There is more to life than money.
That was my whole point...
Oh, yes because money corrupts everyone. Every person in the world with a copious amounts of cash is corrupted and live hallow lives.
True, there are people who are wealthy and still humble. I probably shouldn't have said "invariably". But the tendency is there, and I probably wouldn't be able to avoid it.
So you can't have great experiences while being rich?
I never said that. I just said that it's the experiences, not the money that makes you happy. You can be rich and still have great experiences. My point is that money does not automatically equal happiness, which is the impression I was getting that some of the other posters think, at least to an extent. But this is the internet after all, there's no way of knowing.
You do realize that musicians do other things then play music.
Yes, I am one.
Tell me, how does Justin Bieber effect your life to make you happier once his popularity fades?
Because I no longer will have to hear about him and his fans and his music all the time. This is the "why does everyone hate Justin Bieber" thread after all, the entire premise of this discussion is subjective.
I never said that it wasn't...
Note that in my post I said MY beef with him.
What's the point of your life?
You missed my point.
They don't control his life, they just write contracts and take their cut. They don't tell him which bathroom to use, what time to take a shower or who to date. Bieber is responsible for his own actions and no one else. Sure they may have some influence, but they don't have control over what he does outside the music world.
Well that's good at least. Maybe my wording was a bit extreme.
So your still jealous? You act as if jealousy is a bad thing. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. And to me, jealousy IS a bad thing.
What are you arguing? That you are so stuck up that you have to complain about every little thing a celebrity does? That's worse then the people who are obsessed with every little thing they do.
Come on man, grow up. This is the "why does everyone hate Justin Bieber" thread for crying out loud. The very nature of this thread entices complaining about every little thing a celebrity, in this case Justin Bieber, does. And you should try talking to me sometime, you'll realize just how far from the truth you are when you say that I am stuck up. But again, this is the Internet, so I digress
My argument is basically that those of us who are presenting arguments as to why we hate Justin Bieber are being automatically labeled as jealous, just because we're sticking up for our arguments.
Haha yes I love that it makes guys his age angry that he has money. Who gives a crap if he doesn't have to work another day in his life?
Who the heck are you to say "It's not the right way to live", last time I checked it's his life not yours.
I never once said that his life wasn't the right way to live, I just said it wasn't for me. Might want to think before you post.
Believe it or not people with money can live truly amazing lives and do great things with them.
...and I never said that people with money couldn't. More power to them.
It's so easy to sit here and say you wouldn't take the money or you'd hate to have his life.
Easy but true. Just because I don't share your opinions doesn't mean I'm lying or making it up.
I for one would die to have that money.
Good for you, and so would a lot of other people.
Does that make me a bad person?
Not at all. Nothing wrong with that. I never said there was.
I too live an amazing life but I'd love to have it with money.
And so would a lot of people. And don't misread me, it's not that I don't want money at ALL, it's a necessity, I just don't want to be grossly wealthy and have everything.
This is about Bieber, not what you would do for his money. Keep it on topic.
Thanks, VANDENAL. 👍 I've been wanting to forget about this petty argument a while ago, there has just been no stoppage in replies from the opposite party.
No hard feelings guys, right?