It's next to impossible for it to be a flop, even if the game was crap.
It's built up such a large fan base, and has made it's self a house hold name in the video game world. It's like GTA, you'll buy it anyway regardless of what the reviews say, simply because it's the next installment in the series.
GT i think is the kind of game that most people that don't have an interest in cars or racing wouldn't buy. In a way it's a kind of niche game, but it's such a large niche that it can't be anything but successful.
I don't think it's the kind of game that say someone who had never heared of Gran turismo and is not a car fanatic, would pick off the shelf and think this looks like a good game. I know many people with PS3's that wouldn't even want to buy gran tursimo, likewise i know many car fanatics that do.
I wouldn't put it up there in the popularity stakes in line with COD and GTA but for the market it's aiming at, it can't be anything but successful.
The trouble with GT is it's always building up so much hype but often fails to meet peoples expectations. If it was the kind of genre of game where Joe bloggs would pickit off the shelf and think this looks fun, then it's quality will blow most people away, but since a large proportion of GT buyers will be fans, the game has always being under strong pressure to achieve. Sony and Kaz blag so much about the game, but release little info, this keeps expectations lingering for such an extent that it pi***es people off when these expectations are not met. Even though GT has more cars than any other video game, it is probably the most criticised racing game for lacking particular cars people want. I think acheiving Kaz's dream is a long way off, the series will probably be axed before he achieves it. Gt is still the same game it was years ago, it gives the same atmosphere and excitement of past GT games that were 1% as sophisticated technically. This formula will only go on for so long. I mean look at GTA, i'm bored of the series now, although it is 10x more complex than Vice city was, the latest installment has not gave me anywhere near as much fun, a few of my friends also agree. Things wear off, people get bored of the same thing after a while. Even girlfriends