Will America attack Iran?

Jesus Christ Turbo, trying actually responding to the point for a change!
Don't waste your breath. He hasn't changed his debate *cough*argument*cough* tactics one bit since his last visits several years ago. He feels what he feels and there's no reasoning with him.
Don't waste your breath. He hasn't changed his debate *cough*argument*cough* tactics one bit since his last visits several years ago. He feels what he feels and there's no reasoning with him.

I got my popcorn and am waiting for dannoff to stop banging his head...:)
of course not, you hit Saddam right on the head...
The guidance system on the B2 bomber could hit Saddam between the eyes...from 55,000 feet in the air. And that's 20 year old technology.

Precision attacks are just that; precise. Today, missles are guided by lasers, cameras, and the human brain. Argue if you must the legitimacy of certain targets, but don't act like the U.S. military can't hit the broad side of a barn.
The guidance system on the B2 bomber could hit Saddam between the eyes...from 55,000 feet in the air. And that's 20 year old technology.

Precision attacks are just that; precise. Today, missles are guided by lasers, cameras, and the human brain. Argue if you must the legitimacy of certain targets, but don't act like the U.S. military can't hit the broad side of a barn.

if you want to use an intelligence failure ..use a BIG one .

like not finding all the WMDS that were supposed to exist in Iraq.

@ danoff.... I ran out of pop corn and its too early for a beer .

A stupid little one like Saddam not being where he was supposed to be ...and BTW ..the media not the Generals put that crap out..AND durring war deliberate misinformation is fed to the media for the enemies consumption...it was good to make Saddam think he was PERSONALLY being tageted etc.

or when clinton cruise missiled an aspririn factory that was supposed to be making bio weapons..or chemical weapons...
He hit the building he aimed at..his INTELLIGENCE estimate of what was in the building MAY have been fauty .

ahhhh well ....why bother .

On Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Iran was open to any proposal to resolve the nuclear issue as long as it acknowledges its legal and inalienable right to pursue nuclear energy under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency

Iran insists that it has a right under the 1968 NPT to produce nuclear fuel. But the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, has called on Iranian officials to clear up unresolved questions about its intentions.


TEHRAN 14 Dec. (IPS) One of Iran’s most influential ruling cleric called Friday on the Muslim states to use nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them "damages only".

"If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world", Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani told the crowd at the traditional Friday prayers in Tehran.

Analysts said not only Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani’s speech was the strongest against Israel, but also this is the first time that a prominent leader of the Islamic Republic openly suggests the use of nuclear weapon against the Jewish State.

"It seems that Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani is forgetting that due to the present intertwinement of Israel and Palestine, the destruction of the Jewish State would also means the mass killing of Palestinian population as well", observed one Iranian commentator



Articles Apr 25th, 2006 - 17:56:54
Page One > Articles


Evaluation of the Iranian President
Feb 26, 2006
Bahman Aghai Diba PhD International Law - Persian Journal

Ahmadinejad took the post of Iranian presidency almost six months ago. Yet, he has achieved a new record in damaging Iran, pushing the country towards destruction, disintegration and war in such a short time. The heavy reliance of the regime on the return of Imam-e Zaman (the Islamic-Shiite Messiah) is a clear sign of the mismanagement of the new president. The administration of the president sees no solution for the problems of the country but persuading the Imam-e Zaman to appear and fight the war for them.

The failure of the so-called reformist government of President Khatami had resulted in wasting the time of Iranians. The Iranians lost precious time while the regime was consolidating its un-democratic institutions, and disappointing the people from reforms. Many people looked at the government of president Khatami as the last chance for the reforms and they got their answer in a clear way by fraudulent election of Ahmadinejad. Khatami's 8 years as the president demonstrated the inability of the president in law and practice in the framework of the Islamic Republic of Iran. etc.


Iranian President Stands by Call to Wipe Israel Off Map

The New York Times

October 29, 2005


TEHRAN, Oct. 28 - The president of Iran stood by his earlier call to "wipe Israel off the map" on Friday, while other Iranian officials played it down and some commentators here suggested it was a sign of what they considered his amateurism.

The president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was cheered by thousands of supporters during an anti-Israel rally in Tehran on Friday. "My words are the Iranian nation's words," he said of his statement, which was widely condemned around the world, the Iranian news agency IRNA quoted him as saying. "Westerners are free to comment, but their reaction is invalid."

State media reported that hundreds of thousands took part in the annual demonstrations across the country. Protesters chanted "death to America" and "death to Israel" and set fire to American and Israeli flags. ettc.


You think these are some of the " concerns" about the Irainian intentions the article alludes to ? :) :) :) :)
'k, heres the deal, i only have 2 mins to respond then i have to leave again...so i'll deal with the points directly raised in response to me.

Jesus Christ Turbo, trying actually responding to the point for a change!

i thought you were talking about the USA, so with that cleared up i have to say that Israel cannot launch a pre-emptive stike with a nuclear weapon on Tehran as this will contraviene the said treaty on NP of nukes. Not unless explicit evidence is recieved that says Iran has nukes. Then they can use nukes in response. Its all in the NPT.

The guidance system on the B2 bomber could hit Saddam between the eyes...from 55,000 feet in the air. And that's 20 year old technology. Precision attacks are just that; precise. .

i am not discrediting the technology the US used on its pre-emptive stike on Baghdad. The US military hardware in the best around, however when it is backed up by faulty intel data, then all the weaons in the world aren't going to produce the desired end result.

@ Daisy. I havent changed my stance, no. I have consistently agrued against the actions of the Bushco regime internally and externally. You have consistently defended thier foreign policy in the face of my critisism. Thats your choice and its a free forum. You'll not change my views but dont say dan is wasting his breath because he is not trying to change my views as you once did. Its true, i have been away in the Land of America for a couple of years working. Before that i lived in the US for 4 years in my teens and I love the US and its people. You seem to forget that. Please remember it in future.
Israel is not signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. They can use their nukes as they feel like it. Same as India and Pakistan.
Israel is not signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. They can use their nukes as they feel like it. Same as India and Pakistan.

Its highly unlikey that they would use nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear NPT signatory country. Israel isnt supposed to have nukes right? Has America flouted the treaty? The answer is yes of course.
The guidance system on the B2 bomber could hit Saddam between the eyes...from 55,000 feet in the air. And that's 20 year old technology. Precision attacks are just that; precise. .
Two such bombers missed Saddams nose bridge, missed their target Dora Farm & hit adjoining civilian residences as an illegal pre-emptive salvo before the official start of the Iraq war.
Mmmn...BS seems to be the precision mechanism.
A US intelligence report made public for the first time yesterday gave a 'shock verdict' on Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions, with marked differences to previous estimates and in stark contrast to current neo-Conservative rumblings that Iran is 'determined' to build nuclear weapons. The National Intelligence Estimate (available here, .pdf format), is the result of collated intelligence from 16 American intelligence agencies, and concludes "We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003 Tehran halted its nuclear weapons programme." and that "We do not know whether [Iran] currently intends to develop nuclear weapons."

Although the report also adds that Iran has "the scientific, technical and industrial capacity to eventually produce nuclear weapons if it decides to do so", it also says (with high confidence) that Iran does not currently have nuclear weapons nor are they capable of producing a weapon until ~ 2015, even if they were 'determined' to, which this report categorically states is no longer a valid thing to say that they are (based on all the available evidence).

This seems to be in rather sharp disagreement with what the current administration have been saying lately. According to the Guardian, "Bush and vice-president Dick Cheney have been claiming without equivocation that Tehran is bent on achieving a nuclear weapon, with the president warning in October of the risk of a third world war."... (source)
A US intelligence report made public for the first time yesterday gave a 'shock verdict' on Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions, with marked differences to previous estimates and in stark contrast to current neo-Conservative rumblings that Iran is 'determined' to build nuclear weapons. The National Intelligence Estimate (available here, .pdf format), is the result of collated intelligence from 16 American intelligence agencies, and concludes "We judge with high confidence that in fall 2003 Tehran halted its nuclear weapons programme." and that "We do not know whether [Iran] currently intends to develop nuclear weapons."

Although the report also adds that Iran has "the scientific, technical and industrial capacity to eventually produce nuclear weapons if it decides to do so", it also says (with high confidence) that Iran does not currently have nuclear weapons nor are they capable of producing a weapon until ~ 2015, even if they were 'determined' to, which this report categorically states is no longer a valid thing to say that they are (based on all the available evidence).

This seems to be in rather sharp disagreement with what the current administration have been saying lately. According to the Guardian, "Bush and vice-president Dick Cheney have been claiming without equivocation that Tehran is bent on achieving a nuclear weapon, with the president warning in October of the risk of a third world war."... (source)

Bush just came on the air and said that report is all BS.

The Mainstream Media will tout this intelligence as fact, but some how dismiss intelligence about Weapons of Mass Destruction as incorrect.

Funny how Iran "halted" their nuclear program in 2003...
The Mainstream Media will tout this intelligence as fact, but some how dismiss intelligence about Weapons of Mass Destruction as incorrect.

I'll tout it as what it is. Intelligence.

I hate how biased the media is. Whatever makes for good ratings is what is put on the air. I can't help but wonder what is really going on in the World. Then again, maybe I don't know because it's best we all don't. One person is smart. A whole bunch of persons iz stupid.
The Mainstream Media will tout this intelligence as fact, but some how dismiss intelligence about Weapons of Mass Destruction as incorrect.

Funny how Iran "halted" their nuclear program in 2003...

They don't have any WMDs. If they did, Mossad would've already taken care of it.
I was watching the press conference before I went to class today and I actually had to turn the TV off. Its 2003 all over again and the Bush Administration will be looking to have one last hurrah in Iran before hes on his way out.

Not cool.

I may have supported the Iraq war, and I may be indifferent as of right now, but I'm smart enough to see that Iran does not pose an immediate threat... Particularly when we seem to be giving up in Afghanistan, somewhere the troops SHOULD BE. I'm just so sick of it all, and when you know for a fact that whoever gets the GOP or Dem nod will likely tow the same line, it really does make you just want to give up hope.
Unless they cut off your hand for insulting Islam, then your plan is down the drain.

Funny how Iran "halted" their nuclear program in 2003..

Not in the slightest bit surprising is it, Solid Fro? One of the most powerful countries on earth threatens you, you're going to stop what's pissing them off, aren't you?
War propaganda, yay! I'd expect nothing less from CFR/JINSA puppet John Bolton.

War propaganda? WTF? Dude, he was shooting pretty straight there. At no point did he advocate going to war. He was simply saying that there were good national security reasons why this report shouldn't be released, and reasons why it could be called into question.

Not quite sure how you get war propaganda out of that.
War propaganda? WTF? Dude, he was shooting pretty straight there. At no point did he advocate going to war. He was simply saying that there were good national security reasons why this report shouldn't be released, and reasons why it could be called into question.

Not quite sure how you get war propaganda out of that.

It's subtle, because the current administration has been so in bed with the military industrial complex that, of course, it's itching to go after Iran.

I was using the term very loosely, though.

Anyway, if this report proves the credibility gap which so many people suspected of this administration, then I think it was rightly released. Rogue government is not in the interests of national security.
The UN's tolerance levels are FAR too high. Not only on this, but from others as well. What's the point of having an organization that is supposed to enforce international laws that NEVER enforces them?

your just now asking this question?

Hopefully Israel will just nuke Iran, or conduct suprise air raids on it's nuke facilities like it did to Syria.
your just now asking this question?

Hopefully Israel will just nuke Iran, or conduct suprise air raids on it's nuke facilities like it did to Syria.

Israel better not nuke Iran. Not before we cut ties with them, anyway.
You do have to ask yourself why this sort of report is made public. Even reading it myself I couldn't help thinking that I'd stolen it or something. It reminds me of Robin Williams' 'joke' about Congress publicly approving the covert plan to assassinate Saddam Hussein. :ouch: