Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
oh, boy. where do i begin?

(1) I was in a shuffle race on the Nurb when i see a driver in my rearview in a pontiac solstice coming up. he is using everyone as a bumper car. i thought i would outrun him or at least outmaneuver him. i decide to brake early so he can whiz past me, but instead i hear his horn blaring and the next thing you know the bastard smashes into me and drives off.

(2) I was in a free run lobby on the Nurb again testing out the LDP veyron predator edition tuning and this user ( i would give you his ID but i don't want to get into trouble) starts asking to turn on the skid recovery force. We (some dudes with a mic and I) kept saying no. he started calling us 'dushes' and saying 'fu fu fu fu (et cetera)'.
So i make a joke out of his 'dushes' comment by saying 'what the hell is a dush?' then he gets mad and leaves the lobby. a few minutes later i get a few precious items of hate mail from the same guy. what a crybaby i tell ya!
Then... why is he playing GT5? Why does GT5 have more sales? (Correct me if I'm wrong)

Very funny though. :lol:

I never got the chance to ask but he was maybe 30 (guessing) but he was a try hard tdu2 fanboy he said GT5 is stupid because of no Stig suit & the 1 mil trade cap. UM complete bs?:dunce:
Bobert power
I never got the chance to ask but he was maybe 30 (guessing) but he was a try hard tdu2 fanboy he said GT5 is stupid because of no Stig suit & the 1 mil trade cap. UM complete bs?:dunce:

I've played TDU 2 :P it's not that bad lol
I was in a NASCAR at Daytona room with like 5 other guys, who I didn't know, doing 7 lap shootouts. Lap 4, four of the other guys crashed out so it was just me and another guy finishing up the race. I had the low line and he took the high line. He couldn't get past me running high, so here we go on the last lap coming out of turn 4 and I see him get a run on me and clearly goes below the yellow, almost in the grass, to get the win. I could have easily taken him out doing that little trick, but thats not how I race. I just told him that that was a cheap way to get a win. His response was, while laughing, “uh, sorry man, I got pushed below the yellow” Guess he didn't realize I drive with the bumper cam with mirror and could see everything behind me. We were the only two on the track and he's trying to tell me someone pushed him below the yellow, lol. Getting fed up with these dirty racers.
So I was in a NASCAR room @ Daytona the other day full of aussies, when a couple of Germans joined (nothing against them, just stating what happened). Start a race, and first corner they cause a full field crash. Need less to say, they were swiftly booted. One person decided to leave to the lobby, and go an a massive all caps rage, featuring racism and swearing. This went on for the whole 40 lap race. Start a new race after we finish the other one, and straight away the guy who was having a cry in the intermission, starts to really push his way through people (yes, we were all rubbing a little bit, but his hits were hard and occasionally required oppy lock). This happened for about 8 laps if the 35 lap race, until the inevitable happened, he took out the leader, and once again the whole field crashed. He left on his own accord soon after myself and everyone else with mics started to have a go at him.
So I was in a NASCAR room @ Daytona the other day full of aussies, when a couple of Germans joined (nothing against them, just stating what happened). Start a race, and first corner they cause a full field crash. Need less to say, they were swiftly booted. One person decided to leave to the lobby, and go an a massive all caps rage, featuring racism and swearing. This went on for the whole 40 lap race. Start a new race after we finish the other one, and straight away the guy who was having a cry in the intermission, starts to really push his way through people (yes, we were all rubbing a little bit, but his hits were hard and occasionally required oppy lock). This happened for about 8 laps if the 35 lap race, until the inevitable happened, he took out the leader, and once again the whole field crashed. He left on his own accord soon after myself and everyone else with mics started to have a go at him.

Its a shame people can't race NASCAR clean. Most of them think its a demo derby free for all. Clean NASCAR rooms with good drivers are getting harder and harder to find.
Its a shame people can't race NASCAR clean. Most of them think its a demo derby free for all. Clean NASCAR rooms with good drivers are getting harder and harder to find.

You can't label a room dirty simply because of one bad egg...
You can't label a room dirty simply because of one bad egg...

For me, its been rare lately to find a room of good drivers. Most of the time its like 2 or 3 good drivers out of a room of 8 to 16. And yea, I can start my own room but it takes forever to weed out the bad apples. Sometimes I hardly get to race because I'm either getting wrecked or I have to jump out of the race to kick people. Not a very fun experience you know. It just seems like it has gotten worse lately. And fyi, I never said I labled a room dirty because of one person.
Had a crap day online, first place is slow in an lmp, third is no brakes mcgee and my sti is rear ended, gets blame, finishes. Change to tt-r and spin, drop from race to get something my noob butt can handle, run an lfa next race, dont make one mistake, kicked for misconception about first race.


Just the same, got first online win this week.4 door 4 seaters, touring car theme, 460 pp and after fishing 12 and higher on previous tracks the ring comes up... No mistakes in slower car (civic r 08), end up winning, go figure!
For me, its been rare lately to find a room of good drivers. Most of the time its like 2 or 3 good drivers out of a room of 8 to 16. And yea, I can start my own room but it takes forever to weed out the bad apples. Sometimes I hardly get to race because I'm either getting wrecked or I have to jump out of the race to kick people. Not a very fun experience you know. It just seems like it has gotten worse lately. And fyi, I never said I labled a room dirty because of one person.

You created an entire thread on dirty NASCAR drivers and said this:
Its a shame people can't race NASCAR clean. Most of them think its a demo derby free for all. Clean NASCAR rooms with good drivers are getting harder and harder to find.

You didn't explicitly say it, but you certainly implied it.
Normally dont have too much trouble online.

The good news is dirty drivers are usually quite slow... so all you need to do is qualify up the top and make it through the first 2 corners and your safe.

I must say I have been pleasantly surprised by how many good drivers I have come across by random in public lobbies.

Kudos to those who are fast and still stick with some public races 👍 I enjoy meeting you guys :cheers:
My 100th post will be crap! So here it goes. My user name is mispronounced, mostly kids. They say Robert, (Vision maybe) their is Boobert. It's ridiculed.:crazy:
My 100th post will be crap! So here it goes. My user name is mispronounced, mostly kids. They say Robert, (Vision maybe) their is Boobert. It's ridiculed.:crazy:

Everyone always calls me "the drummer king" or just drummer king, or, just drummer (this one I'm okay with).. But it clearly says the drumming king. I've even been called TheDrummerKING here. ;) :P It doesn't bug me that much, but I still find it odd.
I'm actually quite surprised how decent people are online in GT5, even though I too have had my share of morons intentionally ruining a tandem drift or racing. Otherwise I've met a bunch of polite and kind people. Although nothing beats the PC sim communities.

I'm actually quite surprised how decent people are online in GT5, even though I too have had my share of morons intentionally ruining a tandem drift or racing. Otherwise I've met a bunch of polite and kind people. Although nothing beats the PC sim communities.


Indeed. I haven't played Rfactor in ages. It had a great 1970's La Sarthe community. I would always shread with the Gulf Porsche 917K!!!👍
Got verbally abused via mic by a very angry person who claimed I took him out. I watched a replay of the race in question, and this guy wasn't even in the race. So, um... yeah -- my punting skills must be biblical if I'm taking out people who aren't even racing.
Some smug tit in an SLS Stealth came into our SSR7 lobby and started talking s*** about how much better his car was than my Corvette ZR1 RM.

Race starts, penalties on, and we get up to the first hairpin. He knocks me into the inside wall and gets no penalty, and I catch him on the second corner, where the tit spins out his crappy SLS and gets me a 5 second penalty before quitting the lobby...

And apologies for borderline AUP language, but I'm ready to punch a gerbil right now I'm so mad...
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My 100th post will be crap! So here it goes. My user name is mispronounced, mostly kids. They say Robert, (Vision maybe) their is Boobert. It's ridiculed.:crazy:

Everyone always calls me "the drummer king" or just drummer king, or, just drummer (this one I'm okay with).. But it clearly says the drumming king. I've even been called TheDrummerKING here. ;) :P It doesn't bug me that much, but I still find it odd.

I've been called Stephanie before... lol.
Recently, I decided to go back online with GT5 and go into a UK laws room, it was going rather well at first. That is, until I was pulled over for absolutely no reason and then was kicked.

So apparently, it's not okay to drive a Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R129) at 60MPH when the rules clearly say not over 70MPH? Idiots these days...
I was in a Free Run server on Nurburgring (As most of my stories are) and I'm running around in my Alfa 147. :D Then I suddenly get rammed full force in the rear by a 787B? No effect on him whatsoever but I was spinning for 10 seconds straight. What's wrong with people? No one ever respects the slower cars on Nurburgring. Did they ever read the AMG Driving Academy thing? It says slow cars to right, and faster cars to the left. Like in real life it said. Yet, I get people nudging, pushing, punting, ramming, and sliding against me. I move to the right and allow them a pass, yet they don't seem to possess the driving skills to make a successful pass. I have had only 3 successful, clean passes on Nurburgring EVER. Meaning, I don't mess up, or the other driver doesn't mess up. 3 is pretty sad.

Does anyone ever encounter the Deadly First 4 in Nordscheife races? The first 4 corners always end up me in the back spinning and getting hit.

Same here. In the Infamous Cervo, no matter the free run room. D:
My cousin got kicked in a drive dirty room... And believe me he drives dirty (actually he sucks and drives dirty because of that)
Recently, I decided to go back online with GT5 and go into a UK laws room, it was going rather well at first. That is, until I was pulled over for absolutely no reason and then was kicked.

So apparently, it's not okay to drive a Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R129) at 60MPH when the rules clearly say not over 70MPH? Idiots these days...

I've always wandered - whats the point of these 'law rooms'. Really don't get it... you drive (no more than 70mph), someone stops you... then what? :confused:
I think your supposed to change your car or something.

Recently, I decided to go back online with GT5 and go into a UK laws room, it was going rather well at first. That is, until I was pulled over for absolutely no reason and then was kicked.

So apparently, it's not okay to drive a Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R129) at 60MPH when the rules clearly say not over 70MPH? Idiots these days...

I don't get those rooms. It's really a room for "Free Run - Hit EVERYONE As You Please" No fun in that.
Yeah, you change your car when you're pulled over. But in this case, I was kicked instead.

I don't know, I think it's a nice change from the racing. I have seen other players following the rules, and some good hosts doing these kind of rooms. But not at that time, unfortunately.
Got verbally abused via mic by a very angry person who claimed I took him out. I watched a replay of the race in question, and this guy wasn't even in the race. So, um... yeah -- my punting skills must be biblical if I'm taking out people who aren't even racing.

Yeah, I hate those rooms where the host goes by what someone says or writes and the host doesn't see it occur. I had someone spectating and all the wrote was "LOL RICEBOY" where he saw someone push me off the track. The host took that comment as I was the person who caused the pile up and booted me.
Got verbally abused via mic by a very angry person who claimed I took him out. I watched a replay of the race in question, and this guy wasn't even in the race. So, um... yeah -- my punting skills must be biblical if I'm taking out people who aren't even racing.

I was once abused by a group of 12 & under kids, its my guess they were young. They cuss, ram, and i made them cry by beating them in a shuffle race (NOT INTENDED). They left cause my Canopy was no match for their Mitsu GTO's.:lol: