some guy last week PIT manuvered my Audi R8 LMP, then when i was like "very sportsman like dude" he proceeded to get a mouth and call me a :censored:bag, the host kicked him.. i thought i was done with this guy.. WRONG..
round 2- earlier today i took out my Insight for a little stroll (its first drive actually) around Daytona, then i had this feeling when i got past the pits to withdraw the car and switch in the RS6.. so i did.. as i was getting the RS6 up past 170 in turn 2 i notice that a car has come from the pack that normally squabbles at the line.. i figure no big deal, i realized the arrow was traveling much faster than mine and was going to catch me in a lap or so.. i figured id let him by when he caught up and thatd be the end of it.. WRONG again.. as the car rapidly closes the final few hundred feet to the RS6.. i quickly recognized it as the Viper that attacked the R8, and that he was lining up the RS6 f0r another take out manuver.. so instead of preparing to let him by, i instead got ready for a fight so to speak, because i knew from experience this guy was not going to let the Audi leave the track in one piece and was gonna pummel it repeatedly if i didnt do anything... right before he was gonna pit the RS6 i brake checked him.. inflicting some damage to the viper and upsetting it a little.. i knew that evasive driving was not gonna do much, because id seen this viper hang with my R8.. so i knew it was packing 1000 horsepower and was probably alot lighter,and more manuverable than the audi.. so i did what i could on the offense a bit, he popped the RS6 in the side and got it to lose composure.. not a spin, just a very easily controlled slide which i straightened in the grass, he slowed down after he saw that id saved the Audi and the two cars began exchanging blows on the next straight, he repeatedly tried to pluck the RS6s back end into a spin but its weight and AWD meant it took the beating with ease, finally i anticipated one of his rams.. hit the brakes, he shot past my front, hit the wall, bounced back, then i popped him in the side a bit and crashed him out, then the race counter started...
Round 3- I picked up the Sauber figuring the Sauber would probably be able to run around the Viper before he could pummel it, wrong, they ended up neck and neck, so the banging continued, the Viper knocked the Sauber and i had to save a spin or two in the grass, then hed slow down and wait to hit it again, i fake braked a few times and the Viper would hit the wall in a spark shower.. he was ruthless.. on lap 5.. i noticed we were catching the hosts Civic RM to lap it.. at least i was.. i wish i had a mic to warn the guy, because the Viper dropped into the shoulder and aimed for the hapless Civic, who vlearly had no idea what was coming to him, and then slams it into a spin up the banking in turn 4 so hard that the Civic hit, bounced literally straight up 20 feet (high enough to clear the fence by a couple feet), came back down on its nose, and cartwheled in front of my Merc into the grass, he promptly quit, and the guy who was pummeling my Sauber became the host, after knocking the sauber into a second spin, he made his biggest mistake, he slowed down to take another pass at the sauber as i was speeding it up.. he then realized he wasnt gonna get me and gassed it up to 220 and pulled high to try and shake me, i was going quicker, my car at 242, id had enough of this guys attitude, he pissed me off for the last time (the sauber was totally destroyed at this point from the punishment).. starting this grudge match with me over calling him out on the R8 spin.. really nothing.. and used the extra momentum to pop him in the side real hard at the finish line on lap 9, he spun down the track one way, then back up into the wall, smacked it, bounced up 5 feet, before finally pirouetting on his nose back down the track into the pit wall by the front pit, kind of like a pin ball effect if you will.. which he hit in a cloud of smoke, taking him out for good.. i won, collected my winnings, and got out of there before he could curse me to death.. some people
you hit me once intentionally, thats fine, ill let it go, you hit me by accident yeah sure of course ill let it off everyone messes up once or twice, i hit you by accident, ill stop. wait for you to continue, and let you have your position back. However, you hit me on purpose like this guy, REPEATEDLY, and just keep going, I will not tolerate it, especially over nothing. The funniest part was i went back in the room later and he left me alone, sounds like i taught him a lesson about screwing with me having taken out his Viper twice.