Wreckfest - General Discussion

  • Thread starter AKps3
Some things I've taken note of after giving the update a quick spin:

- The Hunter Panther looks amazing, it's one of the few cars with tidier bodywork and functioning tail lights.

- All upgrades for the 3 DLC cars are free.

- The Hearse and Granada-lookalike have a lot of paint styles, including 2 designs which feature a chrome effect

- The paint job for the Speedbird/A70 Supra in the tournament store also features a chrome effect.


If you want an easy way for big money & XP in a short time, there is a way to do it.

Step 1: Set up a 60 lap race at Motorcity circuit, realistic damage against Lawnmowers.

Step 2: Bring a car with some heavy amour.

Step 3: Wreck all the lawnmowers,(Wouldn’t advise going backwards round the track.)

Step 4: After wrecking all Mowers, go further up the track from the last wrecked Mower and then wreck yourself out.

If done correctly, you’ll get the payout as if you did the full race distance, over 12k cash and around 70k xp(depending on how many Mowers you’ve wrecked. ;))

Best part? with a little luck you can do it quicker than a 2 minute deathmatch while getting around 5x the payout of it.

But I understand if people want to earn it the normal way, I only learned about it when I had 4 cars left to buy. :P

I haven't tried it since the update, but this strategy has been made a little more challenging - you can't go against mowers in cars anymore. :boggled:
From left to right, it looks like a generic sprint car, I'm not sure about the sedan, maybe a German or British Ford? The hearse is an Austin Princess, and the Hunter Panther is a Jaguar XJ-S with extra goodies. I'm looking forward to getting home after work so I can give them a try.

New tracks as well? Sweet. Going to have jump back on this tonight and start earning some points for the Hunter Panther. Haven't played in a few weeks. Been too preoccupied Snowrunner lately.
Some things I've taken note of after giving the update a quick spin:

- The Hunter Panther looks amazing, it's one of the few cars with tidier bodywork and functioning tail lights.

- All upgrades for the 3 DLC cars are free.

- The Hearse and Granada-lookalike have a lot of paint styles, including 2 designs which feature a chrome effect

- The paint job for the Speedbird/A70 Supra in the tournament store also features a chrome effect.


I haven't tried it since the update, but this strategy has been made a little more challenging - you can't go against mowers in cars anymore. :boggled:

While nowhere near as easy as before, it’s still somewhat viable.

I picked Special Mix for the AI, Started by picking off the smaller targets(lawnmower, sofa car, Supervan) and playing it smart against the bigger targets.

Some of them you can give a gentle PIT manoeuvre and hope they spin into the path of someone or if you’re lucky the wrecks of bigger targets causes a blockade.

The run I just did was quite lucky with 2 blockades, finished 3rd at just over 4 mins with a payout of just over 11k. 👍

There’s more skill and luck required compared to before, but it’s still viable when it goes well.
Actually got some time this afternoon to play around a little bit. All three cars are good fun and after getting rewards from the Super Venom time trial and couple of weekly events from last month, I only need another 5k to be able to afford the Hunter Panther. :)
Another excellent update and DLC from a bargain of a title.

The support Bugbear have given this since release has been top notch. Hopefully it continues.
Finally got round to downloading and sampling the latest update/car pack recently. Really appreciate the free upgrade parts for the new vehicles and how the Granada looks in plain two-tone green. The Hearse is formidable in demolition derby if a little cumbersome and leisurely off the mark.

Unfortunately they screwed up the Sweeper in the last patch. Before it had a really low handling stat, but it drove quite good. Now, it has a much higher handling stat, but sits much lower to the ground, which while it looks cool, means it bottoms out all the time isn't nice to drive.

This is on Xbox anyway, I think I saw PC players saying it's the reverse now for them?

Shame because I actually quite liked how it was at first. Seemed like a solid C-class car and won quite a few races with it... Now I can't even stand to drive it.
No mention of new cars or tracks but that harvester is turned up to 11, just like the Death Rig from the first tournament. I tried it last night and it was hilarious.
EDIT: It’s called the Hellvester and it’s 40,000 fame points. It’s the only new item in the Tournament Store.
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FYI, one of today’s daily challenges involves motorhome racing, and while it is pretty good fun, there will probably be some heavy frame drops if you’re on a PS4/XB1, so be prepared for it.

New harvester looks like a blast, though.
FYI, one of today’s daily challenges involves motorhome racing, and while it is pretty good fun, there will probably be some heavy frame drops if you’re on a PS4/XB1, so be prepared for it.

New harvester looks like a blast, though.
I didn't have any issues with frame drops on my base PS4.... but I did force my way to the front very quickly. The hardest part was spotting the difference between the insane amounts of debris and what was an actual wrecked motorhome. Good fun though!
I didn't have any issues with frame drops on my base PS4.... but I did force my way to the front very quickly. The hardest part was spotting the difference between the insane amounts of debris and what was an actual wrecked motorhome. Good fun though!
Fair enough. Mine has some issues with them so I figured I’d at least give a heads up in case anyone else has issues.

But yeah, good fun nonetheless!
EDIT: It’s called the Hellvester and it’s 40,000 fame points. It’s the only new item in the Tournament Store.

Been a few weeks since I last played. My interest in the Hellvester is pretty low, I barely use the standard one as it is. From memory I think I had close 50K saved up. So I'll probably still buy it. Disappointed that's the only new thing in the store.
FYI, one of today’s daily challenges involves motorhome racing, and while it is pretty good fun, there will probably be some heavy frame drops if you’re on a PS4/XB1, so be prepared for it.

New harvester looks like a blast, though.

I had those frame drops too. Even worse, my event was at sunset so the shadows made for, er, interesting racing. :lol:
Is it just me or was yesterday’s Tournament race at Sandstone Raceway in the Muddigger unnecessarily difficult? The Muddigger is C class and all the other cars are A class. The only saving grace is the A class cars were crazy aggressive taking everyone else out. I tried about two dozen times without even finishing as high as sixth for a bronze trophy. Finally I managed to get a second due to some lucky breaks. I settled for that after about two hours of trying.
Not just you! Crazy hard, and I didn't get enough luck to get higher than 6th so I settled there - too frustrating with the combination of high aggression and mismatched cars.

I mean, it's not like we don't have enough fame points to buy everything for the next year already!
I think the extension to season 4 has thrown up some curveballs regarding scoring on the multi day events, done both of them 2 twice and next time I play again they’ve been reset again. :irked:

The Muddigger event was a tad extreme on the difficulty front and that’s coming from someone who can certainly hold his own in Wreckfest. :P