Great race guys, for those to attended and stuck around that is. We tested some ideas and came up with more. Some of which will carry into our season.
Next race will be our first points race, and half of our racers have yet to attend a race. I'll compose a list of those people yet to attend and will require them to be at next weeks race or their position in the series will be open to new members.
I will also be enforcing the start time, with no exceptions! No more messages asking me to wait. The lobby opens at 12:30pm EST (5:30pm UK). If you join before me you'll be asked to leave and re-enter so that I am in the "host" slot. Qualifying starts at exactly 12:50pm EST (5:50pm UK). Everyone should be in the lobby by this time. Race will start at 1pm EST (6pm UK). If you can make it on track by this time then your in, you do not have to do a qualifying lap (if your ok with last place on the grid).
There is a very obvious 2sec time difference between tires, and the weight penalty clearly makes little difference if any. So this is what we will be trying for the next few races...
Everyone qualifies and starts on Racing Hard tires. (equipt time in settings before entering track)
No Pit Stops until your 5th lap.
Top three from previous race will be required to stay out on racing hards for more laps. (number to be determined)
One last thing is the equality of the cars has been in question since the first race. This is not unexpected, finding 7 cars that are within fractions of a second of each other is very difficult in this game. The winner of both pre-season races and WSCC senior member teeds has offered to help us determine which cars are too quick and which just don't make the cut. For next race teeds will be switching cars with iamsupernasty. Not only will iamsupernasty get to drive teeds tuned S2000, but he'll get to know if there's more to get out of his BMW. Its up to teeds weither or not he wants to get back in the S2000 again after that or try out my Toyota. If you think your car isn't up to the race pace, then show up to a few races and perhaps you can find out if the car is the problem.
As i've said from the start, this will be a short 4-6 race season from which we will be able to create a competitive 8-10 race second season with a close points race. So stick with it, show up, and get involved so we can make this happen.
The OP will be updated with the rule changes and details of next weeks race in the next few days.