In my case, it's around 375 cars after some whittling.
I can't quite grasp why some people are
still complaining about the Standards, even saying they shouldn't be included at all. I guess the new news does take a while for the haters to digest and get used to, but... whatever.
I mean, seriously. You have more cars than in GT3 in ridiculous quality. Some of them you can Race Mod, and the rest you can still gawk at until you burn the image into your retinas. Yeah... some of the Premium choices baffle me, and leaving the Veyron off the list is frankly bizarre. Not that I care much, but you have to know it smarts for the supercar freaks. But you can take these supersweet rides, mod them up or leave them bone stock and take them online to rub metal, carbon and fiberglass with your friends, sometimes literally into the sunset.
Aaaaand theeeennn.... if you can get off your high horse and dare to touch the Standards at some point or other, and maybe even... I dunno, enjoy the feel of yet another car, then you can have one more vehicle to enjoy. Or two. Or 800. Or keep on ignoring them, and enjoy solely those high gloss Premium car bodies. If the Standards exist somewhere off in the used car lot limbo, they're not going to depreciate your rides or taint them with a rust virus or something. Really, they won't.
The human race is pretty much unfathomable to me these days, but I'm hoping that some common sense seeps into the gene pool, so that issues like this aren't a cause to throw endless pity parties.