Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Here's a part when you can tell how many years before 15 the guy is.

Many... I didn't hear his voice, as I now only drive in no-mic lobbies. Get no screamers and listen to Daft Punk. Win win!
I hate when I'm doing a hotlap and i come up some idiot drifter, taking up the whole track and not letting me by.. :irked: :grumpy: When this happens.. I wait until the next corner that they drift and lay into the horn on them with no warning, sends them into the weeds and out of my way pretty quick, plus its good fun to prevent me from getting mad. :D
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I hate when I'm doing a hotlap and i come up some idiot drifter, taking up the whole track and not letting me by.. :mad: When this happens.. I wait until the next corner that they drift and lay into the horn on them, sends them into the weeds and out of my way pretty quick.

^ Ha, I just lay into their back quarter panel :D
I hate when I'm doing a hotlap and i come up some idiot drifter, taking up the whole track and not letting me by.. :irked: :grumpy: When this happens.. I wait until the next corner that they drift and lay into the horn on them with no warning, sends them into the weeds and out of my way pretty quick, plus its good fun to prevent me from getting mad. :D

I usually just knock them loose to grant myself enough time to sneak by. To tick them off some more, I toot my horn a few times to say "Cheers for letting me by!" :lol:
I'm such a 🤬 to ignorant people online sometimes.
I usually just knock them loose to grant myself enough time to sneak by. To tick them off some more, I toot my horn a few times to say "Cheers for letting me by!" :lol:
I'm such a 🤬 to ignorant people online sometimes.
They deserve it though! 🤬 drifters should go to drift lobbies.
They deserve it though! 🤬 drifters should go to drift lobbies.

Exactly. I agree 100%.

I just left a Nurburgring race lobby after being punted off by the same guy in 3 separate races. It was a 500pp race, and I was in that old Alfa race car with the rediculously long name. I had about a 9 second lead heading up to the final turns to the finish line, when a detuned F430 comes screaming down the straight around 200mph, and drills the back of my car, sending me hard into the wall, effectively ruining my race. I got punted off again in the Karusell by the same guy later in a 650PP race. As if that wasn't enough, he punts me off AGAIN the next race, which was 750PP. I finally snapped and went after him with a single-minded fury only seen in incredibly ticked off racers. I pinned his stupid Toyota GT-One to the wall and did so until the pack had about a 1 minute lead over us. I then backed out, and left. Maybe I was wrong for doing what I did, but to have my race ruined 3 separate times by the same guy only yields negative results.
Exactly. I agree 100%.

I just left a Nurburgring race lobby after being punted off by the same guy in 3 separate races. It was a 500pp race, and I was in that old Alfa race car with the rediculously long name. I had about a 9 second lead heading up to the final turns to the finish line, when a detuned F430 comes screaming down the straight around 200mph, and drills the back of my car, sending me hard into the wall, effectively ruining my race. I got punted off again in the Karusell by the same guy later in a 650PP race. As if that wasn't enough, he punts me off AGAIN the next race, which was 750PP. I finally snapped and went after him with a single-minded fury only seen in incredibly ticked off racers. I pinned his stupid Toyota GT-One to the wall and did so until the pack had about a 1 minute lead over us. I then backed out, and left. Maybe I was wrong for doing what I did, but to have my race ruined 3 separate times by the same guy only yields negative results.

Had a guy in an S2000 GT1 who would try to PIT maneuver or ram me on Trial Mountain every time I passed him in my NSX.. However one time he upset the NSX in the very fast first section just before turn 2, I was initially going to try and bring it back, but I noticed that if the NSX kept going on its path and maintained its speed that it was going to cut across the inside grass of turn 3 and take out the S2000 on the way to the wall.. So I kept my foot in it and scored a BRUTAL hit on the guy, I hit him so hard he went straight into the wall and spun back across the track.. He didn't dare touch me after that. The NSX hit him so hard that i was redirected in a way that allowed me to bounce off the wall and keep going.
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Had a guy in an S2000 GT1 who would try to PIT maneuver or ram me on Trial Mountain every time I passed him in my NSX.. However one time he upset the NSX in the very fast first section just before turn 2, I was initially going to try and bring it back, but I noticed that if the NSX kept going on its path and maintained its speed that it was going to cut across the inside grass of turn 3 and take out the S2000 on the way to the wall.. So I kept my foot in it and scored a BRUTAL hit on the guy, I hit him so hard he went straight into the wall and spun back across the track.. He didn't dare touch me after that. The NSX hit him so hard that the car was redirected in a way that allowed it to bounce off the wall and keep going.

Good read! That guy got what was comin' to him. :lol:
After 3 years of dealing with rammers online, I feel it's time we give 'em a taste of their own medicine.

Just left a Nurburgring track day lobby feeling like a winner. I was minding my own business on the massive straight leading to the Karusell, driving a stock Countryman while listening to Rolling Stones (mics were off, so I could play custom music). I looked in my rear-view mirror, and saw what looked like a giant silver bathtub on wheels...I knew right away what I was dealing with; a Tank Car. :scared:
I could see him getting bigger and bigger in my rear-view mirror. Luckily I was about to turn to head to the Karusell. The Tank Car behind me braked so bloody late that he missed my back by mere centimeters. At the same time, the song I was listening to ended (Under My Thumb). Then the perfect moment happened: Daiki Kasho's 5OUL ON D!SPLAY (Spec 2.0 version) started playing. I felt a sense of speed kicking in. I shifted the Countryman into 3rd as the song got to the line "Eyes go shut, I dissipate" complete with the heart-pounding bass in the background. I drove like I've never driven before. I could hear my tires screaming for mercy. The Tank Car desperately tried to keep up, but kept ricocheting off walls.
Finally we got to the final straightaway. He began to close in, aiming right for my rear bumper. At the same time, another player was on the same straightaway driving a Suzuki Cappuccino. I whipped the Countryman around the Cappuccino. The Tank Car swerved to avoid hitting the Cappuccino as we passed it, and failed to regain control. I saw the massive 16ft long car fishtailing, desperately trying to regain traction, and it finally spun.
I left that lobby with a massive grin on my face and feeling like a champion.

I might invest in a capture card, and record the wonderful online track days I wind up joining, complete with commentary. :lol:
Good read! That guy got what was comin' to him. :lol:
After 3 years of dealing with rammers online, I feel it's time we give 'em a taste of their own medicine.

Just left a Nurburgring track day lobby feeling like a winner. I was minding my own business on the massive straight leading to the Karusell, driving a stock Countryman while listening to Rolling Stones (mics were off, so I could play custom music). I looked in my rear-view mirror, and saw what looked like a giant silver bathtub on wheels...I knew right away what I was dealing with; a Tank Car. :scared:
I could see him getting bigger and bigger in my rear-view mirror. Luckily I was about to turn to head to the Karusell. The Tank Car behind me braked so bloody late that he missed my back by mere centimeters. At the same time, the song I was listening to ended (Under My Thumb). Then the perfect moment happened: Daiki Kasho's 5OUL ON D!SPLAY (Spec 2.0 version) started playing. I felt a sense of speed kicking in. I shifted the Countryman into 3rd as the song got to the line "Eyes go shut, I dissipate" complete with the heart-pounding bass in the background. I drove like I've never driven before. I could hear my tires screaming for mercy. The Tank Car desperately tried to keep up, but kept ricocheting off walls.
Finally we got to the final straightaway. He began to close in, aiming right for my rear bumper. At the same time, another player was on the same straightaway driving a Suzuki Cappuccino. I whipped the Countryman around the Cappuccino. The Tank Car swerved to avoid hitting the Cappuccino as we passed it, and failed to regain control. I saw the massive 16ft long car fishtailing, desperately trying to regain traction, and it finally spun.
I left that lobby with a massive grin on my face and feeling like a champion.

I might invest in a capture card, and record the wonderful online track days I wind up joining, complete with commentary. :lol:

Well lol.. I wasn't intending on ramming him and playing his games.. But when he was right there wide open and the NSX had been put on the path it had been by something that was his fault (knocked airborne over the curbing on turn 2 by his Attempted PIT just out of turn one..) i figured I'd just wipe him out (it was like the fifth or sixth time he tried to wreck me or put me in the wall.. He had some success) because the "accident" was technically his fault. :sly:
Good read! That guy got what was comin' to him. :lol:
After 3 years of dealing with rammers online, I feel it's time we give 'em a taste of their own medicine.

Just left a Nurburgring track day lobby feeling like a winner. I was minding my own business on the massive straight leading to the Karusell, driving a stock Countryman while listening to Rolling Stones (mics were off, so I could play custom music). I looked in my rear-view mirror, and saw what looked like a giant silver bathtub on wheels...I knew right away what I was dealing with; a Tank Car. :scared:
I could see him getting bigger and bigger in my rear-view mirror. Luckily I was about to turn to head to the Karusell. The Tank Car behind me braked so bloody late that he missed my back by mere centimeters. At the same time, the song I was listening to ended (Under My Thumb). Then the perfect moment happened: Daiki Kasho's 5OUL ON D!SPLAY (Spec 2.0 version) started playing. I felt a sense of speed kicking in. I shifted the Countryman into 3rd as the song got to the line "Eyes go shut, I dissipate" complete with the heart-pounding bass in the background. I drove like I've never driven before. I could hear my tires screaming for mercy. The Tank Car desperately tried to keep up, but kept ricocheting off walls.
Finally we got to the final straightaway. He began to close in, aiming right for my rear bumper. At the same time, another player was on the same straightaway driving a Suzuki Cappuccino. I whipped the Countryman around the Cappuccino. The Tank Car swerved to avoid hitting the Cappuccino as we passed it, and failed to regain control. I saw the massive 16ft long car fishtailing, desperately trying to regain traction, and it finally spun.
I left that lobby with a massive grin on my face and feeling like a champion.

I might invest in a capture card, and record the wonderful online track days I wind up joining, complete with commentary. :lol:
Wow that's one heck of a story you got there ZDUPH! :drool:👍 You should publish that! :dopey: The Countryman and the Tank Car! :sly: :lol: Did you get the replay!?!? :dopey:
Wow that's one heck of a story you got there ZDUPH! :drool:👍 You should publish that! :dopey: The Countryman and the Tank Car! :sly: :lol: Did you get the replay!?!? :dopey:

Sadly no, as this all happened in Free Run.
I'm definitely getting a capture card to record idiots online. :lol:
Sadly no, as this all happened in Free Run.
I'm definitely getting a capture card to record idiots online. :lol:

Please do, and you would post these on youtube? please tell me your youtube user so i can subscribe when you get around to buying one!

Also, earlier this morning i had a run in with a room half full of idiots (the other have were fairly clean regulars) in a public shuffle. I went to battle for 4th going into the sharp right hairpin (turn 5?) when i see 2 people dive below me forcing it 4 wide. Then a split second later, i get rammed all the way to the outside wall, takig out a friend of mine in the process.

After a heated discussion with the host about not kicking any dirty racers, i let it go. Ended up being the host about half an hour later. Won the last race i was in in that room by .001 at Monza in an RX8 against an S2000. Things sure did turn around haha.
Please do, and you would post these on youtube? please tell me your youtube user so i can subscribe when you get around to buying one!

Also, earlier this morning i had a run in with a room half full of idiots (the other have were fairly clean regulars) in a public shuffle. I went to battle for 4th going into the sharp right hairpin (turn 5?) when i see 2 people dive below me forcing it 4 wide. Then a split second later, i get rammed all the way to the outside wall, takig out a friend of mine in the process.

After a heated discussion with the host about not kicking any dirty racers, i let it go. Ended up being the host about half an hour later. Won the last race i was in in that room by .001 at Monza in an RX8 against an S2000. Things sure did turn around haha.

Sure I'll upload it to YouTube when I do get a capture card. :P

Left yet another Nurburgring lobby after the host threatened to report me on PSN if I didn't give him my red Amemiya FD3S. Sorry bro, go make your own.
How much are capture cards anyway?:confused:

Really?!?! Wow, the nerve of some people! :grumpy:

Decent capture cards run about $90. HD ones might reach $175. :)👍
Someone else offered to give me his X2011...think about that for a second...yeah, it isn't tradeable. Scammer much? :lol:
Decent capture cards run about $90. HD ones might reach $175. :)👍
Someone else offered to give me his X2011...think about that for a second...yeah, it isn't tradeable. Scammer much? :lol:

Sad part is people have likely fallen for that scam.

Speaking of d:censored:bags in X1s.. I went into a room and there was a guy hosting, room is infested with X1s.. My friend is there so I'm talking to him and I was like if you're host you should kick all the X1s, just as a joke. Sure enough he becomes host and a bunch of people leave. Then I become host after my friend leaves for a bit.. Now me.. I don't like noobs, you ram in my room, you're gone, you ask for sissy aids such as high boost.. You're gone, you use X1s in my room.. You're gone. No reason why I should have to put up with stupidity at the end of my day when I usually play. So anyway the old host comes back and promptly whips an X1, I.. Already having expressed my opinion on X1s earlier.. kick him immediately. He then sends me a pm two minutes later with the subject header "fagget" and saying "that was a queer move, you should be shot stabbed and hanged you f:censored:in queer" I immediately blocked him and had a laugh.. I mean come on if you're going to call someone a f:censored:t at least spell it right.

ZDUPH.. You want a song that can tick you off? Get your blood pumpin? Go check out Airbourne's new one, Live it Up. GREAT driving tune, can't listen to it on the highway because Ill find myself doing 90 in a 65 in no time.
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Sad part is people have likely fallen for that scam.

Speaking of d:censored:bags in X1s.. I went into a room and there was a guy hosting, room is infested with X1s.. My friend is there so I'm talking to him and I was like if you're host you should kick all the X1s, just as a joke. Sure enough he becomes host and a bunch of people leave. Then I become host after my friend leaves for a bit.. Now me.. I don't like noobs, you ram in my room, you're gone, you ask for sissy aids such as high boost.. You're gone, you use X1s in my room.. You're gone. No reason why I should have to put up with stupidity at the end of my day when I usually play. So anyway the old host comes back and promptly whips an X1, I.. Already having expressed my opinion on X1s earlier.. kick him immediately. He then sends me a pm two minutes later with the subject header "fagget" and saying "that was a queer move, you should be shot stabbed and hanged you f:censored:in queer" I immediately blocked him and had a laugh.. I mean come on if you're going to call someone a f:censored:t at least spell it right.

ZDUPH.. You want a song that can tick you off? Get your blood pumpin? Go check out Airbourne's new one, Live it Up. GREAT driving tune, can't listen to it on the highway because Ill find myself doing 90 in a 65 in no time.

Just had a listen to it, and my god, I could feel my finger pushing down on that X button harder and harder through the song. Awesome!
Another song I'd recommend for driving is Adrenaline by Shinedown. Awesome song.
Anyway back on topic....I hate sore loser hosts. I was in a Kart lobby on Tsukuba (for once I wasn't in a Nurburgring lobby :lol:). We were all in 125 and 125SPL Karts...and one guy in a PDI 100 Kart. The race started, and literally half of the racers spun on the first corner. It was a 5 lap race. By lap 5 I had about a 15 second lead. I see the host exit the track, and no second later, my screen went black, with the message "You have been kicked out." What a sore loser. :grumpy:
Anyway back on topic....I hate sore loser hosts. I was in a Kart lobby on Tsukuba (for once I wasn't in a Nurburgring lobby :lol:). We were all in 125 and 125SPL Karts...and one guy in a PDI 100 Kart. The race started, and literally half of the racers spun on the first corner. It was a 5 lap race. By lap 5 I had about a 15 second lead. I see the host exit the track, and no second later, my screen went black, with the message "You have been kicked out." What a sore loser. :grumpy:

I hate this, I was once in a shuffle race around nurb 24h in a 207 gti. Got about halfway round, and was in 1st place by about 20 seconds, then everybody in the room leaves the lobby because I was so far ahead. I did finish the race no one is taking away my victory:sly:.
ok, went into a dirty lobby with some friends, he allowed anything under 600pp. me and my frinds go rams, dominated the lobby, and got kickked. gg
Anyway back on topic....I hate sore loser hosts. I was in a Kart lobby on Tsukuba (for once I wasn't in a Nurburgring lobby :lol:). We were all in 125 and 125SPL Karts...and one guy in a PDI 100 Kart. The race started, and literally half of the racers spun on the first corner. It was a 5 lap race. By lap 5 I had about a 15 second lead. I see the host exit the track, and no second later, my screen went black, with the message "You have been kicked out." What a sore loser. :grumpy:

Hahaha, what a punk. Can't stand terrible hosts, thats why i always host my own rooms.
Hahaha, what a punk. Can't stand terrible hosts, thats why i always host my own rooms.

I've started doing this. Mainly because finding Mic disabled rooms is a pain in the proverbial backside, and I want to listen to Daft Punk.
I've started doing this. Mainly because finding Mic disabled rooms is a pain in the proverbial backside, and I want to listen to Daft Punk.

I'm on the same boat as you man. I'm fed up with 30 year-olds swearing up a storm and listening to awful rap while their TV is set to maximum volume...you know, because everyone wants to listen to your crap music coming through a headset sounding like a blender. :lol:
I'm almost always in mics off lobbies because sometimes I like to cruise around while listening to jazz, and other times I feel like driving like a complete maniac while Aerosmith is blasting in the background.

Just left a free run lobby on, you guessed it, Nurburgring. Set your host status to "fixed-host"; that's our lesson here today folks. It was a calm and realistic lobby with PP limited to 650. The host left, and literally a minute later, the whole lobby fell into complete chaos. The new host removed the PP limit and changed the track to Route X. In 5 minutes time, we went from an enjoyable Nurburgring lobby to a lobby with 400mph Veyrons and Aventadors running rampant in all directions. I typed "You morons are the reasons why realistic hybrids were removed from GT5. Go back to 2.11." and left. I was furious. :grumpy:
Sheesh, people must hate you online ZDUPH. :lol: You tell them! :sly: I always try to avoid doing races that allow mics.

Oh man you should have seen me back on my old PSN account. People would actually say "Oh man yo it's that ZDUPH kid kick him bro" and I would be kicked. Stupid people. :grumpy: