Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
Emphasis on the bolded part.

I run, and I know half a dozen people who run, clean PP rooms at least once a week.

Look harder, they are out there. đź‘Ť

I don't have the time to find such rooms. :indiff: But I guess it's worth a shot trying. :)
I have been racing (losing? :) ) online for nearly a year and have finally had a experience that made me swear.

I was racing last night in one of the shuffle rooms I regular partake in. We all got hit with a mass disconnection after a couple of races and had to restart the lobby. As it was a sunday night (often pretty quiet - most of the regular group have to work on a Monday) the room was only 50% - 60% filled with regulars and the rest were "strangers".

We had a couple of races which were reasonably clean and though there was a little punting it looked and felt like the incidents were all mistakes rather than deiberate attempts to push people off track so I didn't mention anything to the host and no-one seemed particularly upset about any incidents.

However in the third race in the new room at Daytona Road Course it suddenly became apparent that these people were either hugely incompetent or just 64:69:63:6b:73 of the highest order.

At the first corner a stranger hits a regular from behind (no braking at all), the reg then collides into me and I end up in the barrier. I recover and am miraculously still in the top 6 but with the pack bearing down on me. At the next real corner (sharp right) another stranger doesn't brake [at all] and punts me clean off for the second time into miles and miles of open green run off!

As I rejoin the track I let a couple of cars pass so as not to get in their way and rejoin off the racing line and head back off towards the left hand kink that comes before the next hard right. As another stranger is heading towards me quickly and on the racing line at the kink I stay right to allow him to pass (never going to get up to speed in time to have a chance at the line for the next corner). Instead of passing me ON THE RACING LINE he gets alongside and veers over to clip my rear quarter and spin me off (slowing him down as well in the process??!!).

There is now nothing behind me so I pull a quick J-turn on the track and get back to catching up.

Driving the wheels off the the car I catch up with the pack at the first corner of the second lap and cleanly take back a number of places through the twisty in-field section and when we get to the first set of banking I am running midfield with largely regs in front and strangers behind (with Daytona's quick chicane approaching fast).

Having learnt from earlier that these strangers aren't clean I move a little further to the right than I usually would and ensure there is enough room for someone to outbrake themselves on the inside without them hitting me. Sure enough someone does exactly that and spears across in front of my car and straight into the wall. Chuckling at my forethought I didn't check the mirror in time to avoid a second idiot t-boning me straight into the wall as I was actually in the first jink left of the chicane.

On the grass I get it under control and heading back to the track when yet another muppet trying to shortcut the chicane loses it ends up on the grass and hits, yep you guessed it, me!

Now I'm usually pretty chilled (some might say reserved) but by now I was mildly seething but I wasn't about to rage quit so I just got on with it again and headed onto the banking.

As I am accelerating from a slow speed I stay on the inside hugging the yellow line so faster moving traffic can get past with ease on the other 40 odd foot of track.... BUT NO.... Yet another punter instead of taking the outside line, screams up alongside on the inside, cuts the yellow line, heads onto the grass, loses it and ends up t-boning me!

Seriously what are these tools actually doing??!

I was so annoyed I actually raged on the mic, and that's so rare for me the regs were pretty shocked I think!

Luckily they agreed and had all been hit at least once. I guess I was just the unlucky one having been hit several times by each of them.

Yet still it doesn't colour my GT5 online experience blacker as so far the positives have far outweighed the negatives. Annoying though.
Free run room on Autumn Ring and one guy in a X1 runs into ANYTHING in his path, he soon starts running into me on purpose after I told him to stop.
On Sunday I was cruising in my Ferrari F1 car in a nice 5th place when boom! someone in a Mclaren dives inside of me and spins me out despite the fact that I had track position and guess what? I got penalised.

On a more serious note there was some guy who cut every corner rammed everyone off the road and still managed to come last.
On Sunday I was cruising in my Ferrari F1 car in a nice 5th place when boom! someone in a Mclaren dives inside of me and spins me out despite the fact that I had track position and guess what? I got penalised.

On a more serious note there was some guy who cut every corner rammed everyone off the road and still managed to come last.

You can't have road cars on the track at the same time as Ferarri F1 cars. :sly:
Not so much dirty driving but in a room of fair racers this guy had bumped me from behind a few times on the first lap of Daytona Road, nothing bad tho, on the 2nd lap coming round the banking onto the back straight he was two cars behind, both of which came off the corner faster than me, I stayed on my line next to and parallel with the wall as they passed, next thing I know I've been slammed into the wall and the guy was in front of me in the wall too and he stopped dead at the start of the double chicane. He quit and started accusing me of wrecking his race. I had no idea what happened and definitely hadn't done anything intentional so I saved the replay and it turned out that as he was passing me he tried move in front of me but hit the car in front of him which slowed him down as he started to move over so wasn't fully past.

Just annoyed that it was in a group of very fair racers that I see now and again that he decided to have a go at me.
Stone, sounds exactly like my story, maybe even the same group as I see you (usually from miles behind you I admit :) ) shuffling now and again. :)

Must be something about daytona road!!
Free run room on Autumn Ring and one guy in a X1 runs into ANYTHING in his path, he soon starts running into me on purpose after I told him to stop.

heres a tip for that, if theres one thing an X2010 cant do, its slide, get your car to start sliding circles next time, then if he makes a pass on you, snap your joystick/wheel to make the car tighten its tail right at the split second when the X2010 is gonna hit you, and hell miss EVERY time.. i had this issue with my tuned enzo, the guy in the X2010 couldnt touch the ferrari for his life
I have been racing (losing? :) ) online for nearly a year and have finally had a experience that made me swear.

I was racing last night in one of the shuffle rooms I regular partake in. We all got hit with a mass disconnection after a couple of races and had to restart the lobby. As it was a sunday night (often pretty quiet - most of the regular group have to work on a Monday) the room was only 50% - 60% filled with regulars and the rest were "strangers".

I remember you, I was the host of the first room that had a massive disconnect when that track wouldn't load. Glad I didn't stick around after that, sounds like a disaster....
Stone, sounds exactly like my story, maybe even the same group as I see you (usually from miles behind you I admit :) ) shuffling now and again. :)

Must be something about daytona road!!

Hi Ted, they're a great bunch to race against so it was just a bit unexpected rather than actually being the worst I've experienced online.
Worst I've dealt with 5 races in the same room and every single bloody time there was this one guy who kept being otherwise magnetically attracted to whatever car I decided to use, If you get a slightly better run coming from Eau Rouge and are coming up behind me at a fair lick and I move over to let you pass don't then proceed to follow me and do me up the arse end, Some people pure :dunce:

That really annoys me as well, if someone behind me nails the line faster than me i will make way for them to pass but no they continue to stay behind me and hit me.
In real life it's not adviced for the slower car to change line to make room but for the faster car to make it's way around. If the slower one changes line just as the faster tries to move around then collision is what will result. The intention is good but the faster car can't read the mind of the driver before him. The main guideline is to drive normally and predictably when in front.
In real life it's not adviced for the slower car to change line to make room but for the faster car to make it's way around. If the slower one changes line just as the faster tries to move around then collision is what will result. The intention is good but the faster car can't read the mind of the driver before him. The main guideline is to drive normally and predictably when in front.

You make a good point there actually, its all about keeping your line throughout the lap đź‘Ť
Hi Ted, they're a great bunch to race against so it was just a bit unexpected rather than actually being the worst I've experienced online.

Yes indeed, luckily in my case it wasn't the regs.... though there are one or two who will occassionally get their elbows out! Nothing quite as rough as pure punting mind. :)

Always fun to race and hear the crew when they are all on form.

I remember you, I was the host of the first room that had a massive disconnect when that track wouldn't load. Glad I didn't stick around after that, sounds like a disaster....

Hi zegrated, I remember your name as well but I think that was the same evening but a different room. It sounds like we all got hit with disconnections across a few rooms.

I can't remember if your room was the kart room or the 400-450pp room I was in before shuffling. The former was great all round, the latter was great apart from one guy who put me into the wall at Madrid Reverse, 2 laps in a row!

You crazy Americans. :)

In real life it's not adviced for the slower car to change line to make room but for the faster car to make it's way around. If the slower one changes line just as the faster tries to move around then collision is what will result. The intention is good but the faster car can't read the mind of the driver before him. The main guideline is to drive normally and predictably when in front.

This is also why mics are really handy (compared to real life). If someone who I know is substantially quicker and is getting frustrated behind me or I have a car that isn't working as I'd hope I'll often say something like "[psnID] go round me on the left at the next straight" and then I'll move over and feather the throttle to let them past and try and make the most of their tow.

I have a greater compulsion to have a clean and fun race than I do a compulsion to win so it doesn't bother me at all.
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Just had that guy entering my lobby - titled "CLEAN RACECARS". He first used a California 08. I asked him politley to switch cars. So he did, but not to a Racecar. I asked him again. Then he switched to an Opera S2000. I was ok with that. Its not the fastest car, but it was ok with me. So I started the countdown, he exits the track, switches cars and comes back with a heavy BMW limousine on the last second.

I exited the race and kicked him from the lobby. ****ing troll
There was a guy who said that I was an amateur by using sport tires. Then after a lap, he said that I wasn't ready for his race. What the 🤬?! I should have reported PSN but I just left. What a jerk!
There was a guy who said that I was an amateur by using sport tires. Then after a lap, he said that I wasn't ready for his race. What the 🤬?! I should have reported PSN but I just left. What a jerk!

Obviously because you were destroying him :sly:đź‘Ť
Was 2nd in a Nascar race, made the mistake of taking the high side of the corner, then 3rd place done a PIT on me.. so I ended up 7th (there were 14 racers including myself) and thought hey thats fine.. 7th isn't too bad I can deal with that, clearly that person can't take a position fairly.. so there I am doing my own thing racing nice n' clean minding my own business when another person caught up with me.. and he sat there behind me for 2 or 3 laps, trying to overtake me but my car must have just been faster than his because everytime he exited the slip stream he'd lose speed and tuck in behind me.

Eventually he just started tailing me sitting real close, tapping at my back bumper. So I brake tested him.. oh didn't all hell break loose then.
This was a 42 lapper and by this time it was around lap 10 I think. He left the race but cried to his friends that I brake tested him, so then one of his mates decides to be a child and do the same thing back to me.. I thought okay thats cool, I'm not going to finish in the top 5 or so anyway so carry on. A few other people left and I ended up 8th of 10 racers by around lap 25 when eventually they finished being children and kicked me. :lol:
Was 2nd in a Nascar race, made the mistake of taking the high side of the corner, then 3rd place done a PIT on me.. so I ended up 7th (there were 14 racers including myself) and thought hey thats fine.. 7th isn't too bad I can deal with that, clearly that person can't take a position fairly.. so there I am doing my own thing racing nice n' clean minding my own business when another person caught up with me.. and he sat there behind me for 2 or 3 laps, trying to overtake me but my car must have just been faster than his because everytime he exited the slip stream he'd lose speed and tuck in behind me.

Eventually he just started tailing me sitting real close, tapping at my back bumper. So I brake tested him.. oh didn't all hell break loose then.
This was a 42 lapper and by this time it was around lap 10 I think. He left the race but cried to his friends that I brake tested him, so then one of his mates decides to be a child and do the same thing back to me.. I thought okay thats cool, I'm not going to finish in the top 5 or so anyway so carry on. A few other people left and I ended up 8th of 10 racers by around lap 25 when eventually they finished being children and kicked me. :lol:

You brake tested đź‘Ž
Was 2nd in a Nascar race, made the mistake of taking the high side of the corner, then 3rd place done a PIT on me.. so I ended up 7th (there were 14 racers including myself) and thought hey thats fine.. 7th isn't too bad I can deal with that, clearly that person can't take a position fairly.. so there I am doing my own thing racing nice n' clean minding my own business when another person caught up with me.. and he sat there behind me for 2 or 3 laps, trying to overtake me but my car must have just been faster than his because everytime he exited the slip stream he'd lose speed and tuck in behind me.

Eventually he just started tailing me sitting real close, tapping at my back bumper. So I brake tested him.. oh didn't all hell break loose then.
This was a 42 lapper and by this time it was around lap 10 I think. He left the race but cried to his friends that I brake tested him, so then one of his mates decides to be a child and do the same thing back to me.. I thought okay thats cool, I'm not going to finish in the top 5 or so anyway so carry on. A few other people left and I ended up 8th of 10 racers by around lap 25 when eventually they finished being children and kicked me. :lol:

I would have kicked you too. You obviously know very little about NASCAR racing. Tapping you from behind is called bump drafting and is NO reason for you to brake check them. Pretty bold of you to think that you were the one in the right. You wouldn't last 2 seconds in my rooms pulling that crap. People like YOU are some of the worst I deal with online.
I would have kicked you too. You obviously know very little about NASCAR racing. Tapping you from behind is called bump drafting and is NO reason for you to brake check them. Pretty bold of you to think that you were the one in the right. You wouldn't last 2 seconds in my rooms pulling that crap. People like YOU are some of the worst I deal with online.

:lol: There you go little boy, doesn't that feel better? Sounds like you need a chill pill. No need for temper tantrums now, would you like a tissue for your tears little child?

Either way, why is this maneuver you call "bump drafting" cool? and in what way does that make sense? It's bloody annoying, I dealt with it in a way I felt was right to prevent him from continuing to be a pain in the shirt, if you can't overtake and do the job in a clean fashion then why would you sit behind someone bumping them? That is really a rather unusual trait to find in any form of motorsport.

Perhaps getting up someone's butt is cool in sports such as.. NRL or Rugby but in car racing its just dumb in my opinion. And yes, you're right I don't know a whole lot about Nascar if anything, so excuse you for being a rude person, but I kept the car straight, I kept the car on the racing line, I didn't do any P.I.T maneuvers on people, and I overtook other racers with respect, and completed all overtaking maneuvers in a clean, gentlemanly form.

I prefer races that involve more exciting styles of driving such as turning both left and right, even going up and down hills and shifting more than 4 gears with a car that has an up to date engine with a thing called "fuel injection" not a carby which from what I've heard dates back to the 1900's or so.

So it appears evident that my knowledge on the American's idea of motor racing is rather limited, but braking to get the point across to someone that you're being a pain in the back side is not a reason to kick them from the room in my humble (yet probably unwanted) opinion. Instead one could have said something like "Excuse me Sir, but I must warn you that 'brake testing' other racers is not acceptable in the motorsport of NASCAR Racing, please refrain from performing such rash actions" then I could have agreed, accepted the fact that what I done wasn't legal or within the rules and guidelines and we could have all gotten on with the race like gentlemen.

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