Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
The worst I've dealt with recently is not with any players, but with connection issues. I got disconnected from several servers today, I don't know why. It has to be either the game or my PS3, because my connection is fine on my other consoles (wii & xbox 360), and I'm using a new router.

I have had the same problem for the past 3 weeks. The internet works fine for every other device, but my PS3 had decided it's had enough.

It's the same 3 things that happen from every 2 minutes to every half an hour:

* Disconnected from the lobby server
* An error has occurred, you have been signed out of the PSN.
* Goes to a blackscreen when I enter free run, or when the race is due to start.

8/10 times, the first two also cause the console to completley to permanently be stuck on loading your last request, where I have to force a full reset. Obviously that's the only solution for a black screen too.

Very frustrating, I consider myself lucky to even have 1 full race online, let alone up to 3. 👎
I have had the same problem for the past 3 weeks. The internet works fine for every other device, but my PS3 had decided it's had enough.

It's the same 3 things that happen from every 2 minutes to every half an hour:

* Disconnected from the lobby server
* An error has occurred, you have been signed out of the PSN.
* Goes to a blackscreen when I enter free run, or when the race is due to start.

8/10 times, the first two also cause the console to completley to permanently be stuck on loading your last request, where I have to force a full reset. Obviously that's the only solution for a black screen too.

Very frustrating, I consider myself lucky to even have 1 full race online, let alone up to 3. 👎

Yeah, it feels like a problem that I hope won't occur in the next Gran Turismo. Though, I haven't got signed out of the PS network in a long time. Of course, when the connection on my ps3 gets that bad; I usually end up resetting my PS3 and my router to get it to work again.
It does the same to me like yesterday it said connection with the server was lost and i have 100% connection because litrally the router is right through a wall from my room. It is a very thin wall and i think it is gran turismos servers either becoming obsolete or so many people are online all the time.
It does the same to me like yesterday it said connection with the server was lost and i have 100% connection because litrally the router is right through a wall from my room. It is a very thin wall and i think it is gran turismos servers either becoming obsolete or so many people are online all the time.

I get disconnected if the host leave
Joining a trackday lobby and running some decent laps along with other people.
Until one idiot decides it would be a good idea to whip out his X1 and hitting other people because of a lack of control over the darn thing. I was on a good lap and got on the straight being quite confident that I had improved my previous laptime, until I get hit in the back by said X1 who was traveling at +400 km/h ( as opposed to my 280 km/h )....
Seeing that he can't control the X1 he then switches to a Raybrig NSX and starts shunting people in every possible place...
I get disconnected if the host leave
That happens only if the room is set to "fixed host". When the host leaves, the room closes and everybody gets disconnected. 💡

On topic: A few days ago, I was racing with my friend on TGTT without ramming or cutting corners (wait what? :odd:) and a guy tried to divebomb us at Hammerhead, but he failed and he crashed head on into the wall, without interfering with our epic battle.

I still laugh every time I watch the replay of that race. :lol:

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Joining a trackday lobby and running some decent laps along with other people.
Until one idiot decides it would be a good idea to whip out his X1 and hitting other people because of a lack of control over the darn thing. I was on a good lap and got on the straight being quite confident that I had improved my previous laptime, until I get hit in the back by said X1 who was traveling at +400 km/h ( as opposed to my 280 km/h )....
Seeing that he can't control the X1 he then switches to a Raybrig NSX and starts shunting people in every possible place...

Yeah, people who can't drive X1s really well that choose to drive them are a pain. One time, when I was in an X1 only room, I was putting in 37 second laps on High Speed Ring, and 2 of the people in the room kept crashing and causing a pileup, and due to reh really quick laps, you generally hit them on accident and caused an even bigger pileup.
Yeah, people who can't drive X1s really well that choose to drive them are a pain. One time, when I was in an X1 only room, I was putting in 37 second laps on High Speed Ring, and 2 of the people in the room kept crashing and causing a pileup, and due to reh really quick laps, you generally hit them on accident and caused an even bigger pileup.

The point is, I respect people who can use the full potential of an X1 seeing that I myself can't handle one of them. I tried it a couple of times, offline mind you, and frankly couldn't be bothered to "learn" to use it, that's why I'll never use it in online lobbies.
It already frustrating for me to encounter people who can't drive them good enough, but I think that it's even more annoying for people like you who can actually race them well. ( As the others who can't control them end up giving the ones who can a bad reputation).
You would think that people who enter an X1 only room would be able to control the vehicle
The point is, I respect people who can use the full potential of an X1 seeing that I myself can't handle one of them. I tried it a couple of times, offline mind you, and frankly couldn't be bothered to "learn" to use it, that's why I'll never use it in online lobbies.
It already frustrating for me to encounter people who can't drive them good enough, but I think that it's even more annoying for people like you who can actually race them well. ( As the others who can't control them end up giving the ones who can a bad reputation).
You would think that people who enter an X1 only room would be able to control the vehicle

It's even worst if the room got tons of x1s in it too because the controller users steer the car too fast into the slower driver.those things is impossible to dodge when it's coming towards at you at 420km/h and your car is going 320 km/h.thats why there's x1 proof rooms because nobody is skilled enough to dodge the other people when they are driving normal car and the x1 driver driving a fantasy car that is way too hard for them to drive.i love driving x1s because 1)they are very fun to drive
2)I got a wheel.
But everytime I try to drive them,I get kicked because the host don't like x1s.
i love driving x1s because 1)they are very fun to drive
2)I got a wheel.
But everytime I try to drive them,I get kicked because the host don't like x1s.

As I said, props to people who can drive them, it's just a shame that they've got a bit ( understatement, I know ) of a bad reputation. ;)
To the two of you getting annoyed at getting kicked for driving an X1 and people being too slow, add me if you'd like people to race. I can control it and I know guys who drive it a lot. They're nice and we're all willing to help people get faster.

they've got a bit ( understatement, I know ) of a bad reputation. ;)

You're not wrong there! :lol:
Once I encountered a guy who kept calling everyone a loser. Meanwhile, the host was AFK. :rolleyes: All of us were really annoyed. :ouch: I then called a reject vote on the host and actually managed to get him kicked. :cool: The new host kicked the annoying guy and we were happy in the end. :cheers:
Coupla days ago I joined a cruising room. One guy with a mic had some serious eructation issues...
I almost threw up after watching that :ill:

To the two of you getting annoyed at getting kicked for driving an X1 and people being too slow, add me if you'd like people to race. I can control it and I know guys who drive it a lot. They're nice and we're all willing to help people get faster.
The bolded part happens to me ALL THE TIME. I'm not bad at driving the X1 (I've golded the X1 Challenge). I'd like to race X1s. Can you send me a FR? :)

EDIT: Thanks for the FR mistersafeway! :cheers:

~GT5Power ntinoskonsta
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Well this is the second night in a week that something similar has happened.

I run a room called “Street Legal –Aids OK”.

The other night someone joined and the first thing out of their fingers (in the chatbox (I don’t allow mics)) was “ aids are for noobs”.

I asked him why he would join a room with “Aids OK” in the room title. I don’t remember his response, but he ran a couple of races and then left.

Last night someone joined, his screen name started with a “removed" and ended with a removed. I only say that because I suspect he is a member here and I welcome a chance to further discuss what happened with him.

When he joined the first thing out of his fingers was something like ‘Hmm 🤬 racer force’ (don’t recall exactly).

I have to admit I was a little rude in my response, using 4 letter acronyms to tell him to either shut up or get out. You don’t come into a mans castle and insult him – the room title says “Aids OK” after all.

We ran a race. We are at Trial Mountain.

He finished next to last, I think, just in front of a retiree (a great guy btw - used to be a radio talk show host that probably wanted to follow last) that is a regular and loves to race and help new drivers, and school them on how to race cleanly.

After that race he personally insults me and calls me a 🤬 driver and says I think I am a master driver. I am not sure, but I started in the middle of the pack and he started next to last – I don’t think he ever even saw me in the race.

The next race he starts in position 7 and I am in 12 (I think).

As we head toward the tunnel on the 1st lap I am watching him – it is tight and there are a couple of unknown guys around him, and I am hoping nobody crashes him – everything seems ok.

I am in a very well tuned car and I have SRF turned on. I catch up to him and start to pass him – he comes over into my lane in the tunnel so I brake hard so as not to get forced into the wall.

There was still a lot of traffic so I don’t think he is dirty – more of a racing incident.

Then we get to the short straight before the pit entrance, I have a good run and can pass him before that last deadly chicane. But he steers into me and pushed me towards the pit entrance. totally dirty.

I brake and get behind him. I catch back up to him just after the 1st tunnel and crash him out- then I exit the race and say “so your dirty to boot?” then “cya” and I kick him. the room applauds.

He then emails me with an alternative name for a cat as the subject. I thought about blocking him but I didn’t.

Why do people have to harass others, just because they play the game different than other people?

I have been playing GT since GT1. Neither me, nor my friends are noobs. This is the way we race. MAX GRIP = MAX FUN!!!
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I don't have anything new to add ATM, but something really weird happened to me a few minutes ago. I was in a High Speed Ring 530PP lobby in my C8 Laviolette. When the race start countdown ended, the game placed all 8 of us on the grid. But here's the odd part. We stayed on the grid for...


Three minutes.

That's right, we were waiting three minutes for the race to start. 4 of us got angry and quit, but then the race started. I had a nice battle with the host in his Calibra TC and won by 1.327 secs. 👍

I still don't know what happened. Any ideas? :boggled:

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In a bit of a rage-y/ranting mood still. Just got out of this HORRIBLE lobby. The host was from another country (when I SPECIFICALLY set the lobbies to US ones for minimal lag and no language difficulties) and set the entire lobby to unrestricted except turned off all aids. The 3 most infamous cars of GT5 all decided to join in. X2011, Veyron, Formula GT, all raced. The idiots driving them kept crashing into every damn wall and hitting everyone.

And all I wanted to do was test my Mustang at Circuit de la Sarthe for the Cops club I'm in.

PD, can you give us the option to mute the ENTIRE lobby mid-race so I don't have to listen to chatter from a language I don't understand/kids in the background? And automatically mute anyone that enters the lobby? And maybe fix the US-only server option? I'm tired of being paired up with "BRASIL OR KICK" "QC ONLY" and other lobbies like that.
In a bit of a rage-y/ranting mood still. Just got out of this HORRIBLE lobby. The host was from another country (when I SPECIFICALLY set the lobbies to US ones for minimal lag and no language difficulties) and set the entire lobby to unrestricted except turned off all aids. The 3 most infamous cars of GT5 all decided to join in. X2011, Veyron, Formula GT, all raced. The idiots driving them kept crashing into every damn wall and hitting everyone.

And all I wanted to do was test my Mustang at Circuit de la Sarthe for the Cops club I'm in.

PD, can you give us the option to mute the ENTIRE lobby mid-race so I don't have to listen to chatter from a language I don't understand/kids in the background? And automatically mute anyone that enters the lobby? And maybe fix the US-only server option? I'm tired of being paired up with "BRASIL OR KICK" "QC ONLY" and other lobbies like that.

Let me rewrite this for you as if it happened to me...

In a bit of a happy mood. Just got out of this HORRIBLE lobby without wasting any of my time. The host was from another country (when I SPECIFICALLY set the lobbies to US ones for minimal lag and no language difficulties) and set the entire lobby to unrestricted except turned off all aids..then I left....
But I'm saying that lobbies like this is why we need better restrictions. I enjoy free run lobbies, but when X2011s and Formula GT's join, it's completely unfair. If a Ferrari F1 car and go karts are put in their own respective classes, why can't PD do the same for Formula GT's and X1 Prototypes? There aren't any cars in GT5 that can compete with them except themselves. And that's why they should only be able to be used when the host specifies the restrictions.
The lack of rooms for beginners of drifting is upsetting for me. People are really rude when it comes to naming their rooms. "DRIFT OR KICK" was one. Seems multiplayer makes people frustrated.
Due to 2 lobby experiences with 2 annoying people that would just flame at me due to misunderstanding them wanting me to do something.

Basically, people that can't be specific with a request. I'm sorry, but why can't people be specific with their requests?
Not really a big frustration but nonetheless frustrating : downloaded the new C7 and joined a lobby on the Nürb called "2014 Corvette Test". All is fine and dandy, have some good races, until someone shows up with a Audi Nuvolari quattro and goes on to win the following races by at times ramming others...
So not the worst that has happened, by far, but I still hate illiterate idiots...
Sometimes when I go in a lobby, people call me 'dood' instead of doodle. What is a dood? I thought doodle would be pretty easy to call me by. :lol:
Sometimes when I go in a lobby, people call me 'dood' instead of doodle. What is a dood? I thought doodle would be pretty easy to call me by. :lol:

After having numerous problems with people not being able to correctly pronounce my old username, THAREALDAN (The Real Dan), I had my GT5 Lobby Entry comment changed to "You can call me Dan." But still, people didn't read that and just said THAR, THARE, THAREAL, etc. So I made a new account, CallmeDan_

Simple enough, right? NOPE! This idiot in a C7 Vette test lobby yesterday said "CamelDan" on his mic. And people still say "Call" "Calm" "Callme" etc.
The same is done for me, my PSN name has "Gran Turismo" in the title, but some people refer to me as "Gran". WTF?! There are others that actually say GT, which I prefer. Still though, why Gran? It just sounds ridiculous to me to call someone that.
The same is done for me, my PSN name has "Gran Turismo" in the title, but some people refer to me as "Gran". WTF?! There are others that actually say GT, which I prefer. Still though, why Gran? It just sounds ridiculous to me to call someone that.

"Gran" sounds as if they're referring to their grandmother
The same is done for me, my PSN name has "Gran Turismo" in the title, but some people refer to me as "Gran". WTF?! There are others that actually say GT, which I prefer. Still though, why Gran? It just sounds ridiculous to me to call someone that.

If you want to be called something by people who have never seen your username before without you asking, you need to choose a name with what you want at the beginning such as GTurismo or GT_granturismo etc

After having numerous problems with people not being able to correctly pronounce my old username, THAREALDAN (The Real Dan), I had my GT5 Lobby Entry comment changed to "You can call me Dan." But still, people didn't read that and just said THAR, THARE, THAREAL, etc. So I made a new account, CallmeDan_

Simple enough, right? NOPE! This idiot in a C7 Vette test lobby yesterday said "CamelDan" on his mic. And people still say "Call" "Calm" "Callme" etc.

Examples for you could be Dan_thareal or DANgerous etc