Don't get me wrong, GTHD looks amazing, it reall does. Hovever, it still feels like an old GT game. I'm sorry to say, but it feels like an arcade game more than a simulation game. The reason, I think, is because of lack of small details that can make or break a racing game. Any of you remember Sports Car GT for PC? (;title;8 ) Now that game was my favorite racing game ever. The graphics aren't good by today's standards, but it's so damn fun. Details like being able to clip the car from behind and actually afect it's racing line and trajectory, computer AI being smart by brakeing and trying to avoid accidents, loosing traction when going thru a corner, the back end will slide and break out, tire marks, rain/dry races which require you to think of a strategy, change tires, and time pitstops. AI oponents will experiance break downs, and also will take each other out of the race. EA did an amazing job, but the problem was that is was based on a racing series, and was a small budget project. Now imagine SCGT and GT5 mixed together. That would be the best racing game ever.