Will Gran Turismo be a flop??

  • Thread starter Thenoozer
Many don't agree with your experience Ivorbigun, but that is the joy of life. We all have our own opinions and experience.

No, actually, I didn't know. I guess it's my fault for assuming, instead of looking for articles that said it was mission based.

Oh no, I wasn't directing that toward you at all, my apologies.

That was a generalization more so toward the IGN reviewer if anything, who's a huge GT fan but is somehow disappointed that a portable port is less...than...a full game. :odd:
Forza offers more than GT in a lot of categories. Not all though.

Indeed because FM3 still only has 8 players online, no weather, no night races, cartoony graphics, only 400 cars.

Infact do you know what im not bothering with GT5 and shall stick with FM3. Having the ability to rewind if I make a mistake or one button driving are features I especially want.:crazy:
This thread is absolutely stupid.

That post is absolutely useless. And I've already deleted a bunch of useless posts and issued Infractions and said I expect the discussion to remain on the posted topic.

So, what will it take?
Indeed because FM3 still only has 8 players online, no weather, no night races, cartoony graphics, only 400 cars.

Infact do you know what im not bothering with GT5 and shall stick with FM3. Having the ability to rewind if I make a mistake or one button driving are features I especially want.:crazy:

Is a flame war really necessary?
We all have our own opinions and experience.


Very true.

Still im willing to share my FM2 set ups and if someone wants to send me a friend request on PSN & 360 I would be more the willing to illustrate the differences.

I will give this advice to anyone wanting to participate in hotlapping on GT5P. DO NOT play FM2 lol. The other day I was hotlapping on GT5P around Fuji in the DB9 and I couldn't understand why I was struggling to slow my car down for the 1st turn. It turned out that I was downshifting too quickly. The timing of changing through the gears on FM2 makes no difference whatsoever.
Oh no, I wasn't directing that toward you at all, my apologies. That was a generalization more so toward the IGN reviewer if anything, who's a huge GT fan but is somehow disappointed that a portable port is less...than...a full game. :odd:

Gotcha, no worries. I am new to playing the franchise (though I have some years worth of research), and I hope the games (GT5 and GTPSP) are both FAR from a flop. It's a racing game, and we love racing. I bet everyone on this forum is going to buy GT5. Or at least 99.99% of us.

FM3 still only has cartoony graphics


Having the ability to rewind if I make a mistake or one button driving are features I especially want

I am sticking with GT for the bumper car physics. It's like a racing game and carnival all in one! :crazy::cool::cool:

But seriously, kidding aside the game is gonna rock...we already know that!
What I worry about is GT Mobile is virtually identical to GT4 and is now recieving very mediocre reviews, while all we have seen of GT5 is the same old GT4/GT5P content, plus the addition of lacklustre damage.

By now I would have expected PD to demonstrate many new cars, the odd track and more features.

It's asking alot to expect PD to announce all the desired features at TGS considering how little the GT series has developed since GT1. While everyone desires a sophisticated damage model, weather, day/night cycles etc, you have to wonder if PD have fixed the basics like AI, engine sounds and online, which is by no means certain.

Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but I have to say I strongly dissagree with the first part, when it seems to me you imply that GT5P is not a great evolution over GT4.

GT5P WAS a great evolution (almost a revolution) over GT4 concerning physics, and I must say this filled me with hope about what GT5 would become.

Now, I eagerly wait TGS. Hoping that all other areas where GT4 (and GT5P still) fell short have been changed.

I'm talking about what you say in the last paragraph of your quoted post. I totally agree with what you say there.
Have I played Forza 2? That's a good one, I suggest you go and check the career/Exhibition leaderboards.

The physics on FM2 are arcadey and much easier than GT5P. Infact as I alternate between FM2 & GT5P I find FM2 teaches me very bad habits. For example on FM2 you don't have to worry about when to change gear as this makes little difference to your laptime, Worry about accelerating out of a turn to early because understeer doesn't excist. Infact all you have to do is brake, downshift, turn whereas on GT5P all of these require greater precision.

When you say the physics are even more realistic do you refer to those hovercraft Chevelles that dominate the leaderboards whilst remaining in the same gear. Anyone who says the physics of FM2 are better than GT5P either haven't a clue what their on about or find GT5P too difficult.

When you have logged as many hrs as me on FM2, GT5P then come back to me!!

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself LOL

You don't have to worry about shifting, accelerating out of a corner or under-steer?

How many assists are you playing with? LOL

Maybe this is news to you but "Inside SIM Racing" did a head to head "GT5P vs Forza 2" and guess what? Forza 2 won. Not just overall, but it even won in the PHYSICS category.

Feel free to watch it.....


How could an "arcadey racer" beat GT5P in the Physics category? The answer is that there is nothing "arcadey" about Forza. Forza is a hardcore simulation.

Slinging your lies about Forza being "arcadey" you just embarrass yourself.
I think GT will be flop if PD not evolving..when i heard what forza producer says about GT i am agreed although i dont like that guy.PD i hope u all goes out from the cocoon & start evolve to make GT more interesting...not just add more cars..
How could an "arcadey racer" beat GT5P in the Physics category? The answer is that there is nothing "arcadey" about Forza. Forza is a hardcore simulation.

Slinging your lies about Forza being "arcadey" you just embarrass yourself.

Firstly, this thread has NOTHING TO DO WITH FORZA.

Secondly, I've played all iterations of Forza and GT and have been driving real cars for 15 years on road and track, and I think FM2's physics are about on a par with GT2 with regards to how closely they approach reality - the most faithful being GT5P (though still requiring some tweaking). Am I a liar too?
Firstly, this thread has NOTHING TO DO WITH FORZA.

Secondly, I've played all iterations of Forza and GT and have been driving real cars for 15 years on road and track, and I think FM2's physics are about on a par with GT2 with regards to how closely they approach reality - the most faithful being GT5P (though still requiring some tweaking). Am I a liar too?

Why are you quoting my post asthough I am the one who keeps bringing up Forza in this thread?

If someone is pedaling lies about Forza I'm gonna call them on it. I would do the exact same thing if I saw someone pedaling lies about Gran Turismo.

"Someone" brings up Forza in a GT thread for no other reason that to bash it, spread lies and you say nothing. But when I correct the person for lying about Forza you ask "ME" why "I" keep bringing it up? Please.
Maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but I have to say I strongly dissagree with the first part, when it seems to me you imply that GT5P is not a great evolution over GT4.

GT5P WAS a great evolution (almost a revolution) over GT4 concerning physics, and I must say this filled me with hope about what GT5 would become.

Now, I eagerly wait TGS. Hoping that all other areas where GT4 (and GT5P still) fell short have been changed.

I'm talking about what you say in the last paragraph of your quoted post. I totally agree with what you say there.
GT5P was a leap forward in terms of physics, graphics and the cockpit view, I'm just wondering if this is going to be all GT5 offers, plus damage and more cars/tracks.

GT1 was a revolutionary game, but since then it's been more of the same. I'd like GT5 to have as big an impact as GT1, rather than it being labelled as 'just' GT4 with better physics, damage and graphics.

Imagine the impact if PD demonstrated weather and day/night cycles at TGS, combined with damage that would make GT5 the complete package, PD could then concentrate on providing car/track DLC as the core game would be sorted.
Firstly, this thread has NOTHING TO DO WITH FORZA.

In all fairness, it wasn't sim who brought up Forza.

Secondly, I've played all iterations of Forza and GT and have been driving real cars for 15 years on road and track, and I think FM2's physics are about on a par with GT2 with regards to how closely they approach reality - the most faithful being GT5P (though still requiring some tweaking). Am I a liar too?[/color][/b]

I really wish my PS3 could play PS2 games so I could buy GT4, which was the best selling racing game in the history of racers. That was no flop. I wouldn't mind checking out GT2 though, as my PS3 supports PS1 games.
Stop, you're embarrassing yourself LOL

You don't have to worry about shifting, accelerating out of a corner or under-steer?

How many assists are you playing with? LOL

Maybe this is news to you but "Inside SIM Racing" did a head to head "GT5P vs Forza 2" and guess what? Forza 2 won. Not just overall, but it even won in the PHYSICS category.

Feel free to watch it.....


How could an "arcadey racer" beat GT5P in the Physics category? The answer is that there is nothing "arcadey" about Forza. Forza is a hardcore simulation.

Slinging your lies about Forza being "arcadey" you just embarrass yourself.
I've already seen that video and if I was honest I thought Inside sim were talking utter nonsense.

Anyway im tired of talking about the physics because we are all different and have different opinions. I just find GT5P physics far more difficult especially when hotlapping and this difficulty makes it more rewarding. When I pop onto FM2 it takes me about 10mins to get back up to speed after taking a break but on GT5P it takes me hrs to get back up to speed. The physics engine on FM2 makes the cars feel to light with no sense of weight. If I mess up my racing line on one of the turns on say Fuji then im likely to be screwed for the next turn. This isn't a problem with FM2 due to the quick (arcade) handling.

Still there isn't any right or wrong because this argument is like asking which is better a Big Mac or a Whooper. Out of all the console racing games I found RacePro to have the best physics. Still on FM3 the cars are mean't to feel more connected to the road and heavier which is what was needed.

I just want to get back to my "cartoony FM3 graphics" comment I made earlier. This is actually related to why GT5 won't be a flop. The FM3 graphics are stunning but not in a realistic way. You watch any FM3 video and you instantly know this is a video game. Now with the footage of GT5 from gamescom this isn't the case and especially on the replays you have to double check if its real or not. Photo realistic graphics is the next step in gaming aswell as 3D and GT5 looks likely to produce photo realistic graphics. Now for me graphics aren't actually the most important but for some gamers it is. This is another reason why GT5 won't be a flop.
I've already seen that video and if I was honest I thought Inside sim were talking utter nonsense.

Anyway im tired of talking about the physics because we are all different and have different opinions. I just find GT5P physics far more difficult especially when hotlapping and this difficulty makes it more rewarding. When I pop onto FM2 it takes me about 10mins to get back up to speed after taking a break but on GT5P it takes me hrs to get back up to speed. The physics engine on FM2 makes the cars feel to light with no sense of weight. If I mess up my racing line on one of the turns on say Fuji then im likely to be screwed for the next turn. This isn't a problem with FM2 due to the quick (arcade) handling.

Still there isn't any right or wrong because this argument is like asking which is better a Big Mac or a Whooper. Out of all the console racing games I found RacePro to have the best physics. Still on FM3 the cars are mean't to feel more connected to the road and heavier which is what was needed.

I just want to get back to my "cartoony FM3 graphics" comment I made earlier. This is actually related to why GT5 won't be a flop. The FM3 graphics are stunning but not in a realistic way. You watch any FM3 video and you instantly know this is a video game. Now with the footage of GT5 from gamescom this isn't the case and especially on the replays you have to double check if its real or not. Photo realistic graphics is the next step in gaming aswell as 3D and GT5 looks likely to produce photo realistic graphics. Now for me graphics aren't actually the most important but for some gamers it is. This is another reason why GT5 won't be a flop.

Yeah, I won't be talking with you about this anymore.
Will sound silly asking this but has GT5 been confirmed to have a career mode like last console GT games?

GT mobile is getting it from the back for not having online and career mode.
seriously what a retarded thread. sony in trouble? they just sold half a million ps3s in a week. and they have more games than GT and GOW. And when did gran tursimo ever turned out to be a flop? both from a review scale and sales wise as well?

i lost a few brain cells reading the OP posts and the subsequent posts. Sometimes i wonder if the mods take some sort of sick pleasure watching the pandemonium that ensues.

nice bait worthy thread this is
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seriously what a retarded thread. sony in trouble? they just sold have a million ps3s in a week. and they have more games than GT and GOW. And when did gran tursimo ever turned out to be a flop? both from a review scale and sales wise as well?

Maybe his reasoning is flawed - and it almost certainly is (Sony relying on just 2 games? Lolwut?) - but the point is still worth discussing.

The point is that PD can't simply rely on GT4 turned up a bit. Other games have lots of other features people like and, ultimately, people buy what they like. If GT5 is just a prettier version of GT4 with some more cars, people won't be impressed. Sales of GT5 might not be affected much, but it'll certainly affect the sales of GT6...

i lost a few brain cells reading the OP posts and the subsequent posts. Sometimes i wonder if the mods take some sort of sick pleasure watching the pandemonium that ensues.

nice bait worthy thread this is

If it were flamebait, I'd have closed it. There is a point worth discussing in there.

There's also a world of difference between something which is flamebait and something which is used as an excuse to flame.
If it were flamebait, I'd have closed it. There is a point worth discussing in there.

There's also a world of difference between something which is flamebait and something which is used as an excuse to flame.


you do realise the first part of his sentence itself gives him away? sony is in trouble. has only two games GT and GOW? c'mon seriously, you know full well that this poster had no intention but to flame people.

oh and people are flaming gt psp because it has no career mode and online. you think GT5 will suffer from the same problem. Or will be just gt4 in hd?
anyways its your call.
seriously what a retarded thread. sony in trouble? they just sold have a million ps3s in a week. and they have more games than GT and GOW. And when did gran tursimo ever turned out to be a flop? both from a review scale and sales wise as well?

i lost a few brain cells reading the OP posts and the subsequent posts. Sometimes i wonder if the mods take some sort of sick pleasure watching the pandemonium that ensues.

nice bait worthy thread this is

Just because previous GT's didn't flop doesn't mean that GT5 will not. The thread starter asked a pretty straight forward question for people to discuss. There are a number of factors that could cause GT5 to flop, as discussed in this thread.

You also have to determine what would class GT5 as a flop, less sales than GT4? Less sales than FM3? Lack of features. There's plenty to discuss.
Gran Turismo 5 is not going to be a flop.

1) Major fanbase and millions of pre-orders.
2) GT has never been a flop.
3) First full GT game on the PS3.
4) More online options for racing. Private matches etc..

Number 4 being the most important IMO, because if you have a good online game it is attractive to play for people for a long while. If GT5 will have some good online compotition, it maybe even be good for LAN's and this kind of stuff. Just look at CoD4 vs CoD5, these are both good games, but CoD5 just doesn't have the online capability of CoD4. Even CoD2 is still being played or even better example is Counter Strike 1.6.

I can hardly imagine that the career mode will be a flop, it has never let me down. If they get online play correct I could be really major. :D
you do realise the first part of his sentence itself gives him away?

Wait, you mean that part I quoted in the last post? The bit where I said "his reasoning is flawed ... but the point is still worth discussing"?

you know full well that this poster had no intention but to flame people.

Please do not presume you have any inkling at all of the contents of my head. You do not.

If I knew full well that this was a flame thread it would not have remained open. As I said before, there is a world of difference between a flamebait thread - one created with the intent of angering people - and a thread people use as an excuse to start flaming.

oh and people are flaming gt psp because it has no career mode and online. you think GT5 will suffer from the same problem. Or will be just gt4 in hd?

What are you talking about?

Oh, and to quote myself yet again...

Can we discuss the subject posed, please?

Thenoozer raises a perfectly valid point. If you feel you can't discuss it, find another thread to pique your interest.

Last warning.
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I'm not exactly sure what your asking, to me the word "flop" means a complete financial failure but your unreasonable comments about GTPSP & suggestion that GT5 could be a polished version of GT4 makes it seem like your asking will GT5 be rubbish? To which the answer is no, it will once again firmly claim its place as the ultimate racing game and the yard stick for which all racing games will be compared.

Or if you are asking will GT5 be a financial failure? No I don't think it is possible for the most successful racing series in history to do so badly although if it is released early 2010 it won't be anywhere near as successful as it would be if it was released before Christmas.
I do agree that GT PSP looks like GT4 with like 2 new cars and GT5 is looking that way aswell...

all the cars are old, no new race cars, we still got the same JGTC cars from 2002, same DTM cars.... i really hope its much better than what im expecting... and ive been a diehard fan since the beginning.
“Will Gran Turismo be a flop??” First of all, what is noozer’s definition of flop? A game that lets him down? glitches? A game that doesn’t sell as much as Forza?

The only valid point brought up is lack of innovation in format and concerns about sound. These assumptions are loosely based off an intro video to a portable game.

This thread is flame bait. All of this has been discussed before. I think the title of this thread should have been “do you think gt5 will disappoint?” in which case there is already a thread about this here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=119753 and it contains all of our concerns about what gt5 will or will not do without the spin.

Thenoozer made his intentions known when he basically said let’s “start and angry discussion.” Let’s not kid ourselves and fall into a trap. In terms of sales Prologue was by no means a "flop". GTPSP will not be a “flop”. GT5 will not be a "flop".

EDIT: Just read the IGN score for psp.. Dissapointing? Yes. Flop? Doubt it.
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bottom line if you have both an 360 and ps3 , you're going to play both games if only to compare.With PDs standards,damage on the forza scale means we wont have the game until 2013.

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