Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
The GT4 photomode shots are the full quality of the models, I believe, so imagine one of those shots in 1920x1080 and that's probably how standards will look. Hardly impressive four years into a next-gen console's life span.
The GT4 photomode shots are the full quality of the models, I believe, so imagine one of those shots in 1920x1080 and that's probably how standards will look. Hardly impressive four years into a next-gen console's life span.

You believe? Be a sceptic based on confirmed facts please.
Aww, did you not like hearing the truth that standard cars will likely look less impressive than cars in games you'll happily slate all day long?

The premium cars are night and day better than any other game, so I don't see why people are on the defensive about standard cars being inferior compared to modern graphical standards.
Aww, did you not like hearing the truth that standard cars will likely look less impressive than cars in games you'll happily slate all day long?

The premium cars are night and day better than any other game, so I don't see why people are on the defensive about standard cars being inferior compared to modern graphical standards.

I love the truth, but you weren`t writing the truth, you just wrote down some speculations you made on your own. Unless you are Kazunoris assistant, and you got all the inside facts about GT5, if that`s the case, I do apologize.
I love the truth, but you weren`t writing the truth, you just wrote down some speculations you made on your own. Unless you are Kazunoris assistant, and you got all the inside facts about GT5, if that`s the case, I do apologize.

It's not speculation that there was a LOD system in GT4. The car models in Photo Mode were rendered to the maximum amount of detail the PS2 could provide, and in-game they were toned down because of the console's limitations.

Therefore, it's a very reasonable assumption to make that the PS3, a system exponentially more powerful than its predecessor, would take advantage of GT4's Photo Mode LOD for standard cars in GT5.

No, this isn't confirmed. But just because something isn't confirmed does not mean that, if there's enough evidence to support it, people shouldn't speculate.
So what did you use before GT5? Did you refuse to play GT1-4 because there was no cockpit view?

Please tell me this isn't a serious point. Games advance in time, and standards change. The first racing game I played was an F1 game that was in blocky, pixelated 2D. If a game fitting that description came out now, I wouldn't consider it competitive. Cockpit views shouldn't be some magical happy bonus in 2010.

Its not that Go-Karts are a bad inclusion, its great,
The point is (assuming Kaz wasn't bull****ing again) that the karts were being worked on for GT6,
Why when there was/is so much needing attention/completion in GT5(ala standard/premium fiasco/ livery editor) are they working on GT6,
So many people are backing up Kaz and PD saying they only had 140 or so staff working for them, then some of them go off working on GT6,
I'm sorry but thats just insane, and seems Kaz went off (with some of his team) on a tangent.

Saying a person who criticises the games faults shouldn't buy the game is a childish, basic response,
Just becasue we are criticising the game dosnt mean we are not fans, I suspect in some case many of the "whingers, moaners and nit-pickers" are much bigger fans then the "lets just accept it, Kaz wills it" brigade.

And what the hell is gonna happen when we try to bring a standard car into photo travel, or will that be another aspect of the game with 'but' attached to it:nervous:

All in all, 👍

Karts are a fringe feature. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they'll be entertaining, but more of a mini-game in my eyes than anything else. And there's been an outpouring of support for the Track Creator, while it really is little more than a random course creator a la Enthusia. The user gets a handful of toggles to change what it maps out, but really, we're not the ones creating anything. Don't get me wrong; I'm going to enjoy it a lot, and use it a lot too, for just unwinding and casually driving a favourite car down a road whenever I feel, knowing it (should be) different each time (depending on exactly how many variations are possible given this system).

As for Standards in Photo Mode... it should be interesting, PD has avoided showing us that so far. Considering it the size of the images it outputs, I'm seriously curious. Maybe Standards will be limited to being output in GT4's size? Or at least, something smaller than the 18mp shots we've seen so far. Giving us an image that is many times larger than even the biggest texture resolutions on Standards is going to highlight the differences between tiers.

Nobody said that GT6 is some pinnacle of gaming where after that there will be no more GT. However, to think that they should work on GT5 without an eye on the future is being a bit naive, and yes, that means developing stuff that may or may not make it into the current game.

And here, we see the one unapproachable defense that will hence-forth always be used by fanboys: "They're working on it for the next game."

`People are too concerned about this. Kaz would NOT release a game that took over 5 years, with 20 % good cars, and the rest 80% looking like something from GT2 or something. They are all gonna be extremely well made and beautiful, the only difference between the cars will be that 800+ cars will look minblowinlgy good, and the other 200+ being unbelievably mindblovingly brilliantly good (As Jeremy Clarkson would`ve expressed it). In addition not all of the 800 + cars will not hace interior, yet.

No, just GT4.

I think Jeremy Clarkson would be much more blunt about this issue ( if he even cared for it that is ) and probably expressed his opinion in a way that got him banned immediately.

Considering the heavy tie-in with TG, I expect that there will be a suitably biased review of the game upon release. Would it work any other way?

It's not speculation that there was a LOD system in GT4. The car models in Photo Mode were rendered to the maximum amount of detail the PS2 could provide, and in-game they were toned down because of the console's limitations.

Therefore, it's a very reasonable assumption to make that the PS3, a system exponentially more powerful than its predecessor, would take advantage of GT4's Photo Mode LOD for standard cars in GT5.

No, this isn't confirmed. But just because something isn't confirmed does not mean that, if there's enough evidence to support it, people shouldn't speculate.

And of course, we have a ton of evidence to support this theory, going on what PD themselves have shown us of Standards so far. You're just forgetting that evidence is pointless around here if it highlights anything remotely negative :).

80 more days.
What? My PS2 sure could handle them...

Really, your PS2 could run 8 of the photomode models on the same track at the same time? Damn, you're lucky, cause none of the others could. I would know I had 7 of them.
Considering the heavy tie-in with TG, I expect that there will be a suitably biased review of the game upon release. Would it work any other way?

Fair point, although I was ofcourse speaking hypothetically of him being a fan of the GT-franchise and discovering this whole issue.
Can't concieve of him speaking in very diplomatic terms if he was a regular "objective" journo as opposed to the current tie-in which is probably dealt with by only showing Premiums or not talking about it at all.;)
Well if GT4 cars are future proofed, why are we having all this hassle now.

GT5 cars are being future proofed, are we gonna go through this again on PS4.
Why do so many people say that the premium cars are PS4 cars?
You know this is the PS3 with PS3 GT and PS3 Tracks and PS3 Cars! This is what a PS3 can do, not a PS4!
This is not an xbox, its a PS3! And GT5 is the first game that push the PS3 to the Limit. And all the nice and beautiful screenshots we saw(most of them)were from the Photomode not in-game. But thats not the point, it only confuses me how so many can say:
wow look PS4 cars on the PS3! And when they look greater than reality, it still would be PS3 cars on the PS3!
Sorry, had to say this.
Fair point, although I was ofcourse speaking hypothetically of him being a fan of the GT-franchise and discovering this whole issue.
Can't concieve of him speaking in very diplomatic terms if he was a regular "objective" journo as opposed to the current tie-in which is probably dealt with by only showing Premiums or not talking about it at all.;)

Oh, I knew the tone you meant... it just got me thinking about what will happen on the show itself. Considering that a lot of people here have some incredibly high views of the show, I can only imagine their fair and balanced review will be held as essentially gospel ;).

I am wondering how "touched up" these publicity photos we've so far seen are. What I mean is, if the Jag and Ferrari and Ford all sport identical models when we're racing, or if it's sorta like GT4 again when we're in Photomode. We can't really tell for sure so far since we're going by off-screen recordings from Gamescom. Not that I'm terribly concerned, because from those videos it looks plenty good to me. Just curious, mostly.
Why do so many people say that the premium cars are PS4 cars?
You know this is the PS3 with PS3 GT and PS3 Tracks and PS3 Cars! This is what a PS3 can do, not a PS4!
This is not an xbox, its a PS3! And GT5 is the first game that push the PS3 to the Limit. And all the nice and beautiful screenshots we saw(most of them)were from the Photomode not in-game. But thats not the point, it only confuses me how so many can say:
wow look PS4 cars on the PS3! And when they look greater than reality, it still would be PS3 cars on the PS3!
Sorry, had to say this.

PS4 cars is PR bullcrap. Sure, they are far, far better than anything else on the PS3, even better than anything on the PC, but they are still PS3 cars. Instead of saying the have the best looking cars this generation they went with the catchy "PS4 cars" phrase.

Either that or they actually believe what they say...
Oh, I knew the tone you meant... it just got me thinking about what will happen on the show itself. Considering that a lot of people here have some incredibly high views of the show, I can only imagine their fair and balanced review will be held as essentially gospel ;).

I am wondering how "touched up" these publicity photos we've so far seen are. What I mean is, if the Jag and Ferrari and Ford all sport identical models when we're racing, or if it's sorta like GT4 again when we're in Photomode. We can't really tell for sure so far since we're going by off-screen recordings from Gamescom. Not that I'm terribly concerned, because from those videos it looks plenty good to me. Just curious, mostly.

Hey now. I love the show and I actually think it's the best show on TV anywhere. But, I know not to take most of it seriously.
I think it's fair to say that the same thing we had in GT4 with the on track cars and the photomode cars will happen again in GT5. We already saw the jag going around LaSarthe with the engine bay not looking anywhere near as good as the on from the other, close up, production shots.
Oh, I knew the tone you meant... it just got me thinking about what will happen on the show itself. Considering that a lot of people here have some incredibly high views of the show, I can only imagine their fair and balanced review will be held as essentially gospel ;).

The best promo would simply be letting The Stig play the game with Clarkson supplying dry commentary and all the teenage boys going berserk that the game they play has also been played by The Stig.:lol:

About being unbiased, before the current tie-in I remember a BBC show presented by James May about the history of toys in general where he did play GT4 and he wasn't impressed by it to put it mildly.;)
No, for the 5647th time, it's because they're carried over directly from GT4. Now please realize this fact folks, because it's been proven over and over again since E3.

And you're saying that because of, one video??? The cars damn well looked better than they did in GT4. They are certainly not simple port overs with no improvements.
And you're saying that because of, one video???
And since we are starting this crap again, I will simply ask how stupid do you think PD are if you think that they have a bunch much-better-looking-than-GT4 cars to use for the Standard models and decided to not show them in the one piece of PR that shows the Standard cars.

The cars damn well looked better than they did in GT4. They are certainly not simple port overs with no improvements.
No. They appear to have better textures (and only better textures), except apparently the C5R.
Wait a second, rage on hold. Im a little confused now from some other forums, does interior view even mean cockpit view? Or is interior view something like the photo mode were your able to explore they whole interior of the car and is it that only 200 cars will have this feature while all 1000 cars have a cockpit view with only 200 being perfect to the actual car? Or does interior view mean cockpit view?
Wait a second, rage on hold. Im a little confused now from some other forums, does interior view even mean cockpit view? Or is interior view something like the photo mode were your able to explore they whole interior of the car and is it that only 200 cars will have this feature while all 1000 cars have a cockpit view with only 200 being perfect to the actual car? Or does interior view mean cockpit view?

You know that camera that GT5P introduced to the GT series, where you drive from inside the car? With the dashboard in front of you with working dials and everything?

That's the camera standard cars don't have.
Wait a second, rage on hold. Im a little confused now from some other forums, does interior view even mean cockpit view? Or is interior view something like the photo mode were your able to explore they whole interior of the car and is it that only 200 cars will have this feature while all 1000 cars have a cockpit view with only 200 being perfect to the actual car? Or does interior view mean cockpit view?

No cockpit view for standard cars, you cannot be inside the car while driving. No steering wheel, gauges, dashboard, etc.