Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Its not the worst I've dealt with, but prob the worst I've done (unintentional).... I don;t play online a whole lot but when I do I try to race fair. A few days ago I found a room on daytona and joined, it said something like american muscle vs imports I think it was 590 or 690pp restriction....... I did a few races and was never near the front (I play on a DS3)... finally I picked a new muscle car, challenger srt8, and another player picked a modern gto... final lap it was me and him goin for the win, and playing a ds3 its almost impossible to hold a line. I was trying hard to pass the gto underneath but of course I slid up and bumped him on the last lap and spun him out. I went on to win... after the race ended I tried to appologize for the spin but I got kicked as I was typing (poor internet connection). Anyways, couldn't find the room again to apologize and felt bad....

OMG just realized I wrote book but wanted to explain it all.... sorry.....
Just reading some of these makes me laugh and cry all at once... damn there are some total oxygen theives out there and I reckon most are on the webternet :lol:

I understand people who prefer playing offline compared to having to sift through the chaff to find a good room... to this end I created a group for just those people, link below, and we use lounges not rooms so the invasion of rooms by total dooshlords (sic) is not even a possibility :)

If anyone would like to visit and say hi and have a race we welcome you, as long as you are not a total twit of course!

I had a race on Monza earlier, i was in second place on the final lap and this guy was weaving about all over the place on the final straight i did catch his draft and he denied me the win by slamming into me on the line, the time difference was like 00.37 between us.

People will always go to great lengths and do whatever it takes just to cross the line in first place at the expense of fair and clean racers, had it of been the other way round then he would of got the win as i prefer to stay in the racing line but such is life and the perils of online racing will always unearth these idiots who treat GT5 more like destruction derby.
Worst I've dealt with 5 races in the same room and every single bloody time there was this one guy who kept being otherwise magnetically attracted to whatever car I decided to use, If you get a slightly better run coming from Eau Rouge and are coming up behind me at a fair lick and I move over to let you pass don't then proceed to follow me and do me up the arse end, Some people pure :dunce:
Idiot in an M3 in a free run lobby who cut the chicane after Les Combes in his M3, smashed my R8 LMP, proceeded to cut me and ram me...

Me "Stop ramming people"
M3 "I don't like your attitude"
Me "I just asked you to stop ramming me at the chicane"
M3 "People, so rude in today's society"
Me "lol"
M3 "I have common sense"
Room Host "And ya a bit stupid" :lol:

We all stayed in the room without further incident.
Since obtain GT5 on release date. Not once has I enter the online racing. Im not surprise by large most player aint racing but ramming,hitting wall,airbore and cussing. Why bother by it. Time trial is more of achivement than racing others who doesnt understand do and dont.

It is not as bad as you think, coming from one who primarily races online (time trials being my second most participated activity). I stay away from rooms with no restrictions.
Well given that im an aussie I hate it when I join a room and get blasted by spanners that happen to dislike TeamVodafone. Then there is also the occasional Metallica fan that ridicules me over the fact that my intro statement implies that Randy Rhoads is GOD!!! Each to their own I believe.
Worst I've dealt with 5 races in the same room and every single bloody time there was this one guy who kept being otherwise magnetically attracted to whatever car I decided to use, If you get a slightly better run coming from Eau Rouge and are coming up behind me at a fair lick and I move over to let you pass don't then proceed to follow me and do me up the arse end, Some people pure :dunce:

Yeah. People really think that cutting Eau Rouge and ramming the guy in front of you on the top is the only way to overtake on Spa.
I set up a room Nürburgring 24hour at 600pp the room title was test only - 600pp, I am testing a road car when this guy joined the room and said "so when do we race", I pointed out that the room is for testing only, he called me a coward for not wanting to race him in his race car, so i did, first lap 7.57 second 7.50 after the race finished he called me a cheat and swore a lot and said i was a marked man, I laughed so much i could not keep my eyes on the game anymore so i left, don't you just love it when someone with a big mouth gets a good hiding :).
I set up a room Nürburgring 24hour at 600pp the room title was test only - 600pp, I am testing a road car when this guy joined the room and said "so when do we race", I pointed out that the room is for testing only, he called me a coward for not wanting to race him in his race car, so i did, first lap 7.57 second 7.50 after the race finished he called me a cheat and swore a lot and said i was a marked man, I laughed so much i could not keep my eyes on the game anymore so i left, don't you just love it when someone with a big mouth gets a good hiding :).

That is why you do that sort of thing in A) your lounge, or B) time trials
I hate people that already have the DLC that make fun of Americans for not having it!

On the opposite side of your coin, I was hosting a Spa trackday yesterday and an American guy was in there practising for a race series event that would be hosted at Spa.

When I left the room I spoke to the guys in front of him in the list who were just trackday driving and asked them to quickly leave and re-join so when I left the American driver would have control of the room.

As tends to be the way in my rooms everyone was happy and compliant so in short order we had a re-sorted list and when I left our friend from over the pond could continue his practise without fear of the course being changed.

I run very clean nascar rooms with good clean drivers. May take awhile to weed out the dirt but I have no problem booting the bad drivers in order to make the room clean. I enjoy meeting new friends with the same driving ability as my friends and I so, if your looking for a clean room, add me on PSN, id cargorat323. You are right about the fixed host status. I gotta start doing that myself. I'm on most every night from 6pm est. till whenever.

Sounds good to me mate, add me my psn is THE_MUTTS_NUTTS_
Today i was racing in a 650pp room on spa. the room was nearly full.
A guy from austria asks the host if he can put tcs on. Then a greek guy starts saying he's a noob and calling him things like moth*****ker and noob.
The race started and the greek guy is spamming the chat with messages telling us to ram him, calling him a noob and saying he is going to kill him. I quitted the race and tell the greek guy that the guy from austria most likely is a better driver than him. Then the greek guy starts calling me things just like he did with the guy from Austria. I tell the greek guy to calm down and get the **** out of the room. He leaves and i celebrate.
The online community is full of weird guys:rolleyes:
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Yes there is, it's Raidillon after Eau Rouge that is dangerous ;)

Exactly. 👍

Today i was racing in a 650pp room on spa. the room was nearly full.
A guy from austria asks the host if he can put tcs on. Then a greek guy starts saying he's a noob and calling him things like moth*****ker and noob.
The race started and the greek guy is spamming the chat with messages telling us to ram him, calling him a noob and saying he is going to kill him. I quitted the race and tell the greek guy that the guy from austria most likely is a better driver than him. Then the greek guy starts calling me things just like he did with the guy from Austria. I tell the greek guy to calm down and get the **** out of the room. He leaves and i celebrate.
The online community is full of weird guys:rolleyes:

Yes, there are a lot of weird people out there.

I hosted a Trackday on Spa the other day, and a guy joined (can't remember from where, looking through the messages now, he's from Scottland/Ireland/Wales, probably Ireland), started writing in messages that people from USA can go **k themselves or similar.

I reported him and kicked him out, he started to PM me telling me that I'm a ****ing eskimo and stuff.
I asked why he wrote what he did in the messages in the lobby, it was because of his heritage.

Hilarious. :D

nitro***95 was his PSN.
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I find the racism that online games bring hilarious. There was a great flame war between some Americans and Canadians last night. You know you've gone as far as you can go when the penis insults start popping up (no pun intended).

I've found that the easiest way to deal with punters and pushers is such:

1) push them wide in the next corner
2) get ahead as you approach the next corner
3) brake early and in a straight line
4) watch them plow into a wall
5) write "lol" in chat
I'd like to meet some of these people on the street. Getting tired of being called the N word just because I'm from Detroit. Last I checked, my skin was white. Not afraid to say I'm from Detroit, pretty proud of it actually, just getting tired of the stereo-typing.
Those people are up to stereotyping races now? That's just simply wrong. :grumpy:

Yep, they've sunk that low. People ask where I'm from, then its N this, N that. Been called alot regarding the N word and it really makes me peeved. I have some very good friends that are African-American and when people use the N word, I get offended because they are disrespecting my friends. But that just shows other peoples ignorance I guess. Part of whats wrong with todays society.
worst/hilarious I think I've ever had to deal with was an american kid who sounded like he was about 11 or 12. He was in the room with a microphone and he was chomping sweets, a dutch guy asked him politely if he would mind turning his mic off while eating and he started screaming and hurling insults saying his dad was the richest guy in his city and I quote "He could buy your ass" lol this was then followed by the dutch guy knocking the kids car off the track and he called him a fat spoiled little S*** the kid was then screaming like a psycho for about 5 minutes. I was the host of the room in the end I just had to stop racing to wipe the tears from my eyes with laughing so hard.
Yep, they've sunk that low. People ask where I'm from, then its N this, N that. Been called alot regarding the N word and it really makes me peeved. I have some very good friends that are African-American and when people use the N word, I get offended because they are disrespecting my friends. But that just shows other peoples ignorance I guess. Part of whats wrong with todays society.

Just sad how some lowlifes behave.. :drool:
Well I've played GT5 a lot since its release and have seen and heard some rotten things. But the worst I've dealt with online was...on Forza 4. Forza 4 is a wonderful game but the physics really exaggerate collisions so even little accidents can have significant affects. There's often pile ups with cars facing the wrong way or upside down on the start grid in online races!
There's very little ghosting so you'll see clans come into rooms all driving Hummers and will constantly bash into anybody they can all throughout a race.
Racism and bigotry? Never-ending.
That's not too great. It's Forza... so it doesn't belong here, but nice to share. :)👍

Another reason I will not get the game. :D