Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
worst i've dealt with was in a ferrari F1 race.

i had entered a almost empty F1 lobby. there was two other people and it was 2 laps around the nurb 24hr.

as soon as the race began me and the host took the lead. then it happened..... the dipstick behind us slammed me and the host at the first corner. i managed to regain control of my car and gain about a 15 second lead as the host and the noob struggled to get out of the grass. the loser left. so me and the host finished a lap before the host said "you win dude." so we left the ring and waited for more people. we went to deep forest with about 13 people and as soon as we made it to the first corner somebody clipped another driver and it quickly became a cloud of tire smoke and cursing. this time me and the host along with some awesome driver managed to get through unscathed. then we went to trial mountain and somebody wrecked AGAIN leaving about 5 of the 13 drivers on the track to battle it out. i quickly overtook the host's F10 with my F2007 and caught up to the awesome driver. thanks to my better tuned transmission i passed him before the big hill. i slowed down to corner and then he rammed me at full speed. i tried to regain control but instead went into the wall. afterwords we dueled for 1st place for 4 laps. and then on the last lap he tried to ram me off the track. i slammed on the brakes and clipped his rear end by accident while trying to avoid getting hit. he spun into the grass and i managed to claim the checkered flag. after that he cursed me out for about 10 minutes and then after a watcher told him that he spun himself he shut up.

then the idiot from the race on nurb showed back up.
this time we were racing at daytona. on the semi-final lap he slammed me into the pits. causing me to go all the way into last. i retired from the race and watched. after the race was over the host warned him that "if you cheat again i'll kick you" so then we raced on fuji GT. this time the pressure from both noob1 and noob2 was too much. i pulled over and let them pass. so what did they do after winning? they called me "loser" and "sissy"

we went to the high speed ring for the final race. everybody else spent about 8 minutes tuning their cars. and i left mine alone. since i had my tuning perfected for my driving style. the race began and mine was quicker off the line. the noobs worked together and spun most of the other drivers out of the race. i got the lead thanks to a higher top speed and won. they proceeded to call me a cheat and requested a rematch. the nice host allowed another race and noob2 managed to pull a nasty move and get the lead early. i maintained my cool and kept tailing him til' he screwed up and wrecked. allowing me to win... he cursed for about 5 minutes and got his buddies to kick me while the host was taking a break. and he started spamming my inbox with foul language and such. claiming that "its impossible for some dumb**** like you to constantly beat superior drivers, the only explanation is that you hacked." after that i sent him a message and blocked him

the message said:

dear moron. after seeing that you liked to ram i told the host and activated ASM and SRF. its a shame someone with skills like you resorts to cheating when faced with losing. ~CNSpots1

Some people just can't face the fact that they're not the best racers in the world, and to justify their cheating is beyond low...
I'm getting sick of racing online. I really hate going into "clean" titled rooms, only to have a bunch of nascar bumper car drivers (jerks) doing everyone dirty. I proposed something in another thread: If you start a new room, and label it "clean racing," or some similar title, FIX your host status. Take it with you when you leave, so some idiot doesn't allow racing contrary to the title after you go-and have people like me (looking for a good room) wasting their time.
Also, limit the amount of allowable people in the room. I avoid rooms where they have space for 6 or more, because I know they're going to have a bunch of jokers in there. Still, even if you can even find a room with good criteria, you'll still have some dirt going on.
I saw a proposal that each player gets a "rating" based on the amount of rooms they're kicked out of, and the amount of races they abandon. That was a good idea. It would be nice to be able to restrict entry to players with bad ratings. If PD would listen to anything I had to say, I would make it that.
I saw a proposal that each player gets a "rating" based on the amount of rooms they're kicked out of, and the amount of races they abandon. That was a good idea. It would be nice to be able to restrict entry to players with bad ratings. If PD would listen to anything I had to say, I would make it that.

I'd like a system where it kicks the drivers who quit the race. I hate quitters. :)
another example would be the most recent drag i visited(last night)

i was challanged by some crap-talking guy in a 905 race car. everyone in the room(including the host) warned him that it was hopeless. but he just kept on til' i gave in and raced....

as soon as i lined up he took off without warning. i just cruised along and then after a mile i floored it and passed. after 10 seconds he had disappeared from view. as soon as we finished the guy started again "you are such a noob. what happened to eating my 905? you needed a whole mile to catch up!" he got kicked for jumping crap-talking and being stupid. i thought it was over

we went to a custom track with a half mile straight then. a dude wanted to race me in his veyron. well he lost(must have sucked at tuning) so he got his X1 and started ramming everyone. so the host had to kick him too.
Reviving the funnies: I just had an "event". Not so much a bad experience as a funny one. But still probably the worst to date.

I had been racing in a room on Spa-Francorchamps (My new favourite track), when this random canadian guy joins. I race 2 more races without noticing him as such, then after the 3rd race, which he didn't participate in, the host asks him why he didn't join. He claimed it was because I was playing bumper cars. I wasn't. I had even saved the replay and everything. (Ask anyone I've ever raced with, I'm a clean racer. Sure, rubbin' is racin', but no more than that). Also, a funny thing, on race 4, on which he joined, he actually tried to ram me after the straight (very intentionally, turned opposite direction of what he was supposed to to make the turn), but he failed and ghosted through me, into the grass. He didn't quit, miraculously, but finished dead last. I then asked him why he did that. He used the same bumper car excuse. The host, who had been pretty even positioning with me all 4 races, so had seen my driving, then intervened (All 3 of us had mics), helping me out. Mr. Canadian then said he was leaving, but the host kicked him before he got the chance. We all lol'ed.
Reviving the funnies: I just had an "event". Not so much a bad experience as a funny one. But still probably the worst to date.

I had been racing in a room on Spa-Francorchamps (My new favourite track), when this random canadian guy joins. I race 2 more races without noticing him as such, then after the 3rd race, which he didn't participate in, the host asks him why he didn't join. He claimed it was because I was playing bumper cars. I wasn't. I had even saved the replay and everything. (Ask anyone I've ever raced with, I'm a clean racer. Sure, rubbin' is racin', but no more than that). Also, a funny thing, on race 4, on which he joined, he actually tried to ram me after the straight (very intentionally, turned opposite direction of what he was supposed to to make the turn), but he failed and ghosted through me, into the grass. He didn't quit, miraculously, but finished dead last. I then asked him why he did that. He used the same bumper car excuse. The host, who had been pretty even positioning with me all 4 races, so had seen my driving, then intervened (All 3 of us had mics), helping me out. Mr. Canadian then said he was leaving, but the host kicked him before he got the chance. We all lol'ed.
Ah I remember that arse. It turns out, he wasn't even all that fast! He was trying to pull people out of the room and into his mate's room. For LMPs. He said he'd show us what real cars were. But he couldn't even drive a S15 RM without stuffing it, leave alone a 900hp monster!
Ah I remember that arse. It turns out, he wasn't even all that fast! He was trying to pull people out of the room and into his mate's room. For LMPs. He said he'd show us what real cars were. But he couldn't even drive a S15 RM without stuffing it, leave alone a 900hp monster!

Lol, he was driving some old Nissan/whatever, 200SX or summat XD
Lol, he was driving some old Nissan/whatever, 200SX or summat XD
It's a S15 RM. Which was driven so slowly he lost in a race against the same car driven by someone else. :lol: And do you still remember his username? If you do, I'd add 'IwishIwas' to the beginning of that. ;)
I learnt two things today, one, everyone kicks you if you try to race with the Ford Mark IV Race Car '67, and that people will kick you if you try to drift on Spa.
It's a S15 RM. Which was driven so slowly he lost in a race against the same car driven by someone else. :lol: And do you still remember his username? If you do, I'd add 'IwishIwas' to the beginning of that. ;)

You just made me lol, for real actually. Have a cookie.
I'm getting sick of racing online. I really hate going into "clean" titled rooms, only to have a bunch of nascar bumper car drivers (jerks) doing everyone dirty. I proposed something in another thread: If you start a new room, and label it "clean racing," or some similar title, FIX your host status. Take it with you when you leave, so some idiot doesn't allow racing contrary to the title after you go-and have people like me (looking for a good room) wasting their time.
Also, limit the amount of allowable people in the room. I avoid rooms where they have space for 6 or more, because I know they're going to have a bunch of jokers in there. Still, even if you can even find a room with good criteria, you'll still have some dirt going on.
I saw a proposal that each player gets a "rating" based on the amount of rooms they're kicked out of, and the amount of races they abandon. That was a good idea. It would be nice to be able to restrict entry to players with bad ratings. If PD would listen to anything I had to say, I would make it that.
I run very clean nascar rooms with good clean drivers. May take awhile to weed out the dirt but I have no problem booting the bad drivers in order to make the room clean. I enjoy meeting new friends with the same driving ability as my friends and I so, if your looking for a clean room, add me on PSN, id cargorat323. You are right about the fixed host status. I gotta start doing that myself. I'm on most every night from 6pm est. till whenever.
I had a run yesterday on green hell.

In a clean real racing room, with almost no crasher, until i came across him.
We were halfway down the first lap and was running around 3th with 8 in lobby on track.

I made a mistake and the one behind catches up, we started to fight for P3.
The fight on itself was amazingly nice (in my eyes) and we had like 10 corners of running and passing eachother very close. i gave him room, and he gave me room.

Until we hit the last part of the track... We come next to eachother just before the fast back part after techy corners, and we touch, like mirror to mirror, touch itself ok, both not derailed, but the sound was a loud BANG. GT does this more btw, oversampling what should be a single quiet bump.
It seemed that this BANG woke him up, gave me another bang...

Trying to not get him angry i brake early next corner, he goes first, after that turn, 2 turns before long straight, he braketested me out of nowhere... I slam into him, we both get a damage, and go through next turn in same order.
Suddenly he does it again, in last turn... Again into him, both left into rails...
He pulls out just before me, slipstream towards him while going through the gears on long straight.
Guess what he does, but now i saw it coming, he slams again when i'm one car behind him, and i just do the same in a certain extend and turn right on small piece of grass.
His car twitches but then he realises i'm going to pass him, full throttle and started to drift, spin bang into rails, me going to 6th gear saying bye bye with a big grin... :)

But really, not understandable he was... Such a great fight and a simple yet very loud bang seems to do wonders... in a bad way...

edit: exactly what happend
I've seen some players drive perfectly clean, until nobody is around, and then suicide ram the **** out of me... :nervous:
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Basically, it's a shuffle race, I'm presented with my first chance of winning, due to having to race a dodge viper that CANNOT turn against 458's and stuff. It's Clubman Stage Route 5, I'm in a skyline and I have the inside line. However, the guy who I am neck and neck with, deliberately comes inwards, forcing me to adjust my line. And, I hit the pit wall. :grumpy:
Nurb. His name is <removed by mod, read the OP> something, he had the fastest car and he barged everyone out of the way. Race after race it's the same. And the Host even congratulated him on his good time. (?)

I write 'It's not a time trial it's a race'....no comment coming.

I carry on into the next race. I'm 2nd doing a good pace and here we go up he comes.

OK he has a faster car so I pull over and let him past...and he rams the bloke in front of me off the track.

At the end of race I say 'hey please stop ramming'. And this is the best bit: He says' You brake too early, you made me crash into you.'

Whaaaa!? I brake to my car's breaking ability. If you are behind me it's your responsibility to anticipate my braking and use your brakes accordingly to NOT ram my arse.

As it was, I was racing quite normally and this thug barged himself through everyone and his dog.

OK, rant over.

Having said all that, I still had a few good races in that same room, I just let him go and raced with the rest of the field.
Happy days!

*edit: I aplologise for putting the bloke's psn name in my post. I only put half of his name in and thought that would be acceptable to the AUP and i'm sorry for that. I was pissed off at the time and should've known better.
As it turns out he saw this post the same day and sent me a PSN message, the contents of which I can't even paraphrase on here without violating several international laws.

Anyway, sorry.
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Just bored to be kicked for no reasons and especially without warning from some rooms, even directly at the entry (that includes rooms with users named GTP_something, don't know if that is necessarily related to this forum). They could simply ask to quit or write in their room's title "friend only" or whatever. Finding a good room is not always easy, being kicked that way makes things even more complicate
I was racing on kart space and the guy behind went flat out into the first hairpin to hit me (but missed) then they quit, I posted on the chat after that they were dirty and they replied "I wasn't even racing"! they quit before they could see my comment about them being a liar, apart from that one person I haven't met any idiots online for almost a year.
Happening two days ago: I was having a lot of fun on a Nurburgring free run server. No X1s, no le mans cars, not even a Super GT car. They weren't restricted, but nobody drove them so it was quite fun. Then, the good host leaves and the next in line takes it... this is where it goes downhill. It was some Canadian (I'm starting to really hate them Canadians on GT5, not just because of this guy) and he does the following: Takes off weather variations, takes off time variations, allows all aids (They were all set off). :grumpy: There were, I don't know, 12-13 people in there. 6-7 of us were quite upset. He ignored all of us and one guy said it was ok. OK?!?! Both suddenly jumped into an LMP car and I checked their settings. Automatic, Racing Soft, 5+ TCS, Skid Recovery, and ALL other driving aids. What the heck? So then here comes the great part... he finally says "deal with it everyone, just have some fun. :)" We then proceed to complain a bit more, then all but 4 leave.

Overall, Fixed Host setting needs to be promoted for use among all GT players. I'm getting sick of this crap happening in every room I enter.
I didn't understand what you where all talking about till yesterday... I used to think that highly restricted low pp rooms gather the most corteous, respectful and talented drivers out there. Anyway, maybe I usually got things under control by being the host, being followed or following people in my friend list, or maybe I was just lucky. But then I tried getting into the open again to race Spa, as it's not available at the US PSN store yet, and I don't even know if it will work in my racing account someday because of the region lock issues. So I got into a 450pp room (my favourite) with pretty talented drivers. Clean racing (at least what I could see) for 2 or 3 races, then the host started bumping me repeteadly every time he could. By the way, unnecesary at all, as I'm still learning the track and was very far from winning any race, but mainly because he was actually a good driver. The Moral of this tale: I'll cross my fingers for DLC to work in my PS3 when available, so I don't need to race borrowed Spas anymore.
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What I really want to know is why so many people have problems with people turning up in certain cars in unrestricted free run rooms. If you have an issue, set limits 💡
Heres a story to tell. Was in a Nascar room the other night and there was about 8 or so other players (all Aussies) and all was going well, then some idiotic moron from France decides to join in and writes things like "Clean racing please!" or something similar.

So we start the race, I'm in second fighting for first place when this Frenchman decides to do a PIT maneuver on me. Of course I let him know what type of person I thought he was and what he should do and where he should go.

If you're going to come into a room with mature people who are racing clean and start promoting it then go against that.. you seriously need some maturity happening within your silly head.

Just thought I'd share my latest GT Race rage story. :lol:
Just n00bs kicking me because i am beating them.

You brake too early, you made me crash into you.'

He reminds me of Shingo from Initial D(Driver of red EG6).

Watch at 20:00
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I don't usually play in the public lobbies, but decided to the other day and probably won't go back for a while, if ever. Did some limited PP races and a few shuffle, they were all the same. Had a "clean drivers" in the title and was far from it. Just wasn't fun. I actually think the shuffle racing is worse now with the expanded options and more powerful cars.:indiff: Maybe I didn't go in the right rooms, I don't know. Frustrating. Oh well, I have another racing sim that I enjoy playing online even more than GT5. So, its back to that for me.
Had a host about a week ago who kept raising the pp restrictions less than a minute before race start, probably because he had tuned up his car already and wanted to be the only one with higher pp.

Then after a while the restriction climbed up above 750 and I thought, well, I might try the FGT for this. So I did and it was not a great success. The following two races I finished third after to LMP cars (who had a lot higher top speed than my modest 280 km/h) but then in the next race those LMP cars had some bad luck with crashes and so on and I was on the last lap, just a few hundred meters before finish line and I get kicked from the room by the host. For what reason? That I had the FGT that not only was way slower than the others but also was totally fine as long as I didn't win?? And apparently it was totally okay even until I got to the last corner, so what was the problem? And even if it was a problem, why didn't the host say something? The transition from road cars to LMP cars had not been a problem, so as the PP raised higher, why would a formula car be a problem?
But then again, I wasn't kicked because I had the FGT, I was kicked because I was winning. I should take that as a compliment.
Well, as a newcomer to online lobbies in GT5 I was expecting a more entertaining experience and be forewarned this will be something of a rant. :ouch:

This first day of online went fairly smoothly, I managed to join a fairly clean shuffle race, mixing tracks and pp a little but nothing too excessive which turned out to be great fun. The physics didn't take all that long to adjust to at all and it was a blast to drive cars I previously hadn't, at least in this version of GT. I liked the random nature of the shuffle rooms and the host was well in control of any below board behaviour. Well, as you can imagine with a topic with so many replies i'm hardly going to sit here and serenade its praises. :sly:

After the first day, looking for more specific rooms, namely those around 450-550pp became something of an issue. I would usually start by searching individual tracks that I felt would provide me with a decent chance, that I know fairly well and have driven lots and lots offline. This was ok, as for the most part in enabled me to avoid having to race the same track 20,000 times over and over in minutely altered pp settings. In don't mind the ring, however more often than not it's a one lap race, but every once in a while its nice to mix things up to prevent the racing from becoming as devoid and null as a long dead corpse. So many tracks seem under used and track voting usually leads full circle to another variation of the ring.

This brings me on to my next point, public lobbies and there ascertained, well thought provoking titles that are more mismatched from their actual content its beyond beggars belief. 'Clean' or 'xxxpp' more often than not is far from the truth, i'll spend a while (gets longer everytime i'm searching, or so it seems) looking for a room. I'm not the fastest driver around but the attitudes of the vast majority of people online stinks.

I've joined rooms full of other nationalities, only to be immediately jettisoned like an escape pod back into the depths of the lounge, simply for not living in/being from said country. Sometimes it fails to connect to rooms or the bar will continually fill but the screen decides in wants to remain in the pitch dark. Now I can handle being kicked, i've played a few FPS shooters in my time, but perhaps my expectations of more considerate people who enjoy the game like myself is too far fetched? Lastly, and this is what has ultimately acted as the catalyst for this, is that i've just been kicked after having waited more than half an hour for the race to end for no reason at all. It was a 16 player room that was about half full and none of them seemed to know each other so what was the problem? Egotistical whinging morons, they can shove their narrowminded keyboard warrior mentality. :mad:

Ultimately I do find online fun, buts it the people that make the place and I might just be unlucky in this respect, guess i'll have to continue plodding away. 👍
One Thing that annoys me quite a bit is people who continuously swerve down a straight to avoid the follower getting in the slip stream. I was following this guy on Nurb GP/F, The whole room were in SS Camaro '10 Rms. Me and this guy had been battling it out for a few laps now, all of which he would swerve all down the straight to prevent me from catching. I was annoyed, but pushed on knowing I could take the last half of the track quicker, which I did.

So we exit the chicane and charge into the last corner, him leaving a good car and a half width between him and the inside, so I dived at it under brakes. He turns straight into me and wedges me into the wall. I managed to get off the wall and be with in slipstream, but of course, he's swerving everywhere. So I get ready to chase him for another lap. But wait, As he's swerving he nipped the grass spearing him across the track and into the wall and I breeze straight past. All over? Ha, far from it.

So, him being in last place, completly backed off with 6-7 laps to go, so we eventually lapped him. Him being a ghost, I thought "oh yea, no hassles from him" So I duck up under him as he runs wide into the first corner, we end up side by side. He merged across to throw me off, but actually hits me instead. I manage to keep it between the lins to prevent getting a penalty and we go into the slow tight right-left onto the small straight. He ends up on the inside and on the exit onto the small straight, he rams me wide into the grass. I ended up with a 5 second penalty and a guy who was battling for position ended up right behind me.

I eventually catch back up to him before the hairpin at the bottom of the hill and try a pass again so I can atleast try and challenge the leaders. Suprise suprise, he blocks again. We hit the braking point, He tries to out brake me and instead ends up quite a fair way into the grass run off. I drive off back in the race and defending my position from someone actually battling for position.

After the race he sends me a message "Good race sweetie" I reply with "Moron" and block him.
Ideally everyone would race as they would in real life. Unfortunately a lot of people race like they're in a Michael Bay film.

Spa seems to have become a haven for corner cutters.