Will Gran Turismo be a flop??

  • Thread starter Thenoozer
I doubt it will flop. Will it fail to meet expectations? I'm sure it will fail to meet most of the GT fans in the world, considering only here there were made many threads about possible features of the games I highly doubt PD will implement. In fact, there's a high chance it will fail to meet mine. All I want is GT4's cars, tracks, and Photomodes locations, and tuning features, and GT5:P's physics and graphics. Anything beyond that is a very welcomed bonus to me.
I doubt it will flop. Will it fail to meet expectations? I'm sure it will fail to meet most of the GT fans in the world, considering only here there were made many threads about possible features of the games I highly doubt PD will implement. In fact, there's a high chance it will fail to meet mine. All I want is GT4's cars, tracks, and Photomodes locations, and tuning features, and GT5:P's physics and graphics. Anything beyond that is a very welcomed bonus to me.

+1 👍

This is exactly what i think.
I am from Sweden. My english is not perfect. I meant little of both, cus one leads to the other.

I know what you’re saying, a good game will obviously sell better than a bad one, but with a brand as strong as Gran Turismo, GT5 could be absolute rubbish but it will still sell in the millions.

On the other hand it could be amazing, with all the features everyone is dreaming of but with current PS3 sales if GT5 sells just a quarter of what GT3 sold that would make it the PS3's best selling full game, because of this Sony & PD must be desperate to get more PS3's sold so with the new PS3 recently launched, if GT5 is released before Christmas that would massively boost PS3 sales, if PD misses this opportunity they & Sony will loose out on a fair few sales, thats the only way I can imagine any kind of financial failure.
Well with the PSP reviews hitting pretty hard, it just weighs more on my skeptical side about all the lack of info we have... the heavy handed way KY has chosen to leave out career mode in PSP because of how he thinks people will play the PSP? So he just leavse out all those people who don't do it just like he imagines it? I think that was a poor move and I am worried about what he thinks we want, vs what we want.

I continually hope I am wrong, but if GT5 shows any of the lack of rational reasoning that lead to GTPSP being crippled with no career mode... well I think we may be in for a surprise. If they can justify leaving out career mode for PSP, it really makes me fear whether the assumption they couldn't possibly release GT5 with only 20 tracks, or no damage at all on the majority of it's cars is solid.

I don't even have to play GTPSP to know that it's a flop in my book. To be fair I had a high bar set for it being as it carries the GT monicker and I thought I knew what to expect... but apparently not. It's still giong to be a gorgeous PSP game, and I will be taking it for a spin no doubt, but it's not the winner I thought it would be for sure.

Let's let this be a reminder, past performance is not an indicator of future success... the GT name isn't a garauntee of anything.
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Well with the PSP reviews hitting pretty hard, it just weighs more on my skeptical side about all the lack of info we have... the heavy handed way KY has chosen to leave out career mode in PSP because of how he thinks people will play the PSP? So he just leavse out all those people who don't do it just like he imagines it? I think that was a poor move and I am worried about what he thinks we want, vs what we want.

I continually hope I am wrong, but if GT5 shows any of the lack of rational reasoning that lead to GTPSP being crippled with no career mode... well I think we may be in for a surprise. If they can justify leaving out career mode for PSP, it really makes me fear whether the assumption they couldn't possibly release GT5 with only 20 tracks, or no damage at all on the majority of it's cars is solid.

I don't even have to play GTPSP to know that it's a flop in my book. To be fair I had a high bar set for it being as it carries the GT monicker and I thought I knew what to expect... but apparently not. It's still giong to be a gorgeous PSP game, and I will be taking it for a spin no doubt, but it's not the winner I thought it would be for sure.

Let's let this be a reminder, past performance is not an indicator of future success... the GT name isn't a garauntee of anything.

Exactly, after GTPSP who knows what they could miss out...
I can't imagine how gt5 would exceed my expectations for a game half a decade in the making. PD has wasted a whole bunch of time with this title. And GT games are never really *that* great are they? Sure they're the standard console racers are measured against, but they never seem to live up to their hype--though they do tend to push graphics beyond everybody else, but that's not really my priority.

But it won't flop in sales. It's Gran Turismo and everybody will buy it no matter what it's like. Hell look at all the people who bought prologue fully knowing it wasn't really a proper gran turismo.
and what's my alternative? Buying a 360, a fanatec wheel and a copy of Forza 3? Maybe if the competition wasn't on hardware that overheated to the point of reflow, and maybe if the makers of forza had decided to support pc wheels. But that's just not the case.

no, we're stuck playing gt5 for sure. I'm sure we could do far worse.
A commercial flop? No chance.

A critical flop? Possible, particularly given the information we have on it currently. If it was to be released with what we think we know now, 20 tracks, 1000 cars, 170 damageable cars and an odd damage implementation I think it would rightly generate poor reviews. Look at GTPSP, we knew stuff about it, what people didn't know was that that was ALL they were getting.

GT5 needs something to distinguish itself. It needs something unique and unexpected, that makes people go "Oh my god, that's amazing. How the hell did they do that?" In my opinion, this is what made GT1 and 2 so great. They exceeded expectations of what was possible at the time. At the moment, GT5 appears to be a very pretty but unspectacular racing game. If it didn't have the GT name, it wouldn't be considered any better or worse than any of the other offerings.

Fingers crossed for TGS.
Few seriously believe GT5 will be a commercial flop, but it could take a critical savaging if it turns out that much of the content is updated GT4 stuff.

Now obviously many of the tracks will be similar, but as someone mentioned earlier, what isn't acceptable, after all this time, is to see the same 2001/2002 era JGTC, DTM etc. cars once again, they've been doing the rounds since GT2/GT3.

Show me a 2009 DTM Mercedes C-Class at Brands Hatch or a 2009 LMP1 Acura at Mosport, anything but the same old Tsukuba track, Penzoil Nissan Skyline GT-R and Castrol Toyota Supra!

As I said previously, PD need to show a huge amount at TGS if they are going to match expectations, when was the last time PD showed so much at a single event?
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It's next to impossible for it to be a flop, even if the game was crap.
It's built up such a large fan base, and has made it's self a house hold name in the video game world. It's like GTA, you'll buy it anyway regardless of what the reviews say, simply because it's the next installment in the series.
GT i think is the kind of game that most people that don't have an interest in cars or racing wouldn't buy. In a way it's a kind of niche game, but it's such a large niche that it can't be anything but successful.
I don't think it's the kind of game that say someone who had never heared of Gran turismo and is not a car fanatic, would pick off the shelf and think this looks like a good game. I know many people with PS3's that wouldn't even want to buy gran tursimo, likewise i know many car fanatics that do.
I wouldn't put it up there in the popularity stakes in line with COD and GTA but for the market it's aiming at, it can't be anything but successful.
The trouble with GT is it's always building up so much hype but often fails to meet peoples expectations. If it was the kind of genre of game where Joe bloggs would pickit off the shelf and think this looks fun, then it's quality will blow most people away, but since a large proportion of GT buyers will be fans, the game has always being under strong pressure to achieve. Sony and Kaz blag so much about the game, but release little info, this keeps expectations lingering for such an extent that it pi***es people off when these expectations are not met. Even though GT has more cars than any other video game, it is probably the most criticised racing game for lacking particular cars people want. I think acheiving Kaz's dream is a long way off, the series will probably be axed before he achieves it. Gt is still the same game it was years ago, it gives the same atmosphere and excitement of past GT games that were 1% as sophisticated technically. This formula will only go on for so long. I mean look at GTA, i'm bored of the series now, although it is 10x more complex than Vice city was, the latest installment has not gave me anywhere near as much fun, a few of my friends also agree. Things wear off, people get bored of the same thing after a while. Even girlfriends:P
As much fun as i'm having with NFS: Shift atm with the intensity in-ten-cities cockpit view, it doesnt come close the the fulfillment i get with GT5: Prologue. Prologue gives me the feeling of accomplishment of buying that new car like every GT before it.

That feeling is unmatched (i've played PC sims), GT just has a golden formula that is, is just the bees-knees.

With the amazing sales of the "demo" (which has more cars then most full games out today), it is hard to imagine one of the greatest selling franchises in gaming history to flop.
Whether reviews come in good or bad, i will be buying this game! Will this game flop, i hardly think so. If GT5 Prologue sold almost four million copies, GT5 will double or triple that!
The argument that because GTPSP doesn't have a career mode then neither will GT5 is in itself flawed.

GTPSP is not the first GT title to gain 'average' reviews, nor is it the first to lack a career mode. These two points can be applied directly to the following GT titles (complete with the Metacritic scores).

GT Concept - 74
GT4 Prologue - 70
GT5 Prologue - 80

And to complete the picture GT PSP is currently running at a score of 79 on Metacritic.

As you can see neither of these is a first for the GT series and keep in mind that both GT Concept and GT4 Prologue came out before GT4 did. The lack of career mode in both these titles didn't see in it removed from GT4, as such I don't see teh lack of career mode in GT5 Prologue and GTPSP indicating it removal from GT5.

A good few people need to actually stop and look at the actual trends that have occured over the series, rather than presuming.

Oh and with my mod hat on, the next person that ignores the AUP, in particular this bit....

No slang words that promote laziness, ie; “r”, “u”, “plz”, etc. will be tolerated. Decent grammar is expected, including proper usage of capital letters. Repeated violations will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the forums. All messages must be posted in English.

....is getting an infraction.

if gt5 will be a gt4 with ps3 grafic with nothing more, i think they will flop really...
not for me, but for many person it will be so..

Well gamers are so much more picky now days. :| I hate gaming hypocrisy now days... GT3 was just GT2 with PS2 graphics only COMPLETELY downgraded with less cars and less tracks, but everyone praised it. I feel like I'm the only one who disliked it from the get go.

GT5 will be so much more than GT4 though and we already know it.
The argument that because GTPSP doesn't have a career mode then neither will GT5 is in itself flawed.

GTPSP is not the first GT title to gain 'average' reviews, nor is it the first to lack a career mode. These two points can be applied directly to the following GT titles (complete with the Metacritic scores).

GT Concept - 74
GT4 Prologue - 70
GT5 Prologue - 80

And to complete the picture GT PSP is currently running at a score of 79 on Metacritic.

As you can see neither of these is a first for the GT series and keep in mind that both GT Concept and GT4 Prologue came out before GT4 did. The lack of career mode in both these titles didn't see in it removed from GT4, as such I don't see teh lack of career mode in GT5 Prologue and GTPSP indicating it removal from GT5.

A good few people need to actually stop and look at the actual trends that have occured over the series, rather than presuming.

I don't think anyone is assuming GT5 won't have a career mode, but what I was saying was that considering GTPSP, I just think it adds credence to the argument that just because it caries the GT name, doesn't garauntee it will be great.

BTW review numbers can be very misleading, especially if they represent an average of other parts of the game.

I mean a game with great video, great sound, and solid controls can still be crap if the story is weak.

If people honestly don't feel that missing career mode is a big deal, then for them the game will probably be great. But for those of us who invested significant time in career mode in all the GTs, I think our personal experiences will be on the low end of the scale.

you do realise the first part of his sentence itself gives him away? sony is in trouble. has only two games GT and GOW? c'mon seriously, you know full well that this poster had no intention but to flame people.

oh and people are flaming gt psp because it has no career mode and online. you think GT5 will suffer from the same problem. Or will be just gt4 in hd?
anyways its your call.

Hahaha, no not at all. But some people tend to "love" companies for more than healthy :P. Ok here it goes. Sony doesnt have their glory days excatly, they dont sell as much stuff, (tv's,radio's,ps3,s etc) as they used to. The ps3consol is far from, as popular as ps1 and ps2. Xbox360 is selling a heck lot more consoles, but the big winner is Nintento. Then i'am coming to our beloved game gt5 (GOW3 aswell). I wonder if you think gt5 will be so good it will "save" Sony. Will it financially flop? probably no, but if they dont renew the concept, maybe gt series will take damage for the future.

And im no fanboy of either, so please stop whining

yes it will flop thenoozer! please do not buy it, I don't want to race online with muppets

Haha, im surely going to buy the game. And watch out, i ruled in the ford gt at fuji. Even the gang that always drove GTR's never won :P
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I think this quote sums up best GT5 at the moment and i have a gut feeling it`s really close to the truth :nervous:

A commercial flop? No chance.

A critical flop? Possible, particularly given the information we have on it currently. If it was to be released with what we think we know now, 20 tracks, 1000 cars, 170 damageable cars and an odd damage implementation I think it would rightly generate poor reviews.
If there is one aspect of GT5 that the reviewers might criticize is the online aspect of the game. These days a majority of major titles come with a wealth of online features i.e Forza 2. Now just having private rooms will not be enough for GT5 and I sincerely hope this isn't the case.

The other aspect of GT5 that might be criticized is the physics engine. Now don't get me wrong I loved GT5P physics but I know many people who found it too difficult especially using the pad. I know its rumoured that GT5 will have a new physics engine and im wondering if this will be slightly toned down compared to GT5P.
Maybe his reasoning is flawed - and it almost certainly is (Sony relying on just 2 games? Lolwut?) - but the point is still worth discussing.

The point is that PD can't simply rely on GT4 turned up a bit. Other games have lots of other features people like and, ultimately, people buy what they like. If GT5 is just a prettier version of GT4 with some more cars, people won't be impressed. Sales of GT5 might not be affected much, but it'll certainly affect the sales of GT6...
I got the point from his first post, but the way he articulated it was so obviously targeted towards provoking people. That's why I, and a lot of other people, think the thread should have been killed off because you end up like this, with somewhat off-topic posts in the middle of a discussion.

At the end of the day, what else are people expecting GT5 to be? GT4 was a very good, solid racing game. Not much different to GT3 naturally (being on the same system), and apart from graphics, GT3 was not such a massive leap over GT2. It stands to reason then, that based on what we have seen of GT5P and recent videos, GT5 is only going to be Gran Turismo as we know it, only with better graphics (i.e. a prettied up GT4).

That post is absolutely useless. And I've already deleted a bunch of useless posts and issued Infractions and said I expect the discussion to remain on the posted topic.

So, what will it take?
I don't know, but bully-tactics are not always effective. You seem to have taken a lot of this thread to heart, instantly dismissing the views of people who disagree with it's intentions. I always find that's the case though with mods who are close to the subject matter, rather than just being neutral and making sure that people are not being abusive etc.
Well gamers are so much more picky now days. :| I hate gaming hypocrisy now days... GT3 was just GT2 with PS2 graphics only COMPLETELY downgraded with less cars and less tracks, but everyone praised it. I feel like I'm the only one who disliked it from the get go.

GT5 will be so much more than GT4 though and we already know it.
The differences between GT2 and GT3 were a lot more involved than simply graphics and content. The main core of what makes a sim, its physics engine, changed completely.

Go and drive the two back to back (and yes I have done this) and then come back and say that it was just a graphics and content change between the two.

I don't think anyone is assuming GT5 won't have a career mode, but what I was saying was that considering GTPSP, I just think it adds credence to the argument that just because it caries the GT name, doesn't garauntee it will be great.
A few people across the forums here have stated that they believe this to be the case and more than enough have suggested that its a strong indicator.

BTW review numbers can be very misleading, especially if they represent an average of other parts of the game.

I mean a game with great video, great sound, and solid controls can still be crap if the story is weak.
Of course review number, particularly if taken in isolation, can be missleading. Which is exactly why I used metacritic scores (which are taken from all published reviews), as they tend to smooth out the extreme ends of the review curves.

However as you seem happy to dismiss review scores, I would ask what exactly you would suggest I use instead to illustrate that GTPSP is not the first GT title to gain 'average' reviews?

If people honestly don't feel that missing career mode is a big deal, then for them the game will probably be great. But for those of us who invested significant time in career mode in all the GTs, I think our personal experiences will be on the low end of the scale.
As I have already listed the GT games that did not have a career mode (GT:Concept, GT4:P and GT5:P), so either you haven't actually played 'all the GTs' or you found hidden career modes in them that no one else did.

The simple list of races, with challenges thrown in and time trials is all you had in GT4:P and GT5:P, and more than you had in GT:Concept.

Probably GT5 won't be, because there is no decent driving game on PS3 yet. But GT6 on PS3, without noticeable changes, probably will.
F1:Championship Edition, Ferrari Challenge, Supercar Challenge and NFS:Shift are all very upset that you have ignored them, as all are on the PS3 (three are exclusive to it) and all good sim racing titles.

GT5 will be so much more than GT4 though and we already know it.

Most certainly will be and anyone expecting GT5 to be an updated version of GT4 will be sadly mistaken.

We now live in an entirely different gaming world compared to GT4. During these past few years online gaming has really taken off. When I think back to my PS2 days and how technically difficult it was to get online working compared to now is incredible. These days we have faster broadband speeds and our routers/consoles are much more plug and play compared to the past.

As I said in another thread, anyone who isn't interested in playing GT5 online will probably only get 50% of what GT5 offers. I might be nervous at the lack of PD online experience but this is the direction the GT franchise needs to move forward i.e wealth of online features. Still Kaz realises how important online gaming is, so i shouldn't be so apprehensive about GT5 online.
You seem to have taken a lot of this thread to heart ... that's the case though with mods who are close to the subject matter, rather than just being neutral and making sure that people are not being abusive etc.


You're absolutely right. It's really important to me that GT5 isn't a commercial and critical success...

Oh, wait.
F1:Championship Edition, Ferrari Challenge, Supercar Challenge and NFS:Shift are all very upset that you have ignored them, as all are on the PS3 (three are exclusive to it) and all good sim racing titles.

Sim != good. When I play a driving game I want it to be fun. When I want simulation, I go out and drive a car in real life.

GT5 has a good balance between simulation and fun driving experience. F1 has it too, but is way old. FC and SC are too hardcore sims for me.

Just waiting for the Shift demo to make my decision.
Sim != good. When I play a driving game I want it to be fun. When I want simulation, I go out and drive a car in real life.

GT5 has a good balance between simulation and fun driving experience. F1 has it too, but is way old. FC and SC are too hardcore sims for me.

Just waiting for the Shift demo to make my decision.

Que ?
Sim != good. When I play a driving game I want it to be fun.
Ah, your original post didn't make it clear that this was a personal thing, it simply stated that the PS3 doesn't currently have any good racing games.

Now if we are opening it up beyond sims then that actually adds even more titles to the list.

When I want simulation, I go out and drive a car in real life.
If you go out and drive a car in real life its no longer a sim, its real (unless we are all actually living inside the Matrix).

GT5 has a good balance between simulation and fun driving experience. F1 has it too, but is way old. FC and SC are too hardcore sims for me.

Just waiting for the Shift demo to make my decision.
I take it you mean GT5:P, as GT5 isn't out yet, so its a bit early to call that one. It could end up being a pure hardcore sim (unlikley but we don't yet know for sure) and not to your tastes.


How can your drive a road car at Race Pace on real life tracks in real life ?

Oh wait us mortals don't have that luxury, so to be able to replicate this as best as we can with great immersion is the closest most people here will ever get to that
Oh wait us mortals don't have that luxury, so to be able to replicate this as best as we can with great immersion is the closest most people here will ever get to that
Indeed and that is the beauty of video games we can detach ourselves from reality.

When GT5 is released it will be the first time I have played a racing game with a steering wheel/cockpit. Now what im especially looking forward to is during my gaming sessions on GT5 I will become that immersed into the game I will feel as though im actually doing it for real. This is why some of us spend huge amounts of money on this equipment because its great to spend a few hrs in this fantasy world.
I take it you mean GT5:P, as GT5 isn't out yet, so its a bit early to call that one. It could end up being a pure hardcore sim (unlikley but we don't yet know for sure) and not to your tastes.

Then it's definitely a flop (to me), since I don't have the luxury to spend many hours behind the G25. I suspect there are lots of those.