Xenn's GT3 Research Topic (Might not be 56k friendly)

  • Thread starter Xenn
Track Modifier Code For
Gran Turismo 3 A-SPEC [NTSC-J] [NTSC-U] [PAL]

Enable/Disable Tyre Wear

Rev Modifier

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Has anyone found traces of drag racing in GT3?
No. It won't be there sorry.

Actually, maybe there's a chance. Maybe only a single reference in the code. It's possible drags were planned for GT3 at some point. It was almost in GT2, and was in GT4, it was obviously something PD wanted to try out.
I noticed no-one has posted this yet: GT3 Store Demo Vol 2 with Smokey Mountain South! (It has Swiss Alps layout, but it has the SMSouth logo)

It also has a different menu music. :)

I guess the smokey mountain south logo was a place holder for the Swiss Alps logo or they were planning to keep Swiss alps as Smokey mountain south and the other one as north.
When the Deso Sard was selected, at the top in the ghostly background thingy, it looked like an R32 Calsonic but I could be wrong.

I must say, some of their models look ugly.
Is it the one at the top right corner?

I must say, it looked like a shot from GT2..
We know that.
Speaking seriously though, has anyone found anything new lately? Demo games, hidden files, hidden files in demo games, demo games in hidden files, hidden games in demo files?
I noticed no-one has posted this yet: GT3 Store Demo Vol 2 with Smokey Mountain South! (It has Swiss Alps layout, but it has the SMSouth logo)

It also has a different menu music. :)

and nostalgia just hit me. I could have swore I played a demo like that a couple of times at a Target when I was little. Ah, good times. I must have that demo!
Anyone know of the second hidden Evo VI Rally Car? I just tried using it in 2 different races. It vibrates up and down slightly and makes the screen very jittery with in car view. Also very noticeable at the start of a race when it shows the front of the car for some reason. I think the brakes come up as being weaker in GT3 GEdit too. And also, like all hidden cars in the PAL version (bar the M-Spec Skyline) reverse is forwards and forwards is reverse.

Does anyone have hex/GS2/GT3 codes for any car parts/bodies not in GT3 Gedit? Racing Alfa for example? Am I right in saying that if I insert the right hex code for it in the car body field of Gedit then it will work?
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Hey guys could you help me.
I want to access GT3's files but its all mechine code :banghead: .
how can I access and research GT3's secret cars, tracks etc?
I've been searching to find hidden cars. I have some theories as to certain files. I want to swap them with known cars to see what they are, but cannot yet. I don't want to do any porting on the disk itself, so I plan to do it on a (legal) backup copy. To play it though requires a PS2 BIOS if you know what I mean. So until I get another PS2 to rip the BIOS from I cannot test any. Here are the cars I was curious about: pd0011, pd0012, ro0003, tl0003

I have a list of what 2 letter prefix is what maker if anyone wants one.

I don't know how Xenn found the Alfa. There are 2 alfas listed in the internal car list. Only one is in the car folder "ar0006" which must be the road going 156. The touring one must be the "ar0019" but it has no files in the car folder. I would have thought that if it had even a body it would be there.

I seem to be searching in a different place that Xenn is, as I didn't find many of Xenn's finds, but also found some Xenn didn't, assuming they are new cars that I have found.

Also there's a track "tahitiroad" which has no reverse version and is only in the JP folder. It's filesize is low so it may not function, but I'll try this when I can port.
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Replace any car with ar0019 while the game is running.

It gets loaded into RAM when booting up, so you can replace it at any time.
Where is ar0019 though? It's not in the cars folder on PAL. Is it on NTSC?

Anywhere I can search for cars apart from "GT3.VOL\cars" or "GT3.VOL\menu\cars"

I'd love to take a peek at the NTSC versions (especially J), some of the cars on the internal car list that aren't on PAL may be there.

Anyone know what car files correspond to what cars? I'm making a list of all cars, their reference names, GT3 values, etc. This will help narrow down on hidden cars. When I start porting I can work it out 1 by 1 but it'd save a lot of time if someone already knows.

Hold up, for some reason I thought BIOS dumping killed the PS2. It doesn't, so I'll be porting in no time.
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Sorry for the double post, but I found an audio file in the game that I couldn't recognise. I sounded familiar, and now I realise it's from GT4. Unused in GT3, unless it's really rare.


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