Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
EDIT: Aug 17, 2011 - This thread is already quite volatile, please ensure you will NOT post any names be it GTplanet members or not. Failure to do so and the thread will get a permanent lock.

From the OP. Edit your posts guys.
At least they aren't calling you hacker or your cheating or something. But these people do have other CoD player qualities... (Not to offend those of you who are not like this and play CoD)
Yeah, people should never quit not even if your last. I'm sick to death of being 1st by myself, or last because everyone behind me quit.

Like I said earlier, if you are the only one left in the race you get no credit, experience or leveling up and its the same in most games. What a wonderful world we would live in if we all quit every game we were going to lose. 10 million PSN users all at level 0.
Ghost Rydor
This is why I always host with penalties and damage at max, otherwise there is no reason to stop people driving like terrorists bouncing off the walls and running into you.
I had this noob last night tell me there was "no point in having damage on." No point in driving properly, Really? Needless to say he was hopeless, drove like a lunatic and wrote his car off on the third corner, 1st lap. He then quit the race, typed some verbal abuse then left.

I think its sad so many people want to play a simulator minus most the challenge and reality. It's like playing a FPS with an invinciblity code on, no damage. Man up and learn how to drive to whom this concerns!

There is a penalty that isnt damage, its called kicking. Honestly i dont want to end up having to correct my car that always turns right for the entire nurburgring just because some dick slammed into me on the fist corner, that isnt fun at all. And im not sure if youve noticed this yet, but the penalties are flawed. If someone hits you at just the right speed and angle, youll end up getting the penalty instead of them.
And I'm not sure if you've noticed this yet, but the penalties are flawed. If someone hits you at just the right speed and angle, you'll end up getting the penalty instead of them.

Don't forget Brake checking.

I must say it's tough to stay clean and competitive for me, simply due to the fact that I feel if I'm stuck behind a slower car than I'll get shoved off course while trying to pass and I'll be called the bad guy. As such I will sometimes force myself to wait and run slower than I can which eventually leads to other cars coming up behind me and trying to banzai dive past me in the corner with a ridiculous late brake maneuver, which makes them slide up into me and I'm called out again.

As such, I stick to the racing series and the club leagues here on GTP. At least in those I can be sure if I get clipped or nudged it was by accident.
*sigh* The know-it-all-argument-loving-morons. I obviously beat this guy in an argument because that said person was whining the whole time about "change track this" or "change it to ____ weather!" that. The host did EVERYTHING he said, and some of us were getting annoyed, by the host's changes and the person's whining. His name is *concealed due to OP's request*. Many of us said "quit changing" or "quit whining." He then went on to tell us to "shut up" or "be quiet" and some more. We all came back with some good arguments, but he kept on insisting. People on mics were like "Rosa, ____ just owned you there." but he kept on being a whine. People voted for Nurburgring night time, but he went on to whine about it, he wanted daytime. I asked everyone, "Okay who is sick of this guy?" Everyone agreed. Well, the host changed it to daytime, anyways. People started leaving, but more came in. I told him that he couldn't even handle racing in the night. He told me that he was "skilled" only because the host (at that time I figured out was his friend) said so. The host ran a tuned RX-7, he ran an LFA, and I did so, too. 580pp, us and 10 other people. I told him to prove it, he agreed. We started the race, and it only took us about 2 minutes into the race before he took me out at Aremburg. When he won 8th, he proceeded to brag about it. I told him he rammed me, but he denied it. So I decide to run my M5, he then didn't race that round. Continued taunting me, and then another person decided to speak out. He started arguing with THAT person and I was so eager to finish. After I win a convincing 3rd, I tell him he is an argument-loving hypocrite. Because, when he argued with that other person, he said stuff like "be POSITIVE" and "enjoy life, don't make arguments." He acted like some happy-demon had gotten inside him. I then decide to go all out, saying every valid points I have, and have some funny points to what he says. He ultimately lost the argument, and then left the room. :sly:

Go message him, PSN - *changed due to OP's rule*. Or if you see him, bug him. He's one of those whining babies that can't keep an argument.
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Think I met him in a traffic laws room, was ages ago though, heh.
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EDIT: Aug 17, 2011 - This thread is already quite volatile, please ensure you will NOT post any names be it GTplanet members or not. Failure to do so and the thread will get a permanent lock.

From the OP. I think it should say Read First Post in the title.
I've been gaming online since 1999. I've seen just about everything from biased hosts to team killers to people who are just out to ruin other people's fun and everything else in-between.

For me, I never give those types of people the satisfaction of letting them think I care. If a host boots me because I'm beating him in a race, I just quietly move onto the next server with no messages or harsh words, knowing what really happened is the only thing that matters.

If I stop in a room that is biased and set up for a host to win, I say good for them. If that's what they need for their ego to be soothed, then who am I to say otherwise. I just move onto the next server.

If I am in a clean room full of dirty racers, then I quietly finish the race and move onto the next server.

If (insert "no joy" online experience here), then I just chalk it up to whatever it is and move on. I usually race with people on my friend's list, so I don't usually have to deal with this kind of stuff, but when I go into public servers, I do my best to follow the rules and if I'm not having fun, I just move onto the next server. 👍

Thats what i do
Basically,this is what people should do when they get mad over one server.
And strangley,I am 13 but i act what he said

And by the way,the worst people i dealt with was French and SOME Canadians.I don't know why some Canadians doesn't like me :( I don't hit or ram them,but they seem to ram me and that goes for the French too
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PD, please add a thing that allows you to ban certain cars, I'm sick of idiots joining my drift rooms to block the road with their Tank Cars.
That means you are following too close. You need to understand that your stopping distance will be longer, and hit the brakes early.

If you're doing that a lot, it means you need to be less aggressive. That move counts as dirty and would get you booted from my lobby.

I think it was yesterday...

I join a Nurburgring racing server. Ok, so I see there are 2 Gallardos, 1 Scudaria, Ford GT, and Evo RM. I grab my stock DB9 with sports softs while they're running with racing softs. I'm doing quite well at the beginning of this 2 lap race. Then one of the Gallardos shunned me into a wall. I fell behind dramatically, and kept falling bhind obviously due to my untuned car. I did however catch up the Gallardo who hit me and saw him cutting every possible corner. After the race, both Gallardos said "nice clean and fair race." Congragulating each other for a 1st and 2nd finish. I then proceeded to not participate in the next race and saw the same Gallardo doing the same things. Room says Clean racing xxxPP. I then decided to leave without a word. Better off not saying anything as I think he was the host. That, was very annoying. Plus they all weren't even good drivers. Even with they're racing soft tires. :ouch: :grumpy:
Mine I was in a drag racing server on top gear test track and we were having fun when a guy joined and got in an x1. He kept hitting us all every time we started then he got kicked and kept joining back.
A couple hours ago I got into a room than say STREET CARS -CLEAN RACE, I saw the rivals so I decided to enter with a barely modified SLS (it was a restriction of 570 PP and my SLS it was at 574 PP so I just reduce a little the PP of my car) it was in Nurburgrin @ time change, I was using Sport soft and then a few seconds before I saw everyone was using racing soft (really racing soft for street barely modified cars?) So in that first race I was a bit slower than the rest; there was a guy behind of meussing a NISMO 200R and he was hitting behind me so I retributed to him with a pair of dirty blocks (eye per eye), so He took over me, finish the race lalala, We were waiting for the next race and while I was changing my tires the guy complain me about why I was blocking him. I tried to do not start a fight (I colud remember him how he was hitting me in a plce in wich he wasn't able to overtake) so I jusr say sorry is not going to happen. Then the next start at the same track, I was 6of 8 and before the corner I got the second place, so while I was turning a stupid guy with an Impreza came from behind and hit me, my brakes got blocked so I lost traction and obviously I couldn't control my car, so when I was fighting for the same guy with the 200R it was behind me, I didn't see him and I blocked him again and he started to complain again, so frustrated I got out the room.
A few minutes ago I entered an LMP Only room. There were 2 little kids with mics, 4 people who couldn't race right, and 5 good people. As soon as I pull out my 908 1 of the kids says that the 908 isn't an LMP (facepalm). I told him about the 908 because I actually watch the 24 hours of Le Mans. And he said fine whatever you can use it.
Lap 1: I go from 6th to 2nd after the straight with 2 chicanes.
Lap 4: I get rammed on "accident" by one of the kids.
Lap 6: Rain appears
Lap 13: My car slips and hits the kid. I told him it was an accident but he swore up a cuss storm.
Lap 20: I come in 3rd overall and the little kid afterwards told his friend to kick me but I could hear the other kid "exercising" and could hear something that sounded... Well you get the picture.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Turn your mic off if you are going to do that. Because when I told him I heard everything he went apesh-- and kicked me.
That might have been from the original host, then he left and the CROWN moved onto some skill-less bum.

I always hate servers that do that. Especially free runs that used to be on the 24h circuit of Nurburgring with weather changed to just the northern loop with only time change. Pisses me off every time.

Mine I was in a drag racing server on top gear test track and we were having fun when a guy joined and got in an x1. He kept hitting us all every time we started then he got kicked and kept joining back.

A player can not join the same server once kicked. I've tried. (Accidentely booted and couldn't come back in, "You are banned from this server" or something like that)

A few minutes ago I entered an LMP Only room. There were 2 little kids with mics, 4 people who couldn't race right, and 5 good people. As soon as I pull out my 908 1 of the kids says that the 908 isn't an LMP (facepalm). I told him about the 908 because I actually watch the 24 hours of Le Mans. And he said fine whatever you can use it.
Lap 1: I go from 6th to 2nd after the straight with 2 chicanes.
Lap 4: I get rammed on "accident" by one of the kids.
Lap 6: Rain appears
Lap 13: My car slips and hits the kid. I told him it was an accident but he swore up a cuss storm.
Lap 20: I come in 3rd overall and the little kid afterwards told his friend to kick me but I could hear the other kid "exercising" and could hear something that sounded... Well you get the picture.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Turn your mic off if you are going to do that. Because when I told him I heard everything he went apesh-- and kicked me.

That sucks. Stupid kids. (I'm 15, but I bet they're even younger) What cars were they using to not know what LMP car was what?
Trying to do a race on the Ring, I was using my RUF 3400S and was about to pass a Skyline and he moves over to cuts me off, sending me into the wall! Then he shouts over his mic, watch out for the RGT, my first thought was, I had to line, you gave me the biggest gap to pass, and my second was, I can't believe you thought I was in an RGT:P Anyways, I was trying to catch back up, and there was constantly these two guys that wouldn't shut up, they talked about Battlefield and Call Of Duty the entire race, I kept missing shifts and messing up on my cornering because of their babbling, so I kindly typed "shh, people are trying to race" and they simply ignored me and kept on rambling..
I'm making my own servers from now on. I'm never going to join another server again, unless it's a Shuffle. Shuffles are the only ones that haven't been so bad for me.
I'm making my own servers from now on. I'm never going to join another server again, unless it's a Shuffle. Shuffles are the only ones that haven't been so bad for me.

Regardless if you make your own or not, you still get people that can't drive, drive clean, or respect others, unless your talking about a private lounge that only your friends can access. Shuffle races can be bad sometimes to, I've hosted several of those where people still drive like their in a demolition derby.
A few minutes ago I entered an LMP Only room. There were 2 little kids with mics, 4 people who couldn't race right, and 5 good people. As soon as I pull out my 908 1 of the kids says that the 908 isn't an LMP (facepalm). I told him about the 908 because I actually watch the 24 hours of Le Mans. And he said fine whatever you can use it.
Lap 1: I go from 6th to 2nd after the straight with 2 chicanes.
Lap 4: I get rammed on "accident" by one of the kids.
Lap 6: Rain appears
Lap 13: My car slips and hits the kid. I told him it was an accident but he swore up a cuss storm.
Lap 20: I come in 3rd overall and the little kid afterwards told his friend to kick me but I could hear the other kid "exercising" and could hear something that sounded... Well you get the picture.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Turn your mic off if you are going to do that. Because when I told him I heard everything he went apesh-- and kicked me.

Welcome back...hope you don't mention names this time because the OP has been updated to say you can't! :P
Looks like yesterday all the clean and sensible drivers were doing the DC challenge. After some attempts at that I wanted to go for a quick half an hour online racing before going to bed. But I wasn't really lucky.

The first room I entered was an almost full Karting room, called Karting O_o or something alike. During qualifying it turned out that there were quite some skilled drivers, so I thought it would be fun...until the race started.
I managed to get through the first corner of Grand Valley East cleanly. I'm always cautious there as I know that even in clean races the first turn is a big risk.
Then however there is some guy that starts ramming some guys on the next section and at the hairpin I'm the victim and get bumped into the gravel. I fight my way back and after 2 laps I had caught up with the leading group again, only to be catapulted in the tires by the same guy 5 seconds later.
As it was the last lap and I didn't really feel like crawling to the finish, I quit the race to look who that moron was. I just recognized the helmet, there were too many other racers together to see which PSN tag the guy had. But before I could identify the punter I get kicked from the room.

Sunday was like half a day of great racing in a quite disciplined room, on Monday you get bumped and booted for no reason. I don't get how people can enjoy online racing when they behave like that. Luckily the good days are more frequently occuring to me than the bad ones :)
Easy: some racist dude. S'alright though, a lot of the others in the room defended me and eventually kicked him out. Disgusting behaviour really though.
a lot of the others in the room defended me and eventually kicked him out.


What I don't understand is that there does not appear to be any Sony admin of some sort in the online lobby. Sometimes I come across lobbies that have a purely racist lobby name. Owners of these should be banned from PSN right away.
A 4 Hours of Nurburgring server. More like 17 minutes because X2010s kept punting the host into the dirt. He then left, taking the server with him. He sent me a PM afterwards saying "You were (I Was) the most mature driver there. Thanks."

What I don't understand is that there does not appear to be any Sony admin of some sort in the online lobby. Sometimes I come across lobbies that have a purely racist lobby name. Owners of these should be banned from PSN right away.

I agree with that... what they should have in GT5 is a rep thing... so if someone gets kicked out, with a VALID reason, there is - rep added, and for good hosts/racers, plus rep is added.
And then those with - rep are not allowed to host rooms etc, or are monitored...