Will Gran Turismo be a flop??

  • Thread starter Thenoozer
Your point doesnt make sense..

To those with time constraints only allowing them to put in a few hours, wouldnt it be better if those hours were spent immersing themselves in a realistic sim, replicating the experience of actually driving that car realistically.

Rather than wasting time on 'fun gameplay'.. I know which most would choose
Your point doesnt make sense..

To those with time constraints only allowing them to put in a few hours, wouldnt it be better if those hours were spent immersing themselves in a realistic sim, replicating the experience of actually driving that car realistically.

Rather than wasting time on 'fun gameplay'.. I know which most would choose

It makes perfect sense. Imagine this...

Game comes out. You only have 2 hours a week to play it. If it was a hardcore sim, you wouldn't enjoy the game for the first year at all, because you're unable to put in some decent laps. And this brings you down and makes you disappointed.

If it was a more arcadish game, you wouldn't have to spend much time to get used to the driving. This would allow you to start enjoying racing from the start. The result is happier customer, who would buy the next sequel as well.
Whats decent laps have to mean..

A decent lap for me could be, actually realistic handling of say a dodge viper something i'll never get to drive in my lifetime, yet the game actually puts me inside that car and i actually feel an exact immersive replica of that, yeah i'll spin out alot, and yea i wont hit every apex but its the feel of the drive not the laptimes.

I'm sure alot of people will also tell you they'd rather feel this than be able to put in in-accurate arcadey laptimes which would mean nothing
Well, the same could be asked about all the other racing games. I just got NFS shift today and I have to say that it is a major change from Need For speed as i remember from playing pro street(I skipped undercover because i was told it was horrible) But anyways to my point, You can't go into a game expecting it to have what you want because then you will be disappointed about it and then in turn make a thread here in the gt5 section complaining that the feature you wanted isn't in the game because all of you are speculating on what gt5 will have. Instead of the game being a surprise now, it will be a pure speculatory entry into the game and disappointment will ooze from those who speculated too much. Damage in 170 cars, 1000 cars in the game, 20 tracks with 60 variations(which really i think its the other way around 60 tracks with 20 of them being variations) including Tokyo R246 are all we pretty much know about this game. It will only be a flop to those who speculated way too much about the game without actually knowing what the game will definitely have. I Know I won't be disappointed at all because i will enjoy the hell out of it either way whether others like it or not. And Why is that? Because speculation destroys whats good in games, Surprises. Like saying "oh i didn't expect that to be here" or "Wow this game is better than people have said" Or "wow, this game has this track?"
So for me it won't be a flop. You all have your opinions and may share them as much as you want. But some people in this forum drill their opinions into us like if they were facts. Just wait until GT5 comes out. Watch later on this week there will be maybe 5 to 10 more threads here on more speculation. Then when TGS comes about, there will probably be more people disappointed or happy and will make more threads to complain or praise things about what they didn't get or what isn't in the game that they wanted that wasn't ever confirmed and was through pure word of mouth from an unreliable source in the first place and vice versa.
and again WAIT TIL GT5 COMES OUT!!!
Haven't been here for awhile but I was very bored so what the hell. :D Been chuckling to myself reading through some of the posts in this thread. I don't think GT5 will flop as far as sales goes but if the game doesn't live up to half the expectations and is nothing more than a prettier GT4 with a couple more contents then you can be damn sure GT6 will FLOP big time if it follows the same route.

If that happens then you will see a huge shift over to the Forza series and their sales will skyrocket. As for GT5 and Forza 3. I strongly believe that GT5 will outsell Forza 3 at a 4:1 ratio.
Well, the same could be asked about all the other racing games. I just got NFS shift today and I have to say that it is a major change from Need For speed as i remember from playing pro street(I skipped undercover because i was told it was horrible) But anyways to my point, You can't go into a game expecting it to have what you want because then you will be disappointed about it and then in turn make a thread here in the gt5 section complaining that the feature you wanted isn't in the game because all of you are speculating on what gt5 will have. Instead of the game being a surprise now, it will be a pure speculatory entry into the game and disappointment will ooze from those who speculated too much. Damage in 170 cars, 1000 cars in the game, 20 tracks with 60 variations(which really i think its the other way around 60 tracks with 20 of them being variations) including Tokyo R246 are all we pretty much know about this game. It will only be a flop to those who speculated way too much about the game without actually knowing what the game will definitely have. I Know I won't be disappointed at all because i will enjoy the hell out of it either way whether others like it or not. And Why is that? Because speculation destroys whats good in games, Surprises. Like saying "oh i didn't expect that to be here" or "Wow this game is better than people have said" Or "wow, this game has this track?"
So for me it won't be a flop. You all have your opinions and may share them as much as you want. But some people in this forum drill their opinions into us like if they were facts. Just wait until GT5 comes out. Watch later on this week there will be maybe 5 to 10 more threads here on more speculation. Then when TGS comes about, there will probably be more people disappointed or happy and will make more threads to complain or praise things about what they didn't get or what isn't in the game that they wanted that wasn't ever confirmed and was through pure word of mouth from an unreliable source in the first place and vice versa.
and again WAIT TIL GT5 COMES OUT!!!
Wise said, my friend! I totally agree with what you wrote!
GT5 won't flop, never, there is too much passion in this game from KY and all the other developers. And every GT-Fan will buy GT5 on the first day.
About GTPSP: Gosh, even if it is a GT4 with a few more cars it's brilliant! It is on a PSP, pratically has the same graphics as GT4, has more cars than GT4 and has cockpit view, but some people keep on complaining about everything they don't like and that's very sad. This is a GT-Forum, and (almost) everyone here is a GT-Fan and everyone in this Forum likes GT in a way. But obviously there are some black sheep here who simply don't understand that the developers aren't almighty and there also are good things about these games, but they only watch about the bad things and don't thank to KY that he has made some of the best games in history.
And, as you said, these people who are expecting too much, well, it's their fault if they believe that GT5 will be perfect. People, forget that, GT5 won't be perfect. Also Forza 3 won't be perfect (very probably by far less perfect than GT5). Shift isn't perfect either. So stop think things as high as skycrapers and return to the ground of reality.
As we all know, it doesnt goes very well for Sony, and they rely on 2 games to hit the market as far as I know. It is gran turismo and god of war. But what happens if gran turismo flops? I just saw that gt psp video and i almost puked. It is gt4 with bugatti ( A bugatti that sounded like crap). If they havent improved the sounds etc I wont buy it. Likewise if its a upscaled gran turismo 4. They must renew their concept. Because that concept doesnt work anymore, because we have forza, nfs and some more simulationbased games. But I really hold my thumbs for gran turismo and i wish it "cleans the carpet" (swedish proverb), with its competitors. Here you get some material of my points to start an angry discussion :D, hehe.

Sorry, but you point is not valid, anyone who has played GT5 Prologue know's this. I take it from your comment on an upscaled GT4 you haven't?
A few people across the forums here have stated that they believe this to be the case and more than enough have suggested that its a strong indicator.

Well I stand corrected then.

However as you seem happy to dismiss review scores, I would ask what exactly you would suggest I use instead to illustrate that GTPSP is not the first GT title to gain 'average' reviews?

I am not saying what the best way to find an average review score is, I am saying the metric is not necessarily a useful one to examine.

As I have already listed the GT games that did not have a career mode (GT:Concept, GT4:P and GT5:P), so either you haven't actually played 'all the GTs' or you found hidden career modes in them that no one else did.

I consider those both to be sort of demos or tasters and not full games, especially GT4P as it was followed up by the full GT4 (including career mode).
As we all know, it doesnt goes very well for Sony, and they rely on 2 games to hit the market as far as I know. It is gran turismo and god of war. But what happens if gran turismo flops? I just saw that gt psp video and i almost puked. It is gt4 with bugatti ( A bugatti that sounded like crap). If they havent improved the sounds etc I wont buy it. Likewise if its a upscaled gran turismo 4. They must renew their concept. Because that concept doesnt work anymore, because we have forza, nfs and some more simulationbased games. But I really hold my thumbs for gran turismo and i wish it "cleans the carpet" (swedish proverb), with its competitors. Here you get some material of my points to start an angry discussion :D, hehe.

NO, GT hasnt flopped yet and i dont think it ever will.
I am not saying what the best way to find an average review score is, I am saying the metric is not necessarily a useful one to examine.
Members are discussing that GTPSP gets an 'average' score and that its an indicate of 'doom' for GT5, given that review scores from across the series are a valid point of discussion.

Is it an ideal metric? No of course not, but I would love to know exacly what other mesurable factor is to be used instead (particularly when people are already using review scores in the discusion).

I consider those both to be sort of demos or tasters and not full games, especially GT4P as it was followed up by the full GT4 (including career mode).
They were all retail products and the 'its just a demo' get out I don't personally accept.

You had to buy them, they carried the GT brand, they got reviewed and they didn't have a career mode.


GT Concept is one of my all time favourite games and I only played career mode on GT3 & 4 to unlock cars for arcade mode tiime trial. Seems I'm minority here, but I know many of my friends did the same...
If GT continue going further away from what it used to be ( = easy to access with actual PS controller ) it will be a flop sooner or later.
Just my 2 c.

Sorry for my english, it's late here. :)
The other aspect of GT5 that might be criticized is the physics engine. Now don't get me wrong I loved GT5P physics but I know many people who found it too difficult especially using the pad. I know its rumoured that GT5 will have a new physics engine and im wondering if this will be slightly toned down compared to GT5P.

Toned down? We need it toned way up. It's already lacking. I suspect they are going to make drastic improvements with the GT5 final.
Even though they historically generate massive sales, PD do sometimes seem very concerned with making the game accessible, even if it's at the complete expense of the series' most faithful, longest-standing fans. We'll just have to wait to see if GT5 accommodates veteran and new players alike. I'd be heartbroken if they ditch GT mode, but I don't think they will. Visually, the game looks so good, and with 1000 cars, it's mass appeal will be great. I seriously can't see it flopping, even if it disappoints a lot of us, it's going to be mega successful.
I do agree that GT PSP looks like GT4 with like 2 new cars and GT5 is looking that way aswell...

all the cars are old, no new race cars, we still got the same JGTC cars from 2002, same DTM cars.... i really hope its much better than what im expecting... and ive been a diehard fan since the beginning.

How does GT 5 look like that? GT5P launched 4 cars on it's demo the same weekend they were launched at the Tokyo Motor Show in real life (a Lexus IF, a Mazda, Subaru WRX hatchback and another car.) They also introduced Ferrari to GT for the first time as well as new models released such as Ferrari California, Citroen GT and Lotus Evora.

To further that no confirmed list has been evenly vaguely released, other than maybe the ability to swap cars from GT PSP to GT5 but even that leaves around another 200 cars to be added to what's already known.

Add NASCAR, Lamborghini, Maserati (I believe could be wrong on that one), and Bugatti and it hardly looks like GT4 rehashed.
Toned down? We need it toned way up. It's already lacking. I suspect they are going to make drastic improvements with the GT5 final.

Depends if your a wheel or pad user.

For the average gamer who uses a pad I feel GT5P type physics would put them off compared to FM2s much easier pick up and play physics engine.

Part of this reason is actually down to the dreadful PS3 controller because this really is crap compared to the 360 controller. Also as I felt FM2 physics felt floaty as though your driving on a cushion of air. However on GT5P I felt some cars were the exact opposite and the amount of understeer would put some people off.

If anyone is wondering what im on about go and drive the Ferrari F50GT on FM2 and note how twitchy the steering is. As FM2 suffered from a general lack of understeer and no sensation of weight, on GT5P the opposite is true. So what im saying is standard physics need to be toned down a little to welcome the non hardcore racers.
Tone down the standard physics? That would be for 3 yrs old kids, wouldn't it?:sly:

I personally like the physics engine as it is. However im thinking of pad users and general arcade racers.

Its simple what im saying. Keep the professional settings as they are but on standard make these slightly more arcade i.e Forza, less understeer, easier to turn into the corners.
I thought Standard physics were pretty easy already the way it is set up in GT5P. Anymore dumbed down and it would be bordering NFS. I've played the Standard physics with both my G25 and the PS3 controller and have absolutely no problem controlling the cars around the tracks. I think Standard physics is fine the way it is and Professional physics should be turned up even more.