- 27,387
- Toronto
- NewAesthetic
- SlipZtrEm
Well if you where such a critical thinker you should be able to understand that you dont always get what you want and the fact that making 1,000 cars with all the detail you want is simply not possible on a console game. They do not have enough space and hardware to work with let alone the time to do all the want.
You're misinterpreting what I want, though. I don't want 1000 cars to the detail level of Premium. I'd like 1000 cars modelled with equal amounts of quality. Giving an arbitrary rating, where Standard is 1 and Premium is 100... I'd be happy with cars that hovered around 70. Or cars all to Prologue's standard, and say screw it to the 1000 car goal. Cars all at Prologue's level, and even 500 would be plenty.
I'll take the Premium argument the other direction; what if instead of 200 cars at the current quality level, we got 100 Premium cars that had twice as much time and effort put into them? Would you be happy with the tiers then?
I just don't understand how a company that stakes it's reputation on providing the most advanced graphics, and repeatedly said they wouldn't recycle previous-gen stuff, can move forward with this two-tier business. And before I get the response of "200 cars are the most advanced graphics"... well, yes, they are. But they could've given us *1* car and said the same thing
And I am all for critical thinking, its the repeated posts that state the same thing in every thread on this forum and every comment section under the news page.
On one hand; I know what you're saying, which is why I've stayed in just this thread. On the other hand; it's kind of a big issue, so it's unsurprising it's bleeding into the others.
I don't feel like arguing anymore on the matter cause I find it more annoying than the repeated posts about how this game lack in every feature. If its not 2d trees its reverse lights, the sound, the interiors, the physics....
Maybe you guys just do not understand the size of the game. This is the biggest game for console's yet and to think it will all be perfect is just nonsense.
Well, we did get reverse lights...
I understand the size, which also brings up an issue; if they knew the physical limitations of the medium, and knew the rough number of cars they wanted to include... why didn't they find a happy medium between detail and size? I accept we probably can't get 1000 cars to the level of Premium on this generation. I've never said as much. I just don't see why we couldn't have got more than 200 cars that are better models than GT4's. Whether it be by a lot (Premium) or to a lesser extent, I would've rather had one equal level of detail/features for all cars. Regardless of final count.
If you insist on car models only then I guess you should only stick with premium cars. IMO standard models will be comparable to other games. Let me put it this way, a person does not like a game because the animations or character modeling is not great in-spite of the fact, that overall gfx is better. It is your call.
No, they like certain games based on unwavering bias. If your opinion is that recycled GT4 models are comparable to other games, well, it is your opinion. It's wrong, because they simply can't be as detailed as current-gen (and as one-piece body models with painted-on shutlines) from plenty of other games. But if you see them that way, more power to you.
They have not even finalized the car list and tracks. They said the game is not complete and they need to polish it also.
If they're thinking of making any seriously large updates/improvements, they have a month or so. Mind you, that's going by what we've seen; we don't know how old the E3 build was, so they very well could have a bunch more already implemented (this recent leak suggests as much). So hey, I'm all for the chance for more surprises 👍