WSCC Touring Car Team Championship, FINISHED

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26 laps.

So i just noticed something that might be an issue for some of you. The Montreal grand prix starts exactly the same time as our race on sunday. I'm a big fan, but being the host i'd be willing to record it if everyone promises not to check in on it during the race, lol. However if enough of our members are going to bail to watch the race or if enough want to run everything an hour earlier i'd be willing to do so. This is up to you guys, and my mistake for forgeting about the only grand prix in my country, lol.

I know a few of you are big fans, so speak up. Just state whether or not you want to race earlier, and if you can't do earlier then say so.

its ok with me with the original time, here in mexico the race starts at 12:00pm (11:00am est), but im free all sunday morning so np
I vote for moving our race to 1 hour earlier. I will race no matter what time but I suspect the turnout will be poor on original time because F1-race > preseason GT5-race.
I vote for moving our race to 1 hour earlier. I will race no matter what time but I suspect the turnout will be poor on original time because F1-race > preseason GT5-race.

I completely agree, however I'm worried that some might not make if it's earlier.

If there's at least 3 people that won't be able to race an hour earlier then I think we should be fair and keep the time. I don't know what's best unless you guys tell me.
Calendar update for next days

Calendar 12/06/2011 - 16/06/2011

Sunday June 12th: 3d Preseason race TCTC - Suzuka

@1pm EST - 6pm UK - 7pm CET
Time to be confirmed because of Montreal F1 GP

Please let me know, that will permit me to update the calendar posts of our main WSCC-thread.
I can pause telly no problem so aint fussed what we do, but some might not have the option and i know it sucks to hear the result without seeing the race. If the F1 was on in the background it would be very distracting too. I`d say run it early personaly, better of the 2 options.
So far there's two of that want it moved earlier, and two that don't care and can race earlier. I'll give it a few more hours before making the call.
I'd prefer not to have it earlier.... As it is I am forced to wake up at 11am, and that's pretty brutal for me on my one day off. If I had to get up at 10am, I'd likely say screw it and sleep right through.
I'm dissapointed that more people didn't comment on changing the time. So i'm limited as to what i can do. Some can race earlier, some can't, some may not show up because of the race, some might not show up at all. So this is what i'm going to do;

2 races tomorrow! One before the Canadian Grand Prix, one after. Show up to one, or show up to both. Its not a points race, but i'll compare times from both races to see how competitive the field is.

Round 3 of WSCC TCTC pre-season

Race 1
Lobby open @ 11:30am EST
Qualifying @ 11:50am
Race at 12 noon exactly!

Race 2
Lobby open @ 3:30pm EST
Qualifying @ 3:50pm
Race @ 4pm exactly!

well, talking about times im free 7-11am and 1-3pm (EST time)

I'm sorry Aliens, before 11am EST is too early for me and 1-3pm EST is the race time. If there's any chance you can make either race, i can't wait to see that teg ripp it up. What kinda times are you getting with it?
I'd prefer not to have it earlier.... As it is I am forced to wake up at 11am, and that's pretty brutal for me on my one day off. If I had to get up at 10am, I'd likely say screw it and sleep right through.

You can sleep in a bit longer this weekend, and catch the second race. However if you can't, don't sweat it. You were at both previous races early and many practices, feel free to take a week off, lol.
I'm sorry Aliens, before 11am EST is too early for me and 1-3pm EST is the race time. If there's any chance you can make either race, i can't wait to see that teg ripp it up. What kinda times are you getting with it?

well im in for the race 2, im in the same times as teeds posted, 2:06.0-06.5, my best is a 2:05.6 saving carefully my tires in my outlap
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i will try to get up early for first race but with the S2000 being too fast for series this leaves me without vehicle and no time for testing this is a little unfair for Teeds and myself, formally honda racing. i am not complaining just need more time in new car what ever one it may be.
ok i will take the clio i just ran a full .5 seconds faster than the S2000 talk about overpowered now if i can keep the tires on it this will be fun
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ok i will take the clio i just ran a full 1.5 seconds faster than the S2000 talk about overpowered now if i can keep the tires on it this will be fun

If drex81 doesn't show today the Clio is yours. But like I told you, drive whatever you want today. Shortly after the second race I'll update the team lists and you and teeds may choose a car.
I might be home today exceptionally for the second race (not 100% sure). Do you mind if I take a look in the lounge? Or is it 100% complete?
I might be home today exceptionally for the second race (not 100% sure). Do you mind if I take a look in the lounge? Or is it 100% complete?

There will be room, if you have a car you can join us. I don't think we've had the pleasure of racing together yet.
Lots of you online, but only four of you in the lobby. Qualifying starts in 2 mins and the race starts on the hour. I won't be waiting for anyone so don't ask. You do not need to qualify if your late, just get on track.
Good race guys! One new driver, hope to see more new faces this afternoon. The Canadian Grand Prix has been red flagged, I'll keep everyone updated on any delay to out second race. I doubt we'll be effected though.
Rain has stoped! We'll see shortly whether or not the race restarts. If it does, our lobby will be open right after the race.
Seems race is going to start again.
If television at home is "not occupied", i'll join you.
The only of these cars I ever raced with is the Renault.
Race is restarting in 10 mins. Our race 2 is postponed until after GP. iamsupernasty is in my lobby if anyone wants to practice or have a race with him.
Not sure Button's win will be confirmed: remember he is still under investigation for the Alonso crash and for the Hamilton crash. Logically he should get a 20 or 30 seconds.