I think the main interest here is getting more footage / pictures of what the standard cars will look like in GT5, since this is an area of great malcontent at the moment.
Sadly enough, I can't see words nor reason helping to calm down the anxiety.
I specifically went to the Gamescom to see if GT5 would be that good after all the business with the Standard vs Premium issue and the missing cockpits, which was a huge blow for me.
After playing it, admitting we only got to see the Premiums, my worries have disappeared.
I'm very much fond of graphics, but the driving experience has caught me this time to a point I can't really care if I have to put up with the same old generic dials once again.
If people wanted, the argument could end right here. Shame the vintage cars are probably not of equal visual quality.
But I can understand now how PD decided to draw the line here and now, and do ~200 cars to a new standard.
Sometimes you'll have to leave the past behind you to do something even bigger and better.
And sadly enough, GT4 is "lost" for me because on my new shiny 40 inch screen, it just doesn't work anymore.
In addition, Kaz once said GT5P is essentially GT4 with the processing power of a PS3. GT5 is a real PS3 title, and comparing footage of GT5P to GT5, it's a tremendous step forward.
And I haven't even started to go on about the driving experience, which is (almost) the same without a fancy interior.
I hurts a bit that this discussion is still going on with such intensity because I fear people could overlook or undervalue how much went into GT5.
I was really really shocked by the news when I first heard it. But now I would support this decision in a heartbeat.
Because it obviously was the only way PD could achieve what they wanted.