Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
From now on I'm going to try and host rooms online with "GTP" in the title. I'd rather get the attention of a GTP user and have them in my games than a random idiot.

Some games I host have some decent people, but most are usually just rammers and showoffs.
Was kicked because I beat a fully tuned Ferrari F40 with, I kid you not, a Citroen C3 1.6 '02 around the 'Ring. Guy called me a 'dicklebobber' and kicked me. I mean don't get all pissed at me because you can't drive!
Was kicked because I beat a fully tuned Ferrari F40 with, I kid you not, a Citroen C3 1.6 '02 around the 'Ring. Guy called me a 'dicklebobber' and kicked me. I mean don't get all pissed at me because you can't drive!

gonna guess that F40 spent more time in the grass than on the track then? I wanna take my insight around there tonight at some point
I had some guy race me around Tsukuba with a Tom's Toyota Supra.I remember Tsukuba from the Nissan Academy where I placed in the top 500 with a DS3. I beat him with an Acura Integra. Next race he went on a ramming spree. I hate people who ram but I still ended up beating him by dodging and drifting, leaving him eating the wall. :crazy:
gonna guess that F40 spent more time in the grass than on the track then? I wanna take my insight around there tonight at some point

Actually no to be honest. While he did slide into the grass a couple of times, he was just too brake-happy. I barely had to brake with my C3, due to the immense handling it has. He also rammed and spun out a Renault Clio that was unfortunate enough to get in his way.
Actually no to be honest. While he did slide into the grass a couple of times, he was just too brake-happy. I barely had to brake with my C3, due to the immense handling it has. He also rammed and spun out a Renault Clio that was unfortunate enough to get in his way.
yikes.. sounds like the car was looking for an opportunity to kick his 🤬 the whole time.. well thats what he gets for tuning what was already a brutal car in stock form

Point taken:grumpy:
My worst experience was actually earlier tonight. Found a lobby the seemed promising, and it was nurburgring 24h only. It was set to 2 laps, PP500 and sport softs, so I pulled out my Volvo C30. First race wasn't bad, I started in fourth. Clean racing, at least in the pack of four cars leading that I was in. I ended up second beating many STI's and Evo's and a R33 GTR. The winner was the host in his surprisingly fast Alfa Romeo Brera.

Second race, same track, 3 laps, same restrictions. This time I started last. After lap 1 I had gotten from 8th place to a solid 4th. I had been cautious and waited for clean passes or for the guy in front to get nervous and mess up. The guy in front of me now was the R33 GTR. he was waaay out back in the first race so I didn't know what to expect, but based on the others it shouldn't be an issue.
I was wrong. I passed him after a quarter lap, clean pass as he had a spin. He then proceeded to use the first available straight to take aim at me. I could see him coming so I did a handbrake 180 onto the grass at about 50km/h to let him pass and avoid getting hit. He flew past, smashed into the wall and got stuck in a sand pit.
He starting cursing me out like you would not believe. I just told him to calm down, and aim better next time. The others mostly just laughed at him and told him to shut it.
He never caught up to me again, and I could hear him cursing as he flew off track many times trying to catch up. He ended up stone dead last. I finished in a good third position
In the lobby he continued to curse me out. He told the host, that won this time too, that I had pitted him into the barriers and just driven off. If I accidentally knock someone off I ALWAYS wait and let them go before me even if it means losing many positions.
He must have been mates with the host or something because the host told me I was getting kicked, despite two guys in Evo's told him they saw it and I was not to blame.
For the next thirty minutes I received abusive messages from the R33 driver.
I just repsonded that he should log off and go get breastfed before getting tucked in. That actually shut him up. I reported him after that. I'm not going to mention his name since I searched it and found him on these forums.
I reported the host too. I mean who kicks a guy that has two witnesses supporting his side?

Worst ever. Sadly just the worst ever so far. Thank god for the gang of friends I usually race with or else online would be dead to me.
But when I do race against strangers I don't race to win at all costs, I just use it as practise and stay clean.
Nice to see I'm not alone at getting kicked for winning , I was racing at the green hell a little while ago under the host by the name of IWINNUMBER1 and all was good while he was winning then after a couple of races I found my pace and started to win, he then started ramming then kicked me , very frustrating
11 lap kart race at a custom track. I won by a clean 10 seconds, I didnt ram, didnt cut corners, didnt cheat in anyway shap or form, I collect my winnings and the host gives me the boot. I just laughed it off and went and joined another room.
NASCAR at Daytona... against 11 laggy spaniards and germans... 3 go spinning in turn 2, I draft to the front byt turn 4 (still on lap 1), the host doesn't quite notice me, tags, me gets loose starting a lot of shuffling and a multi-car pile-up ensues. I control a 170mph slide (just) and enter turn 1 with nothing but tyre smoke in my mirror... moments later I get kicked as I was the only one to make it through the wreck... I lol'd :D
67 lap NASCAR race. It started with 12 people but most of them left after the full field wreck on lap 6. It was lap 65 I was 27 seconds ahead of 2nd place which was the host when he quit the race and kicked me. I laughed when he said his reason for kicking me was that I was beating him.
11 lap kart race at a custom track. I won by a clean 10 seconds, I didnt ram, didnt cut corners, didnt cheat in anyway shap or form, I collect my winnings and the host gives me the boot. I just laughed it off and went and joined another room.

Nice to see I'm not alone at getting kicked for winning , I was racing at the green hell a little while ago under the host by the name of IWINNUMBER1 and all was good while he was winning then after a couple of races I found my pace and started to win, he then started ramming then kicked me , very frustrating

Sounds like the hosts are sore losers, what childish behaviour!
Glad I found this topic. I was playing NASCAR the other night against some guys, 1 was a Brit, there was an American at one point and an Italian, + 5 Germans. It was pretty good, but there were two germans, I can't remember their PSN's, who kept smashing me... I was 1st for the first 15 laps, then after I got smashed I dropped back... 52 laps later I finished last.
Then there was this other guy the night before... I was about to win the race and it smashes me into the wall! again this was NASCAR.
I wish I could find more decent drivers to race with. I mean if it's accidental that's not a problem, but this was blantently on purpose...
These stories about NASCAR are why I NEVER bother with it. The races that have people that race clean their cars are all set up WAY too well and they shellac me. Then the ones with non NASCAR regulars are filled with people who love to crash you out when you try to pass them.
Well, I try to drive as cleanly as possible, but sometimes that doesn't work.

Nurburgring - 3 lap no restrictions race. I was using my ACR Viper against a few Veyrons and one Pagani Zonda (the host). The room had no restrictions. At the carousel turn, second lap, one of the Veyron drivers plowed into the Zonda who blasted full into me, almost making us lose. The same dude took out the other 4 Veyrons on the end of the straight, final lap. The host let me win since he took off after the Veyron driver. Demo Derby fight...
Wait, you guys are writing about NASCAR? With words? A rare combo...

But seriously, I don't play with unclean drivers. If you purposefully run other cars off the road or into walls, you're crappy at this game and should go back to NFS.

Turn on your nos and jet out of here, because real drivers win by skill.

Why I mainly play in leagues.
got into this room which hosted by fil2000AD,i must say he is such a jerk..ramming my car for no reason or whatsoever as i was doing clean race..he was at 1st position while i was on 3rd,then obviously and on purposely he waited for me to pass him,and BAM! i got hit..over and over
You know what I wish?

I wish you could only permit people with certain licenses to be allowed in your race.

I'd say, anyone with IB licenses with all silvers or better is far far less likely to ram other drivers.

I think 90% of the ramming and griefing is lack of skill. I used to hit other cars when racing GT1 and GT2 splitscreen, simply because I wasn't really good at passing or cornering. Once you get better at it, you're much less likely to resort to that. You want a cleaner, faster pass. You're racing the clock, now, challenging yourself to improve.

If F1 let anyone on their races, you'd see a lot of desperate wrecks that really masked low skill.

Anyway, if someone slams into you, don't assume they meant to. I'd still kick someone who simply can't race well enough for the other racers to enjoy themselves, but it's usually a skill problem.

And in my opinion, 'for fun' races should tolerate that nonsense. These people suck, but so what? Just get back on track and try again, and don't take it seriously.
These stories about NASCAR are why I NEVER bother with it. The races that have people that race clean their cars are all set up WAY too well and they shellac me. Then the ones with non NASCAR regulars are filled with people who love to crash you out when you try to pass them.

Honestly, I think there's some fun to be had in a Nascar race at Indy where people are wrecking eachother. As long as that's upfront what the race is about, it's actually fun.

One thing I've noticed is that some of these Nascar races will kick people for honest errors. Like wrecks you would see in 90% of the last few laps of a real Nascar race, they would kick you for.

Daytona, for example, can be really tricky in the last couple of turns before the race finish. If the race host doesn't win, and someone rubbed him slightly, half the time I've seen that host kick the race winner and whine about it, even if he was just as rough. It sounds like I'm complaining that this happened to me, but I'm talking about something I've seen done to others.
some guy last week PIT manuvered my Audi R8 LMP, then when i was like "very sportsman like dude" he proceeded to get a mouth and call me a :censored:bag, the host kicked him.. i thought i was done with this guy.. WRONG..

round 2- earlier today i took out my Insight for a little stroll (its first drive actually) around Daytona, then i had this feeling when i got past the pits to withdraw the car and switch in the RS6.. so i did.. as i was getting the RS6 up past 170 in turn 2 i notice that a car has come from the pack that normally squabbles at the line.. i figure no big deal, i realized the arrow was traveling much faster than mine and was going to catch me in a lap or so.. i figured id let him by when he caught up and thatd be the end of it.. WRONG again.. as the car rapidly closes the final few hundred feet to the RS6.. i quickly recognized it as the Viper that attacked the R8, and that he was lining up the RS6 f0r another take out manuver.. so instead of preparing to let him by, i instead got ready for a fight so to speak, because i knew from experience this guy was not going to let the Audi leave the track in one piece and was gonna pummel it repeatedly if i didnt do anything... right before he was gonna pit the RS6 i brake checked him.. inflicting some damage to the viper and upsetting it a little.. i knew that evasive driving was not gonna do much, because id seen this viper hang with my R8.. so i knew it was packing 1000 horsepower and was probably alot lighter,and more manuverable than the audi.. so i did what i could on the offense a bit, he popped the RS6 in the side and got it to lose composure.. not a spin, just a very easily controlled slide which i straightened in the grass, he slowed down after he saw that id saved the Audi and the two cars began exchanging blows on the next straight, he repeatedly tried to pluck the RS6s back end into a spin but its weight and AWD meant it took the beating with ease, finally i anticipated one of his rams.. hit the brakes, he shot past my front, hit the wall, bounced back, then i popped him in the side a bit and crashed him out, then the race counter started...

Round 3- I picked up the Sauber figuring the Sauber would probably be able to run around the Viper before he could pummel it, wrong, they ended up neck and neck, so the banging continued, the Viper knocked the Sauber and i had to save a spin or two in the grass, then hed slow down and wait to hit it again, i fake braked a few times and the Viper would hit the wall in a spark shower.. he was ruthless.. on lap 5.. i noticed we were catching the hosts Civic RM to lap it.. at least i was.. i wish i had a mic to warn the guy, because the Viper dropped into the shoulder and aimed for the hapless Civic, who vlearly had no idea what was coming to him, and then slams it into a spin up the banking in turn 4 so hard that the Civic hit, bounced literally straight up 20 feet (high enough to clear the fence by a couple feet), came back down on its nose, and cartwheled in front of my Merc into the grass, he promptly quit, and the guy who was pummeling my Sauber became the host, after knocking the sauber into a second spin, he made his biggest mistake, he slowed down to take another pass at the sauber as i was speeding it up.. he then realized he wasnt gonna get me and gassed it up to 220 and pulled high to try and shake me, i was going quicker, my car at 242, id had enough of this guys attitude, he pissed me off for the last time (the sauber was totally destroyed at this point from the punishment).. starting this grudge match with me over calling him out on the R8 spin.. really nothing.. and used the extra momentum to pop him in the side real hard at the finish line on lap 9, he spun down the track one way, then back up into the wall, smacked it, bounced up 5 feet, before finally pirouetting on his nose back down the track into the pit wall by the front pit, kind of like a pin ball effect if you will.. which he hit in a cloud of smoke, taking him out for good.. i won, collected my winnings, and got out of there before he could curse me to death.. some people :mad: :grumpy:

you hit me once intentionally, thats fine, ill let it go, you hit me by accident yeah sure of course ill let it off everyone messes up once or twice, i hit you by accident, ill stop. wait for you to continue, and let you have your position back. However, you hit me on purpose like this guy, REPEATEDLY, and just keep going, I will not tolerate it, especially over nothing. The funniest part was i went back in the room later and he left me alone, sounds like i taught him a lesson about screwing with me having taken out his Viper twice. :grumpy:
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You know what I wish?

I wish you could only permit people with certain licenses to be allowed in your race.

I'd say, anyone with IB licenses with all silvers or better is far far less likely to ram other drivers.

Great idea and it would be pretty simple to incorporate into the restrictions 👍
You know what I wish?

I wish you could only permit people with certain licenses to be allowed in your race.

I'd say, anyone with IB licenses with all silvers or better is far far less likely to ram other drivers.

Great idea and it would be pretty simple to incorporate into the restrictions 👍

It's a good idea but not sure if it would help. I have all 60 golds but I am not a very good race driver. Much better at time trial with the track to myself. I'm not someone who deliberately goes out to crash into people online but when I have been online against people I don't know I always manage to make mistakes that take out other people. I mainly brake too late and hit people from behind. I don't go online much as a result.
Just pummeled a Alfa 155 Touring Car on Cote D Azur with a Honda Odyssey. I guess entering that car into a 350HP event was a good idea, seeing as how he forgot to tune the tranny!
Big gear ratios = bad acceleration which = fail!
Ooh... 10 minutes ago, TGTT 10 lap race. 600 HP limit. I take out the Elise 111 RM for a race set (I needed to test my transmission - my weakest tuning spot.) I'm cruising around, not really even trying for a good time, when another dude slams into the side of me with his Citroen C4 Rally car.

I asked him what was going on. He said, "Look behind you". I hit the rearview mirror, and I see a Dodge Ram bearing down on me and the dude.

I pulled off the track and let him pass. He rammed the C4 dude hard enough to take him out. Good thing me and him quit right after he did that...
Ooh... 10 minutes ago, TGTT 10 lap race. 600 HP limit. I take out the Elise 111 RM for a race set (I needed to test my transmission - my weakest tuning spot.) I'm cruising around, not really even trying for a good time, when another dude slams into the side of me with his Citroen C4 Rally car.

I asked him what was going on. He said, "Look behind you". I hit the rearview mirror, and I see a Dodge Ram bearing down on me and the dude.

I pulled off the track and let him pass. He rammed the C4 dude hard enough to take him out. Good thing me and him quit right after he did that...

reminds me of what happened with the civic.. some people are just morons
last night joined a room, Right away hear someone say, " you guys watch out for zignzag, seen him going around track backwards other night wrecking people"
i tried to explain ive never done that. but he seem to have problem with me.
Im not sure why he said that, maybe just had my name confused with another.
I tell you all,- I make more than my share of mistakes. And yes I have wrecked others at times. But i can PROMISE you,- I would never try and wreck anyone on purpose! especially during a race. Its impossible to race online without sometimes hitting someone no matter how good you are, We all have done it. Its just something thats going to happen. When it happens to me, I dont get upset unless same person doing it all the time.
If you do have problem with someone and want to worn others, Make sure you have the right person.
It's a good idea but not sure if it would help. I have all 60 golds but I am not a very good race driver. Much better at time trial with the track to myself. I'm not someone who deliberately goes out to crash into people online but when I have been online against people I don't know I always manage to make mistakes that take out other people. I mainly brake too late and hit people from behind. I don't go online much as a result.

This sounds like what my brother does..... brake late, rear ends me.. man you can't do that! If it's over a certain amount of force I think you should be kicked from the room instantly.. you should not have gold in all your licenses and still be doing this.. it's very impolite driving.

This thread is good to read if you want to have a little more courteousness on the track - read article "06" and you'll see what I mean.

I think the problem is that the licences are always teaching the best route - if you're the only person on the track.. and usually that requires you to brake a little late.. that doesn't work if there's a car in the lead, and you should respect that drivers lead - especially if he got there without ramming your tail end, or any other driver's.
^ I can't believe I've never read that thread before :dunce:

It's a good idea but not sure if it would help. I have all 60 golds but I am not a very good race driver. Much better at time trial with the track to myself. I'm not someone who deliberately goes out to crash into people online but when I have been online against people I don't know I always manage to make mistakes that take out other people. I mainly brake too late and hit people from behind. I don't go online much as a result.

Dude, you're in the exact same situation as me:(

I've been trying to drive more conservatively as a result, not attempting any overtaking on anyone unless I'm sure it will stick.

Even then, I suck really bad when battling with more than 1 car:ouch:

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