Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
The same is done for me, my PSN name has "Gran Turismo" in the title, but some people refer to me as "Gran". WTF?! There are others that actually say GT, which I prefer. Still though, why Gran? It just sounds ridiculous to me to call someone that.

Would you rather they call you Stella? These stupid celebrities that insist on people referred to with only their entire name. Such as Neil Patrick Harris. Please tell me you're not expecting people to address you by your entire 16 character PSN ID?
Would you rather they call you Stella? These stupid celebrities that insist on people referred to with only their entire name. Such as Neil Patrick Harris. Please tell me you're not expecting people to address you by your entire 16 character PSN ID?

No, I'm not asking them to refer me as the full ID. I was just pointing out some little thing that annoys me, nothing more. I'm just suprised that some people don't refer to me as "GT", the abbreviated term for "Gran Turismo" and I still think "Gran" is a stupid thing to call someone with "Gran Turismo" in their ID.
People are just lazy, or illeterate. I use one of my accounts for collecting cars, ironically it's my team account. I was in a stock cruise room (hard to find) went along fine, then someone on the mic goes, "hey Team." I didn't pay attention, let alone slow down. I thought he was saying "Hey team!" as if greeting hiss team. Then he goes again "hey Team Th- whatever that says" oh okay, don't hurt yourself.... so you see, people are just lazy or too caught up doing something else, so whatever they see first, they'll say it.

Anyways, I was drifting on Nurbürgring with a drifter who could drift an FWD (it's not that hard, really), then someone comes in a tank car to ruin our session (I could see him from a mile away) and he was headed straight for me about a couple hundred meters away, I pulled on the handbrake, spun my car around just in time for him to miss me, and hit the guy in the Civic. Everyone left and it just became the drift of my life to get away from this guy. I pulled 360°s, 180°s, fakies, everything I could do to get away from him so he wouldn't damage my car. After a while, he left... it wasn't THE worst I've dealt with but it was frustrating and fun. I could've made a movie out of that LOL
Yeah, I'll stop talking about the name thing now.
Anyway, another thing I'm fed up with online is all of the cop lobbies. I mean, I like sometimes joining a lobby with a speedlimit; it gives me an excuse to cruise around in some of my non-tuned cars. They're everywhere, I'm just wondering why or when did this nonsense start. Why can't they go play NFS if they want to be the police?
I've noticed that too! Plenty of cops & cruise rooms about, but I can't seem to explain. It makes me wonder if there would even be rooms like this if the Skyline Pace Car wasn't in GT5...
Racing a team based server some time ago. For the race, there was one driver in a Premium Ford GT and another in the ACR Viper. The one in the GT was all for fun, the one in the ACR claimed to be undefeated, so I decided to race them on Daytona with my dark purple Speed 12.

Now as the race goes on, the ACR Viper driver is a strait up beater and banger pushing me all around the track. Getting pushed around, coming to the final lap, I start to idle back behind the ACR up till the start of turn 4, at the point I just gun the throttle. As I'm about to pass for the victory, the ACR starts to push me around, at that point I dive down low into the grass, crossing the line in first. After saving my replay, the player driving the ACR Viper calls me a hacker/cheater and kicks me.

Would still claim to be undefeated too....
At dirty racing, that is. :lol:

Best moment for me was yesterday when I went ghost mode in a lobby for a second to do something & when I press START to start racing again, my car stood in ghost mode! I was still racing, drafting cars and driving right through them, lol. No one can hit me, I was unstoppable.
Best moment for me was yesterday when I went ghost mode in a lobby for a second to do something & when I press START to start racing again, my car stood in ghost mode! I was still racing, drafting cars and driving right through them, lol. No one can hit me, I was unstoppable.

I've seen that happen to some others, is there a set way of ghosting while driving?

...if so I have to say it would come in very handy :mischievous:
There is a way to produce the ghost glitch. And it's very reliable.

NOTE: This only works in multiplayer

When you're on a track with a pit lane (doesn't work on top gear test track), park half way behind the pit EXIT wall, don't go too far or it will force you to drive out. Once parked, hit pause and your car will turn transparent. Then, wait about 15 seconds. If your screen flashes once (if you reversed into pit exit) or you get reset in the correct direction (if you drove forward into the pit exit in the wrong direction) then un-pause the game and you should be able to drive around as a ghost and pass through everyone. Enjoy :)

Just don't stop anywhere on the track while ghost driving and press pause. This will un-ghost your car and you will have to do the glitch again.
Worst i have dealt with online was just a few days ago

Joining a room full of people from my country only to hear a torrent of abuse saying i hope you are not a forginer then a few country names were shouted out with some racial slur against them.

However on the same night i met a few players who play at a higher level than i do and was given advice and time from them wich has paid of by shaving seconds off laps.
Best moment for me was yesterday when I went ghost mode in a lobby for a second to do something & when I press START to start racing again, my car stood in ghost mode! I was still racing, drafting cars and driving right through them, lol. No one can hit me, I was unstoppable.
That happened to my opponents yesterday evening on the 'Ring. I started on pole and I finished last, because everyone drove right through me. :mad:


I was in a drifting room today. I had drifted a while. I saw three (3) pace cars behind me. They began to ram me. First i didnt give a **** about their ramming because they were bad drivers and they couldnt hit me. I said in the chat that this isnt a ramming room. You can guess what they then did. They took X1s all! I drove a bit to annoy them. They still couldnt hit me. I laughed so bad and left the room.
I can't see how they can drive them with those bumps. It's hard enough keeping control with a regular car :rolleyes:

Well, they have a fan sucking them to the ground so they hardly break traction. However, the Red Bull X2010 5G doesn't have a fan so it could be difficult to control.
Thing is, when they lose the fan-generated downforce, they wipeout big time :lol:

Yes, that is true. Very, very true.

Driving an X2011 on Route X against AI's in X2010s. I'm obviously faster than them so I'm a bit ahead, but not too far since they're drafting me. I slam on the breaks just to see what happens. Biggest crash EVER! XD
I entered a shuffle room on Daytona Superspeedway. I got the Viper GTS. In the first lap, somebody rammed me and I ended up finishing 5th out of 6, 12 seconds behind. I told the host by typing "someone hit me REALLY hard" in the chatbox. The host read the message. Then, he said "goodbye" on his mic and I was kicked. :irked:

After that, the game froze. And I got corrupted data. ONCE AGAIN.:ouch:

I entered a shuffle room on Daytona Superspeedway. I got the Viper GTS. In the first lap, somebody rammed me and I ended up finishing 5th out of 6, 12 seconds behind. I told the host by typing "someone hit me REALLY hard" in the chatbox. The host read the message. Then, he said "goodbye" on his mic and I was kicked. :irked:

After that, the game froze. And I got corrupted data. ONCE AGAIN.:ouch:


That's the worst thing I see this far.
That's the worst thing I see this far.
Don't worry. The first time I got corrupted data, I had a backup save and now, the system recovered the data automatically. Lucky me eh? :sly:
Also, later that night, I went into a shuffle room and had a really good time. 👍 I even won a race in an Audi RS 6 Avant. :D That car amazed me, so I went to the dealership and bought it right after the race!
When you enter a "realistic" race room and everyone's drifting the Nurburgring in VW camper vans...
I :lol:'d so hard!

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When you enter a "realistic" race room and everyone's drifting the Nurburgring in VW camper vans...

I tried drifting those because I saw videos on YouTube. I can't get those things to slide for my life!!! Their acceleration is downright AWFUL, plus, the tires barely break traction!!!
There was this one guy I was racing with. The room was full and he was the leader.

Basically, it was a clean room and he was playing dirty. He would slam his brakes on in front of you to give you a penalty, and then he would throw insults at you. If you overtook him, he would call you a cheat, get stressy and kick you if you won the race. But because he was leader we couldn't do anything. The actual room was good, there was some awesome racing, it was just him ruining it.

Eventually I got kicked, and I couldn't help my self sending him a very strongly worded message to which he never replied to. Lol! Immature of me, but i was absolutely furious at the time

But I hate people that are like that...
Any PP limited race with the 2.10 patch.

I don't really have a problem with that, but I do have to add that these days I only enter trackday lobies on the 'Nurb so it's not really a problem there. I can imagine it being a pain in the **s when racing though
1) Get your mic
2) Make sure your parents (if not in college) aren't home
3) Make sure mic sensitivity is on max
4) Scream in your mic
5) Curse loudly in mic
6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 until said child's parents hear
7) When they come, laugh your a-- off and record it
8) Post funny story on this thread and upload the video on YouTube
9) Get *insert 100-digit number here* views and over 9000 thumbs up
Fixed. :P

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I tried drifting those because I saw videos on YouTube. I can't get those things to slide for my life!!! Their acceleration is downright AWFUL, plus, the tires barely break traction!!!

A mid-range turbo, comfort hard tyres and a transmission limited to about 100mph should do the trick.

On another note, I have found somewhat of a solution to the Red Bull problem. Bring Friends, and Audi RS 6's. I've got one broken in to 956BHP. What a machine. With my tune, it can keep up with potentially faster cars, I love it. Basically, in a match of power vs. traction, the RS6 wins.

Essentially just go in the opposite direction to the Red Bull (assuming he's a terrible driver and an utter pillock at that) and head on smash it. Because of the weight difference, the Red Bull will most likely be sent bakcwards, while you still carry on going. I consider that a win.

It gets better still if you're on a small track, and you're near enough stopped, and the X1 driver is trying to push you backwards. The power and 4WD of the Audi just goes through the hallowed fantasy machine! Happy days.:dopey: