dunkeeI got Capri and Paris rally to work on the Chinese NTSC (w/ the DPro glitch) disc but I did it on the hard drive instead. The other tracks try to load but then the little blue spinning loader turns red and the game freezes. I'll try to rearrange where I put the tracks to see if that works.
I used halcapone's shorter method to hack the tracks but instead of using CDVDgen, I used CDgen to create the image and copied it to the hard drive w/ WinHIIP. BTW, does anybody have the Hong Kong, SSR5, and full Nurb hacks?
Edit....just read about the the full NurbAnyone tried to hack the cars yet?
halcaponeHi Dunkee,
I forget if I downloaded SS5 or got it from my original. I will email what I have to you if you want. Send me a message :-)
By the way, this track is gorgeous, albeit a bit dark. It is ss5 as we know it, wet from rain, and at dawn. At one point, the sun peeks through a series of alternating highrise buildings...reallly nice artistically.
askia47hmmmm...think we can see a SSR5 vid?
dunkeeI sent you a PM...I was hoping you'd say that. BTW, for some strange reason only the two rally tracks accept the hack for me. All others freeze w/ whatever track I put inIt's cool though just gotta make more copies. Got Las Vegas, BMW Capri, Paris Rally & Tarmac, and Hong Kong so far...that Paris Tarmac track has some crazy turns at the end
Oh and I kinda figured out how to hack out cars. I just swap cars in the cars folder > lod & menu. I used the Nismo 350z and swapped it w/ a TVR3 which is the Griffith...drives like the Z, looks real cool though. I think you can only swap cars w/ the same drive train though. I tried swapping the Spoon Civic w/ a RUf and it froze up when I tried to select it. Have to play w/ it more...
halcaponeSure, tell me how to do it and I will. I have an old sharkport...can I use that?
(I guess someone is bound to tell me to use the search feature...please don't)
askia47a video with any car would be nice
im not sure how a sharkport works though...
halcaponeHi again,
After many trials, here's what I have to date. Track titles ending with "_down " means I downloaded these from the net; others are from the original disk.
Top half tracks do not work well, if at all. Bottom half work. The last 4 lines show the succesful burn combinations.
Couldn't attach an excel file...stuck it into word...attached track.doc
Interestingly, same bigger tracks fit into sometimes smaller slots. Also, contrary to one of my previous posts, some rally and racetrack can be swapped. Try Capri (BMW) in New york slot, and you can race with others. Conversely, the assisi slot, being the biggest, will take anything that works (however, you race solo).
Hoping this may be useful to someone.
TazzI wonder if GTC tracks can be extracted and played in Prologue. ANyone tried?