Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
I'm the same, i always had two memory cards one with my regular garage then another with every NA snail i could buy each modified and setup different. so now most those cars have modification limitations, thanks.
Yeah, but u live in Texas right, with all ur streetcars over there you know what im talking about.

Forza 3 may look worse, have inferior handling, less cars, less tracks, a dead online community and rip off DLC. But it does have some really nice features which are long overdue in GT5, as well as quite a few cars that shockingly still don't make an appearance in the GT series.

Actually forza 3 community is very large and well functioning, it isnt dead. The thing is most of the racing/cruise is done in private groups.
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I am talking about from a practical level.

What does that even mean,
Giving the right ratio of standards to premiums is wrong on a 'practical level' becasue it is said in a way that although right, sounds really bad.:crazy:

Face it we have either:
2 out of every 10 are premium
8 out of every 10 are standard

Just becasue it sounds too bad to be true, unfortuneately dosn't make it so.
Yeah, but u live in Texas right, with all ur streetcars over there you know what im talking about.

have 80mm garret sitting on the shelf for my z28, street cars here seem to be a bit out of control for most other places.
Only thing Standards could not have in that video was the rims.

Which is what I am trying to find out. Does this new information mean that you cant change wheels for a visual perspective, or for a performance perspective?

What does that even mean,
Giving the right ratio of standards to premiums is wrong on a 'practical level' becasue it is said in a way that although right, sounds really bad.:crazy:

Face it we have either:
2 out of every 10 are premium
8 out of every 10 are standard

Just becasue it sounds too bad to be true, unfortuneately dosn't make it so.

It actually doesnt sound bad at all once you state how many cars are in it. Once again, I was talking about a practical level because from face value, it could be looked as there arent that many permium level cars at all, when there are really 200 which is a lot.
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No im just delighted that GT5 will have all the features that have been requested for many yrs on

You know what wasn't on your list? Visual customization past wheels and wings (ie. a livery editor). Or engine swaps. Why are they not on the list of most requested things over there? Because they already have them. Something GT still doesn't have.

I'm sure there's a chance you'll respond with "but those aren't important to me", just like cockpit view... but that is being just as ignorant as you accuse others of being. Just because your particular priorities are met with a racing game doesn't make it a better game. It makes it better for you. A lot of people are finding out that GT isn't going to be appealing to them as much as we all thought. You saying that the disappointments are unfounded simply because your desires have been met doesn't really seem fair, does it? We are literally being given GT4 cars with less customization options than we had six years ago. This is not progress.

At the end of the day im a fan of racing games which is why i've probably spent triple the time playing Forza compared to you. However I don't show any loyalty to any game and just want to play the best racing game there is. Based on what I have seen and read this will be GT5.

Eh, same here; a fan of racing games in particular, that is. I'm envious you've gotten to enjoy different games from different platforms; it's something I haven't done, so I stuck with Sony in no small part because of GT. But even as a fan I'm having a hard time figuring out if this wait has really been worth it, past the online aspect (since I will get near-endless replayability with the addition of private lobbies). The much hyped weather system is looking very much like a slight upgrade from Tsukuba Wet (it hardly looks dynamic, so far, just an off/on switch), we haven't seen a hint of how the day/night transition is dealt with in the full game (but even then, it's only available on a mere fraction of the tracks)... I just wonder what happened. On the other hand, "switching teams" to the XBox and FM will net me a bunch of drawbacks too. It's a bit annoying, really.

But thats exactly what they are being. If you read back to some of the comments they think all PD had to concentrate on is the interiors on all the cars. They completely forget about the length of time PD spent modelling the tracks or getting the physics engine right. Not forgetting the different types of racing i.e Go Karts, Nascar, WRC, F1 etc.

Insert a PD-made go kart. Continue adding the rally cars you've added to the series since GT1, but now, with the official WRC license. Add 2 F1 cars from Ferrari (although there may be more hidden away).

I like the variety, absolutely, but don't oversell it... NASCAR excepted, none of those types of racing require (or seem to use) a very different method for racing than any other cars in GT. Okay, apparently rallying will utilize staggered starts this time. I believe TOCA did something very similar in the past; grabbed tasters from all different motorsport disciplines. It's cool, but I imagine more than a few people would be disappointed to see F1 cars advertised on the box and find out to what extent that really means.

I applaud Kaz' vision of showing the myriad of automotive awesomeness out there in the world. But it's a very grand vision that needs to be focused more for a commercial product. You can't include everything, and I'd rather the quality versus quantity approach of nailing a certain core amount of elements, as opposed to throwing tiny little samples of a bunch of different disciplines in.

But GT5 is a whole other game, it uses a different physics engine, and all other sorts of features.

It only uses a different physics engine because this game has been in development for so long it's changed drastically. Just because GT5's been in development for so long does not mean GT5P was anything other than the work-in-progress for the final product that it is.

Forza 3 may look worse, have inferior handling, less cars, less tracks, a dead online community and rip off DLC. But it does have some really nice features which are long overdue in GT5, as well as quite a few cars that shockingly still don't make an appearance in the GT series.

GT5 is going to be epic, but it is not the 10/10 flawless game that so many expected after such a long development cycle.

Bolded for emphasis. There have been a shockingly large number of good cars released since 2005, and that seems to be GT5's weak spot. Other than the usual suspects of supercars (which are of course, awesome), the pickings for modern cars are slim. The GT4 lineup does help, but even then, GT's advantage of a large car lineup is becoming less and less of an advantage over the competition. It's increasingly about a big number to print on the box.
Tell me the exact thing I said that makes me look like a moron or foolish. I said we're not nitpicking about the fact that 80% of the cars do not have interiors (80%, eighty) when we were lead to believe otherwise. Then I complained about the fact that when somebody has something negative to say, you (you being a general forum user at GTP) call them Forza players. Then I said it was sad that you guys arent holding PD more accountable, or were expecting better after 5 years.

Is it possible you just disagree with me? Because that's allowed. Getting angry at me and calling me names because you disagree with me... well I guess that's par for the course as far as internet etiquette is concerned, so actually I have no problem.

Just that you said that GT6 is rumoured to release at some ridiculous point in the future. I wasn't angry with you at all, and agreed to a point. You just over-stepped the mark, in my opinion, and hence joined the ranks of those you sought to undermine.
I just saw the video from GT auto and something that caught my attention was on the wheels part. It says that we can't change the rims in any of the Standard cars? It's rather disappointing that you can't change the rims in 800+ cars
Great Scott! You're right haha. Selective reading I guess, only read the top half of the bubble.
Iv uploaded a screencap so people can go nuts posting this interesting piece of news...
Great Scott! You're right haha. Selective reading I guess, only read the top half of the bubble.
Iv uploaded a screencap so people can go nuts posting this interesting piece of news...

i'm hoping that there is missing translation like "you can not change the wheels on THIS standard model", but i just don't see that being the case.
You saying that the disappointments are unfounded simply because your desires have been met doesn't really seem fair, does it? We are literally being given GT4 cars with less customization options than we had six years ago. This is not progress.

The much hyped weather system is looking very much like a slight upgrade from Tsukuba Wet (it hardly looks dynamic, so far, just an off/on switch), we haven't seen a hint of how the day/night transition is dealt with in the full game (but even then, it's only available on a mere fraction of the tracks)... I just wonder what happened. On the other hand, "switching teams" to the XBox and FM will net me a bunch of drawbacks too. It's a bit annoying, really.

I applaud Kaz' vision of showing the myriad of automotive awesomeness out there in the world. But it's a very grand vision that needs to be focused more for a commercial product. You can't include everything, and I'd rather the quality versus quantity approach of nailing a certain core amount of elements, as opposed to throwing tiny little samples of a bunch of different disciplines in.

The GT4 lineup does help, but even then, GT's advantage of a large car lineup is becoming less and less of an advantage over the competition. It's increasingly about a big number to print on the box.

I like the weather system to be there than it not to be there like Forza etc. But what is really wrong is this whole notion that Kaz was focused more on a commercial success than the quality of the game. Kaz is one of the main devs in the industry who does pay attention to detail and quality. This game sells commercially off of the name itself so I doubt if he was worried there. And quality is measured by the amount of content this game has, but yet you are focused on these standard cars?
this is one of the simplest features to implement.. Why would they not put it in?

The rims are already modeled and im sure on most cars so are the disk brakes...
i'm hoping that there is missing translation like "you can not change the wheels on THIS standard model", but i just don't see that being the case.

That would be a huge mistake. I think the people who translated it have at least an idea of what they are doing ;)
Just that you said that GT6 is rumoured to release at some ridiculous point in the future. I wasn't angry with you at all, and agreed to a point. You just over-stepped the mark, in my opinion, and hence joined the ranks of those you sought to undermine.

Making a joke about GT taking a long time to be released is inappropriate in a GT forum? And unless you're a developer of GT, there's no reason to take that statement personally, which you clearly did. No rational person felt undermined by my throwaway joke. Your fanboyism is blocking your sarcasm receptors. No mark was "overstepped" until you personally insulted me after I gave an opinion. You're way off on this one, and you should have just acknowledged it.
I just don't get this wheel debacle on standards,
It was in GT4 and before, they actually had to make the decision to remove the feature from the cars, did they do this and somehow think it would go by unnoticed by us or do they simply not care.
I'm starting to suspect the latter.
That seems clear to me.

Basically it says that you can purchase wheels for any Premium car and install (change) them on yours, unless it's a Standard car.
i'm hoping that there is missing translation like "you can not change the wheels on THIS standard model", but i just don't see that being the case.

Agreed, but that's just too high of hopes there.

Besides, I think most of us would agree the penis car would look even worse with aftermarket wheels.
I just don't get this wheel debacle on standards,
It was in GT4 and before, they actually had to make the decision to remove the feature from the cars, did they do this and somehow think it would go by unnoticed by us or do they simply not care.
I'm starting to suspect the latter.

Apparently PD didn't want to waste any time on the standards. It's looking more and more like PD just threw the standard cars in the game, most likely for reasons most people here can't accept.
Making a joke about GT taking a long time to be released is inappropriate in a GT forum? And unless you're a developer of GT, there's no reason to take that statement personally, which you clearly did. No rational person felt undermined by my throwaway joke. Your fanboyism is blocking your sarcasm receptors. No mark was "overstepped" until you personally insulted me after I gave an opinion. You're way off on this one, and you should have just acknowledged it.

Fanboy my arse. I said that, by making that inappropriate "joke" (now jokes are usually funny, but I'll let you off, since your humour receptors appear to be being blocked by your desire to argue with anyone who happens to cross your path...) you appeared just as foolish as those you sought to undermine with the rest of your post.

I never insulted you personally, I said your "joke" made you appear to be an idiot. I reprimanded your behaviour out of disappointment that your point (which I agreed with to an extent) would fall on deaf ears thanks to your attempts at abstract hyperbole, or "humour", or sensationalism, or attention-seeking, or flame-baiting (as I'm now inclined to believe, since you're calling me a fanboy out of the blue...)

Get off your high horse and try "arguing" with someone on the other side of the "debate".
Apparently PD didn't want to waste any time on the standards. It's looking more and more like PD just threw the standard cars in the game, most likely for reasons most people here can't accept.
They took the time to improve sounds for them though (although we don't know if for all of them or only a select few).
the more new thing's i learn about the *standard* cars .. the more i'm starting to realize..that the standard cars are nothing more but A Number thing?? you know just put in gt5 just to increase the number of cars in the game?...thats not right and every sad .... in reality gt5 should only have around 350 Cars but all premium and with more add by *DLC* .... its sad that PD choose this road . and this is what we get standard cars that you cant even change the wheels for .... are you kidding ME .... .... My interest level for gt5 is now at 65% and drooping :guilty:💡👎
Apparently PD didn't want to waste any time on the standards. It's looking more and more like PD just threw the standard cars in the game, most likely for reasons most people here can't accept.

I was just beginning to accept the realities of standards (begrudgingly) but one is left wondering what else you CAN'T do with standards,

Funny they are called standards, they appear so far to have less features than GT4,
We've moved to premiums and below-standards:scared:

My interest level for gt5 is now at 65% and drooping :guilty:💡👎

You mean your interest is at 90% but could drop at anytime:):)
They took the time to improve sounds for them though (although we don't know if for all of them or only a select few).

I'm only speculating, but I'd say the improvements in the sounds are due to the new sound engine, not any specific effort towards the standards, much like the standard cars work in the new physics engine. Probably, even using the same old sound samples, the new sound engine can make them sound fairly better. Which is a good thing, no doubt.
...Maybe im easier to please because i've witnessed gaming change from the 1980s to what we have now...
Me too, I fail to see your point.

A development time of 5 years, 60 million dollars invested, and we can't put wheels on over 800 of the 1000 cars...

...yeah I guess you're right, I'm not as easy to please as you.

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