Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Oh i see thanks, but when chat is ON in a room (and i realize that i cannot adjust it if i am not creating a room), if i mute everybody then i think i can listen my musics, right_?

No. The room has to be set to disable
Try to win a 3 lap race & the guy ahead of me keeps hitting me because I'm a girl, & I get stuck Last Place :/

Get used to it, too many easily damaged male ego's, it is funny when half the room rage quit when you pull out a 10 second lead though 👍
Try to win a 3 lap race & the guy ahead of me keeps hitting me because I'm a girl, & I get stuck Last Place :/

Get used to it, too many easily damaged male ego's, it is funny when half the room rage quit when you pull out a 10 second lead though 👍

Sounds like DeadNuts is the place for you...lol. Damaged male egos not allowed there:sly:..it's in the OP:)
Try to win a 3 lap race & the guy ahead of me keeps hitting me because I'm a girl, & I get stuck Last Place :/

None of that in my group, tons of respect for the fairer sex at CRAP :)
:lol: Where is that in the OP????
(Yes, I actually went to the thread and searched for "male egos". :lol: :guilty:)

You went and searched for that?...:scared: I was hoping they'd just take it at face value and come and have a look. You know we have a room full of gentlemen racers. Heck, no one even swears!!!! I thought there might be some swearing last night after the second race but they held it in:ouch::nervous::crazy:
Just joined a lobby in TGTT, and was kicked because I overtook the host's Lamborghini SV... in a Honda Odyssey. I'm nothing special on track but that was just funny.
So true! I haven't been in the lobbies for ages but isn't Lissa the second in charge?

Lissa is an admin and looks after all members etc :)
Just joined a lobby in TGTT, and was kicked because I overtook the host's Lamborghini SV... in a Honda Odyssey. I'm nothing special on track but that was just funny.

I beat an FGT and a Veyron with the Peugeot 205 Rally car (Not the Evo2) . So many people get confused there.
OK, I thought she was pretty high up the ranks.

She is mate. I run the group, Tris is my 2IC and there's 3 other admins of which Lissa is one.

We are a bit off topic here so if you've any further questions mate drop me a pm on either forum and I will gladly answer them :)
tons of respect for the fairer sex at CRAP :)
You know we have a room full of gentlemen racers. Heck, no one even swears!!!!

It's true most of the private clubs & leagues I've interacted with the people, I've seen very little issue about gender in particular as relevant. There are many modern men to be found playing GT5. I think the cavemen throwback kooks are the minority. And that often if someone's rude toward a woman - they're likely actually rude toward anyone and everyone because that's just their character.

Also, I don't use a mic, and it's probably best that I don't, because *I* might be the one offending others with my swearing. :lol: :guilty:


Oh i see thanks, but when chat is ON in a room (and i realize that i cannot adjust it if i am not creating a room), if i mute everybody then i think i can listen my musics, right_?
No. The room has to be set to disable


Just unplug your mic! Doh! Then nobody will hear your music! 💡 ???

What I find funny is when my spouse goes into shuffle rooms and people are on the mics, and it often sounds as if the people on the mics are living in aviaries full of parrots & pet birds. :lol: It often sounds like bird sounds. I'm assuming it's probably just family, kids, or whatever, and that's just what it sounds like when the mic picks up partial peripheral noises. But it just always sounds to me as if these people are at the zoo. ha ha ha

Well I guess I'm lucky. 'Cause I've never seen any hybrids online. :P

That you recognized.
Took one of those Honda BEATs from the OCD and tuned it today, then took it to a cops lobby. I swear, if you take a tiny little underpowered car, you get one of 3 reactions;
1. Everybody follows you around in shock and awe that you've taken a car with *only* 160BHP.
2. Someone in a faster car immediately assumes that you're going too slow and need a boost (granted on SSRX or Le Mans no chicanes, but London?).
3. They feel a sudden urge to sandwich your car into a wall.

I got option 3 today.
Apparently... running a Honda 1300 Coupe 9 S in a 450 pp lobby on Tsukuba with the tyre choice restricted to Sport Softs and winning 3 times in a row gets you instant kicked.

Along with taking a Galant GTO MR and doing the same in a lobby with the same restrictions except on Trial Mountain.
Apparently... running a Honda 1300 Coupe 9 S in a 450 pp lobby on Tsukuba with the tyre choice restricted to Sport Softs and winning 3 times in a row gets you instant kicked.

Along with taking a Galant GTO MR and doing the same in a lobby with the same restrictions except on Trial Mountain.

The 1300 Coupe has an air cooled engine! :D ^^
Maybe they were worried about the safety issues. :lol: :sly:

And the Galant... Well, could be they just thought it was ugly. :lol:


Disclosure: I've been trying to organize a race with this car. :lol: :D
Took one of those Honda BEATs from the OCD and tuned it today, then took it to a cops lobby. I swear, if you take a tiny little underpowered car, you get one of 3 reactions;
1. Everybody follows you around in shock and awe that you've taken a car with *only* 160BHP.
2. Someone in a faster car immediately assumes that you're going too slow and need a boost (granted on SSRX or Le Mans no chicanes, but London?).
3. They feel a sudden urge to sandwich your car into a wall.

I got option 3 today.

*cough* RS6 *cough*
The 1300 Coupe has an air cooled engine! :D ^^
Maybe they were worried about the safety issues. :lol: :sly:

And the Galant... Well, could be they just thought it was ugly. :lol:

I think I have enough experience with air-cooled engines, what with a VW fanatic for a father lol.

Admittedly, the Galant isn't the best looking car out there - I think it looks like a miniature Mustang/Camaro cross, but I do like the thing a lot. I'd import a 1300 to here if I could find one for a decent price.
I actually don't have much desire to do online stuff with GT5 (or any game, really). The few times I've tried, I've gone into a room and nothing ever happened. Was just people driving around or slamming into walls on purpose. T'was lame.
I think I have enough experience with air-cooled engines, what with a VW fanatic for a father lol.

Admittedly, the Galant isn't the best looking car out there - I think it looks like a miniature Mustang/Camaro cross, but I do like the thing a lot. I'd import a 1300 to here if I could find one for a decent price.

I rather like the 1300 when I get it in shuffle. :)

And the Galant is a surprisingly enjoyable drive!!