Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
guys i need advice, basically a guy kicked me from a room because he didnt like my voice and when i asked him about it thats what he said so i responded with "enjoy being ridiculed on gtplanet" so he said hed reported me for breaking the code of conduct, i re read it and it says this
"You must not take any action, or upload, post, stream, share or otherwise transmit any content, language, images or sounds, in any forum, communication, public profile, Online ID, clan name or otherwise via, or in connection with, Sony Online Network which is defamatory, which compromises the privacy or security of yourself or others, or which we in our sole discretion find abusive, offensive or vulgar. This includes any action, content, language, image or sound that is racially, ethnically, sexually or religiously demeaning or offensive; defamatory, threatening or discriminatory; sexually explicit; illegal; or uses or promotes hate speech, violent behaviour or illegal substances."
so would i fall under this or am i clear? the onlky reason it was worded harshly is because i was tired as i was just about to come off and go to bed
guys i need advice, basically a guy kicked me from a room because he didnt like my voice and when i asked him about it thats what he said so i responded with "enjoy being ridiculed on gtplanet" so he said hed reported me for breaking the code of conduct, i re read it and it says this
"You must not take any action, or upload, post, stream, share or otherwise transmit any content, language, images or sounds, in any forum, communication, public profile, Online ID, clan name or otherwise via, or in connection with, Sony Online Network which is defamatory, which compromises the privacy or security of yourself or others, or which we in our sole discretion find abusive, offensive or vulgar. This includes any action, content, language, image or sound that is racially, ethnically, sexually or religiously demeaning or offensive; defamatory, threatening or discriminatory; sexually explicit; illegal; or uses or promotes hate speech, violent behaviour or illegal substances."
so would i fall under this or am i clear? the onlky reason it was worded harshly is because i was tired as i was just about to come off and go to bed

As long as you don't directly name him or his PSN, it's not an issue.
Breaking online story! Don't you hate it when people come and play horrible music through their mics? Well i just encountered a guy who was playing Justin Bieber. I told him to turn it off but instead he yells "WOOHOO JUSTIN!!!!!" Really? I just kicked him.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cheers::cheers::cheers::mischievous::mischievous::mischievous:
I hate it when that happens. It's usually in the good servers I'm in, and I'm not the host. The host is either not there, or probably muted him. Sure muting is an answer, but I prefer to know what people say. :dunce:
We had a kid come into a room yesterday, and we were racing muscle cars. He said he didnt have them because he "doesnt go out and buy pieces of 🤬 you know?" so we turned around and said how could you hate muscle cars and he said japanese tuners were better with no real evidence so we let that argument go, then he turns around and says NFS was better than GT5. Immediatly the 4-5 of us with mics turned around and said go play that then, we then muted him and went to get along with the race.
Breaking online story! Don't you hate it when people come and play horrible music through their mics? Well i just encountered a guy who was playing Justin Bieber. I told him to turn it off but instead he yells "WOOHOO JUSTIN!!!!!" Really? I just kicked him.:lol::lol::lol::lol::cheers::cheers::cheers::mischievous::mischievous::mischievous:
We had a kid come into a room yesterday, and we were racing muscle cars. He said he didnt have them because he "doesnt go out and buy pieces of 🤬 you know?" so we turned around and said how could you hate muscle cars and he said japanese tuners were better with no real evidence so we let that argument go, then he turns around and says NFS was better than GT5. Immediatly the 4-5 of us with mics turned around and said go play that then, we then muted him and went to get along with the race.

There are a lot of people like this. They just like to annoy anonymous people.

Once I was racing in a room where someone in an integra type r (it's always this specific car:crazy:) was freaking out about how my 69' Corvette Convertible was "lol sooo slow and omg ugly"(<whatever that means:odd:). I then told him that if he would "stop driving behind me", he wouldn't have to look at my "ugly" car. I then got kicked.:indiff:
I entered a Veyron Only Drag Room. I raced the host of the room and I smoked him by a lot and Kicks me. Can't people take a damn loss?

Similar incident today. Entered what I thought was a good room. Everyone's in Veyrons. I go out in my fastest non-Veyron car; the le mans. Race the host and lose by half a car. He then tells me how I suck. I bring out my Veyron and beat him by a bus and a half. I am then kicked :D
Those rooms i dislike. Anyhow, i was kicked by vote to yet more kids. The Justin Bieber kid said i was a "stupid jew!" yet offended but not Jewish they kicked me for claiming me Jewish. I swear people are offensive these days! :sad:
Bobert power
Those rooms i dislike. Anyhow, i was kicked by vote to yet more kids. The Justin Bieber kid said i was a "stupid jew!" yet offended but not Jewish they kicked me for claiming me Jewish. I swear people are offensive these days! :sad:

Just Don't fight with these stupid kids. It's not worth the time fighting with them. I do agree with you that these Kids are become more offensive and try to act they got balls to push you around. Just act in a mature manner and let them act stupid. This also happened to me just because I was translating a Player who only spoked spanish and these two kids started saying ****.
Yeah i've had my fair share of rams,spins ect. However when I start first on the grid I always feel really pressured and so I often cause crashes without meaning to. Anyone who I crash into i will park my car and wait for them to get past me as a sort of sorry! However I was leading a race at Nurburgring GP/F and on the final corner a guy in a enzo smashes me straight off the course and proceeds to tell me that I can not drive. He then sent abusive messages for no apparent reason. Madness!
Just Don't fight with these stupid kids. It's not worth the time fighting with them. I do agree with you that these Kids are become more offensive and try to act they got balls to push you around. Just act in a mature manner and let them act stupid. This also happened to me just because I was translating a Player who only spoked spanish and these two kids started saying ****.

I just ignored them driving hot laps. I forgot i accentually crash into him, he was on my lane going the wrong way, I said sorry then he calls me a stupid jew:ouch:
Bobert power
I just ignored them driving hot laps. I forgot i accentually crash into him, he was on my lane going the wrong way, I said sorry then he calls me a stupid jew:ouch:

Wow, whats up with these kids calling people 'jews'? I would so like it if there own mother hears them and get a big slap across there face. Kids just have no damn respect for there elders (if you are older then them)
Wow, whats up with these kids calling people 'jews'? I would so like it if there own mother hears them and get a big slap across there face. Kids just have no damn respect for there elders (if you are older then them)

1) Get your mic
2) Make sure your parents (if not in college) aren't home
3) Make sure mic sensitivity is on max
4) Scream in your mic
5) Curse loudly in mic
6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until said child's parents hear
7) When they come, laugh your a-- off! :D
8) Post funny story on this thread
1) get your mic
2) make sure your parents (if not in college) aren't home
3) make sure mic sensitivity is on max
4) scream in your mic
5) curse loudly in mic
6) repeat steps 4 and 5 until said child's parents hear
7) when they come, laugh your a-- off! :d
8) post funny story on this thread

I've actually had some truly awesome times online... the worst though... hmm.
Probably when I decided to bring out my 400PP Lime Green 207 GTi to a 500PP race and got called a "noob with a noob car" by some guy. Uh... WRONG. I went on to come 5th out of 10 people, beating the guy who called me "a noob" by a couple of seconds and a C63 AMG, a Lambo and an R8; was promptly kicked.
But... apart from that little 'mishap', my online experience has been rather smooth sailing. If you can just find that perfect (near-perfect will do) room, mostly hot lap rooms I find, you'll be okay.
P.S: I was on Sports Softs, everyone else was on Racing Tyres. ;)
1) get your mic
2) make sure your parents (if not in college) aren't home
3) make sure mic sensitivity is on max
4) scream in your mic
5) curse loudly in mic
6) repeat steps 4 and 5 until said child's parents hear
7) when they come, laugh your a-- off! :d
8) post funny story on this thread

ftw +1:)
1) Get your mic
2) Make sure your parents (if not in college) aren't home
3) Make sure mic sensitivity is on max
4) Scream in your mic
5) Curse loudly in mic
6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until said child's parents hear
7) When they come, laugh your a-- off! :D
8) Post funny story on this thread

Winning!! :lol: :D:tup:

Also this little idea gives me a reminder from South Park where Cartman gets Butters into trouble with his parents. Strange isn't it? :lol:
That wouldn't work. When someone has their headset on, all voice chat is relayed to the headset, and isn't relayed via the TV unless their headset is turned off. The most you could do is curse enough to get them to counterattack and become noticed by their parents.

Anyway, abuse is not allowed nor encouraged here on GTPlanet, you guys better not do something like this, or at least not with your GTPlanet PSN, that's not the outward image we want to project of this community.
I had the misfortune of ending up in a lobby with a couple of complete idiots after a few half decent races. As they were quitting to get ready for their bedtimes (no way these guys were adults), they decided it would be great fun to post lots of abusive messages in an attempt to offend me.

Complete a-holes like them should receive lifetime bans from PSN. I also noticed an unbelievable amount of racism in some lobbies. WTF is wrong with some people?
I hate it when I join a room which is called " Drifting RWD only" or something close to that. I enter with my Nissan Silvia, and I see the host and some other noobs 🤬 about with rally cars. I pull a face palm, exit the pit and drift the circuit. 30 seconds later I get kicked... :ouch: :mad:
Probably the 2-5 people rooms that kick you out as soon as they see the "____ has joined." Just because they don't know how to start a Lounge.
I was in a Le Mans tournament first race free run. The host asked me what car to pick that was not taken. He asked me something but his mic broke up. So i asked him a question of what type of race goes on after the current race. He screams ballistically in his mic and kicks me. He sent me a swear message after that. People need to grow up!:grumpy::grumpy::grumpy::mad::mad::mad::mad:🤬:banghead:
I was busy hosting my Cruising & Driving lounge last night, I always open this event up to the public and I can expect the room to be full within 3 minutes on opening. But, every single person took out their free X2010 and I had to kick the whole lounge, literally.. It's one of the top rules on the server, intention to drive the car will have you thrown out. This is a maturely situated lounge and I don't want to have to deal with all the kids who have found their way into my lounge.