Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Decent capture cards run about $90. HD ones might reach $175. :)👍
Gosh that's expensive!:scared:
Someone else offered to give me his X2011...think about that for a second...yeah, it isn't tradeable. Scammer much? :lol:
Wow, that's absurd. :crazy: Gamerdog6482 once told me that he heard somebody say that he had the Red Bull X2012 which he knew as well as we do there is no such thing. :crazy:
Oh man you should have seen me back on my old PSN account. People would actually say "Oh man yo it's that ZDUPH kid kick him bro" and I would be kicked. Stupid people. :grumpy:
Well aren't you notorious! :lol:

I had a Mexican who was using mic, kick me out before the race even started and I think he was cussing me out in Spanish too!:crazy:
Good read! That guy got what was comin' to him. :lol:
After 3 years of dealing with rammers online, I feel it's time we give 'em a taste of their own medicine.

Just left a Nurburgring track day lobby feeling like a winner. I was minding my own business on the massive straight leading to the Karusell, driving a stock Countryman while listening to Rolling Stones (mics were off, so I could play custom music). I looked in my rear-view mirror, and saw what looked like a giant silver bathtub on wheels...I knew right away what I was dealing with; a Tank Car. :scared:
I could see him getting bigger and bigger in my rear-view mirror. Luckily I was about to turn to head to the Karusell. The Tank Car behind me braked so bloody late that he missed my back by mere centimeters. At the same time, the song I was listening to ended (Under My Thumb). Then the perfect moment happened: Daiki Kasho's 5OUL ON D!SPLAY (Spec 2.0 version) started playing. I felt a sense of speed kicking in. I shifted the Countryman into 3rd as the song got to the line "Eyes go shut, I dissipate" complete with the heart-pounding bass in the background. I drove like I've never driven before. I could hear my tires screaming for mercy. The Tank Car desperately tried to keep up, but kept ricocheting off walls.
Finally we got to the final straightaway. He began to close in, aiming right for my rear bumper. At the same time, another player was on the same straightaway driving a Suzuki Cappuccino. I whipped the Countryman around the Cappuccino. The Tank Car swerved to avoid hitting the Cappuccino as we passed it, and failed to regain control. I saw the massive 16ft long car fishtailing, desperately trying to regain traction, and it finally spun.
I left that lobby with a massive grin on my face and feeling like a champion.

I might invest in a capture card, and record the wonderful online track days I wind up joining, complete with commentary. :lol:

Doesn't sound like he was trying to hit you, the Tank Car isn't a particularly easy car to drive. I'm even surprised he managed to stay close.

Sad part is people have likely fallen for that scam.

Speaking of d:censored:bags in X1s.. I went into a room and there was a guy hosting, room is infested with X1s.. My friend is there so I'm talking to him and I was like if you're host you should kick all the X1s, just as a joke. Sure enough he becomes host and a bunch of people leave. Then I become host after my friend leaves for a bit.. Now me.. I don't like noobs, you ram in my room, you're gone, you ask for sissy aids such as high boost.. You're gone, you use X1s in my room.. You're gone. No reason why I should have to put up with stupidity at the end of my day when I usually play. So anyway the old host comes back and promptly whips an X1, I.. Already having expressed my opinion on X1s earlier.. kick him immediately. He then sends me a pm two minutes later with the subject header "fagget" and saying "that was a queer move, you should be shot stabbed and hanged you f:censored:in queer" I immediately blocked him and had a laugh.. I mean come on if you're going to call someone a f:censored:t at least spell it right.

ZDUPH.. You want a song that can tick you off? Get your blood pumpin? Go check out Airbourne's new one, Live it Up. GREAT driving tune, can't listen to it on the highway because Ill find myself doing 90 in a 65 in no time.

So, you kicked everyone who was driving an X1 which was perfectly allowed before you were host out of the blue? That sounds pretty unfair.

I noticed something stupid today while i was in a dirty shuffle room.Everyone is in a car that is in the 360-400 range(normal street cars)but the host is in a car that would be in the 500 pp range(aka the supercars).I though he was lucky when i saw him get a supercar and we was in normal street cars.But,he did the same thing three times in a row.then i thought he must be hacking.So,i reported him in playstation network's grief reporting site.

That's not a hack, it's the Shuffle Point Ratio bug. Shuffle Ratio works that it gives you a slower/faster car if you win/lose a race respectively, but since it's bugged, it only works for when you change the points from 0 to a value. So if I won a race and then set the Shuffle Point Ratio to 10, followed by setting the Shuffle Base to 500, I would probably end up getting something like a Honda S2000 versus the usual 500 cars and some faster ones like MP4-12C and Gallardo for the ones that finished last in the race before. But since this Shuffle Point Ratio is bugged, even if I lost this race in the S2000 by coming last, my car would still be equally downgraded in the next shuffle, and the previous loser's would still be upgraded. I actually use this glitch sometimes for added challenge (albeit not to these extreme values).
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Oh man you should have seen me back on my old PSN account. People would actually say "Oh man yo it's that ZDUPH kid kick him bro" and I would be kicked. Stupid people. :grumpy:

Oh how my old psn account brings back memories... got banned once because of a ps home incident that ended in me cussing out 3 guys using pure racial slures. It was worth it haha. I'm probably on as many block lists as there are people on mine by now on my new account.
He saw me state my opinion on X1s when he was still host of the room.. He had warning. Besides all it takes is that one idiot with an X1 to completely ruin a room.
When I finally found a decent "Track Day" lobby at Deep Forest Raceway I was planning on a heater lap when someone in a little compact car pull out of the pit lane, and ignored the pit exit lines. Needless to say, there were yellow flags waving going into the first corner, effectively ending my lap. What really got me going, however, is the profane smut I received afterward via. Message. He claimed that I rammed him and that I was a "fagget" for driving a Roadster TC because "they're gay." I'm pretty sure he (or she to be fair), was no older than 12.
When I finally found a decent "Track Day" lobby at Deep Forest Raceway I was planning on a heater lap when someone in a little compact car pull out of the pit lane, and ignored the pit exit lines. Needless to say, there were yellow flags waving going into the first corner, effectively ending my lap. What really got me going, however, is the profane smut I received afterward via. Message. He claimed that I rammed him and that I was a "fagget" for driving a Roadster TC because "they're gay." I'm pretty sure he (or she to be fair), was no older than 12.

Wow how could anyone hate on the good ol' Miata? They clearly don't know what a driver's car is. :grumpy: I love me a Gen 1 from time-to-time.
Doesn't sound like he was trying to hit you, the Tank Car isn't a particularly easy car to drive. I'm even surprised he managed to stay close.

I'm a bit unsure as to what he was doing to be honest. He was getting very close (literally to the point where I could see nothing but Tank Car in my rear-view. At the same time, he wasn't trying to bump me off in the corners. I guess you could say we were just having a little race around Nurburgring. Still though it felt accomplishing to put the overweight Countryman to good use.
Unrestricted Free Run Nürburgring lobby. Only thing not allowed was TCS. Host was AFK and the lobby was set to fixed host status so we couldn't vote kick him. I was having a grand ol' time running my RX-7 TC around the track. I was ghosted because two people were driving X1s. The lobby was quite laggy, as people were zig-zagging everywhere. I had fun racing against an R33 TC. Eventually, there were FIVE Red Bulls. And I stopped ghosting after a while. They were only trying to set the best lap, but wound up hitting everything close to them.
He saw me state my opinion on X1s when he was still host of the room.. He had warning. Besides all it takes is that one idiot with an X1 to completely ruin a room.

Your stating of your perfectly acceptable opinion on X1s doesn't change the fact that you decided to be the clown who had zero respect for the spirit of a room or for it's presumably original host and immediately decided to play god upon getting the seat of power. No different from immediately changing a clean low PP shuffle room that had been so for hours to a 1400 horsepower racing softs dirty race room.

Don't like a room's rules? Make your own. Kicking the old host who rejoined his own room is an especially high-class move.
Your stating of your perfectly acceptable opinion on X1s doesn't change the fact that you decided to be the clown who had zero respect for the spirit of a room or for it's presumably original host and immediately decided to play god upon getting the seat of power. No different from immediately changing a clean low PP shuffle room that had been so for hours to a 1400 horsepower racing softs dirty race room.

Don't like a room's rules? Make your own. Kicking the old host who rejoined his own room is an especially high-class move.
Everyone in the room raised a stink with the X1, so I kicked the guy. There were about 3 or 4 X1s originally and the rest of us were in normal cars. It wasn't all X1s, and when the original host left, the X1 drivers went with him, the spirit of the room was already changed when my friend was in command, i basically was just keeping the rhythm that my friend had established. Your argument regarding my "low class" move is also null and void, it would hold water if he came back after a few minutes, but almost an hour passed between when he left and when he came back, alot of people can cycle in and out in an hour, completely changing the spirit of the room (and in fact we had taken a vote to swap tracks by then). No one from the original room save for me, my friend (who had rejoined after the track swap) and one other person was there by the time he came back. I race in very good quality rooms with a great group of PSN friends I have built up over the years, a couple of them were in this room, and the rest (save for the host), were decent, when the host and the others left another good group of guys came in and the room had a good flow to it. Letting the X1 in and having to deal with the car would actually be disrespectful to the spirit of the room at the time and my room guests. I'm sorry, but just minding my own business and then getting slammed in the rear by a car going twice as fast as me driven by an idiot who cant drive is not my idea of fun. pulling an X1 without asking first is grounds for a kick in my book, especially when I find the guy a 🤬. The original host when one guy wrecked and collected him, the guy apologized, but the host responded with a "smh". To me a response like that gives the impression that the guy is a pompous full of himself priss who thinks he is above everyone else, so when he pulled the X1, I gave him a reality check. Yeah, so what, I'm tough with noobs, I DO NOT tolerate bull:censored:. If you got a problem with it, no one said you HAD to race in my rooms. Later when we went drag racing another guy pulled a Veyron and I asked kindly for him to put it away, and he ignored me, so being polite alot of the time doesn't do 🤬 either, so why would I bother being polite to a guy I already know is a prick? It's just a waste of my time and an annoyance to the rest of my room guests.
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While were on the subject of redbulls, there was a JDM lobby I joined once on SSR7 and what annoyed me was one kid that decided to get in a x2011. He wanted to set the faster lap time around the track. This annoys me because it's pointless to do that in an online lobby when you can simply do that in Free Run when your by yourself.

I'm also fed up with Mic allowed lobbies. Honestly, I don't like having to listen to someone's crummy microphone when they play their music in the background or blab about stuff.
Before I leave for my exam, a quick story.

I was in a Nurburgring free run lobby (550pp) in my infamous Esprit, I know the host, he then proceeds to ask me to change car because I have an "unfair advantage" with my Esprit. So I change to my just as infamous 135I coupe, but they didn't know what it could do. I ran into the first corner behind most, apart from one who spun out (he went on to swear at everyone but it was s p a c e d out to avoid censoring) he fell behind quite quickly, and I got alongside a guy in a Praiano63 (think that's right) setup HSC concept, I managed to pass him and got up to second, behind Mr. Host, I got to the very last section which I despise, I changed my brake balance to front to stop myself spinning out, and got round it okay. And I was first. Mr. Host had span out.

Race ends, he congratulates me. Nice guy :) then someone says "U [wont be repeated]" to me. I ask who put a scorpion in his boxers (I don't know myself...) and he said "U smug [again. Not repeatable]" I ask why "Ur message "I win!" We kno u do" I try to explain its a default message, he just says "Oh ye right" at this moment a guy joins on my side (quite rare) and says "Maybe if you won, you'd know that. This is an amateur racing room not a nursery." He gets annoyed and proceeds to pull out a tank car. He try's chasing me and said other, me in Esprit, him in a Jensen Interceptor, we decide to toy with the kid and brake later than normal, we then swerve to the sides and watch his car hit the wall, so we drive off at equal pace, he eventually appears going the other way... He tries to ram me, turns too sharply, hits the wall, I drive around him. He then types "MICS AREN'T WORKING!" In a mic disabled room, the host says "they're not supposed to..." He then goes "F U" and leaves with the default message "See you next time!"

Done. Just so done.
Before I leave for my exam, a quick story.

I was in a Nurburgring free run lobby (550pp) in my infamous Esprit, I know the host, he then proceeds to ask me to change car because I have an "unfair advantage" with my Esprit. So I change to my just as infamous 135I coupe, but they didn't know what it could do. I ran into the first corner behind most, apart from one who spun out (he went on to swear at everyone but it was s p a c e d out to avoid censoring) he fell behind quite quickly, and I got alongside a guy in a Praiano63 (think that's right) setup HSC concept, I managed to pass him and got up to second, behind Mr. Host, I got to the very last section which I despise, I changed my brake balance to front to stop myself spinning out, and got round it okay. And I was first. Mr. Host had span out.

Race ends, he congratulates me. Nice guy :) then someone says "U [wont be repeated]" to me. I ask who put a scorpion in his boxers (I don't know myself...) and he said "U smug [again. Not repeatable]" I ask why "Ur message "I win!" We kno u do" I try to explain its a default message, he just says "Oh ye right" at this moment a guy joins on my side (quite rare) and says "Maybe if you won, you'd know that. This is an amateur racing room not a nursery." He gets annoyed and proceeds to pull out a tank car. He try's chasing me and said other, me in Esprit, him in a Jensen Interceptor, we decide to toy with the kid and brake later than normal, we then swerve to the sides and watch his car hit the wall, so we drive off at equal pace, he eventually appears going the other way... He tries to ram me, turns too sharply, hits the wall, I drive around him. He then types "MICS AREN'T WORKING!" In a mic disabled room, the host says "they're not supposed to..." He then goes "F U" and leaves with the default message "See you next time!"

Done. Just so done.
HAHA I had a good laugh reading this. :lol:
Before I leave for my exam, a quick story.

I was in a Nurburgring free run lobby (550pp) in my infamous Esprit, I know the host, he then proceeds to ask me to change car because I have an "unfair advantage" with my Esprit. So I change to my just as infamous 135I coupe, but they didn't know what it could do. I ran into the first corner behind most, apart from one who spun out (he went on to swear at everyone but it was s p a c e d out to avoid censoring) he fell behind quite quickly, and I got alongside a guy in a Praiano63 (think that's right) setup HSC concept, I managed to pass him and got up to second, behind Mr. Host, I got to the very last section which I despise, I changed my brake balance to front to stop myself spinning out, and got round it okay. And I was first. Mr. Host had span out.

Race ends, he congratulates me. Nice guy :) then someone says "U [wont be repeated]" to me. I ask who put a scorpion in his boxers (I don't know myself...) and he said "U smug [again. Not repeatable]" I ask why "Ur message "I win!" We kno u do" I try to explain its a default message, he just says "Oh ye right" at this moment a guy joins on my side (quite rare) and says "Maybe if you won, you'd know that. This is an amateur racing room not a nursery." He gets annoyed and proceeds to pull out a tank car. He try's chasing me and said other, me in Esprit, him in a Jensen Interceptor, we decide to toy with the kid and brake later than normal, we then swerve to the sides and watch his car hit the wall, so we drive off at equal pace, he eventually appears going the other way... He tries to ram me, turns too sharply, hits the wall, I drive around him. He then types "MICS AREN'T WORKING!" In a mic disabled room, the host says "they're not supposed to..." He then goes "F U" and leaves with the default message "See you next time!"

Done. Just so done.

Some people... :lol:
Before I leave for my exam, a quick story.

I was in a Nurburgring free run lobby (550pp) in my infamous Esprit, I know the host, he then proceeds to ask me to change car because I have an "unfair advantage" with my Esprit. So I change to my just as infamous 135I coupe, but they didn't know what it could do. I ran into the first corner behind most, apart from one who spun out (he went on to swear at everyone but it was s p a c e d out to avoid censoring) he fell behind quite quickly, and I got alongside a guy in a Praiano63 (think that's right) setup HSC concept, I managed to pass him and got up to second, behind Mr. Host, I got to the very last section which I despise, I changed my brake balance to front to stop myself spinning out, and got round it okay. And I was first. Mr. Host had span out.

Race ends, he congratulates me. Nice guy :) then someone says "U [wont be repeated]" to me. I ask who put a scorpion in his boxers (I don't know myself...) and he said "U smug [again. Not repeatable]" I ask why "Ur message "I win!" We kno u do" I try to explain its a default message, he just says "Oh ye right" at this moment a guy joins on my side (quite rare) and says "Maybe if you won, you'd know that. This is an amateur racing room not a nursery." He gets annoyed and proceeds to pull out a tank car. He try's chasing me and said other, me in Esprit, him in a Jensen Interceptor, we decide to toy with the kid and brake later than normal, we then swerve to the sides and watch his car hit the wall, so we drive off at equal pace, he eventually appears going the other way... He tries to ram me, turns too sharply, hits the wall, I drive around him. He then types "MICS AREN'T WORKING!" In a mic disabled room, the host says "they're not supposed to..." He then goes "F U" and leaves with the default message "See you next time!"

Done. Just so done.
Jesus tap dancing Christ...
Ferrari F1 only, Circuit de la Sarthe 2005

So there's this guy who decided to keep ramming me, going straight on the corners and hitting me from behind. I decided to try to avoid him, like I do mostly, but after so many times, it frustrated me so much, so on the back straight he tries to overtake me but I close the door Schumacher-style :lol:
and he hits the wall and spins. He is way back so I type "Ramming isn't such a good thing is it?"

After the race he says "Haha, good race" I say "It wasn't good when we were ramming each other". He replies with "it ain't fun without ramming" I say "Goodbye then" and leave 👍
Ferrari F1 only, Circuit de la Sarthe 2005

So there's this guy who decided to keep ramming me, going straight on the corners and hitting me from behind. I decided to try to avoid him, like I do mostly, but after so many times, it frustrated me so much, so on the back straight he tries to overtake me but I close the door Schumacher-style :lol:
and he hits the wall and spins. He is way back so I type "Ramming isn't such a good thing is it?"

After the race he says "Haha, good race" I say "It wasn't good when we were ramming each other". He replies with "it ain't fun without ramming" I say "Goodbye then" and leave 👍

Moral of this story: Stay FAR away from LaSarthe lobbies. :lol:
I hate it when people have specifications that they don't give me time to adjust to before tossing me aside. Like if I am racing hards and the room host wants sofas, but doesn't give me time to change.
Getting hit twice in a track day lobby by an a**hole in a aventador hybrid. -_-

I joined one lobby yesterday with one idiot ramming me with an Enzo.

Today, I decided to join a cop lobby and this one was the worst one. They were having the players stop at every stoplight (um, you don't do that unless they're all red and you can't have them all red) and threatening to kick people for not pulling over. Um, pursuits are part of police life. So, I decided to get in my R34 Skyline TC and challenge those 'cops' and none of them could get me; I did it to prove how stupid cop lobbies are.
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I like a good cop lobby from time to time but doing it 24/7 is just over the top being that GT5 is a racing game. Maybe when Grand Theft Auto 5 comes out they will head over there and play "cops".

Just today I was at a Nürburgring open track and the host was making prejudicial slurs at everyone who joined and rammed just about everyone. It's impossible to find a 100% legit and respectful track day lobby these days.
I like a good cop lobby from time to time but doing it 24/7 is just over the top being that GT5 is a racing game. Maybe when Grand Theft Auto 5 comes out they will head over there and play "cops".

It can be a little stale at times, but I don't mind.
Just conducted a test to see how ram-happy people are in a typical free run lobby. I hopped in a stock Kubelwagen in a Nurburgring lobby and hit the track. Just after the first sector I get rammed by an R34. Heading to the third sector I get rear-ended by a V8 Vantage, then heading to the fourth sector, I got rammed off by an SLR McLaren. For all instances mentioned above, I left alot of room, and kept looking back to see what the person was going to do. Twice I saw the player swerve into me, and the last time the person missed the braking point and rear-ended me.
Just conducted a test to see how ram-happy people are in a typical free run lobby. I hopped in a stock Kubelwagen in a Nurburgring lobby and hit the track. Just after the first sector I get rammed by an R34. Heading to the third sector I get rear-ended by a V8 Vantage, then heading to the fourth sector, I got rammed off by an SLR McLaren. For all instances mentioned above, I left alot of room, and kept looking back to see what the person was going to do. Twice I saw the player swerve into me, and the last time the person missed the braking point and rear-ended me.

If I ever hit someone, I always type "mb" or "sorry" and continue on. I don't type this if I accidentally hit someone I have a problem with or if they have been hitting me/other people.
In a free run lobby, even if I am blasting around in a car 40mph faster than the car in front, I hit the brakes or lift off, its road etiquette.
^Unfortunately, a lot of people are annoyed by this and consider it 'stalking'. They tend to suddenly hit the brakes so you crash into their back. It's also kinda distracting; some people get nervous when they see someone trying to drive close to them.

Generally, it is though that 'if your car is faster, just fly by me, I'll let you go by.'
^Unfortunately, a lot of people are annoyed by this and consider it 'stalking'. They tend to suddenly hit the brakes so you crash into their back. It's also kinda distracting; some people get nervous when they see someone trying to drive close to them.

Generally, it is though that 'if your car is faster, just fly by me, I'll let you go by.'

I get really annoyed by people stalking me. It puts me off so darn much, but I don't hit the brakes. I make a bigger, more obvious gap for them. If they don't take it, I just slow down and try stay behind them by a certain distance. If they brake to meet me, I go switch car and try avoid them. Making them hit you is stupid.
I get really annoyed by people stalking me. It puts me off so darn much, but I don't hit the brakes. I make a bigger, more obvious gap for them. If they don't take it, I just slow down and try stay behind them by a certain distance. If they brake to meet me, I go switch car and try avoid them. Making them hit you is stupid.

10-10 no ABS pretty much solves a tailgate problem