In a way we can kind of gauge PD's thoughts on the Standard cars in the game. Not letting us use them in Photo travel mode & limiting the zoom feature in photo replay mode. Seems they're rather embarrassed of them. It's just too bad. I think they shouldn't have limited people by trying to hide the faults of the Standard cars. It just makes things seem worse than they are and it leads people to conclude that these cars were put in for the sake of padding and stuff like that.
They could have been more forward about the two tier system & been up front about it. Instead letting the news quietly leak out, this slow drip news of more and more features that are not possible with standards and it's hard not to feel a bit let down with the whole thing. When I first heard about the two tier system I assumed it was just a graphical difference but now with the info we have it's MUCH more than that.
It's gonna be an awesome game no doubt but the way they handled this crazy premium/standard fiasco just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.