Will Gran Turismo be a flop??

  • Thread starter Thenoozer
Can this not turn into a giant GT vs. Forza thread again?


As I said in my other post here, there's no way GT5 will be a flop in sales. It will by a multi million copies game.

However, PD must take great care with what they're doing. There's no one better than them at:
1- graphics
2- Size (at least concerning the number of cars, not sure about tracks)
3 - Overall presentation detail

But the competition is very close, or arguably better, in other essencial game aspects. So (and this is good, not bad) PD need to deliver. Will they? As a gamer, I surely hope so.

But I'll put it this way: when I bought GT4 I was full of excitement and even went out at midnight (release day) to do it. At last my GT3 copy was going to enjoy a well-earned rest.

When GT5 is released, I will buy it also on release day. But, this time, I will buy it wondering how good it will be.
yes... this is sure...

1- flop in sell = impossible...
2- flop in aspectative features = possible

this is what i think... cuz in the featured list, respect gt4, there are news only in: youtube upload, replay album, and online mode...
the rest is the same... i really only hope that tuning feature will be really different with something more, cuz it would be a really flop with a beautiful grafic...
GT5 will not flop. :odd:

We have the proof that since GT1 each series that comes out of the game is better and better and immediately becomes a reference in racing games!
No, it's not just you. Can we discuss the subject posed, please? We don't need IBTL/OMFG!/popcorn posts.

Thenoozer raises a perfectly valid point. If you feel you can't discuss it, find another thread to pique your interest.
With all due respect, if you think the OP has a perfectly valid point, then god help these forums. When people come along and say that they won''t buy it if they don't improve the sounds, you think that's worth discussing? They haven't improved the sounds and the OP knows it.

Let him go buy Forza if he wants - going by some of his aggressive responses on here, he doens't give a crap about what anybody else thinks anyway.
GT5 will not flop. First day sales alone, with so many pre-orders, will be enough to outsell the full shelf life of many other games ten times over.

With all due respect, if you think the OP has a perfectly valid point, then god help these forums. When people come along and say that they won''t buy it if they don't improve the sounds, you think that's worth discussing? They haven't improved the sounds and the OP knows it.

Let him go buy Forza if he wants - going by some of his aggressive responses on here, he doens't give a crap about what anybody else thinks anyway.

Im with Famine on this one.

IMO it doesnt matter if the OP was the biggest Forza fanboy on the planet and personally had a vendetta against GT. The thread is a valid discussion on the sales of GT5. Sure it could have been titled a little less agressive, but it got you to read the thread didnt it?

Oh wait, no, looking at your comment, you didnt actually comprehend.
With all due respect, if you think the OP has a perfectly valid point, then god help these forums. When people come along and say that they won''t buy it if they don't improve the sounds, you think that's worth discussing? They haven't improved the sounds and the OP knows it.

So you don't think it's a valid point?

Maybe his reasoning is flawed - and it almost certainly is (Sony relying on just 2 games? Lolwut?) - but the point is still worth discussing.

The point is that PD can't simply rely on GT4 turned up a bit. Other games have lots of other features people like and, ultimately, people buy what they like. If GT5 is just a prettier version of GT4 with some more cars, people won't be impressed. Sales of GT5 might not be affected much, but it'll certainly affect the sales of GT6...

Let him go buy Forza if he wants - going by some of his aggressive responses on here, he doens't give a crap about what anybody else thinks anyway.

Why does someone not buying GT5 mean they'll go buy Forza 3?

And he's quite right not to give a crap about what anybody else thinks. If GT5 is GT4 - The Director's Cut, I will buy it and play it to death, regardless of whether other people dislike it.
The only concern I have for the GT series is that the competitors are catching up quickly (console based games). In my opinion the Forza franchise will be just as good as GT in the next 2 sequels. The only major drawback at this time for Forza is the lack of support with the G25/G27 and the 360's actual gameplay graphics.

So to sum up I don't think that GT5 or the GT franchise will flop, but I think that in future years the competition is going to be hot on there tail. Then there's the question of PC based simulators, which are already one step ahead in terms of physics...
No, actually he is right. If you go down the list of features, Forza offers more than GT in a lot of categories. Not all though.

What list of features? You've just proved to me, that your arguments are not worth hearing out. We don't know anything about real GT features, since nothing has been announced (number of cars, tracks is not a feature. I'm talking about livery editors etc.). We only heard some vague roamaps 1-2 years ago.

Also about "GT4 was the worst....". Mmm, terrible, being the worst of the best. Only around 85%-90% notes. Definitively a flop and fail, those tiny millions sold.

GT5 will sell well, and the review scores aren't really important - it's the consumer reviews that'll matter, and I think there will be plenty of gamers, who will find GT5 to be really good and not at all disappointing. Major cause of this, I'd think, is the fact, that many of "nay-sayers", criticizing GT from some time (~GT4 and earlier), already was able to jump ship and go for FM2 and 360 when it came out before PS3, and many of them did it. There is a huge, and I mean huge group of devoted fans who would love the game even in "expanded Prologue" state. Also there are people who new to the franchise, who tried GT5P and after loving it wait for the "extended" version.

Even if GT was to fail to deliver us such heavily rumored features like weather effects, night/day cycle, livery editor or on-line championships/teams, I think it would still be a success, mildly hampered at worst.
Nope GT wont flop because there is Gran Turismo writen on the box. GT games will sell just by the name of it.
I would like to see what happens if they give the game another name, and let it be reviewed without telling it is a GT game.
Since as far as it looks now GT has to make up a lot to keep up with other race games. And i got the feeling they will have a hard time by doing so.
.... There is a huge, and I mean huge group of devoted fans who would love the game even in "expanded Prologue" state. Also there are people who new to the franchise, who tried GT5P and after loving it wait for the "extended" version.

I found this bit reminding me of my young brother who asked me when GT5P-2 was coming out. He didnt, and still doesnt, quite get that the complete final game isnt actually called 'prologue'. He initially thought it was something japanese meaning turbo.

...ah nevermind, i only just realised how difficult it is to explain what i mean.
Is it possible that it could be a flop? Yes. Will it? I am 99.999999999999999999999% sure it will not be. The amount of time and money invested in this game, compiled with it's huge fanbase assures a guaranteed success out the door.
So to sum up I don't think that GT5 or the GT franchise will flop, but I think that in future years the competition is going to be hot on there tail. Then there's the question of PC based simulators, which are already one step ahead in terms of physics...
This sums it up quite nicely. The good thing about all this competition is that we: the gamers have something to choose and developers must really show off to keep ahead. :) Most GT/FM fanboys don't realise that it's because of the competition that these games get better and better. The success of the FM and GT series has attracted at least one newcomer and I'm sure there will be more that want a share of the market.

As for PC-based sims: most major developers (save a few hardcore PC addicts) are targeting consoles first when releasing new things, PC is no longer their primary target.

Personally, I think GT5 will be great, but will it be the best? Maybe it will, maybe it won't. I certainly don't care, because I'll get it regardless. So it's not going to be a flop for me. :)
With all due respect, if you think the OP has a perfectly valid point, then god help these forums. When people come along and say that they won''t buy it if they don't improve the sounds, you think that's worth discussing? They haven't improved the sounds and the OP knows it.

Let him go buy Forza if he wants - going by some of his aggressive responses on here, he doens't give a crap about what anybody else thinks anyway.

Yea I do. I gave you my point of view. I will buy GT, as will I buy Forza. I am no fanboy of either, but it leans more to GT, because i've played all games since GT3. About the sounds, my point is if Kaz is brave enough to call himself a perfectionist. The sounds going to be perfect, right? Hmm, but the truth is sounds in gt never has been very good. Gt4 was especially bad. Do you really care about cars??? Lets say you bought a ferrari f430. Would you want it sound like a electric toothbrush, when everyone elses ferraris sounds like ferraris. What made me start this thread was when I saw that psp video. I wonder if gtpsp will reflect on gt5. That is not a good thing for me. Say what you want now
The PSP version is slimmed down as much as possible to be 1Gb or less. GT5 has no such restrictions.

To extrapolate content of one game from the other is sensible. To extrapolate the entire gaming experience is not.
I didn'd read through this thread since I'm in a hurry now. Just two points :

No I don't think it'll be a commercial flop, but there is a certain potential that I might be a little dissapointed. Probably not totally, but a little bit. But that's speculation, depends on the final product. Maybe after TGS I'll know more.
This sums it up quite nicely. The good thing about all this competition is that we: the gamers have something to choose and developers must really show off to keep ahead. :) Most GT/FM fanboys don't realise that it's because of the competition that these games get better and better. The success of the FM and GT series has attracted at least one newcomer and I'm sure there will be more that want a share of the market.

As for PC-based sims: most major developers (save a few hardcore PC addicts) are targeting consoles first when releasing new things, PC is no longer their primary target.

Personally, I think GT5 will be great, but will it be the best? Maybe it will, maybe it won't. I certainly don't care, because I'll get it regardless. So it's not going to be a flop for me. :)

PC and console gaming markets are two huge worlds apart. PC will attract more hardcore gamers, much higher use of on-line modes and modding. Consoles will attract more PnP gamers, who tend to play single and local multiplayer modes more than on-line modes.

You can see this in the difference between series like GT and FM and iracing, which is very hardcore and quite expensive.

As for the thread?

Don't think we can judge anything till we've played it, some of the feature announcements are getting me excited. PD have a big reputation and if they follow it up GT5 will be one of the greatest racing games ever. GT4 was excellent, GT5 will be better. I can't wait to see private rooms being utilised by GTPlanet.
Despite the game not having a release date, most UK retailers have it high up in the pre-order charts (Some even higher than Forza 3, which HAS a release date O.o)

I really can't see it flopping (Sales wise)
GTPSP is GTPSP its not GT5 for PSP.

On the strength of their track record, GT5 won't flop financially, it will sell millions, regardless if the game is "that much better" or even GOOD! So if it DOES flop in the gaming world, it would have already Thrived in the business world, which as we all know is the world that makes the world go round.

But if you played a 10% preview called Prologue for almost 2 years now, then you shouldn't be disappointed.
There's no single collection of cars and tracks and racing styles that can match the numbers, detail and depths of this game, not to mention being the pinnacle of every gaming system it's made for.

In short, no.
Holy cow! Bah. This is madness. GT is one of the highest selling, most acclaimed, most respected, most recognized, well designed, consistent, series ever made. Seriously, God forbid that we get to only take over 600 cars on some of the worlds most amazing racetracks and drive them to our hearts content. Honestly, wake up people. If you somehow find the GT series so lacking that you find the need to preemptively script its doom, then go on the seemingly greener pastures. The rest of us are very content on the field of dreams we call GT.
Forza is a hardcore simulation presented in the form of a game. There's nothing arcadey about it. It's physics and handling are just as accurate at gran turismo's. Maybe moreso.

Have I played Forza 2? That's a good one, I suggest you go and check the career/Exhibition leaderboards.

The physics on FM2 are arcadey and much easier than GT5P. Infact as I alternate between FM2 & GT5P I find FM2 teaches me very bad habits. For example on FM2 you don't have to worry about when to change gear as this makes little difference to your laptime, Worry about accelerating out of a turn to early because understeer doesn't excist. Infact all you have to do is brake, downshift, turn whereas on GT5P all of these require greater precision.

When you say the physics are even more realistic do you refer to those hovercraft Chevelles that dominate the leaderboards whilst remaining in the same gear. Anyone who says the physics of FM2 are better than GT5P either haven't a clue what their on about or find GT5P too difficult.

When you have logged as many hrs as me on FM2, GT5P then come back to me!!
What I worry about is GT Mobile is virtually identical to GT4 and is now recieving very mediocre reviews, while all we have seen of GT5 is the same old GT4/GT5P content, plus the addition of lacklustre damage.

By now I would have expected PD to demonstrate many new cars, the odd track and more features.

It's asking alot to expect PD to announce all the desired features at TGS considering how little the GT series has developed since GT1. While everyone desires a sophisticated damage model, weather, day/night cycles etc, you have to wonder if PD have fixed the basics like AI, engine sounds and online, which is by no means certain.
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And a 7 at Eurogamer. Reading the reviews showing no career mode has changed my mind on the purchase. I will stick with GT5 for the PS3, thanks.

That's crazy, and that IGN review is massively inept, no scratch that, retarded. You knew from the beginning it wasn't going to have a proper career mode. Kaz specifically said it was going to be mission-based. I swear, reviewers never take anything into account until people start shouting profane things at them. :lol:
Many don't agree with your experience Ivorbigun, but that is the joy of life. We all have our own opinions and experience.

That's crazy, and that IGN review is massively inept, no scratch that, retarded. You knew from the beginning it wasn't going to have a proper career mode. Kaz specifically said it was going to be mission-based.

No, actually, I didn't know. I guess it's my fault for assuming, instead of looking for articles that said it was mission based.
I see GTPSP as kind of a quick fix type of game. While on the road or on the bus or whatever. Its not meant to be a traditional game and to me that actually better because I actually only use my PSP in those situations.