Why does no one like Justin Bieber

Try listening to some stuff before you knock it.
The best test is to hear something without knowing what you are hearing. The first time I heard a Lady Ga Ga song was when she performed live on Good Morning America. My wife was watching it while I was getting ready for work in the bathroom. After my shower I opened the bathroom door to let the steam out and she began performing soon after. About 30 seconds in I walked out to ask my wife what that crap was. Somewhere underneath it all I could hear what sounded like a possibly good voice, but there was too much crap over top of it to tell.

I put her in the same camp as Christina Aguilera; Possibly has an actual good voice but have had their professional career so directed by the studio that no one really knows who the real her is. Bieber possibly falls into the same category, but who knows. And so long as he likes playing grab ass with his 14-year-old fans he won't try to be himself. All any popular musician who wants to do that has to do is look at Jewell or Darius Rucker to see you have to fight to make it doing your own thing. Rucker is finally coming into his own and his stuff is some of the few country songs I will actually stop to listen to when I hear them.

And as just a turn on the other side, last week I heard Bowling for Soup for the first time (Phineas & Ferb theme song being an exception), and was in fact the first time I had actually heard their name. Live, in-studio for the Adam Carolla Show they played their single "1985." I thought it was pretty good. Good enough for me to check out the band. And honestly, that is where I find most of my new music I listen to, music podcasts. Oddly enough I was listening to Lacuna Coil before any of my friends had even heard of them.

And I believe that is where my dislike for mainstream sell outs comes from. I don't hold it against them for getting rich off their talents, but I do dislike that they aren't showing the best of their talents or that people with the kind of talent I prefer to listen to won't get decent air play because they chose to keep doing it the way they want to.

As for the autotuning, I have a simple rule. Would I have heard what I hear from them now if they had played a small bar or coffee house acoustically when I was in college?
And I believe that is where my dislike for mainstream sell outs comes from. I don't hold it against them for getting rich off their talents, but I do dislike that they aren't showing the best of their talents or that people with the kind of talent I prefer to listen to won't get decent air play because they chose to keep doing it the way they want to.
What about the people who sell out and get rich despite everybody hating them, like Kanye. Everything he does in society is wrong, and yet he makes millions because he's the **** and he keeps doing it because he knows it. He could be the worst person in the world but still sell albums like they were free.
8 pages of Bieber talk.

Maybe we should open an subforum just for you Bieberlovers. :lol:
...and for people to think of Canada and picture him, makes me sick.

Bieber's Canadian?! Didn't know that, I'll have to start spreading the news. :sly:

Best Canadian band is RUSH! :D

Got to agree there. 👍 Then there's Bedouin Soundclash, Crystal Castles, Hot Hot Heat.... I feel a Canadian band Spotify playlist coming on! ;)

8 pages of Bieber talk.

Maybe we should open an subforum just for you Bieberlovers. :lol:

What's that you say? http://www.bieberlovers.com :lol:
What about the people who sell out and get rich despite everybody hating them, like Kanye. Everything he does in society is wrong, and yet he makes millions because he's the **** and he keeps doing it because he knows it. He could be the worst person in the world but still sell albums like they were free.
Not sure how that is much different than how Justin Bieber is. Just Kanye is an ass and Bieber is annoying.
Really?, No Really?

(Look at the writing and personnel credits)

Compare that to Bieber's latest. Granted sure West produces most of his own stuff, but that's because that's what he did before rapping.

So, you agree with me, right? Justin Bieber makes none of his own music and has minimal credits for writing. Compared that to Kanye who produced every song and wrote(actually, I think he doesn't physically write anything) all his own lyrics.
You mean Dr. Dre's music, right?

I suspect Kanye's creative talents are much like Courtney Love's.
:lol: Wut?
You can skip to around the 6min mark for an answer to your creative suspicion.
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First, I meant Jay-Z. It's so hard to keep track of which rappers feed off other rappers.

Courtney Love was credited with creating all her own work. She hasn't had an original hit since her husband, Kurt Cobain, died.
So, you agree with me, right? Justin Bieber makes none of his own music and has minimal credits for writing. Compared that to Kanye who produced every song and wrote(actually, I think he doesn't physically write anything) all his own lyrics.

I think both are worthless when it comes to writing music, both need a whole staff to help them make 1 record(And is there anyone that samples as much as Kanye that isn't Weird Al?).
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I just ran across this and it is the perfect example of what I was talking about when I explained my test of musical talent.

Could they do a set on a rooftop with nothing electronic plugged into any of their instruments and still be as enjoyable?


Somethings sound much better without acoustic regardless of whose playing.

Would sound like crap in acoustic form.

Acoustic doesn't really mean more enjoyable. :S
Acoustic doesn't really mean more enjoyable. :S
That is not the point I am making. The point I am making is if they can't sound good without the computers then you will have a hard time convincing me they are actually talented. Can that song be the same if it is just a couple of guys sitting on their amps on a street corner?

Not quite sure why you hung on to the acoustic thing when I earlier mentioned Bowling for Soup and bands in coffee houses and pubs. I'll even throw Ben Fold's into that mix. He could walk into a room with just an electric keyboard under his arm and sound as good as his albums.
That is not the point I am making. The point I am making is if they can't sound good without the computers then you will have a hard time convincing me they are actually talented. Can that song be the same if it is just a couple of guys sitting on their amps on a street corner?

Not quite sure why you hung on to the acoustic thing when I earlier mentioned Bowling for Soup and bands in coffee houses and pubs. I'll even throw Ben Fold's into that mix. He could walk into a room with just an electric keyboard under his arm and sound as good as his albums.

Ah, ok misunderstood. And I totally agree 👍
I just don't get why everybody hates Justin Bieber. Everybody has their tastes, but why diss this this kid? I have nothing against him. Okay I'm Canadian but who cares? I'm no hardcore fan but still.
There has been far worse to come from Canada than Bieber.

Case in point.
I don't really hate Justin B, but I just sort of dislike him due to what he reminds me of.

This face..


Reminds me of this face..


Which reminds me of these faces..


Which obviously leads to..


Which makes my brain automatically hear these faces screaming..


Which takes me back to the initial face..


This process happens whenever I see Justin Bieber, which is approximately 5 times in a minute if I'm exposed to some kind of media tool. It gets a tad bit annoying.. just a teeny tiny bit.
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^Uh, Hollowxeyes, those links are broken.

You think Bieber is bad? On behalf of the Republic of Ireland, I wholeheartedly apologise for Jedward.
I dislike Justin Beaver because he is too mainstream and his voice annoys me. I'm really not sure whether he's using a pitch changer or that really is his extremely high voice.
...because he can't sing. Take off the autotune please. He can't put on a show to save his life. He lip-syncs his live concerts. He makes money for being an untalented git with a voice of a woman. Or girl, 5 years old. His fanbase is about that age, too. "0mG he Izz soo HOTTTT i wanne merry HiM SOOoooO bad cuz he isz so hototot!!" Honestly, real music is dead, I mean he played a drum solo in some place in which I don't remember, and it was garbage. I go into YouTube, I find a drumming video, there was this 8 year old kid, ABLE TO PLAY, and he's not noticed. He isn't famous, or rich, just an extremely talented kid who has drums only. Or even guitar playing, I saw a video of Bieber at a show where he had to play guitar and sing live. What a joke, he played one chord the whole song, sped it up at the chorus, and slowed down at the verses, utterly talentless. And I could tell he lip-synced that one, too. There we have the same story, I find a person who is AMAZING at the guitar.."jun262" look him up on YT... and he doesn't have a record label, or has been noticed by large companies. Bieber's lyrics are utter trash, just some kid falling in love or other cliches. He can't dance, MJ would kill JB in a dance-off. People say JB is better because he sold a lot of albums. Two words for you, THE BEATLES, why? 1 billion+ albums sold. Only Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson would be worthy to come close. "He is hot." Don't give me such BS. The world today, is great, the cars, the technology, it all is going forward. But music? Needs to go back 50 years.
He's Gay :) :) :)
Listen to Never Say Never video, where promotes his movie.

"Who wants to make out with me in 3D"
Why would anyone say that?

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