Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
The worst is when people don't play by the rules and go backwards instead to hit other people. I mean there might be some rooms where that is part of "dirty racing", but 95% of all dirty rooms state that going backwards is a no-go. If you don't have a chance of winning the race anymore, don't ruin it for others.
Most I see when I go to a room is people who only use X1s then switch to veyrons or FGTs because they don't have any other good cars.
I got kicked again for being Greek, but this time from a French room. :rolleyes: Also, disconnection is really starting to get on my nerves. Yesterday, I got disconnected from EVERY room I joined right after I entered the track. :mad:

FYI, my NAT type is NAT2.

I got kicked again for being Greek, but this time from a French room. :rolleyes: Also, disconnection is really starting to get on my nerves. Yesterday, I got disconnected from EVERY room I joined right after I entered the track. :mad:

FYI, my NAT type is NAT2.


French as in French, or French-Canadian? The latter are more arrogant and racist, so don't sweat. NOT HATIN' JUST A FACT.

Anyways, I have a lil bro who'll play when I'm at Uni. He has a reputation for being a fast dragster, yet he is infamous in the world of drag racing (he uses my account :( ). The thing that pisses me off the most, is that he chokes up on pink slip races. One time, he put MY Shelby Cobra on the line against another Cobra; he lost. Instead of being a good sport and using the USB Trick, then giving the car away, he starts bitching about it and ends up getting into a verbal fight with the winner of the race. He eventually gives him the car, but the winner is going to spread my PSN ID and say smth nasty. When I was briefed on the situation upon my arrival from Uni, I started to apologize. Now, no one online is going to believe "Sorry, it was my brother", so my PSN ID is being "spread" around GT5, although no one notices. I'll get a few hate messages here and there; someone might call me all sorts of names but I don't mind. That's my worst; compared to you guys, I'm fine.... for now.
French as in French, or French-Canadian? The latter are more arrogant and racist, so don't sweat. NOT HATIN' JUST A FACT.

Anyways, I have a lil bro who'll play when I'm at Uni. He has a reputation for being a fast dragster, yet he is infamous in the world of drag racing (he uses my account :( ). The thing that pisses me off the most, is that he chokes up on pink slip races. One time, he put MY Shelby Cobra on the line against another Cobra; he lost. Instead of being a good sport and using the USB Trick, then giving the car away, he starts bitching about it and ends up getting into a verbal fight with the winner of the race. He eventually gives him the car, but the winner is going to spread my PSN ID and say smth nasty. When I was briefed on the situation upon my arrival from Uni, I started to apologize. Now, no one online is going to believe "Sorry, it was my brother", so my PSN ID is being "spread" around GT5, although no one notices. I'll get a few hate messages here and there; someone might call me all sorts of names but I don't mind. That's my worst; compared to you guys, I'm fine.... for now.

Damn. That sucks dude. But does your brother have his own account? And can you have a lock on your user? Like a password or something? I never looked into this so I wouldn't know.
yesturday,i drove my honda hsv at the top gear test track online in free run mode and everytime i go around a corner,this idiot in the m5 keep ramming me..I was getting frustrated.,so i rammed him.but,i finished a clean lap around the track.So,nobody got kicked but i want to tell the host to kick the m5 guy.
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Damn. That sucks dude. But does your brother have his own account? And can you have a lock on your user? Like a password or something? I never looked into this so I wouldn't know.

No, I don't like the whole locking-the-user thing, a slap across the face will do (did it only once) and he learned his lesson.. I didn't mention this in the other post but before giving the car away, he ruined the tune (as revenge for losing) but he saved the car on a USB AFTER ruining the tune not BEFORE. Freakin' moron. What can I say, I have to live with him...
yesturday,i drove my honda hsv at the top gear test track online in free run mode and everytime i go around a corner,this idiot in the m5 keep ramming me..I was getting frustrated.,so i rammed him.but,i finished a clean lap around the track.So,nobody got kicked but i want to tell the host to kick the m5 guy.

Retalliating back like that is never a good idea and can get you kicked aswell. You were lucky because more times than not, its the guy who retalliates that ends up getting kicked. Better to just finish the race without any kind of payback and politely tell the host the problem after the race. If the guy continues to ram you in the races that follow and nothing gets done about it, just leave the room and find another one.
Retalliating back like that is never a good idea and can get you kicked aswell. You were lucky because more times than not, its the guy who retalliates that ends up getting kicked. Better to just finish the race without any kind of payback and politely tell the host the problem after the race. If the guy continues to ram you in the races that follow and nothing gets done about it, just leave the room and find another one.

The leaving the room and find another one part you said is what I was about to do but I want to keep driving until I finish a clean lap.i wasn't racing but I should tell the host who was ramming me when that guy keep messing me up.im not saying your statement is a bit off of what gonna happend because I might get kicked too when I ram that guy,but I would do something a little different then that.
The leaving the room and find another one part you said is what I was about to do but I want to keep driving until I finish a clean lap.i wasn't racing but I should tell the host who was ramming me when that guy keep messing me up.im not saying your statement is a bit off of what gonna happend because I might get kicked too when I ram that guy,but I would do something a little different then that.

Well, I'm speaking from experience here and I have seen it happen time and time again. The retalliater is almost always the one that gets kicked. The only time that that wouldn't be so true is if you were in a room full of your friends, but that goes without saying.

Take my advice or not, but keep ramming people back and you will soon find out what I'm saying is true. Good luck with your online adventures. I feel you're going to need it.
Joined one of those speed limit lobbies.
I decided to screw around in my Ford GT since everyone else was going crazy in their cars. The host was doing the 3 strikes and switch car thing. He saw me go too fast in my GT, marks me an imaginary ticket. He called my Ford GT a GT40, I corrected him. He then gave me another ticket because of that. He threatened to kick another player because he said he didn't like his car and told him to switch. Um, wtf?!
He saw me go too fast in my GT, marks me an imaginary ticket. He called my Ford GT a GT40, I corrected him. He then gave me another ticket because of that. He threatened to kick another player because he said he didn't like his car and told him to switch. Um, wtf?!

To be honest, that sounds like a pretty accurate representation of the law and it's police enforcers to me, haha :)
Technically, you are protected in that right as long as you don't inhibit the arrest in the US.

Also, people who drive backwards in dirty NASCAR rooms when tire wear and fuel consumption is on very fast and damage is on kill me. They kill me no matter what the room settings are!
I have a couple that stick out in my memory.

1. I was doing a race at Special Stage Route 11, and there were two n00bs in Jay Leno tank cars that would block the tunnel, forcing you to ram into them to get through, with full damage on. I did just that, making a point to go close to the wall and hit them in the ass end where its lighter. I went on to win that race with my 08 Dodge Challenger barely running and pulling madly to the right. TBH, I didn't get too pissed over this, it was actually kinda fun.

2. Another time I was racing on Special Stage Route 11 again, this time in an all Evo race. The race went like usual with about four racers, including me. I held a steady second place, a couple seconds behind the leader. Then on the last lap, without any kind of warning he stopped a few feet behind the finish line; I blasted past him to win. He and his friend went on to cuss me out insanely and I was kicked almost instantly after I collected my cash prize.

3. I joined a room where the host had some pretty strong right-wing political views. One look at my username and he went on to cuss me out, call me some not-so-nice names while going on a lengthy racist anti-Obama rant, then after smashing into my car a few times during practice, kicked me.
Well i know some people have manged with a controller, but i'm not one of those. I'd been trying on-and-off for nearly a year! I soon realized there was no point until i got a wheel. Within a month of setting up my new G27, i finally managed to get Bronze. The key is controller sensitivity in driver options. The default setting is 5 and i have to turn it down to 2. Otherwise, i can't even keep it on the track.

You might get silver and gold in the x1 challenge If you use your g27