatly enjoy a good pop song. But there aren't any, and Justin Bieber is at the top of it all, representing what I hate most about modern music. (And I'm going into music for a living, so it's kind of a big deal to me.)
And Camaroyenko is right about pop music. I once saw a fantastic comparison of how pop music, even though it's been about girls for as long as anyone can remember, has degraded. Back in the day it was "I Want To Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles, whereas nowadays almost every song is along the lines of "I want to 🤬 you all night long, doing unspeakable things that previously were only ever talked about in X-rated movies". It's absolutely shameful.
Someone (I forgot who) once said something along the lines of "the best musicians are paid the least." Chew on that, pop "musicians".