WRS D2 Pits: Welcome Div 2 drivers

Arcade mode or GT mode for OLR?

  • Arcade is where it's at. I just wanna race it, not tune it.

    Votes: 19 29.2%
  • GT mode is the ultimate in realism.

    Votes: 15 23.1%
  • Who gives a rat's arse, lets race!

    Votes: 31 47.7%

  • Total voters
Well Mrs. Mojo is pretty good about my little "obsession", most of the time. But when she wants some attention I give it to her! You don't want to mess with a girl that can kick your... well you just don't wanna mess with her.(I let her win, really)

I really need to invest in a toilet/race seat. These "Depends" are getting expensive.
You guys are cracking me up.

I'm trying to get as much GT4 in as possible...the future Mrs. Androoos could be moving in with me as soon as a month from now...

Anyways, thanks for the welcome. I can already tell this is a good group of people! :)
For you guys/gals who are planning to visit Japan in January, make sure you don't miss the Tokyo Auto Salon! I was at this year's (1/15-16) show and it was....off the charts!! Best car show on earth, especially if you follow Option/Best Motoring/Hot Version videos. I got to stand pretty close to a couple of the drivers, but I can't believe they didn't recognize a GTP Division 2 driver!! I mean, come on, the second best group of drivers in the "Planet"!!! I bet Tsuchiya would be begging for my autograph if I made it to D1, which is not anytime soon... :lol:

Seriously, the titanium exhaust on the Amuse Carbon-R was just... :drool: :drool: :drool: in person.

Lest we not forget the Tokyo Motor Show that takes place in October. Mmm. Motor Show...
Mmmmotor Show sounds like fun. I never got to go. I wish I did. Another fun place to visit while your on that side of the world is Hong Kong. Now that was a fun week. I didn't want to get back on ship. :(
Hello everyone, it's almost 2 weeks since I've qualified and ended up in Div 2 (somehow I knew before even submitting). Unfortunately my PS2 decided it didn't want to read any type of DVD anymore so I haven't been able to join in with the fun. But I finally got a replacement, so here I am.

Some of you might already know me, but for all the numerous newcomers, the name is Fabio, 22 years old, from Montreal Canada. I've been into racing games since 1995 when I got my first F1 game. Been through all the GT's also. I was active in GT3 OLR where I participated in BC3, TORC 11, TORC 12, ARC2, and a few weekly's where I used to be Div 1. Aside from that, I'm a computer engineering student with one more semester to go to graduate. Looking forward to race with all you :)

p.s. Some of you might consider 'T13R' as 'T thirteen R', but it is actually meant as 'Tier'. This nickname has stuck with me from the old Quake 2 days where everyone was "1337", so I am sorry for that. :guilty: In any case, I don't mind being called by my real name either.
Hi to all division 2 drivers from the Netherlands! My name is Rolf, 33 years old, married, still owning the original GT and a PSX (not the new PSOne model). Bought my PS2 when it was just out and never had any problems with it. Allways reads the discs. I keep wondering what you guys are doing to your stuff to make it go "clunck". :)

I have raced in the GT3 WRS last year, in division 3. I think I over-qualified in GT4, which left me in division 2, where I will usually be found in the lower ranks. No problem, enjoying it anyway 👍 .

Check my homepage for my other (or should I say former) hobby, RC car racing.

I am a professional software developer, mostly designing and building custom applications for the larger Dutch companies. I work for a relatively small company in Haarlem, which builds bussines and mission critical software, and what sales people call "turn key solutions" :) .

Glad to be back again!
Hi to all division 2 drivers from the Netherlands! My name is Rolf, 33 years old, married, still owning the original GT and a PSX (not the new PSOne model). Bought my PS2 when it was just out and never had any problems with it. Allways reads the discs. I keep wondering what you guys are doing to your stuff to make it go "clunck". :)

I have raced in the GT3 WRS last year, in division 3. I think I over-qualified in GT4, which left me in division 2, where I will usually be found in the lower ranks. No problem, enjoying it anyway 👍 .

Check my homepage for my other (or should I say former) hobby, RC car racing.

I am a professional software developer, mostly designing and building custom applications for the larger Dutch companies. I work for a relatively small company in Haarlem, which builds bussines and mission critical software, and what sales people call "turn key solutions" :) .

Glad to be back again!

Goed om jou hier te sien, daar is 'n hele paar Nederlanders hier wat jaag ! Dis jammer ek is die enigste Suid-Afrikaner ...
Welcome to Div 2, Rolfje !
So I'll eventually have some competition at the bottom of the board ;)
I didn't over-qualify since I was already div 2 in the GT3 WRS, but I'm under-practising, which gives the same result : crap times.

For non-dutch speakers, here is an english version of kragbees' post :
Good yo see you here, there are a lot of dutchmen there. But I'm the only South-African.
Some words are missing, like 'jaag' (something to do with 'chasing' ?) or 'jammer' ( :confused: ) but at least you've got the meaning.
Thanks for the translation Flat!

Think on this weeks performance I mite be joining you near the bottom mate.
Never-mind, The Ring next!!!!! 👍
Just got to hope CFM picks a 'non-frustrating' car this week?

Anyway, my b-spec driver's doing the 24hr enduro at the min and got 4.5hrs left so gonna have to sit and tweak it into 3x every 3 laps or wont be able to start till after 6pm tonite!
Welcome Fabio and Welcome back Rolf!

Good to see that this thread is still active. It's great fun to meet all of you and imagine where you are and what you do all day. Have fun and Race On!!!
Sorry guys, next time I will translate what I said as well, thanks for the reply flat-out !

Jaag means race (sort of) in english, and jammer is "sorry" or "pity", so it's a pity I'm the only South African racing here basically.

But enjoy the 'Ring fellow Division 2ers, I'm sure !

Just for jokes, let me translate that Afrikaans sentence I wrote directly into English :

Good to you here see, there are a whole few Dutchers (?) here that race ! It's sorry I am the only South African

Sound like crap haha.
... Jaag means race (sort of) in english, and jammer is "sorry" or "pity", so it's a pity I'm the only South African racing here basically....

For non-dutch speakers it's probably not interesting, but African words translate to synonyms in Dutch which are slightly off, which makes it hard, but funny to read (I can image Kragbees has the same fun with Dutch sentences).

"Jaag" in African means "Race", but in Dutch it means "Chase" or "Hunt".

Another funny one (correct me if I'm wrong, Kragbees)
The Dutch word "Onderzeeer" means "Submarine" in English. The African translation is "Kanniesinknieboot" (spelling?) which means "Impossible-to-sink-boat" in Dutch.

That's where my African language knowledge (or is it really knowledge) stops, and it's probably even wrong.

If I am not mistaken "Kragbees" means "Power Animal" am I right? Good to be back on the forum, really enjoying!

For non-dutch speakers it's probably not interesting, but African words translate to synonyms in Dutch which are slightly off, which makes it hard, but funny to read (I can image Kragbees has the same fun with Dutch sentences).

"Jaag" in African means "Race", but in Dutch it means "Chase" or "Hunt".

Another funny one (correct me if I'm wrong, Kragbees)
The Dutch word "Onderzeeer" means "Submarine" in English. The African translation is "Kanniesinknieboot" (spelling?) which means "Impossible-to-sink-boat" in Dutch.

That's where my African language knowledge (or is it really knowledge) stops, and it's probably even wrong.

If I am not mistaken "Kragbees" means "Power Animal" am I right? Good to be back on the forum, really enjoying!


haha so true Rolfje ... In Afrikaans submarine is "duikboot" which translates to "diveboat", sound like a kindergarten language haha, but it really is a very cool and strange language. I'm extremely proud for my language and culture, as everybody is probably. Proud to be a boer !

Kragbees translates to "PowerBull" or something like that. Does not make sense in English but makes more sense in Afrikaans, was basically my nickname in Doom and all those old games ...

:cheers: Rolfje !
Hi all,

I just recently joined the WRS (sunday eve) and got into Division 2! I've been playing all Gt's extensivly, and love them all ofcourse. Gt4 with the DFP is my favourite, i cant stop racing and beating other peoples times on sites like gtdatabase and gtp. I only tried 90 minutes for week 5's race, and ended up at place 9, very happy about that :D. Im gonna try for a better position in this weeks though, i simply love the nurburgring!

Now something about myself, i'm a 24 year old Chemical Technologist Student, and together with my cousin Enigma, we form the Racing Clan: SlideSquad (hence the ss for our nicknames) Some people who played NFS:U2 online might recognise and fear those names ;). We have been playing racing games together since we were old enough to talk, and thats why our qualities are extremly the same. We have been racing with Kai allot lately, and finishes within 0.010 of a second arent rare! So expect us near each other in the comming challenges :)



btw, im dutch aswell :)
... In Afrikaans submarine is "duikboot" which translates to "diveboat", ...

Hey, that's the correct dutch word for it also! Seems that my African is worse than I thought. See, Dutch is also a funny language :)

ssAres is also Dutch I see, and I know of at least one other Dutch racer in division 2, but he has not submitted his time for week 5. As a matter of fact, he's my neighbour, and I don't even know his alias here yet :) . He's probably quicker than me :nervous:
Hey, that's the correct dutch word for it also! Seems that my African is worse than I thought. See, Dutch is also a funny language :)

ssAres is also Dutch I see, and I know of at least one other Dutch racer in division 2, but he has not submitted his time for week 5. As a matter of fact, he's my neighbour, and I don't even know his alias here yet :) . He's probably quicker than me :nervous:
Sjaak68 is also both div 2 and dutch. He finished 20th in week 5.
There a couple of fast dutchmen around, Hugo Boss, jadaman, Arwin... but not all of them run in the WRS.
I wish I had neighbors that play GT4. Noone around here is cool, I guess. I do have a few friends, but none of them will Race on GTP. (scared of a little competition) They don't even like racing me, and I'm not even that fast. :D
General musings...

Kinda new here and noticed how the postings go around the world; around the clock. The Europeans have been running laps for the past 5 hours or so and soon the North/South Americans will be turning laps and then the Pacific Rim and Australian lap times will be posted, and so on and on and on. Always a new leaderboard.

This is my second week at the WRS and I am finding that if I only run GT4 a couple hours a week I will be in the bottom third of division 2. I don't mind that any at all, but it sure is a kick in the head when I see these guys post their lap times and realize how far the game can be pushed given the time.

Mojo Rising
I wish I had neighbors that play GT4. Noone around here is cool, I guess. I do have a few friends, but none of them will Race on GTP. (scared of a little competition) They don't even like racing me, and I'm not even that fast. :D

haha you have to show them how to be cool! I have a friend who played 10 laps of GT4 at my place, and went out the next day to buy a PS2, DFP and GT4!. It's just THAT cool!

Like Canoe says, it is really nice (and frustrating at the same time) to see people pushing down the laptimes as the week progresses. Usually after the second day people are turning in laptimes which for me are unthinkable. And then they carry on and improve even more!

Those division 1 drivers must be 12 year old overactive kids with 100% spare time, and bionic implants or something. :)
LOL @ bionic implants. (6Million $ Man?) Yes there are some fast times here that seem like they just can't be legal. Like they warped through apart of the track or something. But they are.(legal and fast)
Those division 1 drivers must be 12 year old overactive kids with 100% spare time, and bionic implants or something. :)

Funny you should ask Rolfje, as I started comipling that exact data after some questions. Original table is here Avg Drivers Age

Am in process of updating now that I have some time, so look for an update sometime today.
Thanks Teledriel,

I was thinking pretty much what the averages show. The fastest drivers here will probably be between 18 and 25. Too young and a person doesn't have the experience, too old and a person doesn't have the reflexes.

I'm one of the guys raising the age average around here and I know I have no chance of running at the very top. I just want to beat my own time once in awhile. Maybe I'll make it into D1 someday, but given my current lifestyle that is a remote possibility. So I'll drive around in the middle of the pack, help people when I can, and have some fun.

Funny you should ask Rolfje, as I started comipling that exact data after some questions. Original table is here Avg Drivers Age

Am in process of updating now that I have some time, so look for an update sometime today.

Hey Teledriel...I'm curious as to where all that info was pulled from?



EDIT...Forgot to say Hello to all you fast sucka's here in Div 2! :D...
Hmm, so going by the research of Teledriel (nice work :) ) I guess I am racing old geezers with a lot of spare time, or a really lousy (or is it "ideal") relationships which allows them to do 100 laps on the nurburgring without getting into trouble. Or they won't admit that they are in trouble :) .

Okay, before you start shooting, I am 33 myself, so well above average on the forums. It's just that it really amazes me to watch somebodies perfect replay and a nearly imposible time while thinking "It doesn't look that fast, how does he do that?".

I have to work on my racing lines. But for now, I have to get at least around nurburgring *once* without crashing :)
Yeah, It does get frustrating. I start my 12 hour a day schedule at school in the morning. I will leave in the morning at 6:00 and I wont be home til 9:00PM. I won't have any time to play except the weekends. So it really turns out to be a 15 hour schedule. Man, it really sucks when I put it like that.

I will have some time to run tonight, though. So I will have about 4 hours to get to know the course well and (from the looks of it) try to stay on the track.