And I super agree! Gameplay > Graphics
People comeplain now about standard cars, but once they feel they have same physics engine as Premium cars, they will not care about it anymore!
Again this is just preaching to the converted by both sides of this argument, and I guess when you refer to people complaining will simply don't care anymore about the lack of cockpit view when they experience the new physics engine you just easily assume everybody feels or should feel the same as you do ( or adress it to people who actually do feel the same way you do, like I made clear in the first sentence ).
This whole debate isn't about physics, and to me it isn't even about graphics, it's the lack of gameplay features like cockpit view ( and visual damage differences, etc. although that to me isn't as relevant ).
I never prioritize different game elements over the other ( unless they're relatively trivial like 2D trees, etc. ) as for me it's the complete package and how it all works together.
It's a question of perception whether you'd argue cockpit view is just a graphical element ( which literally and technically it is ofcourse, like most of the visual info processed in any game is ) or a gameplay feature ( which to me it is as the experience when driving, more realistic or not, is different from any other view and that's what constitutes a gameplay element to me ).
Perception is also dependant on whether you use it all the time, sometimes or not at all and whether you think it adds something significant to the experience or just another option which you could do without.
And ofcourse personal preference, whether you actually like it or not.
GT5 will offer a lot which makes it a first day buy for me and it will keep me entertained for a long long time.
I really hope the new physics engine will impress the hell out of me ( as it previously always did ) but even how good and enjoyable the new physics are they simply won't be a substitute for cockpit view ( as the same physics can be experienced in cockpit view on Premium cars ).
But as said before, just preaching to the converted, because if you already aren't convinced or appreciate cockpit view when playing Prologue I won't convince you or others who don't care for it.
But don't assume we're all the same and think the same or even having the same priorities.