Why does no one like Justin Bieber

I'd hate to be in his place.

I make crappy music, and I got all this money laying around and I didn't have to do anything to earn it.

Just wouldn't feel right IMO
I'd be more worried about sacrificing my education for a career that will have gone down the drain within the next five years.
I'd be more worried about sacrificing my education for a career that will have gone down the drain within the next five years.

He's made more money than the two of us will make in 10 lifetimes combined. If he doesn't blow all his money, he'd never have to work another day in his life.
If he had my easy job of washing dishes at a restaurant he'd be whining...

Admit your jealous and move on. Musicians don't have easy jobs in anyway whatsoever. The sacrifices they make are unbelievable and can you imagine never having privacy another day in your life?

At his age I'd have died to be driving any car I want and buy anybody in my family anything they wanted. But I didn't, I still don't, and I never will.

I can't stand listening to his stuff. Does that mean he sucks? Nope. Does it mean he's stupid/an idiot/a loser? Nope. He found a way to get what people dream of their entire lives...and he's still in his teens. Proof? Look how many people buy lottery tickets everyday. He's got more money than any lottery will win you and for that I congratulate him.
You are very creative and funny. That joke hasn't gotten old at all.

Actually, it hasn't.

At his age I'd have died to be driving any car I want and buy anybody in my family anything they wanted.

I AM his age and I don't want anything to do with that lifestyle. To have everything means you have nothing to look forward to, nothing to aspire to. And, the wealth invariably gets to your head and you become vain and conceited because you have more money than you know what to do with. I think that would be the most empty life you could have... Like all things, life is about the journey, not the destination. You are not happiest when you have the most money, you are the happiest when you have the best experiences. He will just keep doing concert after concert and album after album until inevitably he goes out of style like everything else, and then what will he do? Sure I'll be unbelievably happy when that happens but that's not an opinion, that's a fact. The public changes quickly.

I can't stand listening to his stuff. Does that mean he sucks?

No, but his music does.

He found a way to get what people dream of their entire lives...and he's still in his teens.

So what's the point of the rest of his life then?

He's got more money than any lottery will win you and for that I congratulate him.

Yeah. But I don't care how much money you have, if you don't spend it wisely and save some of it you will lose it. End of story. Plus there's the fact that his marketing people and basically the people that control his entire life probably take a whole lot of it for themselves, since they're the brains behind pretty much everything he does. If there's anyone to blame, it's them.

Am I jealous of him? Less than I am of any other person in the world (besides Rebecca Black). Is Camaroyenko jealous? No. Just because we profusely defend our arguments doesn't mean we're jealous.
Actually, it hasn't.

To have everything means you have nothing to look forward to, nothing to aspire to.
There is more to life then wealth.

And, the wealth invariably gets to your head and you become vain and conceited because you have more money than you know what to do with. I think that would be the most empty life you could have... Like all things, life is about the journey, not the destination.
Oh, yes because money corrupts everyone. Every person in the world with a copious amounts of cash is corrupted and live hallow lives.

You are not happiest when you have the most money, you are the happiest when you have the best experiences.
So you can't have great experiences while being rich? With the way your post is coming out, starving children in Africa must be living the life!

He will just keep doing concert after concert and album after album until inevitably he goes out of style like everything else, and then what will he do?
You do realize that musicians do other things then play music. He will go on and live his life. Just like people do after they retire from their day jobs. He will go on and do what makes him happy.

Sure I'll be unbelievably happy when that happens but that's not an opinion, that's a fact. The public changes quickly.
Tell me, how does Justin Bieber effect your life to make you happier once his popularity fades?

No, but his music does.
That's subjective.

So what's the point of the rest of his life then?
What's the point of your life?

Yeah. But I don't care how much money you have, if you don't spend it wisely and save some of it you will lose it. End of story.
If you drink all of the beer, there is nothing left.

Plus there's the fact that his marketing people and basically the people that control his entire life probably take a whole lot of it for themselves, since they're the brains behind pretty much everything he does. If there's anyone to blame, it's them.
They don't control his life, they just write contracts and take their cut. They don't tell him which bathroom to use, what time to take a shower or who to date. Bieber is responsible for his own actions and no one else. Sure they may have some influence, but they don't have control over what he does outside the music world.

Am I jealous of him? Less than I am of any other person in the world (besides Rebecca Black).
So your still jealous? You act as if jealousy is a bad thing.

Is Camaroyenko jealous? No. Just because we profusely defend our arguments doesn't mean we're jealous.
What are you arguing? That you are so stuck up that you have to complain about every little thing a celebrity does? That's worse then the people who are obsessed with every little thing they do.
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What? I'm jealous of him. He has all the money he'd ever need, all the fame in the world, and he's got his whole life ahead of him.

But again, I reiterate, why do so many people care? If people like Bieber, I don't care, it's their life. I don't listen to his music, what he does affects my life in virtually no measurable way, so why care?
No money doesn't buy happiness but god I've love to have it. I have disease with no cure and my lifelong goal will always be to hold a massive fundraiser for it so those in their teens don't have the same experiences I did. Nothing would make me happier....too bad I need a ton of money for that.

I'd love to drive a '67 Cobra instead of my '00 Accord, I'd love to pay for my university, pay for my parent's house, buy my own house now... they all need money.

Money doesn't buy happiness but how you live your life with it does and money opens up so many opportunities. Don't give me that crap you wouldn't want what he has. We all do. There are still things to work for when your rich believe it or not. Simple reason for that is money can't buy some things...
I'm sure you would if you were given the opportunity to have it

Sure I would, because then I could give all of it to charity. I have no desire whatsoever to be wealthy. I used to, but not anymore. And how much of his money do you think Justin Bieber would be willing to give away? Probably almost none. Sure there are plenty of people my (and his...scary thought) age who would love to have what he has, but I'm not one of them. I've lived a marvelous life so far without having any decent amount of money (I realize this isn't the norm, but still) and it's only getting better every day. I really have no need or desire for wealth.

This is getting sort of off-topic though... :eek:👍
Like someone else said, his career is gone in 5 years. He won't have to work a day in his life because he's got enough to live off of.

Not the right way to live IMO
Driving Park
Sure I would, because then I could give all of it to charity. I have no desire whatsoever to be wealthy. I used to, but not anymore. And how much of his money do you think Justin Bieber would be willing to give away? Probably almost none. Sure there are plenty of people my (and his...scary thought) age who would love to have what he has, but I'm not one of them. I've lived a marvelous life so far without having any decent amount of money (I realize this isn't the norm, but still) and it's only getting better every day. I really have no need or desire for wealth.

This is getting sort of off-topic though... :eek:👍

Its easy to say you would give it all to charity when you dont have it.
Sure I would, because then I could give all of it to charity. I have no desire whatsoever to be wealthy. I used to, but not anymore. And how much of his money do you think Justin Bieber would be willing to give away? Probably almost none. Sure there are plenty of people my (and his...scary thought) age who would love to have what he has, but I'm not one of them. I've lived a marvelous life so far without having any decent amount of money (I realize this isn't the norm, but still) and it's only getting better every day. I really have no need or desire for wealth.

This is getting sort of off-topic though... :eek:👍

You just love spewing out fallacies don't you?

Bieber donates to Japan

Donating album proceeds

Charity event on his birthday

Want more? Try using google.

Like someone else said, his career is gone in 5 years. He won't have to work a day in his life because he's got enough to live off of.

Not the right way to live IMO

Except he has worked. Hes earned his money more then Trump earned his.

The kid was singing these type of songs his whole life, and now hes getting paid big time for it. The fact that it bothers you guys is freaking hilarious. Not every popular musician goes into the tank. Heck, look at Mark Wahlberg. Once a young musician that didn't put out the greatest of music, now hes a successful actor.
Its easy to say you would give it all to charity when you dont have it.

You can believe what you like. Not everyone is materialistic, you know. Some of us try to be as unselfish as possible.

Thanks for the correction, what I said was just an assumption, I should have known it would come back to bite me in the face. 👍 I appreciate that unlike a lot of celebs, he is willing to give back to the world (and that he mentioned God in the second article). My point about not wanting his life still remains, though.

I never said I didn't think he would donate, I just said almost none of his money. I wonder how big the portions were, and I bet that they're still a drop in a bucket compared to the amount of money he has accrued, seeing as it is so much and much more than any amount of proceeds that could be garnered from one concert. If that is true, than my "fallacy" is correct.

Again, how big were the portions?

That was donations he received, not his own money.

I know these are minor, niggling facts, but you called what I said a fallacy, so I have every right to pick apart your post and defend my argument.

Want more? Try using google.

I'm not stupid.

You just love spewing out fallacies don't you?

So because I make one assumption (which I shouldn't have, I'll admit) you make a sweeping generalization about me in general, is that it? Thanks for that. 👎

The kid was singing these type of songs his whole life, and now hes getting paid big time for it. The fact that it bothers you guys is freaking hilarious.

I don't have a beef with him as a person, I have a beef with his music and the stigma associated with him. But that's just personal taste, nothing more.

I guess Justin Bieber is in fact a very controversial topic... :eek: Let's keep this a calm and civil discussion, shall we? 👍
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The fact that it bothers you guys is freaking hilarious. .

Haha yes I love that it makes guys his age angry that he has money. Who gives a crap if he doesn't have to work another day in his life?

Who the heck are you to say "It's not the right way to live", last time I checked it's his life not yours. Believe it or not people with money can live truly amazing lives and do great things with them. Example? Bill Gates and his wife. They donate billions to charity every year and go out and work at those charities a ton. Does he work anymore? Nope. So now lets all stop playing xbox and pc's because we have to start hating Gates. Apparently he doesn't live life properly.

It's so easy to sit here and say you wouldn't take the money or you'd hate to have his life. I for one would die to have that money. Does that make me a bad person? No. I too live an amazing life but I'd love to have it with money.
Haha yes I love that it makes guys his age angry that he has money. Who gives a crap if he doesn't have to work another day in his life?

Who the heck are you to say "It's not the right way to live", last time I checked it's his life not yours. Believe it or not people with money can live truly amazing lives and do great things with them. Example? Bill Gates and his wife. They donate billions to charity every year and go out and work at those charities a ton. Does he work anymore? Nope. So now lets all stop playing xbox and pc's because we have to start hating Gates. Apparently he doesn't live life properly.

It's so easy to sit here and say you wouldn't take the money or you'd hate to have his life. I for one would die to have that money. Does that make me a bad person? No. I too live an amazing life but I'd love to have it with money.

This is about Bieber, not what you would do for his money. Keep it on topic. ;)
This is about Bieber, not what you would do for his money. Keep it on topic. ;)

Actually it is on topic if you read the past few pages. For some reason wealth and fame is sound enough reasoning to not like somebody. Some have mentioned that they wouldn't want his money because it's not living life properly, I'm proving that wrong along with the fact that it's very easy to say you wouldn't want his money but if the opportunity was there 99% of people would take it.

Please don't try and mod my posts. I didn't say a thing about what I'd do with the money in that post.
Actually it is on topic if you read the past few pages. For some reason wealth and fame is sound enough reasoning to not like somebody. Some have mentioned that they wouldn't want his money because it's not living life properly, I'm proving that wrong along with the fact that it's very easy to say you wouldn't want his money but if the opportunity was there 99% of people would take it.

Please don't try and mod my posts. I didn't say a thing about what I'd do with the money in that post.

I'm sorry, but you did say you'd die for the amount of money he had.

Anyway, there really is no logical reason for people to dislike him. People may not like his music (personal taste), but that isn't a reason for all the hate he receives. He's rich famous, an icon in today's scene. If anything, it should be appreciated. And he gives to charity. Usually people would be like, "Aww... he's a good guy if he gives to charity." But that hasn't happened. Maybe its because he's young, arrogant, his whole persona. He's just a kid, like others have said, in 5 years he's done. So what's the beef?

I don't like his music, but that doesn't give me a reason to dislike him. I don't personally know him, maybe he really is just a nice, caring person. Do those who hate him know that? No.
There is more to life than money.

That was my whole point...

Oh, yes because money corrupts everyone. Every person in the world with a copious amounts of cash is corrupted and live hallow lives.

True, there are people who are wealthy and still humble. I probably shouldn't have said "invariably". But the tendency is there, and I probably wouldn't be able to avoid it. :indiff:

So you can't have great experiences while being rich?

I never said that. I just said that it's the experiences, not the money that makes you happy. You can be rich and still have great experiences. My point is that money does not automatically equal happiness, which is the impression I was getting that some of the other posters think, at least to an extent. But this is the internet after all, there's no way of knowing.

You do realize that musicians do other things then play music.

Yes, I am one.

Tell me, how does Justin Bieber effect your life to make you happier once his popularity fades?

Because I no longer will have to hear about him and his fans and his music all the time. This is the "why does everyone hate Justin Bieber" thread after all, the entire premise of this discussion is subjective.

That's subjective.

I never said that it wasn't... :rolleyes: Note that in my post I said MY beef with him.

What's the point of your life?

You missed my point.

They don't control his life, they just write contracts and take their cut. They don't tell him which bathroom to use, what time to take a shower or who to date. Bieber is responsible for his own actions and no one else. Sure they may have some influence, but they don't have control over what he does outside the music world.

Well that's good at least. Maybe my wording was a bit extreme.

So your still jealous? You act as if jealousy is a bad thing.

Um...no. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. And to me, jealousy IS a bad thing.

What are you arguing? That you are so stuck up that you have to complain about every little thing a celebrity does? That's worse then the people who are obsessed with every little thing they do.

Come on man, grow up. This is the "why does everyone hate Justin Bieber" thread for crying out loud. The very nature of this thread entices complaining about every little thing a celebrity, in this case Justin Bieber, does. And you should try talking to me sometime, you'll realize just how far from the truth you are when you say that I am stuck up. But again, this is the Internet, so I digress :indiff:

My argument is basically that those of us who are presenting arguments as to why we hate Justin Bieber are being automatically labeled as jealous, just because we're sticking up for our arguments.

Haha yes I love that it makes guys his age angry that he has money. Who gives a crap if he doesn't have to work another day in his life?

Who the heck are you to say "It's not the right way to live", last time I checked it's his life not yours.

I never once said that his life wasn't the right way to live, I just said it wasn't for me. Might want to think before you post.

Believe it or not people with money can live truly amazing lives and do great things with them.

...and I never said that people with money couldn't. More power to them.

It's so easy to sit here and say you wouldn't take the money or you'd hate to have his life.

Easy but true. Just because I don't share your opinions doesn't mean I'm lying or making it up.

I for one would die to have that money.

Good for you, and so would a lot of other people.

Does that make me a bad person?

Not at all. Nothing wrong with that. I never said there was.

I too live an amazing life but I'd love to have it with money.

And so would a lot of people. And don't misread me, it's not that I don't want money at ALL, it's a necessity, I just don't want to be grossly wealthy and have everything.

This is about Bieber, not what you would do for his money. Keep it on topic. ;)

Thanks, VANDENAL. 👍 I've been wanting to forget about this petty argument a while ago, there has just been no stoppage in replies from the opposite party.

No hard feelings guys, right? :cheers: 👍
I'm sorry, but you did say you'd die for the amount of money he had.
Which isn't saying what he would do with the money. This discussion is very much on topic, which is Justin Bieber. The money issue is directly related, I see no problem with it.

Do those who hate him know that? No.
Which is the argument I'm trying to make. Look I'm no Justin Bieber supporter, I'm a metal head. But I don't understand unnecessary illogical hate he gets. I freaking hate pretty much all 80's rock, 90's grunge (except AiC and SG), and today's Indie scene. Which isn't really Indie anymore. But I don't go around and making jokes about how bad that stuff is religiously like it is with today's mainstream stuff.

That was my whole point...
I think you missed my point, allow me to explain.
"To have everything means you have nothing to look forward to, nothing to aspire to."
There is more to living life then getting up to make money. Imagine what you can do if you can retire early, and go do stuff you want to do instead of stuff you have to do. Less stress, more fun. Obviously you can be stupid and spend it all, or you can be smart and still live on a loose budget.

True, there are people who are wealthy and still humble. I probably shouldn't have said "invariably". But the tendency is there, and I probably wouldn't be able to avoid it. :indiff:
It depends on the attitude one carries himself with. I'm not exactly a humble person (quite opposite in fact) but I'm not a in your face jackass (once again the opposite). Obviously some tendency will always be there, but it just matters on how you look at things. I'm not a very materialistic person, I'd think I'd handle the money quite well. I also have a awesome father who is amazing at fiances who has taught me well in the spend wisely area.

I never said that. I just said that it's the experiences, not the money that makes you happy. You can be rich and still have great experiences. My point is that money does not automatically equal happiness, which is the impression I was getting that some of the other posters think, at least to an extent. But this is the internet after all, there's no way of knowing.
Most people in this world understand the concept of money not equaling happiness, but it sure as hell helps. I know more people in this world then I can count on a hundred hands that are or have been in some kind of depression because of money issues.

Yes, I am one.
Awesome. 👍 I used to be one. :dopey:

Because I no longer will have to hear about him and his fans and his music all the time. This is the "why does everyone hate Justin Bieber" thread after all, the entire premise of this discussion is subjective.
The only time I hear about Justin Bieber is people making stupid "Bieber Sucks" "Her music is terrible" jokes on forums such as these. I've never met a Bieber fan out in the real world. Maybe its because most of my friends are in there late 20's early 30's? And I've also shut my self out of pretty much all media that will ever make any mention of any mainstream musician.

I never said that it wasn't... :rolleyes: Note that in my post I said MY beef with him.
I'm just being technical, you stated your post in a factual sense. Its pretty much the only logical response I could of given.

You missed my point.
He has the same purpose as both you and I do. To go out and enjoy his life. He will have the same purpose in 20 years as he does now.

Well that's good at least. Maybe my wording was a bit extreme.

Um...no. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. And to me, jealousy IS a bad thing.
Once again I was being technical with the way you worded it. Obviously you have demonstrated your lack of jealousy and I very well understand that. But there is nothing wrong with having jealous feelings for another person. I'm jealous of the Marine that shacked up with Mila Kunis. Even if it was just a date to the Marine Ball.

Come on man, grow up. This is the "why does everyone hate Justin Bieber" thread for crying out loud. The very nature of this thread entices complaining about every little thing a celebrity, in this case Justin Bieber, does. And you should try talking to me sometime, you'll realize just how far from the truth you are when you say that I am stuck up. But again, this is the Internet, so I digress :indiff:
And my points are people should learn to let things go and not care about other people so much. And just worry about your own life.

My argument is basically that those of us who are presenting arguments as to why we hate Justin Bieber are being automatically labeled as jealous, just because we're sticking up for our arguments.
Ok, you aren't jealous. But I'm sure as hell most people that are Bieber Bashers posses some level of jealous of his money and fame and possibly girl.

I never once said that his life wasn't the right way to live, I just said it wasn't for me. Might want to think before you post.
CamaroYenko said it. He wasn't directing his post at you.

No hard feelings guys, right? :cheers: 👍
Thank you Prosthetic, not a word of that was directed at you Driving Park. Please do think before you post eh? ;)

While you may not be jealous there Park I'd say around 99% of Beiber "haters" are really just jealous of him or join in with the popular way of thinking which is that he sucks, which is really just a way of a young person saying I'm jealous. It's easier for kids in high school or elementary school to say they hate him or he sucks. Nobody in school wants to step outside the norm and say they simply don't like his music but he is a good guy. Believe it or not I was in school and I went asking with popular belief on more than one occasion too. I was too shy for a long time to step out and be different. I'm not alone there, very few kids do.
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I can honestly say I'm not one bit jealous of him.

I don't care how much money he has, how big his house is, how many cars he's got, and how many girlfriends (or boyfriends LOL just kidding, or am I?) he goes through, I'm not jealous of him.
Thanks Prosthetic, good points all around. 👍 I'm glad this could end peacefully. About taking my posts technically, well I tend to be quite blunt about everything so it usually comes out quite strongly. I guess that's what I get from watching Top Gear so much :lol:

Ok, you aren't jealous. But I'm sure as hell most people that are Bieber Bashers posses some level of jealous of his money and fame and possibly girl.

Definitely true.

CamaroYenko said it. He wasn't directing his post at you.

You know, I COMPLETELY missed that (and I'm not being sarcastic). :dunce:

Thank you Prosthetic, not a word of that was directed at you Driving Park. Please do think before you post eh? ;)

Heh, guess I should. I did not even notice it wasn't directed at me... :dunce:

While you may not be jealous there Park I'd say around 99% of Beiber "haters" are really just jealous of him or join in with the popular way of thinking which is that he sucks, which is really just a way of a young person saying I'm jealous. It's easier for kids in high school or elementary school to say they hate him or he sucks. Nobody in school wants to step outside the norm and say they simply don't like his music but he is a good guy. Believe it or not I was in school and I went asking with popular belief on more than one occasion too.

I wouldn't go as far as saying 99%, but I'd definitely agree that there are a lot out there that hate him out of jealousy, which does make sense.

I was too shy for a long time to step out and be different. I'm not alone there, very few kids do.

I was too shy to even say anything for a long time...not anymore though 👍
I can honestly say I'm not one bit jealous of him.

I don't care how much money he has, how big his house is, how many cars he's got, and how many girlfriends (or boyfriends LOL just kidding, or am I?) he goes through, I'm not jealous of him.

Then why are you hating on someone you have never met before?